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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. exactly 200 years ago, the seventeenth. in april 1824
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, the russian-american treaty on alaska was signed. opened to the old world by a russian expedition, alaska had been russian for almost a century when suddenly american companies began to appear here. often they also armed the natives to fight russian settlements. after long negotiations, it was possible to conclude a convention on friendly relations, trade, navigation and fishing. the document fixed the southern border of the russian empire's possession in alaska. 40 minutes north latitude, they also agreed that for at least 10 years both russian and american ships could sail along the pacific coast and fish there. both sides were prohibited from selling any weapons, ammunition, or alcoholic beverages to local residents. the document was signed in st. petersburg by russian foreign minister karl nisselrode and us ambassador henry middelton. a similar convention was signed through year from britain. in 1912, near the city
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of badaibo, irkutsk province, at the lena mines, government troops shot a crowd of striking workers. 170 people were killed, more than 200 were injured. the development of the mines was carried out by the largest gold mining company in russia, len zolota. the workers worked in difficult conditions, and sometimes part of their wages, contrary to the law, were given to them in coupons at the company store. dissatisfaction grew and the final spark was the day when the worker went to the mine. they gave out rotten meat. the strike began in january at the andreevsky mine and quickly spread to others. by march , 6,000 people were already on strike. when the instigators with the wheelbarrow were arrested, the workers of the lena mines went out on a procession. but the soldiers opened fire on them. the shooting caused a stir throughout the country. two commissions were sent to the site at once. by the way, one was headed by the then little-known lawyer alexander kerensky. the gendarmerie captain, nikolai treshchenkov, was assigned as the culprit, and he gave the order to open it. fire on the crowd, he was fired and
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demoted to the rank and file, but the massacre at the lena mines caused strikes and rallies throughout country, more than 300,000 people took part in them, but they did not produce anything, and the protest movement faded away literally within weeks. on april 17, 1961, the americans tried to reverse the events of the cuban revolution by launching an operation in the bay of cachines, otherwise known as the bay of pigs. the americans were preparing the attack. intelligence services, wanting to pass it off as a popular uprising. under the leadership of the cia, detachments of cuban mercenaries who had previously fled the island were trained. but the cuban authorities learned about the insidious plans of their northern neighbor. american the bombers were not even able to destroy cuban aircraft. the planes promptly replaced the decommissioned equipment with mock-ups. the landing did not go according to plan. the cubans immediately sank several ships. about 100 attackers were killed and 1,200 were captured. it was huge. cia. in many countries,
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demonstrators stormed american embassies. washington’s actions were condemned by the un , yet the united states was looking for a reason for a new military intervention. they even wanted to sink a ship with cuban refugees. and blame the government of fidel castro for this. finally, the united states abandoned the idea of ​​solving the cuban problem by force only after the caribbean crisis in 1962, which almost led to a global nuclear war. on april 17, 1980, the premiere of andrei torkovsky's film stalker, based on the story by arkady and boris strugatsky, roadside picnic, took place in the netherlands. the main roles were played by alexander kaidanovsky and nikolai grinko. anatoly solonitsin and alisa freindlikh. the film was difficult to shoot. torkovsky was constantly dissatisfied with something. he forced the strugatskys change the script, rejected already filmed material, argued with the operators and repeatedly asked to increase the budget. and the state cinema, the head of which treated the director warmly, gave the go-ahead. as a result
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, the film’s budget exceeded a million rubles, a fantastic sum for soviet cinema. as the edits progressed, torkovsky systematically removed everything science-fiction from the plot. in adventures in philosophical debate. previously, the future was only a continuation of the present, all changes loomed somewhere beyond the horizons, but now the future has merged into present. they filmed in estonia, next to stalin, near leningrad, in the mosfilm pavilions in moscow itself. stalker, unlike many of tarkovsky's other films, was almost free of censors, but reviews appeared only a year later, after the film was shown at the kakansky festival. since the plot of the film is built around a certain anomalous zone where stalker leads expeditions, interest in the film grew sharply in 1986, when the chernobyl accident occurred and torkovsky himself died. this is what this day in history was like. let's see
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to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look. in the application. or on the website.
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you have arrived in the leningrad region, the region ranks first in the izzhe rating of russian subjects according to the rating version raex agency a strategy for socio-economic development until the year 1930 has been approved, with an emphasis on environmental protection. in 2023 lenova. the region has taken first place in russia in housing commissioning per capita; in introducing regional social standards, it ranks second; it has come close to the top three in terms of the volume of attracting private investment in the ranking of the effectiveness of industrial policy; the region is in eighth place in the country. to learn more about environmental and social oriented projects in the leningrad region, we will go to the waste processing complex and look at the interdistrict hospital, where we will look after the health of patients. monitored remotely by a smart system. then we will visit a semi-trailer plant on the territory
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of one of the technology parks. then we'll stop at an electric vehicle charging station. and finally, we will get acquainted with one of the most visited resorts in the leningrad region. so here's the way. one of the important problems for the region remains the elimination of household waste landfills. about how to solve this problem, at a meeting with president vladimir putin, said the governor of leningradskaya. region alexander drozdenko. we started working - together with our neighbor st. petersburg, we created a single regional operator. and today three sites have been allocated, and for... for construction, there are sites for the plant's bottom area and these are almost million people, deep processing up to 60%. first of all , the valfonka waste recycling complex was launched in 2023; secondary raw materials are sorted here, including glass, aluminum, pet bottles and waste paper. thanks to modern
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equipment, which, by the way, 80% of russian production processes 30 tons of various materials per hour. the complex serves several districts of st. petersburg. all the garbage that we collect from container sites is discharged into a three-fraction drum screen. what does this allow us to do with waste? divide them into three streams. if we look inside the screen, we will see cells of different sizes. there is a fraction less than 8 cm, which will later be used for waste composting. there is a middle faction that goes further automatic units. overall , there are over 90 equipment in the complex. so far , only the first stage of the complex is working, but in the summer they will launch the second, then they will be able to obtain eco-soil from organic waste. the implementation of the current project was possible thanks to the green bonds mechanism, which allows the business population to be involved in large environmental projects. this is
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the cooperation of sberbank on a public legal company, a russian environmental operator ppk. sberbank in the region carries out comprehensive work in the field of sustainable development. in 2023 year, sberbank and the government of the leningrad
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region signed a cooperation agreement, which involves the use of practices of both sberbank and other regions in the field of public administration, in the field of digitalization, increasing efficiency and attracting investment in business, all of this, of course, is connected with the yapovestka and the green direction. one of the important areas in the leningrad region is digitalization in the healthcare sector. for several years now, a program for remote monitoring of patients with chronic non-infectious diseases, it involves 22. hospital, hello, good afternoon, hello, nikolai stepanovich, how are you feeling, well, now you’re feeling normal, we have joined the project, personal medical assistants using tonometers, which are synchronized via bluetooth with a mobile application on the patient’s smartphone and with a personal
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doctor’s office. in the vsevolozhsk hospital , in this way he monitors patients from four... the project, doctors can correct the leningrad region is participating in this prescribed treatment, prescribe a new course, conduct an online consultation, and this gives good results, more than 75% of patients
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stabilize their indicators within one and a half to two months and, according to our assessment, this prolongs life. for more than 10 years. there are 12 industrial parks in the leningrad region. in this technology park in the city of nikolskaya, the production of the capri company is located. tank semi-trailers for transporting petroleum products are made here. the plant opened in september last year. thanks to resident status, the business received preferential conditions for development. from a logistics point of view, this is very convenient for us, that is, we are literally located here at the intersection of all the main routes. with the supply of raw materials, with the shipment of finished products, we have no issues from the point of view of being in the technology park, yes, we have benefits, these are , accordingly, traditional tax benefits for income tax, land tax, plus we had quite preferential conditions by connection.
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one of the dynamically developing programs is support for environmentally friendly transport.
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the leningrad region was included in the pilot regions of the federal project for the development of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. over the past 2 years , 40 charging stations have been installed here, and 12 more will appear this year. they are located in roadside service areas or at gas stations. sporadically, but charging hubs are already starting to appear when several chargers are installed, as a rule, they are made for commercial vehicles, and for taxis, sharing, and so on. more and more residents of st. petersburg and the region are switching to electric transport over the past year the number of such cars has doubled, you install charging stations, then we provide services for charging electric vehicles.
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okhta park is an all-season site; more than a million guests visit the resort every year, but in order to reduce the impact on the environment, during construction they tried to take into account the natural terrain as much as possible. the driveway layout is designed to minimize. replacement by cars, holiday cottages for guests were located, trying to cut down as few trees as possible. we are one of the first in russia began to store snow, we collect it in the spring, it is stored all summer, all year round, in order not to waste water later on electricity at the opening of the new season , and thus we also manage to open our slopes before anyone else.
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this is a huge number of different events for children with special needs, social programs for veterans.
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the leningrad region is becoming more and more attractive for tourists. over the past 5 years, the tourist flow has doubled, but in order for there to be even more guests, the industry is attracting investment without forgetting the environmental and social aspects. and such. develops projects throughout the country. next time we will go to the yaroslavl region. in the summer of 2021, a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically. kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, and chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt pain in my stomach, blood
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flowed into my head immediately that they wanted us kill everyone. krosnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level; some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, told what was happening here, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took on this matter and... or our own investigation, stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist , white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusey, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t bother, not yours, well, you,
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little hand, little light of god. homenet, no, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, my brother, you stay passenger, that's right, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. where are you from 11 b? neurotic and i'm from 11 b. it's 2124 now. this is not fantasy, this is love.
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lisa and i, as if i didn’t understand, you don’t mind, 100 years from now.
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