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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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torn between its ambitious plans and real possibilities, its ill-conceived policy in the middle east, the united states has opened a second front against itself. continued support from the israeli government could plunge the region into uncontrollable chaos, from which it will be impossible to escape without colossal losses. war with an equal enemy was always the least preferred scenario for the anglo-saxons. curious evolutions of their rhetoric, if a couple of years ago they used democracy as a screen for intervention, then now they hate their own.
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nationalists. the perpetrators, accomplices, perpetrators of this terrorist attack with the ukrainian organizers of this monstrous bloody terrorist attack, other affiliated persons, no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of the crime, will suffer a well-deserved punishment. dear colleagues. russia's power and potential have always irritated the west. in western societies , the ideology of self-superiority has been cultivated for centuries. history shows repeated attempts to weaken the russian state. story this is exactly what it testifies to. moreover, it is interesting how, so gradually, gradually, the world ceases to be shy. and he says directly what he’s talking about. what would the united states do
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if a country attacked its embassy and killed its staff, what would it do? they would make a statement and that's it. they would invade the country. after the terrorist attacks of this whole issue on september 11, 2001, what did the us do? they erased 20 years of war from the map of afghanistan. they erased iraq from the map. more than 500,000 soldiers were sent there. escalation conflict, a product of netanyahu's nazi madness, could lead to world war iii. says very wisely, by the way,
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andrei, please remind me what the name of the small country in central america was, where the americans thought that their students were being offended, after which, no, after which troops were brought in, interventions, nothing, right, that is they trampled, there was no need to even take the embassy, ​​it was enough that the students and our pioneers were beaten, that is, that was enough. there were many small countries, where they invaded, no, well, that is, even under the pretext that they offended our students, what are you saying, students, then in front of margeret, there weren’t even students, there were also questions about how they affected the interests of our corporations, no, this they never say that directly, it was before this in the era of gunners, that is, when, and this was quite recently, yes, but only this is a 100-year difference, i’m telling you, recently where, andrey, you can use other categories, then conceive the american indians, the sioux should own
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their lands and the seminoles would be returned. stop, stop, stop, either the rights of the states or the indians, because for the indians the rights of the states mean nothing, but to be correct, that is, it’s about something completely different, i really liked the speech of the president of kazakhstan kasym jamar tatakaev today, it sounds very wise at the right time regarding languages, you know my position, i am absolutely tolerant, the strength of my profession, i studied many languages, worked abroad, but now it’s not about me, the fact is that according to our constitution... the state language is the kazakh language, russian language it is used, according to the constitution, on an equal basis with the state language, it performs the functions of the official language, so there is no contradiction here, as it is convenient, it should be said, now modern youth speaks the state language, and the russian language, and
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english, and other other languages, and this is good, whip up hysteria around the language, fight, especially against it, as happened in some countries, and what they now have as a result of all this, we see, this is stupidity, so let's calm, tolerant, in the end smart, our people are very good people, i am proud of the people of kazakhstan, i think we will always be together, very pleasant, very reasonable, very timely, very wise words, and of course, i knew, of course, that putin controls everything, but when it comes from a us congressman. jamie ruskin, you think, well guys, well, you give it. donald trump is essentially a bus, and of course the man who drives donald trump is vladimir putin, as if trump is the fourth branch of government and putin is fifth branch of government. republicans can't do anything unless trump approves, and
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trump can't do anything unless his friend putin wants it. the program is called inside with the james sake. we are observing, the united states, if you started with the latest events, which indeed, the united states is in zutswang, no matter what they do, everything is bad for them, because they cannot abandon israel, and netanyahu is the one who
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takes advantage of this and just goes to abank and so on, because he doesn’t want him inside either demolished, well, but it’s completely up.
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are achieved in order to achieve a strategic goal, and if the strategic goal is not only not approaching, but even distant, and the strategic goal in the united states is to suspend, prevent perestroika. world relations, in order to avoid the loss of those opportunities that the united states, thanks to dollar pricing, financial and military leverage, it collects imperial tribute from all over the world, has this goal come closer, on the contrary? every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire to stand out, the desire to act and
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existence in world relations, who is more, some less, some in words, some in relation to russia either adhere to benevolent neutrality, or more or less openly express understanding, let’s just say, this is this, this is all before our eyes, even in latin america, remember, there were summits there where they tried pass some resolutions, nothing worked out for them, they also africa... well , france is losing, of course, from the americans, i repeat, there are still a lot of levers to manage this, they will do us, they will do a lot of nasty things to us, but it seems to me...
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ukraine, poland, the baltic states and even germany, people with pleasure would be happy. yes, yes, anglo-saxons, in order to completely level germany once and for all, so to speak, of course, they always don’t like france either, they don’t like france either, well, yes, remember how when trump, whom you remember how he blew away, humiliated him , from macron, yes, like that, it was such a humiliation, i was ashamed, zelensky
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is jealous, i was ashamed to look at this at these shots, because well, it’s just, you know, he’s just like a boy. well, it’s just known, i watched it like that, he a wonderful classical lyceum, this is a classical lyceum, he read classically with distinction, he also
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graduated from megimot, which helped from anna lena berbak, he read.
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golden dome, iranian missiles are flying above it, many in the islamic world took this deeply positively, i must say frankly, yes, secondly, iran did not use everything, indeed its arsenal, and as they now
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say, if there is a second strike, it will be a strike by others systems, who don’t mean, but they said there will be weapons that you haven’t seen yet, but i’ll tell you now, it means from nine, if we count shikha b ten larger missiles that they used, it means that they used three missiles more precisely, this... was approaching great britain, france and jordan, now the truth of the ministerial affairs of jordan, he said in an apologetic voice, but we were forced to do it after the threat iran to strike at it in this case, that is, in
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general, this means the operation was completed successfully, although iran also did not use one more thing, which means that these are reusable drones, heavy drones of the shahet type, for example, shahet 171, who is able to fly to israel and return back, while carrying.
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we will strike back, the americans say, don’t even think about it, don’t, let’s assume that 99 were shot down, everything is fine, this is your victory, then stop, the americans can be understood, because this dangerous phenomenon can lead to god knows what, well, i he said right away, we will respond in seconds, well, they are ready, i think, that means for the secondary. moreover, most of the systems that strike from iranian territory are in well-protected places, all missiles, especially of the type that i said are ballistic, are underground and launch from underground, north korea at one time tried to make, like heavy drones, also of an underground type, they take off here, so well, it’s like there is what it is, now, and what israel can do in the event of a retaliatory strike, since the americans said, we will not participate in an attack on the city, like you want it yourself, but we will not have anything to do with it, which means it is excluded from - use air force, as we said, why? well, at least a year ago, i don’t know, maybe now some planes have appeared that don’t need to be refueled in the air, earlier
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american tankers were doing this during exercises, israeli planes were refueling, options were being worked out, perhaps you could strike iran if the americans , but tonight israel can fuck, true, they said that we will fuck, but not on the territory, on the territory of syria, where there are warehouses and so on, imagine sire. syrian why yes, how old are they it’s already getting, yes, so there are a lot of variations here, and the fact that iran is very determined, this, unfortunately, can lead to serious dire consequences, is a compromise even possible, you know, let’s admit, a compromise is generally impossible, it cannot exist, what goals does israel set for itself, well, in strategic terms, the elimination of that power, the regime of power that is in oran, yes, that.
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and full support for turkey and qatar, but then they are now working with turkey and qatar with iran, that is, they returned, yes, but simply, if i understand correctly, then turkey and qatar, but turkey especially, is the domain
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of british development. everything is complicated there, so to speak, not everything is so simple, so to speak, mind you, not in tehran, now it’s like that, before they would, before the start of civil syria, they were in damascus, and then they went over to the other side opposite to the bashir, but then they returned again now iran plays a more important role, well, to understand, if we are talking about turkey, then against the backdrop of this policy of iran in turkey, you know, a scandal erupted when the opposition , including the mayor of istanbul, imam glu - the republican people's party, accused
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a close relative of ertaghan. means one of the bayraktar brothers, so that they supply aviation fuel to israel, there is a scandal, a scandal, well, in general, in turkey it somehow no longer looks like without money, yes, business, yes, business, yes, yes, well, in general, this is a paradox, of course, in the islamic world, that shiite iran has taken on such a serious role, in fact , it is what it is, such, therefore the task impossible, but iran and its, what we call a proxy, well, the name is completely inconvenient, seems to pose the opposite task, destruction. the state of israel, what are they, that is , compromise there is impossible by definition, this means everything is heading towards war, which means a big war, even if it somehow subsides now, it’s only a matter of time when it flares up, in the context of this already they started talking about creating a military-political bloc of arab countries against iran, yes, but excuse me, the americans, especially blinken, tried to create such a bloc this is the name of the abrahamic union, where all the arab countries had to be gathered, that is,
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