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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
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i mean one more thing i’ll say, what the iranians have done now, it showed the result of twenty years of work, this was not yesterday, of course,
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denmark is these proxies, but listen, you can imagine, a persian-speaking country that creates in arab countries, where even if you take the yemeni houthi and the lebanese khrizbal, sit them at the same table, they will then invite a translator, because we don’t really understand each other, they created this now, they showed coordinated actions, by the way, not all of their main these proxies also showed weapons; hezbollah did not use any of them. 110, not a single zazal-2, not a single zulfiqar, they all got by with the nurses, yes, although they have this, the man who died, here is the general, he was just dealing with these issues, let's be honest muhammad zahidi, he was the leader of the team 2000, team 2000 is a team that, in the kutsa islamic revolutionary guard corps system, is engaged in the supply of weapons for these various requests , and has not even launched a single hypersonic missile.
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yes, yes, until they delivered it, yes, yes, that is, no, well, and this, by the way, without any irony, that is, everything can still be so much, this is of course confusing, i will say that two missiles are actually purely yemeni production already are used, but not now, this is the burkhan missile, this is like, this is the yemen missile, which was delivered in khazbal, 500 kg equivalent, but it only flies 10 km, and the alkus missile, flies 1.00 km, is also not hypersonic, but also it means something, it was used by the khashabi, iraqi forces. now they also naturally struck, this also made in yemen, i haven’t seen them use hypersound yet, but who knows what will happen tomorrow, how could someone have said 2-3 years ago that the yurants could have hypersound, let’s be honest, never, never, i say, not a little the fact that the yurans and the houthis yes, the americans no, something went wrong, it turns out that the policy of the united states and israel itself made partners of those who for another 30 years were bitter rivals and so yes, well, this is a complex process indeed. lawrence
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of arabia is one of the most brilliant people, he’s a fantastic man, he’s an arab , i won’t tell anyone anymore, when you read about him, you understand that he’s a genius, yes, a genius, not a military man, but he reached the rank of colonel very quickly, yes, that means he should have given a bonus casem sulaymaniyah, also, by the way, i think the british would have hanged themselves. also to a person whom they didn’t even want to accept at one time, damn it, it turns out, yes, well, after all, you natalya alekseevna touched on macron, so to speak, i’m a person unencumbered by positions, irresponsible, so i can consider this of mine regarding macron as some kind of artistic essay, because you know, an amazing, amazing person emmanuel macron, i remember how he was in the russian federation. i sat visiting the president of russia
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and then discussed in front of a large number of journalists about the importance of sovereignty, if i ’m not mistaken, he used the word sovereignty several dozen times...
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well, in this sense, france probably had a rich history, very, very interesting, yes, it was a very rich and interesting story, here it is i think that france, well, in this sense , ceases to exist, in the sense of historical france, yes, and i don’t know what will happen there, then, i say, this is now in all seriousness, yes, without any reptilians, without all sorts of rothschilds and rockefellers. so i ’m just looking at the trend that has formed, and i understand that they have done so much to make it irreversible, so to speak, it may happen that macron will be, perhaps, the very last president, everything can happen very quickly, anything, anything can happen
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quickly, you know, because i ’ll tell you only one thing, and then let everyone speculate, the main competitor with a real chance of winning, there kolomoisky also believed that he had zelensky on a string, you know, but the thread is cut and moved to another finger it is clear that this is done quite easily in the modern world, so who hung
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marine lepin on a rope, we ’ll see about that later, but maybe it doesn’t matter, because the rope will be outweighed, or in general it will act without a rope, breaking her, but... iran has mach 15, hypersound, the houthis have it, no, but at least they say that they have it, yes, but the united states doesn’t, i wonder how we got to a life like this , it’s time for them to buy a space research institute, but from the artistic work of the essay that was in the first part, i now want to announce a few numbers, for the sake of... the seriousness of the report, so that everything is somehow justified, here are a few interesting numbers, you see, in principle, the budget deficit of the united states, planned for the twenty-fifth year, is already 3 trillion dollars, 3 trillion dollars, by the way, or maybe i remember something, how we
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imperceptibly moved in dollar prices from billions to trillions, but somehow, well, somehow there were billions, it seems. dollars, this is more than the entire armed forces of the united states with the accompanying regulations, these same security projects, more, debt payments, and i’ll repeat the figure again, i like it. year
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the united states will have to pay not pay will never have to pay, that is, redeem the treasuries for a very modest amount, 9 trillion dollars, that’s just a second, about a third of the entire gdp of the united states, your finger will get tired of typing in zeros. well, uh, yes, i’ll add something else so that, well, a little bit, as if to cheer up, we need to buy back 9 trillion, but there is a problem, the market has sank, they don’t buy treasuries, it has shrunk, this is a foreign market, well, the foreign market has shrunk very much, so now it amounts to, oh my god, where did i lose one number, and you lost them?
2:42 am
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we usually disagreed, so to speak, on this question, this is a mighty power, this is this mighty power, in fact, in general, if you apply the logic of elementary budgetary analysis, economic, yes, then this is, so to speak, a complete cherished bankrupt, here the dean is looking at me, who still does not agree with this, really, andrei anatolyevich? yes, you don’t agree, you said, you said.
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it’s interesting that such modulation even appears in the voice: we don’t support israel in attack, but in defense we support it with reinforced concrete, explain to me how this perhaps, if the dutch minister of defense said, and our aviation is attacking everywhere, everyone they think is what i’m talking about, the second american phrase is gorgeous, and in general israel is a sovereign country, now we’ll just exhaust the plane quote. israel is a sovereign country, it will decide how it will attack, this is an almost verbatim quote, that is, we
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can tell you all the other poles who try to ground them in 16, the ruminians, the french. no, because she can attack herself, and defend only with the united the states, this is some kind of completely new concept of sovereignty, yes sovereignty, such an awesome concept, it took a long time to achieve it, awesome, no, wait, if you continue to call it sovereignty, then without me, because this is of course not sovereignty, this is cooler . yes, well, this, this, i don’t know, i don’t know what you call it, actually, well, israel is absolutely dependent.
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with the help of the united states, a demonstrative attack, a demonstration, or rather it would be correct to say, yes, very limited, yeah, and then it flew, but if the united states, jordan, great britain, everyone who participated in repelling attention, a demonstration attack, had not participated, that’s how much would have reached, this is about the issue of sovereignty, well , the last thing, i’ll shut myself up, i’m just in this i'll tell you a thought.
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absolutely, yes, completely, there is no economy, it is negative, because only a gigantic unpaid debt remains,
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this country is sovereign, it chooses its own way of waging war, according to the current american leadership, but israel does not i have, of course, not reached this point yet, yes, but there is a third claimant to sovereign countries, this is...
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this position regarding the united states, yes, there are problems, they claim that they have supersonic missiles, hypersonic there are missiles, they just don’t fly, well, they don’t
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leave the wing, they actually launched one a month ago, the only question is that it hit somewhere, there was a point somewhere in the hawaii region where, where it hit, indeed, this is an interesting thing, because this hypersound, starting since 2000 approximately...
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even decipher how.
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2:59 am
3:00 am
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