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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is approaching the capital of the region; in the suburbs, the water level reaches 10 m. at 13.00 residents have already been taken out of the danger zone. the number of evacuees in the tyumen region is growing. in the capital of buryatia, a state of emergency was declared in ulanud in two districts. in the donetsk
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people's republic, the russian military has approached the outskirts of the yar clock, stormtroopers are protecting forest plantations from militants. before this , the position of the ukrainian armed forces is covered with heavy artillery fire. in georgia, opponents of the bill and both agents plan to organize a new rally near parliament. the day before, the protests escalated into clashes with the police. demonstrators threw stones and bottles. 11 people were detained. it hit the magadan region. a snow cyclone, the strongest impact occurred on the coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk. the ministry of emergency situations recommends that residents not leave populated areas; according to forecasts, vetel will remain in the region for another day. a powerful flood is capturing more and more territories in several regions of the country at once. the most difficult situation is in the kurgan region: the water level in the tabol river is rapidly rising. under attack elements of the capital of the region. over the past few hours , water. in the mound it rose to dangerous levels,
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in suburban areas it even exceeded them and reached 10 m. the authorities are calling on people to evacuate before large-scale flooding begins. 13,000 people have already been taken out. in total , 62 settlements and about 19,000 residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region, the number of villages from which people are being evacuated is growing. the day before , residents began to be removed from six more villages. the level of the tabul and ishim rivers may. exceed the historical maximum. flood threatens almost hundreds settlements. a state of emergency due to flooding was introduced in ulanud in two districts of buryatia. hundreds of residential plots have gone into the waters. a damage assessment commission has begun working in the affected areas. from today , people will begin to receive compensation. the authorities promise to help dry houses and disinfect areas. ice is being blown up in dangerous sections of rivers. threatened by. the dam is being supplied with
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electric generators, as well as food and water. residents from several villages have already been evacuated. many roads are flooded. in four populated areas a state of emergency is in effect at these points. large waters are gradually leaving orenburg and orsk. houses there are being reconnected to gas supply. but the situation in the region remains tense if the level in the ura river. is decreasing, then in the sakmara river it is, on the contrary, growing under the threat of flooding three more areas and in direct communication from orenburg our special correspondent margarit semenyuk, margarita, i welcome you, tell us how the situation is changing when people begin to return to their homes. yes, tatyana, greetings, the situation is indeed changing, as before remains tense, despite the fact that water is gradually flowing out of orenburg. is approaching,
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the level is decreasing, it is too early to talk about returning to the houses, because another 2 m of water needs to go away, that is, for the urals to return to its usual state below the 930 cm mark. i will note that as soon as the water goes away, a commission will be held , assessment commissions that will inspect the damage to the houses, then specialists will come in and check the electricity and gas supply, and as soon as all the appliances are in order, then the residents will be able to return. to their homes, after which, of course, construction commissions will also begin to work, which will assess the scale of restoration work, i will note that the water is gradually leaving orenburg and orsk, now the level is 11 m 18 cm, while the level of the urals is growing in the ilek region, now the level has reached 916 cm , there is also a threat of rising water in the sokmara river and there is also a threat of flooding of several settlements at once, experts.
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the following areas of orenburg are at risk of flooding: the village of kushkul, podmayachny and the eighteenth crossing. i urge orenburg residents should prepare for the possible arrival of water, collect the necessary things and documents in advance and be ready to evacuate. an unfavorable situation is developing in the villages, settlement, krasnokholm, and the villages of krasny partizan and troitsky. the big water of the urals has arrived in troitsky and krasny partizan . residents are being evacuated; orenburg rescuers, special equipment and buses for transporting people are on site. as the mayor of orenburg noted, a
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temporary accommodation center for evacuees from the listed settlements has already been set up in krasnokholm. also i would like to note that active work is currently underway to provide material and financial support to the victims, people are already applying. applications through the state services portal, as well as through multifunctional centers processing several hundred thousand applications, people are already receiving a one-time payment in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, as well as financial support in the amount of 50,000 rubles. in case of partial loss of property and 100,000 rubles. in case of complete loss of property. tatiana. margarita, thank you, margarit semenyuk spoke about the flood situation in orenburg. go special military operation in the donetsk direction, the crew of heavy flamethrower systems destroyed the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces units. the sun-kissers reached the firing points unnoticed by the enemy. adjusting the launcher took a little over a minute. after
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this, the crews struck with thermobaric shells. control of the hit targets was carried out using drones. as a result, all nationalist hideouts were destroyed. more drones, more discharges, so nets are used, anti-accumulative protection, everything else, from discharges, well, they hit under shelling, we practiced and on the way out, we came under shelling, we will continue to work, do our job, know the enemy, well, we went out the last time, practiced, then found out how well we worked, well, that means we did our job well, attack aircraft are in the zaporozhye direction russian troops liquidated two strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces; the unit of senior lieutenant ruslan ikuev successfully completed the combat mission. a volunteer from south ossetia arrived in the special operation zone 2 years ago and has not since once showed his best side. he was wounded, and for his success he received several more awards.
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our war correspondent, anton stepanenko, found out what the soldier says about his service and what they say about him at home. and first they worked with vasilka, and then the behas jumped out.
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we carried out any tasks wherever we were sent, we always successfully and clearly completed all tasks, what happens is bad, he doesn’t say anything, he says all the time, everything is fine, everything is normal, he was also wounded, i didn’t even know, tasks in the zone ruslan began performing svo in the rank of ifreytor in april twenty-second year, voluntarily signed a contract and became a military machine gunner, fought well, after 2 years he... had the shoulder straps of a senior lieutenant on his shoulders, it turned out that when i arrived here, uh, the company commander, received a shrapnel, he was taken to the hospital, instead of him, i stayed here, that is, i walked around, i was already a company, it turned out that for successes, for
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conscientious service, then they also looked at me from above, i coped well ... with the company and the first rank of lieutenant was awarded already in the past year, he comes from the town kvaisa, that in south ossetia, in this republic , every family knows what... war is, south ossetia began to fight for its independence in the ninety-first year, in 2008, together with the russian army, the militia repelled georgian aggression and finally ended that war, which is why in february twenty -two, a huge number of south ossetian volunteers considered the northern military district theirs, in which it was impossible not to fight, they joined the ranks of the russian army, it was his duty, he must protect the ores.
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zaporozhye front. israel has already decided how will respond to iran's attack, but the exact date is not given. jerusalem post writes about this with reference to sources. it is also not yet known what kind of blow will be delivered. according to the newspaper, possible retaliatory actions range from attacks on iranian nuclear facilities. before attacks on ballistic missile and drone bases, the option of a cyber attack to impose sanctions is also being considered. the publication notes that israel is trying to minimize the negative consequences of the retaliatory strike. show restraint from the israeli prime minister called on the head of the british government , rishi sunok. in a telephone conversation with netanyahu, he stressed that further escalation will only worsen instability in the region. and the united states will introduce new sanctions against iran. after his air attack on israel, this was stated by the american president's national security adviser,
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jake salevan. a statement on the white house website clarifies that the restrictions will affect the iranian ministry of defense and structures that provide support to the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the european union has also begun work on expansion of sanctions, the head of european diplomacy joseph barel announced. measures that may affect arms exports from iran are being discussed. some eu member states have put the option of expanding restrictive measures against iran on the decision agenda. i will submit a request to external affairs to begin the necessary work regarding these sanctions. in georgia, opponents of the law on foreign agents today promise to organize a new rally near the walls of parliament. deputies are considering the document in the first reading. the rally ended the day before manipulation with the police. stones and bottles were thrown at the law enforcement officers. 11 people. detained, why don’t you like the new law ? what is the real reason for the riots?
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olga panomaryova will talk about this. tear gas detention. as the crowd grew heated, riot police began a brutal dispersal of demonstrators away from the parliament building. a cameraman for the georgian tv channel rustavi-2 and one of the police were injured. water cannons and pepper spray canisters did not immediately appear at parliament. this was preceded by brawls. the protesters intended not to let out through the official exit of the deputies; it was they who were covered with a cordon by the police. on tuesday , the people's representatives considered the law on foreign agents in the first reading. it is characteristic that when the document was presented in parliament on monday, the pro-western opposition reacted. so its representative simply demolished the executive secretary of the ruling party from the podium; coincidentally, before
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this, the law was obstructed by agents in the european union. georgia, by going to the website of the public national registry agency, will know how much for what, which organization received, these are huge amounts, huge, they are not 20%, they are 100%. pass the law on foreign agents, but as soon as it passed the first reading, the european union drew criticism and mass protests broke out, a small nuance: this time, together with the europeans, the us ambassador expressed his opinion during a year ago, the georgian parliament was already trying to meet with the prime minister of georgia. this case, addressing the protesters, the law is called russian, despite the fact that the first documents on
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foreign financing were adopted by the united states, back in the forties of the xx century, and the georgian bill is copied from the american one literally word for word, the european union is discussing the adoption of exactly the same law, in america it has been working since the forties, after the collapse of the soviet union, our european colleagues counted. that in order for democracy to fail in georgia, it is necessary to support the main aspect of democracy, in their opinion, in the western hemisphere, which is the non-governmental sector. over time, unfortunately, part of this civil society has become politicized to us, and now we know everything.
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wherever we are in the us, let me give you an example: the last time i was in the states, i had an engineer with me who works in telegram, employees or agents in the cybersecurity field tried to secretly recruit him behind my back, that’s what he told me, they wanted to know how the codes worked, to find loopholes so they could possibly spy on users. and now economic news,
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konstantin at the imf raised the forecast for gdp growth, tell us how it is assessed. here, yes, tatyana, in the ministry of development they say that the numbers are still underestimated. so, to mineka believe that the new estimate of russia's gdp in 2025, presented by the international monetary fund, looks overly pessimistic, despite its next increase. as the head of the department of macroeconomic analysis and forecasting , lev denisov, said, the ministry may significantly revise its own forecast upward, but he has not yet given specific figures. imf is just around the corner. once again raised the forecast for russian gdp growth for the twenty -fourth to twenty-fifth years, according to the fund’s experts, this year the russian the economy will grow 3.2%, more than half a percentage point higher than the previous forecast. the estimate for 2025 has risen even further to 1%8. the figures turned out to be
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so impressive that they were even asked to comment on them at an imf press conference. there were four factors noted, oil rose to an eleven-month high in the second week of april, bloomberg notes. the figure was almost 4 million barrels per day. the gross value of crude oil exports exceeded $2,100 million as of april 14, up from a week earlier. 300 million less. i would like to note that the backlog in supplies of the sokol variety, which accumulated after
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a pause in orders from indian refineries, has now almost been eliminated. china bought over 9 million barrels, and more. purchased by india, two shipments were delivered to pakistan. all this, bloomberg states, casts doubt on the statement of the us authorities that the new tougher sanctions against the russian oil industry have allegedly become much more effective. in march, japan increased lng imports from russia by more than a third, its share in the local market exceeded 10%. like this statistics are provided by the japanese ministry of finance. for the entire twenty-third fiscal year, lng imports from... it is worth noting that japan as a whole is reducing the purchase of these energy resources not only from russia. at current prices, provoked by western sanctions, tokyo again has high hopes for peaceful nuclear energy; permission has been received to restart the largest nuclear power plant. the entire sector has been idle for more than 10 years since the fukushima disaster in
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2011. well, at the end of the issue, as always about currencies, the dollar today. 94 rub. 7 kopecks well euro 993. and that’s all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantin was with the economic news. russian regions are struggling with large-scale floods in the kurgan region, and the capital of the region is under threat of flooding. evacuation is underway in several villages near tyumen. a state of emergency has been declared in ulanud and two districts of buryatia. dams are being urgently built in the tomsk region. israel has already decided how they will respond to iran’s attack, the media are reporting this, when the strike will be carried out is unknown, iranian targets may be among the targets nuclear facilities and military bases are also possible. in the united arab emirates, record rainfall under the impact of the elements in abu dhabi and dubai, many tourists, including those from russia, cannot
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fly out of the country, about 2,500 of our citizens are awaiting departure. telegram founder pavel durov is receiving increased attention from american intelligence agencies, he also told journalist tucker carloson about this; according to the businessman, not a single visit to the states is complete without a meeting with fbi agents; they also tried to recruit. and his company. now advertising, after about spring snowfall in magadan region. well, are the credit card debts still hanging and accruing interest? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit debts. great car, i agree, ideal, just need to change the oil, let's stop by, and you
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do this, and now with a cat, there’s another idea, of course, let’s pay for it, legal, without a qr code for a long time, the camera itself he’s counting everything, well, how did it happen, of course, they also received 10% from a free vtb debit card, the region was covered in snow, a powerful cyclone from the khabarovsk territory came to the region. temperature changes turned the roads into a real mess. drivers are asked to refrain from traveling, and residents are not
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leave populated areas. the storm wind simply knocks you off your feet. lyudmila shcherbakova will talk about spring snowfall in magadan. heavy snow, and in some places also a stormy wind, a powerful cyclone came to the magadan region, and it has a particularly intense effect on the coast of the region. there, throughout april in magadan , positive temperatures were recorded, the snow was intensely tile, now it is wet and soft, which is especially dangerous when traveling on the roads of the region. rescuers recommended that residents refrain from traveling outside populated areas for now. there will be a fall out precipitation in the form of snow, sleet, possible roll-ups, overloads, drivers during this period must observe the speed limit, the distance between cars. it is dangerous now to go out onto the ice fast ice of the sea of ​​okhotsk. wind and warm weather can cause many cracks to appear. according to meteorologists, a snow cyclone arrived in the magadan region from the khabarovsk territory.
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now it is from... the region for about another day, then it will shift towards kamchatka, in the magadan region it will become sharply warmer, the weather will improve. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gilyaov, lead magadan. now it's time for sports news, danila the russian handball federation plans to organize friendly games between the women's team and others. national teams, but tell me, what kind of teams will they be? good morning, these are the teams of iran, china and south korea. well, we start with football. the first semi-finalists of the champions league have been determined, they are the french psg and borussia dortmund. after a 2:3 home defeat from barcelona, ​​the parisians quickly conceded in the return match, scoring for barça raphinha, but then there was a turning point in the middle of the first half - a red card for
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a foul. barcelona defender arauja received the last hopes, so psg took advantage of the numerical advantage before the break, dembele equalized the score, then coach xavi was sent off, and the ending ultimately remained with the hosts, mbappe scored a double and vitenya scored another goal, away win 4:1, psg advances to the semi-finals. borussia, which lost 1:2 to atletico madrid in the first match, led 2:0 in the home game with a difference of 5 minutes.
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path of the rpl-russian football cup, the army team defeated the kaliningrad baltic in the return game with a dry score of 2:0. 2 weeks ago cska won 1:0 away, so they acted calmly from a position of strength. baltika was not helped by the fact that its head coach is the famous former cska football player sergei ignashevich. even in the first half, the referee awarded a penalty for the ball hitting the visiting defender's hand, which was converted by fyodor chalov, who fired into the very corner. obozbek feyzullaev distinguished himself a little, arriving in time for the rebound of the penalty kick and in the second half , cska’s advantage only grew stronger, but it was not reflected in the score, zabolotny scored from an offside position, cska reached the final of the rpl path, where it awaits an opponent, today it will become known whether it will be zenit or spartak. on april 3, the st. petersburg team won 2:1 in moscow. alexander ovechkin's goal helped his washington reach the playoffs this season.
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in the penultimate game the regular. oshie for washington and eric johnson for philadelphia. thanks to this success, washington secured eighth place in its eastern conference with 91 points. and alexander himself scored the thirty-first goal of the season and reduced the gap from gretzky to 41 goals. in the first round of the playoffs, washington will face the top team of the regular season. became the team's best player of the season. the first of two planned friendly matches between the russian and belarus handball teams took place in astrakhan. our national team turned out to be stronger 31/25. the russians began to take the lead from the start; the best scorer of the super league, natalya nikitina, especially showed herself. even the russian team didn’t get in the way
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active. rotation performed by head coach lyudmila bodnieva, who even before the break allowed almost all handball players from the squad to play. seventeen-year-old varvara syomina appeared on the court and immediately scored two goals. the teams went into the break with the score 18:12 in favor of the russian national team; at the start of the second half, the advantage grew to eight goals. it was difficult to lower such a handicap, so 31:25 was a confident victory for the russian team in the first meeting. that's all for now, see you in the next hour.


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