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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] natalya nikitina showed herself to be the best scorer of the super league, and even the active rotation performed by head coach lyudmila bodnieva, who even before the break allowed almost all the handball players from the squad to play, did not prevent the russian national team from playing. seventeen-year-old varvara syomina appeared on the court and immediately scored two goals. the teams went into the break with the score 18:12 in favor of the russian team, at the start of the second half the advantage grew to eight goals, this... was difficult to let go, so 31:25 - a confident victory for the russian team in the first meeting. on this
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that's all for now in sports, see you in the next hour. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is approaching the regional capital. in the suburbs, the water level reaches 10 m. 13 thousand residents have already been taken out of the danger zone. the number of evacuees in the tyumen region is growing; in the capital of buryatia, a state of emergency was introduced in bulan udi in two districts. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military approached the outskirts of the yar clock. stormtroopers protect the forest from landing from militants. before this, the position of the ukrainian armed forces covers with dense fire artillery. in georgia, opponents of the bill on foreign agents are planning a new protest today. the day before they escalated into clashes with the police. demonstrators threw stones and bottles, 11 people were detained.
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a snow cyclone hit the magadan region. the strongest blow has come. in kamchatka, russian sailors went to sea to repel a training attack by saboteurs. the task was set for the crews of the boats of the grodchonok project. according to the scenario, the simulated enemy tried to penetrate the ovochinsky bay. our military took advantageous positions and opened fire from. caliber machine guns, and against targets under water from anti-sabotage grenade launchers. targets included unmanned boats and aircraft. the sowing season has begun in the belgorod region. in areas bordering ukraine, field work is coordinated with law enforcement agencies. farmers take with them body armor, a helmet, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
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sofia kitral will talk about agricultural work in difficult conditions. belgorod border region. here, the struggle for the harvest since the spring of twenty-two has been waged not only against the vagaries of the weather, weeds, pest diseases, but with an external enemy. there is a mine danger under your feet, a threat above your head. the fields are divided into zones as the danger increases, green, yellow and red, the border with ukraine is less than 10 km from here, and this is not the most dangerous area, a little further in the so-called yellow zone, enemy drones
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are detected regularly, however, here too, farmers advise against let your guard down and periodically check the sky. after a long break , the sowing of sugar beets has resumed in the fields of this enterprise; here the crop will occupy 407 hectares, for the first time in after the briefing, heading to the most dangerous zones, they must take with them a bulletproof vest, a helmet, a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit, sterile gloves,
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an individual dressing bag, sterile horizontal bars. in total , the enterprise will have to sow about 1,500 hectares of arable land, in addition to sugar beets there will be soybeans, sunflowers, and corn. and spring wheat, management plans to install on equipment. special anti-drone networks. sofia kitral, andrey kazakov, host belgorod. a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the tyumen region. according to forecasts, today the region will be hit by heavy rains in places. where exactly the precipitation is expected and how it will affect the flood. anna volkova will talk about this. the trail behind a flood wave is a frontal wave. the urals are once again covered with rain clouds. should we expect precipitation in flooded regions and how might rainfall affect them? the passage of the flood, this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel, fobys center, i’m anna volkova, hello, the synoptic situation in the urals is generally in favor of the flooded regions, but the precipitation will not stop completely yet. the roadway is almost gone
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under water, cars maneuver between branches that were carried out onto the road by the current, picturesque but disturbing footage from the south tyumen region. the day before, the governor announced an urgent evacuation in kazansky and shinsky. the peak of the flood in the urals had just passed when another river, the sakmara, which flows near the regional center, began to overflow, and this is kurgan. on tuesday evening, the tabola level here exceeded 7.5 m, while
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downstream in the village of kitova it rose to ten. water gradually enters the city through storm drains. meanwhile all the right bank part of kurgan is already flooded. people are now moving along the snt located in the floodplain. on boats, cottage villages are also sinking, i rent from the second floor, up to nastya’s window there is no water, only half, just above the foundation. the day before it rained in the regions of the urals , the precipitation does not at all contribute to a decrease in the water level in the rivers, but as i already said, further the atmospheric situation will develop more favorably, today the rain clouds will move further to siberia, and now there will be valleys in the bad weather zone. abi, irtysh and ishim. but over the orenburg and kurgan regions the clouds will dissipate and here the weather will no longer be able to have a negative impact on flood processes. the atmospheric front system is clearly visible from space; it is a dense cloud cover
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stretching deep into russian territory from europe. in the coming days, masses of these clouds will begin to drift into the middle latitude of the russian plain due to the urals. but the south of the region will be in a relatively cloudy zone. years, for example, in kurgan in the coming days the probability of precipitation is low, while thermometer readings will be almost 2 months ahead of the calendar, today it is not hot yet, in the afternoon it will be about +15, from friday the air in the city will begin to warm up, as if in summer, up to +24 +26. as for the tyumen region, the situation here will remain extremely tense. the crest of the flood on the ishim river is still in kazakhstan. on tuesday, the water level in petropavlovsk rose to 13.5 m, almost 10 m higher than on russian territory. and now the flood is moving towards tyumen at a speed of 5-10 km per day. city ​​of ishim. in ishim itself,
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precipitation is possible until thursday; fortunately, at the end of the week, when the crest of the flood will move across russia, the rains will stop and the temperature will rise to an anomalous +20-22. well, in conclusion, a few words about moscow, which will get much stronger from the frontal section. you see, only on saturday, the probability of precipitation in the metropolis is low. by the end of sunday, the city may experience 38% of the monthly rainfall. rain, but the temperature will be slightly warmer than the climate, in the afternoon +12 +13, on friday the thermometer columns may even rise to +17. that's all for me,
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goodbye. now advertising, then we will talk about the most important indicators of the russian economy. alpha friday, super cake every week. on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service, in the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. great car. i agree, perfect. just need to change the oil. shall we stop by? do you have the ideal oil for my car? here's a great oil ross neft smag. 83% of buyers choose it again, but what's so special about it?
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sbercard is the best in the country, if you apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. economic news, konstantin central bank published new data for the first quarter. tell us what it says there. tatyana, it says that central bank experts note an acceleration in economic growth. the russian economy continued to grow steadily in the first quarter of this year. this was indicated by the central bank in in your new newsletter. in march , the increase in consumer prices slowed down, it approached the level of 4%. in annualized terms, one-time inflation-reducing factors played a significant role in this. to maintain this trend, it will be necessary to continue to slow down the growth rate of demand; the central bank believes that it still remains high. if we talk about inflation expectations, in general they have decreased both among the population and among enterprises. the reduction in inflationary pressure
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is gradual, which requires maintaining tight monetary conditions, bank of russia analysts are confident. the fed chairman began to prepare. market to a long period of high rates in the us. during a speech in washington, jerome powell made it clear that the recent dynamics of consumer prices have come as a surprise to the regulator and will have to respond to this. inflation in the us, let me remind you, accelerated to 3.5% in march. and from the words of the head of the federal reserve, market participants made an unambiguous conclusion: the long-awaited easing of the fed’s monetary policy has been postponed. we decided that we had... more confidence that inflation moves towards the 2% target before easing policy, we are taking a cautious approach to avoid repeating the experience of overreacting to slowing inflation as in the second half of last year. the new data didn't exactly give us any confidence; on the contrary, it indicated that it would likely take
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more time to achieve our goals. the energy crisis has cost the european union a trillion euros. this frightening figure was named by the vice. president of the european commission marysh shevcevic, the official summed up the additional costs subsidies for energy imports for industry and households. gas in europe is now significantly below the historical maximum, but shevcevic emphasized that this does not at all mean a solution to the problems of the eu company's competitiveness. the fact is that you have to compete with enterprises in china and the usa, and there energy is three to four times cheaper. the situation is aggravated by the fact that, in accordance with the paris agreements, europe. must switch to green energy, and it is usually more expensive than traditional energy. groninggen the dutch gas field, europe's largest, will close forever. this bill was approved by the senate of the kingdom and will come into force this week, local media report. officially, the project will finally stop on may 1. the decision was made due to
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mining-related earthquakes that damaged at least a third of homes in the region. the senate adjourned earlier this month. consideration of this bill, being left without such significant own volumes of gas in the current conditions is a so- so prospect. some in parliament called for would have retained the opportunity to resume production in emergency circumstances, but this caused dissatisfaction among the residents of groninggen and they had to give in. at the end of the issue i will tell you about currencies. a dollar today costs 94 rubles 7 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 993. and that’s all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thanks for the economic news. in the kurgan region , the water level in the tabol river is rapidly rising under the impact of the regional capital. in the tyumen region , the number of villages from which residents are being evacuated to ulana d. has increased. in two areas in buryatia, a state of emergency has been introduced. israel decided to respond to iran's attack, but did not
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give an exact date. jerusalem post writes about this with reference to sources, show restraint. benjamin netanyahu, called on the head of the british government, richa. in the united arab emirates, record rainfall over the past 75 years affected several cities, including abu dhabi and dubai. some hotels will extend the stay of tourists who were unable to fly home due to bad weather. russia calls on cuba to join forces in the fight against terrorism, stated prosecutor general igor krasnov at a meeting with the president of the republic miguel. the head of the russian supervisory agency is in cuba since '. now a short advertisement, then a day in history, a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years. era.
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uralsip is a bank for business. and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip - nothing extra. i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the senses are heightened to the point of limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. with you, it has finally
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come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, we will tell you what this day in history is remembered for right now. hello. exactly 200 years ago, on april 17 , 1824, the russian-american treaty on alaska was signed. open to the old world russian expedition, alaska had been russian for almost a century, when suddenly american companies began to appear here, often they also armed the natives to fight russian settlements. after long negotiations, it was possible to conclude a convention on friendly relations, trade, navigation and fishing. the document recorded the southern one. border of the russian empire in alaska, 54° 40 minutes north latitude. they also agreed that for at least 10
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years, both russian and american ships can sail along the pacific coast and fish there fish. both sides were prohibited from selling any weapons, ammunition , or alcoholic beverages to local residents. the document was signed in st. petersburg. russian foreign minister karl neselrode and us ambassador henry middelton. a similar convention was signed a year later from... britain on april 17, 1912 , near the city of badaibo, irkutsk province, in the lena mines, government troops shot a crowd of striking workers, killing 170 people and injuring more than 200. the development of the mines was carried out by the largest gold mining company in russia, lenzoloto. the workers worked in difficult conditions, and sometimes part of their wages, contrary to the law, were given to them in coupons to the company's shops. discontent grew. and the final spark was the day when the mine worker was given rotten meat. the strike began in january at the andreevsky mine and quickly spread to
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others. by march, 6,000 people had already delivered. when the instigators with the wheelbarrow were arrested, the workers of the lena villages went out on processions, but the soldiers opened fire on them. the shooting caused a stir throughout the country. sent to the place two commissions at once, by the way, one was headed by the then little-known lawyer alexander kerensky. a gendarmerie company was assigned as the culprit. nikolai treshchenkov, who gave the order to open fire on the crowd. he was fired and demoted to the rank and file, but the massacre at the lena mines caused strikes and rallies throughout the country, more than 3,000 people took part in them, but they did not achieve anything and the protest movement faded away literally within weeks. on april 17, 1961, the americans tried to reverse the events of the cuban revolution by launching an operation in the bay of cachines, its other one. bay of pigs title. the attack was prepared by american intelligence services, wanting to pass it off as a popular uprising. under the leadership of the cia , detachments of cuban mercenaries
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who had previously fled the island were trained. but the cuban authorities learned about the insidious plans of their northern neighbor. american bombers were not even able to destroy cuban aircraft. the planes promptly replaced the decommissioned equipment with mock-ups. the landing did not go according to plan. the cubans immediately sank several ships. about 100 attackers were killed. 200 were captured. it was a massive cia failure. in many countries, demonstrators stormed the american embassy. washington’s actions were condemned by the un , yet the united states was looking for a reason for a new military intervention. they even wanted to sink a ship with cuban refugees and blame it on the government of fidel castro. the united states finally abandoned the idea of ​​solving the cuban problem by force only after the caribbean crisis in 1962, which almost led to a global nuclear war. on april 17 , 1980, the premiere of andrei torkovsky's film stalker, based on
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story by arkady and boris strugatsky: picnic on the side of the road. starring. performed by alexander kaidanovsky, nikolai grinko, anatoly solonitsyn and alisa freindlikh. the film was difficult to shoot. torkovsky was constantly dissatisfied with something . he forced the strugatskys to change the script, rejected already filmed material, argued with the cameramen and repeatedly asked to increase the budget. and the state cinema, the head of which treated the director warmly, gave the go-ahead. as a result, the film’s budget exceeded a million, a fantastic sum for soviet cinema. rubles as the edits progressed, torkovsky
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systematically. after the film was shown at the cannes festival, since the plot of the film is built around a certain anomalous zone where stalker leads expeditions, interest in the film grew sharply in 1986, when the chernobyl accident occurred and torkovsky himself died. this is what this day in
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history was like. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. united states, west, yes set initially the task was to tear the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what’s going on with
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production in general, raw materials, exports, what is
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our product? in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is approaching the capital of the region, in the suburbs, the water level reaches 10 m, 13,000 residents have already been taken out of the danger zone, the number of evacuees in the tyumen region is growing. in the capital of buryatia, the state of emergency was reduced to vulana in two districts. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military approached the outskirts of the yar clock, stormtroopers are clearing forest plantations from militants, before this the position of the ukrainian armed forces is covered with heavy artillery fire. in georgia, opponents of the bill on foreign agents are planning to organize a new rally near parliament today. the day before, the protests escalated into clashes with the police. demonstrators threw stones
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and bottles. 11 people were detained. to


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