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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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in the kurgan region, the peak of the flood is approaching the capital of the region in the suburbs, the water level reaches 10 m at 13.00 residents have already been taken out of the danger zone, and the number of evacuees in the tyumen region is growing. in the capital of buryatia, the state of emergency was reduced to ulanudei in two districts. in the donetsk people's republic , the russian military approached the outskirts of the yar clock. stormtroopers clear forest plantations from militants. before this, the positions in the ssu are covered with heavy artillery fire. in georgia, opponents of the bill on foreign agents are planning to organize a new rally today near parliament. the day before, the protests escalated into clashes with the police. demonstrators threw stones and bottles. 11 people were detained. it hit the magadan region. the
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heaviest blow fell on the coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk. the ministry of emergency situations recommends that residents not leave populated areas. according to forecasts, vetel will remain in the region for another day. the powerful spring water is capturing more and more territories in several regions of the country at once. the most difficult situation is now in the kurgan region. the level of the tobol river there is rapidly rising. over the course of a day, he gained even more than a meter, exceeding dangerous values ​​in the area itself. and in the suburbs, the water rose above 10 m. authorities are calling on people to evacuate before large-scale flooding begins. by 13.00 people had already been taken out. in total , 62 settlements and about 19 thousand residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region , the number of settlements is growing, from which residents are also being evacuated. the day before, residents of six more villages began to be evacuated. the level of the tabol and ishim rivers may exceed the historical maximum.
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flood threatens almost hundreds of settlements. a state of emergency due to flooding was also introduced in ulan ud in two districts of buryatia. hundreds of plots and residential buildings have gone under water. a damage assessment commission has begun working in the affected areas. from today , people will begin to receive compensation. the authorities promise to help with drying houses and disinfecting courtyard areas. ice is being blown up in dangerous sections of rivers. the geography of the flood is changing in the orenburg region. the peak is moving west. if the level in the ural river decreases, then in the sakmara river, on the contrary , it increases, three more areas are under the threat of flooding, from the regional capital iorsk, a large the water is gradually receding, the water supply at home is being reconnected to the gas supply, the affected areas are preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis, the risk of a disease outbreak as a result of the flood has increased. rescuers, volunteers and military personnel are now helping the affected residents of the orenburg region. more than a hundred
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rocketeers from the esny unit are working in the disaster zone. they deliver drinking water and food to hard-to-reach areas and bring everything necessary, including hygiene products and warm clothes, temporary accommodation centers, where hundreds of people remain, and pets are also rescued from flooded houses. when the news was on tv, i found out that missile men had come to us from the yasny army, well, they were there to help restore the ladies. there was something else and there was nothing left for me to do, just ask for help, to help, well, that’s how you see what they are doing, that is, just take out everything that is unusable from the house, and everything is unusable, so the guys responded, came and here they are doing something that is practically impossible for a woman to do, even for one family, it is under threat in the tomsk region flooding, now there are four settlements in the krivosheinsky district, a dam is being built there, and... electric generators, food and
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drinking water are being delivered, residents have already been evacuated from several villages. the water level in the opie river has increased dramatically. our correspondent, ksenia klimina, is monitoring the situation in the region; she is in direct contact. ksenia, i greet you, tell us what the authorities are doing to prevent a large-scale spill? hello, the flood situation in the tomsk region remains more or less stable, according to the latest data, which. by about 70 cm, the water level in the op river, although not much, is rising, the highest values ​​were recorded today in the area of ​​​​the village of korgasok, where the water level rose by 40 cm, but it is still far from critical levels , now under the threat of flooding several ... koshel in
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the krivosheensky district of the tomsk region, there in the regional center they have already begun to fill a dam, electric generators for pumping water have been brought to the village, first aid supplies ... food, water, temporary points have been deployed in the region accommodation, they are ready to receive people at any time. meanwhile, specialists continue to carry out ice blasting operations; they have been doing this for the fifth day in a row. let me remind you that huge hummocks formed on the tom river, which became one of the reasons for the flooding of settlements lying in the upper reaches of the river. the worst hit came from the flood. the village of vershinino, where water is now approximately waist-deep, dozens of houses were flooded, local residents were evacuated by rescuers in inflatable boats. several streets in tomsk itself were also flooded, with with exact water through the city livnyovki, due to
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the congestion on the river, there was simply nowhere to go. now the situation there has already stabilized; specialists are helping local residents dry out their apartments. rescuers , meanwhile, are monitoring the flood situation daily, including from the air, using drones, but it is too early to say that the peak of the flood is already behind us; in the coming days, the air temperature in the region will rise to +12°, and the flood situation in any moment can get worse. that's all for now for now, tatiana. ksenia, thank you, about the flood in the tomsk region - said ksenia klimina. on the course of the special military operation, the russian military achieved important success. intelligence reported to the ukrainian armed forces sniper pair with a cover group. the elimination of the experienced enemy was entrusted to snipers from the air assault brigade from the far east. they secretly reached the front line
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and discovered the target on the fifth day of observation. during the sniper duel , the ukrainian military were destroyed along with the cover group. this was confirmed by the operators drones. and when the ukrainian armed forces were sent. several unmanned aerial vehicles that tried to interfere with our passage, but we entered, secured a foothold there, everything is fine, we move on, in the belgorod region, the russian military stopped an attack by militants on civilians in the region, our anti-aircraft missile system shot down an
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ukrainian armed forces drone that was conducting reconnaissance, and the operators drones discovered camouflaged enemy weapons, with details from our special correspondent, igor pikhanov. the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system of the ministry of defense is on line combat contact. the task of the air defense specialists of the state border covering group is to prevent attacks by the ukrainian armed forces drone on peaceful villages in the belgorod region. automation detects an enemy reconnaissance drone. aircraft-type drones are capable of covering tens of kilometers. with the help of uavs, the ukrainian armed forces militants tried to set goals for themselves for the future.
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the russian military is already lifting its uavs into the sky. from the air they identified the enemy. enemy equipment is hidden in the forest belt. now the artillery of the ministry of defense is starting to work. by based on the received coordinates, the crew of the mstas self-propelled gun eliminates the threat. the self-propelled artillery unit worked in order to avoid being hit by return fire. now she is changing her point of deployment. according to the russian military, the ukrainian army cannot turn the tide at the front, so their command is trying to inflict damage. harm to the civilian population, while our own fighters are consumables, every attempt to attack our positions ends in the death of ukrainian armed forces personnel, and operators are also destroyed enemy drones. we look completely in a circle, we have everything 360°. we observe
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right up to these, any moving flying object, well, by definition we define objects, we look, if anything, a quadcopter is there. drone, we use weapons, the skill and professionalism of our military is constantly increasing, even on rotation from the front line , training exercises are held at training grounds. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin and vesti, belogorod region. negotiations on a ceasefire in the gas sector are practically frozen, nbc tv channel reported. reference to an arab diplomat. according to journalists, discussion of the transfer of hostages has also been suspended after israel's strike on the iranian embassy in damascus. due to tensions between tel aviv and tehran , negotiations with the palestinian hamas movement have stalled. meanwhile, in the gaza strip, at least seven people were killed in an air raid on the camp. refugees in the city of rafah, according to al-jazeera tv, four children were among the dead. earlier, arab
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media reported eleven deaths as a result of an israeli strike in the central part of the enclave, among them were also children. ambulance teams are taking the wounded to still functioning medical facilities. the us promises not to seek the death penalty for wikileaks founder julian asandge. american authorities handed over documents to the high court of england and wales. which contains the guarantees necessary for extradition, the document notes, asanj will have the right to appeal to the first amendment regarding freedom of speech. asanja's wife noted that the american authorities are disingenuous, the founder of wikileaks is unlikely to be a us citizen will be able to exercise this right in court. russia called on cuba to join forces in the fight against terrorism; prosecutor general igor krasnov, at a meeting with the president of the republic miguel discanel, noted how important it was. to stop the recruitment by criminals of residents of both countries and, above all, young people. krasnov
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held a meeting with his colleague, the head of the cuban supervisory agency. evgeny nipt will tell you about the details of the trip. monument to hase marti in revolution square in govan. his ideas inspired the cubans to fight for independence from spain. it is also called the apostle of the revolution, because the cause of the struggle for freedom is already against the batista regime, fidel castro continued. in relation to, among other things, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and combating crime.
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the authorities of the republic organized negotiations between the main supervisory departments of the two countries in the historical building of the hotel national, built in 1930 and included in the unesco world heritage list. first of all , the discussion at the meeting was about the fight against terrorism. the cuban prosecutor general expressed gratitude for his support to the russian people in connection with terrorist attack in crocus city hall, noting that it is important to prevent the spread of extremist ideas among young people. among the main challenges facing... states at the meeting, they also noted attempts at powerful external pressure, sabotage against economic facilities, civil aviation, financing of mercenaries and counter-revolutionaries and the spread of fakes that distort reality in order to discredit our revolution, provoke discontent, apathy population, cuba is not involved in terrorist attacks our country was not used against other countries for these purposes. the current us administration adheres to a hostile policy, and therefore has to resist this aggression, including the economic blockade. and these attempts to counteract that were.
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will take place in st. petersburg this year from june 5 to 8. i have no doubt that through joint efforts we will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the strategic course and strategic partnership. during the working meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed, including for the first time interaction between military prosecutors' offices. igor krasnov also proposed exploring options for studying the russian language by cuban citizens who come to receive an education at the university of the prosecutor's office. at a meeting with the minister of justice, igor krasnov noted that russia. are ready to help the republic on a wide range of issues, we are on an ongoing systematic basis ready to share
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our accumulated experience, modern practices, scientific research that could be useful within the framework of the large-scale legal reform ongoing in the republic of cuba systems. as representatives of the republic note, russia and cuba are united by a history of reliable partnership that serves the interests of the two countries. evgenia nipot, evgenia kirilenko, svetlana solovyova, news. and now economic news, konstantin the imf has raised its forecast for russian gdp growth, tell us how it is assessed in our country? yes, tatya! the ministry of development says that the figures are underestimated. so, mineco believes that the new estimate of russia’s gdp in 2025, presented by the international monetary fund , looks too pessimistic, despite her next promotion. as the head of the department of macroeconomic analysis and forecasting, lev denisov, said, the ministry may significantly revise its own forecast upward, but
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he has not yet given specific figures. the day before, the imf once again raised its forecast for russia's gdp growth. for the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth years, according to the fund's experts, this year the russian economy will grow by 3.2%, which is more than half a percentage point higher than the latest forecast. the estimate for the twenty-fifth year increased even more to percent and 8. the figures turned out to be so impressive that they were even asked to comment on them at an imf press conference. they noted four factors that lie behind the stability of the russian economy and its success. firstly, the volume of oil exports remains at the same level, and secondly, we are seeing a significant strengthening of corporate investment, including from state-owned enterprises. third, we are also seeing a strong strengthening in private consumption, which is supporting economic growth. and last but not least what is important is the impact of government spending. the russian government has appointed
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a state-owned transport leasing company as the sole supplier of the drone. under government contracts in 24-25 years. this order was published on the official legal information portal. earlier, the ministry of industry and trade stated that this year the production of civilian drones will approach 18,000 units, and in the thirties it will exceed 30,000. production volumes will only grow, meeting the needs of various sectors of the economy and at the same time strengthening technological sovereignty of domestic unmanned aircraft. sea exports of russian oil increased to. an eleven-month high in the second week of april, bloomberg notes. the figure was almost 4 million barrels per day. the gross value of crude oil exports exceeded $2,100 million as of april 14, down from $300 million less a week earlier. i would like to note that the backlog in supplies of the sokol variety, which accumulated after a pause in orders from indian refineries, has now almost
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been eliminated. bought over 9 million barrels china, purchased another 7 million. two shipments of cargo were delivered to pakistan, all this, bloomberg states, casts doubt on the statement of the us authorities that the new tougher sanctions against the russian oil industry have allegedly become much more effective. french luxury brand lui viton unexpectedly cut quarterly revenue. due to geopolitical and economic uncertainty, it decreased by 2% year-on -year, although analysts, on the contrary, expected revenue to grow.
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fighting large-scale floods in kurgan region under threat of flooding of the regional capital. evacuation is underway in several villages near tyumen. a state of emergency has been declared in ulan in two districts of buryat. dams are being urgently built in the tomsk region. israel has already decided how they will respond to iran’s attack, as reported by the media; it is unknown when the strike will take place. targets could include both iranian nuclear facilities and military bases. a cyber attack is also possible. telegram founder pavel durov is receiving the utmost attention from american intelligence agencies. he told journalist tucker carloson about this, according to according to the businessman, not a single visit to the states is complete without a meeting with fbi agents. they also tried to recruit an employee of his company. in the united arab emirates, record rainfall was hit by the elements in abu dhabi and dubai. many tourists, including russian ones
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, cannot fly out of the country due to bad weather; about 2,500 of our citizens are awaiting departure. telegram founder pavel durov spoke about the increased attention of american intelligence services to him and his employees. an interview with the businessman was published by journalist tucker carlson. according to durov, not one of his visits to the united states cannot do without a meeting with fbi agents. the last time intelligence officers tried to recruit his engineer. the founder of telegram also said that he does not believe in the safety of american platforms. confident that he is being watched, no matter what gadget he uses, since in the united states spying is explained by security. too much attention from the fbi, where? we weren’t in the usa, i’ll give you an example: the last time i was in the states, i had an engineer with me who works in telegram, employees or cybersecurity agents were
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secretly trying to recruit him behind my back, so he told me, they wanted to find out how the codes worked, find loopholes so they could possibly spy on users. and now sports news: fans of the spanish barcelona pelted the team bus with glass and wooden objects. daniil, tell me, what happened? it’s a paradox, but it wasn’t after the game, but before, because the fans simply confused the bus of their team and the opposing team. the first semi-finalists of the champions league have been determined, and the french psg and german borussia. after a 2:3 home defeat to barcelona, ​​the parisians conceded quite quickly; in the return match, rafinha scored for barça, but then there was a turning point in the middle of the first half. barcelona defender arauja received a red card for a foul of last resort, so psg took advantage of their numerical advantage before the break, dembele equalized the score, then coach xavi was sent off, in
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the end the ending was left to the hosts, mbappe scored a double, vitina scored another goal, 4:1 psg passes to the semi-finals. in another match borussia, which lost the first match to atletico madrid 1:2, took a 2:0 lead in the home game when, with a difference of 5 minutes from... it reached the final of the rpl-russian football cup. in the return game, the army team defeated kaliningrad baltika 2:0. 2 weeks ago cska won 1:0 away, so they acted
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calmly from a position of strength. baltika was not helped by the fact that its head coach is the famous former cska defender sergei ignashevich. even in the first half, the referee awarded a penalty for hitting the ball in the hand. it was realized by fyodor chalov, who struck at the very corner. a little later, abazbek feyzullaev distinguished himself by arriving in time for the rebound of the penalty kick. in the second half , cska's advantage only grew stronger, but this was not reflected in the score. cska has reached the final of the rpl path, where it awaits an opponent. today it will become known whether it will be zinit or spartak. on april 3, the st. petersburg team won 2:1 in moscow. alexander ovechkin's goal helped his washington reach the playoffs this season. in the last game of the regular season, the team was beaten straight with a score of 2:1. competitor in philadelphia. alexander's puck became the first in the match, where subsequently t distinguished himself. oshie for washington and eric johnson for philadelphia. thanks to this success
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, washington secured eighth place in its eastern conference with 91 points. and alexander himself scored the thirty-first goal of the season and reduced the gap from gretzky to forty-one goals. in the first round of the playoffs, washington will face the president's cup champion new york rangers, where salir. artemy panarin, who became the team's best player of the season. the first of two planned friendly matches between the national teams of russia and belarus handball. our national team turned out to be stronger 31:25. the russians began to take the lead from the start, the best scorer of the super league, natalya nikitina, especially showed herself, and even the active rotation performed by head coach lyudmila badnieva did not hinder the russian team. which even before the break allowed almost all the handball players from the squad to play. seventeen-year-old varvara syomina appeared on the court and immediately scored two goals. the teams
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went into the break with the score 18:12, and at the start of the second half the advantage grew to eight goals. such it was difficult to lower the handicap. 31:25, a confident victory for the russian team in the first meeting. that's all about sports for now in my studio. lng-2, the largest enterprise for the production of liquefied natural gas. this was stated by the united states assistant secretary of state for energy resources,
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jeffrey paeth. and he does. this is not the first time. arctic spg2 is the flagship project of naovateka , designed to make russia the world's largest exporter of lng. our goal is to destroy this project. and we do this together with partners from the g7 and other countries. arctic lng-2 is novotek's second large-scale plant. the project includes three gas liquefaction lines with a total capacity of almost 20 million tons. the cost of construction is estimated at more than $20 billion. in general, the project is technologically ready, yes, this is a gravity platform that was produced in russia, this is an lng production plant, it is already in place, technically all tests have been passed, i think that production within the arctic 2 can easily proceed and be aimed at markets of the asia-pacific region. in september, the states initiated four waves of sanctions against the russian lng industry, in
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particular they will interfere. a company arose in the united arab emirates that was ready to buy a gas carrier in order to carry out deliveries, and the united states immediately took up this company and turned it down. in the end, she refused the deal. last year, russian plants produced more than 32 million tons of lng; this year they expect to produce 38 million. according to forecasts, the launch of arctic lng-2 will increase exports by approximately 15%. the main consumers of russian natural gas remain china and japan, in europe - spain and belgium. just as there was a transformation of cargo flows in relation to oil and petroleum products,
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after the embargo on russian oil and petroleum products was introduced, in the same way there will be a transformation of those cargo flows that are now, for example, going in the direction of europe, liquefied natural gas will go and already to europe and along a longer extended route, which will lead to an increase in the cost of freight and, de facto, to an increase the cost of lng directly in europe itself. the united states became the largest for the first time. lng exporter , the biden administration paused new exports last year due to environmental concerns , leaving allied countries unhappy. european buyers, such as germany, and asian buyers, such as japan, are also experiencing energy shortages. bloomberg reports that some of them are already looking for new suppliers. demand for lng continues to grow around the world, analysts say. first in turn, this is happening at the expense of china. and
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it is expected that russia’s share in the world... will grow to 20% by 2030, look around, now it’s 200-124, 100 years from now, that’s it. it will be different, moscow, moscow, and where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a bloody man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, at least look at me, when it's all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean,
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why, we will act. here now we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies of all, delicious, very, because i made it with love, 100 years ago.


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