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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow, we continue to broadcast the morning news, here's what we've learned by this hour. in the kurgan region, the flood cut off power to 25 settlements, the level of the tabo river.
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will increase, 19,000 people may be in the flood zone, approximately 500 areas are flooded in the tomsk region, mass evacuation has begun in semenskaya, residents of fourteen settlements are being evacuated. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military approached the outskirts of chasoy yar. stormtroopers protect forest plantations from militants. before their attacks , the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are covered with heavy fire. artillery, destroying the fortifications forcing the enemy to look for new shelters. in georgia. opponents of the law on foreign agents threatened new protests near the parliament building. this is not the first time the document has passed its first reading, causing a wave of discontent in the country. the last protest that took place the day before ended in a clash with the police. stones and bottles were thrown at law enforcement officers and there were casualties. heavy snow and stormy winds hit the magadan region. snowdrifts have grown again in the region, and this is after above-zero temperatures. will be in charge of kolyma again
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day, then it will shift towards kamchatka, in the magadan region it will become sharply warmer, the weather will improve. spring floods in russia have become the largest in the last few decades. in the kurgan region , the level of the tobol river is rapidly rising, about 19,000 residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region, floods threaten almost hundreds of settlements. people are being evacuated. from fourteen villages. a state of emergency due to flooding was introduced in ulanu-dei and two regions of buryatia. hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings went under water. military engineers undermine ice jams on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level in the tom river is decreasing, in the ob it is increasing. almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone. but in the orenburg region , the flood is moving to the west of the region. in the affected areas they are preparing for a large-scale operation. cinations from hepatitis.
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our correspondents, stanislav vasilchenko and andrey malanov, are monitoring the passage of the flood in the kurgan and tomsk regions. colleagues, greetings. stas, first question for you: the level of the tobol river in the kurgan area in the last 2 hours it has risen by almost 20 cm. the evacuation of residents of one of the microdistricts has begun. here's how it's going now and what the forecasts are, when to expect the peak of the flood. alexander, greetings to the peak. the flood in kurgan has not yet passed, the water continues to remain, over the past 24 hours the increase in water in tobol is more than a meter, now the level is 865 cm, while the ministry of emergency situations reports that the intensive increase in the level with dynamics from 30 to 100 cm will continue for the next two days. this concerns tabola near kurgan and the kitovsky municipal district, right now we are just in the village of kitova,
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the local population is being evacuated, boats have already been prepared on which people will be transported to safe areas, i repeat once again, the residents of these flooded areas need to evacuate immediately, here is a quote from the official telegram channel of the kurgan , which is also being sent out on social networks today, take it. children, elderly relatives with limited mobility, do not leave pets in the risk zone, take documents and valuables, leave, do not wait for water will suit your home. let me remind you once again that during the state of emergency, which still remains in the kurgan region, evacuation is mandatory, it is not advisory in nature, since now it is a matter of preserving health and life. meanwhile , water is drowning new territories... the poplar area
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is approaching the school, the population is also being evacuated there, let me remind you that more than 13,000 people have already been evacuated from flooded areas, 16 temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in the region. in which - according to according to the latest data, there are now 931 people, including 200 children. temporary accommodation centers are staffed by honey workers, police officers, and, of course, psychologists, hot meals are provided, there is a large supply of drinking water, the evacuation of the chelnokovo microdistricts, nearby snt, khrapovo and zatobolny microdistricts continues, the water has already crossed the road to chelnokovo and also. a row of snt flooded there. today in six municipalities - belozersky, pritobolny, zverenogolovsky, kurtomysh, kitovsky districts, kurgan itself, in twenty-five settlements , 669 residential and 2,376 country houses remain flooded.
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five low-water bridges and nine sections of roads are also currently flooded. we literally just arrived in the village of kitovo, now we’ll try to get through. despite the fact that the total number of flooded areas still remains quite large, it is reassuring that these are just summer cottages - these are not residential buildings, there are actually very few residential buildings there, and the water level, in particular in tom, near the communal bridge, where
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dramatic events unfolded 2 days ago, it fell very much, fell by 74 cm, or rather reaches and fell by 74, and in the area of ​​the river station, this is where, in general, then we have a jam, it’s still standing there, the ice hasn’t moved anywhere, the water has also gone, less, has become shallower by 50 cm, it’s more than possible there, well, people say, experts associate this with ice blasting work, which doesn’t stop, everyone they are blowing up there every day, maybe they will blow up and today, because this traffic jam still needs to be pushed further, the water in the dachas is receding... there is less water on the communal bridge there now, too
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, in some places you can even drive there, just just a few minutes ago it became flooded after a dam broke near it is known that one of the sections of the road in tomsk. the area was freed from water, you can now also drive there by car, it was closed, well, you could only drive very, very high-pass vehicles for a four-hundred-meter section, now there is a road there is free, our correspondent is working there now, soon we will receive the first news from him, now again it ’s worrying us, because well, the water is rising, the water is rising in the molchanovsky district, the water is rising in the kolpashevo district, quite seriously, by 20... by 26 cm, but nevertheless the water level is still far from critical levels, people still have time to make a decision, in particular in kolpashevo, where the local administration has now organized door-to-door visits and people are being warned, people are being told what to do if the water comes ,
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in fact, it was to their plots, to their houses, that the ob rose most of all, highest of all , in the regional center of korgosok - this is the tomsk north, and there the broad, deep intoxication, in general, arrived there. more than 41 cm is a plus, but again, i repeat, far enough to the critical levels, in general , there is nothing to worry about yet, we still have five overflows left, well, in general, i hope that in the near future the water will subside there too , but that’s all for me, alexandra, thank you, andrey malanov and stanislav vasilchenko. we'll take a break for a short commercial. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything
10:10 am
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grand picant pairs at an attractive price. only tasty, period. alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfabank application. not just profitable. profitable. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar costs about 94 rubles. the euro is trading just above 100 rub. and the chinese currency today costs 13 rubles. the moscow exchange index is growing slightly - 3,470 points and the rts - 1,155 points. to other topics. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to mislead the russian military, masquerading as civilians;
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they are not shy about even using ambulance equipment to transport weapons ammunition in the northern military district zone, but nothing will escape our intelligence officers. ekaterina shildina has all the details. footage from the right bank of the dnieper, temporarily controlled by the kiev regime, recorded by our intelligence. automobile the militants use an ambulance to transport the mortar crew. drones, ammunition and weapons. reconnaissance identifies the target, the vehicle, cargo, and crew have been successfully eliminated. and these shots are another victory for our fighters on this section of the front. only ruins remained of the militants' temporary deployment point. despite the fact that the enemy regularly attempts to attack in the kherson direction, the militants fail to achieve success. in just one day , fighters from the dnepr group eliminated up to sixty kiev fighters.
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unmanned aerial vehicles, aircraft, three units of automotive equipment, nine types. the work of our defenders does not stop day or night. the enemy continues shelling the territory of the donetsk people's republic, innocent people continue to suffer, and civilian infrastructure is damaged. in order to push the front line as far as possible and deprive the militants
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of weapons, our military personnel strike not only at positions on the front lines, but at military-related enterprises. let me remind you that a year ago the georgian parliament had already tried to adopt a document on foreign agents, but the european union criticized it, and mass protests began. now the situation is repeating itself. the law itself is similar to the american one; it requires mandatory registration
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of non-profit legal entities of the media whose income comes from abroad. at the same time , i call opponents of the law... in a telephone conversation with netanyahu, he emphasized: further escalation will only worsen instability in the region. prosecutor general igor krasnov called at the meeting to unite efforts in the fight against international terrorism
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with cuban president miguel. despite strong external pressure from moscow and havana. are true to the universal principles of mutual respect, equality of rights, and justice,” krasnov emphasized. i am implementing the path set by you by russian president vladimoy vladimirovich putin; the prosecutor's offices of russia and cuba interact on the widest range of relationships, including protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and combating crime. we will exchange modern practices on a variety of issues that pose to us mutual interest. telegram founder pavel durov spoke about the increased attention of american intelligence services to him and his employees. an interview with the businessman was published by journalist tucker carlson. according to dorov, not a single visit to the states is complete without a meeting with fbi agents. and the last time, intelligence officers tried to recruit his engineer. the founder of telegram
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also said that he does not believe in the security of american platforms. durov is sure that he is being watched, no matter how... let's pause now, next commercial. from the head pain there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. alfa friday - supercake
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what we bring from savita’s travels is a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the trip will go as planned, with cashback, bonuses, more than 360 moscow tourism enterprises will be able to take advantage of state support measures, which have been provided since march of this year as part of the national labor productivity project. we are talking about companies with revenues of 180 million rubles. and among them.
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four cooks, plus two people responsible for the cleanliness of the catering unit, cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, and the hotel also has more than ten banquet halls. with such volumes, it is in the interests of the hotel to find out what else can be improved in this direction, these are end-to-end business processes , which unite between is a kitchen, and a restaurant service, and, accordingly, our banquet service, and as part of a kitchen, and a stewarding department. this is all a catering plant, and we would like to see what recommendations the experts could give us. moscow has become one of the first regions where
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tourism industry enterprises can conduct a free audit of key business processes as part of the national labor productivity project. moscow is one of the most visited cities in russia by tourists. last year there were 24.5 million turks. 90% of guests came from regions. business tourists who combine business trips and leisure stay here mainly; they are going to conduct an audit of room check-in in this chain, believing that every minute counts here. we have already been able to reduce it there by more than 30% on our own, so it is possible that participation in the project makes a difference.
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for us this is the most important, let’s say, component now, to organize to reduce the check-in time for guests. in 2023 , the russian government supported the initiative of the moscow authorities to include tourism and the hotel business is among the industries receiving support measures within the framework of the national labor productivity project; in march of this year , the criterion for entry into the national project for the tourism sector was lowered. the minimum revenue amount decreased from 400 to 180.
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then they implement these changes together, then the employees of the organization, who understand how lean manufacturing techniques work, extend these principles to the rest of the hotel’s operating processes. almost half of the participants in 143 enterprises have already completed the first stage of the national project. according to calculations by the moscow department of economic policy and city development , on average their production increased by 60%. and the time of key processes.
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decreased by almost 40%. the total economic effect from participation in the national project amounted to 5 billion rubles. vera moros, denis tsitseronov, ilyas salakhiddinov, alina neizbakieva, maria basova, news.
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the fifth studio is on the air, i’m anton potkovenko, we’re talking about floods, reports from the orenburg region, in the village of ilek, the water level in the ural river has risen above the critical level by 28.


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