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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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positions, and today’s event is the fourth in a row, every year it attracts leading experts, famous scientists, researchers, developers, us government representatives, and of course, the largest businesses, and i thank vtb, which is rightfully considered one of the innovative banks for organizing and holding such a conference, which really sets the bar for such events very high, this... is truly
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a landmark event for the it community and thematically related to the development of technology, analysis of big data, and the task that the president set for us, as mikhail vladimirovich mentioned in the offensive, the national project, this is a new national project, the data economy and the digital transformation of public administration, within the framework of this national project the task is precisely to cover all the main areas of the economy. and state management of digital platforms, which will become the basis for the performance of government functions, and of course, the provision of various services using the latest technologies, of course, including artificial intelligence, and we must ensure the transition of the entire state it infrastructure of most of the systems of our enterprises to our domestic solutions, and at the same time it is necessary to ensure, of course, advanced development, and for this the program includes ...
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unprecedented measures to support new developments, scientific research, this is, first of all, of course, grants, subsidies, soft loans amount to more than 130 billion. therefore, if you do not participate in these programs, this is a reason to worry, because you are doing something wrong, ignoring the support that you could receive from the state. the government will also continue to help develop infrastructure and data networks. of course, in different ways, including through the creation of a satellite constellation, new data centers, connecting social institutions, primarily to high-speed internet, as well as the development of a completely new direction of quantum networks. as part of the transition to a data-centric economy, one of the main tasks will be to protect our systems and the data of our citizens from cyber threats and cybersecurity measures, including anti.
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collect, store, transmit over long distances, process, copy and, of course, use to solve various problems, scientific, social, economic, and data is often called the new oil, and i took the liberty of showing you a slide, this is one of our strategic sessions, on in which we tried to compare the value chain in the traditional oil and gas industry with the processing process
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of data of different quality to the individual requirements of specific consumers, the state, business, people, but most importantly the difference, of course, is that data, it is practically endless, its volume will only grow, unlike oil, data can be copied, a very interesting fact is that the development of the data economy, which is due, of course, to the development of artificial intelligence technologies, which they , as we understand, nourishes... here’s an interesting fact:
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if we have before this mass start of various generative ones available to a large community of users. our networks accounted for only 1% of this synthetic data, then according to experts, by the end of this year, the amount of data generated, that is, those that are already synthetic, and not natural, that were collected from some offline and online devices, and this will be more than 60%. that is, you understand that we have essentially created a huge amount of surrogate data that is based on. on primary data, now all training already takes place precisely on these, in general, surrogate synthetic data. on the one hand, machine learning algorithms are consumers of large amounts of data; they, of course, analyze and extract useful information.
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information, identify patterns, build various predictive models . on the other hand, artificial intelligence itself, as we already see, is becoming a generator of new arrays. in data, the volume of which will grow significantly, especially in the era of such mass personalization of all services provided by business, and the state. the accumulation and use of data can entail significant economic, technological, social and environmental effects with the concentration of efforts, technologies, and of course we are talking primarily about what everyone is talking about, an increase in labor productivity, there are different estimates in different directions, some say that this is increasing significantly, in our project we calculated the economic effects with industry experts, they are a little more modest, but they are still will give a very big effect,
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this is up to 20%, you see optimization of expenses up to 45%, and income growth, increased energy efficiency and much more that can be felt, measured, before that , smartened up, and directly into the national project we included such indicators as the transition to 80% enterprises to use russian software, we expect that the growth rate of investments in domestic solutions will grow twice as high as the economic growth rate, it is planned to increase the share of government services that are provided proactively using artificial intelligence by 50%. and finally, very important. indicator that the total power of supercomputers used for tasks in the field of artificial intelligence should increase 10 times, and to stimulate the development of artificial intelligence within the framework of the national project, we are forming just a separate federal project, which
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is dedicated to the development of artificial intelligence, and maybe even it will be a separate national project, we have to implement a number of large-scale tasks and here the task is precisely... to create the most comfortable and transparent conditions for technological development, to ensure, first of all, state support for russian companies at all stages, more than a third of all investments within the framework of the federal project on artificial intelligence will go to support its implementation, and at the same time we we understand that the state is also learning together with you, with developers and with business, because it is possible to develop. only together, and here there is no need to be afraid of competition from the state, we are precisely making sure that we do not interfere with business, on the contrary , we only create conditions, the task of large companies is to respond more quickly to new opportunities to exchange cross-industry
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experience, replicate developments, then, what we are doing with our technology leaders in general and inviting everyone else to do this, this will be an incentive for enterprises different levels of maturity. use proven practices in our work and within the framework of the updated national project, we are increasing support for business with the help of grants for the development and implementation of artificial intelligence and attracting private investment, we are also increasing funding for fundamental and applied scientific research, without science there is no place here, we will scale activities of research centers in the field of artificial intelligence. first of all, and for educational organizations it is provided preferential access to the computing power that is needed for the work of artificial intelligence, in universities, with the support of leading companies, we are launching specialized departments, they have already appeared in many, and industry educational programs, and this will allow
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this entire set of measures to have a cumulative effect on our economy, you see in the left corner the gigantic number 11, we see other also large-scale figures; the number of graduates will increase fivefold; the share of priority sectors of the economy will increase eightfold. seven times the amount of expenses an organization will spend on using artificial intelligence technology, these are very ambitious plans, which, of course, we can only do together, but for this a necessary condition will be, of course , a comfortable legal framework, and we declare that russia should probably continue and become a regulatory paradise for domestic foreign companies. we are closely monitoring rulemaking in the field of artificial intelligence in different countries, including we see enormous
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activity now in the us congress, for example, who issue law after law, there are dozens of them, and just recently, this is a law about taxing robots and artificial intelligence models that replace people, the so-called robot tax, just this year in the usa for technology companies. well, what doesn’t fit in yours, yandex
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or sber will take it, 50,000 is not that much, well , let’s take part of it, the central bank will take it, we are waiting for them, yes, so everyone who is being laid off there, let’s see, we will select the good ones according to the qualification requirements let's take, but, however, taking into account the estimates that artificial intelligence will affect more than 60% of jobs, primarily white collar workers, this is the international monetary background. assesses this, of course, we must also take this seriously, monitor the situation, if necessary we will use such approaches, but first of all, of course, retraining, advanced training, and we proceed from the concept of hybrid regulation, when some issues are removed by regulations, where you can’t do without it, and some of it is with the help of such soft law, but we have already approved 13 experimental legal regimes. these are drones for aviation systems, vehicles in
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the field of healthcare, in the future we only plan to simplify the company’s access to participate in these experimental legal regimes to establish liability for damage caused to citizens, for example, when testing the use of artificial intelligence on such fair principles, over 100 national almost 20 have been developed international... standards in the field of artificial intelligence, we should not fall out of the world community, we have quite effectively, in my opinion , there is a code of ethics in the field of artificial intelligence, which has been joined by more than 360 organizations, last month another 10 russian companies and universities signed a declaration on the responsible development of the use of generative artificial intelligence, in general, all these measures allow us to really expand the use our technologies, preventing, on the one hand, their uncontrolled use, and, on the other
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hand, giving the opportunity to really enjoy this regulatory paradise. already now russia is among the leading countries in the development of artificial intelligence technologies, for example, every fifth russian company already uses generative artificial intelligence, domestic solutions occupy leading positions in world rankings. here we see that gigachat is among the top five models in the world, or yandex gpt, yandex art were included in the first international ranking of generative artificial intelligence models. in russia , more than 2,000 development companies are actively working in the field of artificial intelligence, in leading sectors of the economy, such as fintech and ict, more than 50% of companies are active. artificial intelligence technologies are already changing, and the economic effect that is declared, mikhail vladimirovich just
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said this when speaking at the digital almaty forum, has already amounted to more than 1 trillion rubles, we remember that there will be 11.2, prospects for technological development, they directly depend, of course, on large-scale implementation, we seem to have prepared all support measures for it, i talked about it today, but it’s very...
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but take into account the risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence, a black box is essentially created and it, of course, creates great risks, in this i actually see an opportunity for russia, which provides alternative fair access to the data on which our models are trained, and they correspond to traditional values, and of course it is very important to develop and support our domestic developments, which today bring... i use, solve many different complex problems, in our country, for example, a russian environmental operator uses neural networks to process various video materials from drones , increasing the accuracy of detecting violations at landfills to 90%, and citizens immediately feel this effect, or the world's largest oil pipeline company transneft
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is implementing artificial intelligence to predict the presence of oil in reservoirs and the results already influence the specific efficiency of the business, and many other examples, but i will separately note, of course, vtb’s significant achievements in the field technological development, the bank has made great progress in integrating digital services and solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, and maybe someone doesn’t know, but vtb was at the forefront of creating a unified state digital platform for creating and issuing an electronic signature, which formed the basis. .. tens of millions of documents have been signed, tens of millions of certificates have been issued, and today about 800 advanced analytics models are used in the business processes of the bank, which created and scaled throughout russia, for example, the service analytics for assessing new buildings, this is a very
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serious model, more than a thousand layers of data. analyzed allows the consumer to assess the cost of objects under construction, make decisions on issuing loans for housing construction, and of course the voice assistant leo, which cannot be ignored, and many other projects, we know that for every client and employee of vtb the company declares that by twenty sixth year will already have its own personal digital assistants, so i am sure that this work will continue, in the coming years, of course, the world will have to be surprised at the fully revealed potential of new technologies, i think that everything is just ahead, everything is just beginning, and those countries that do this before others will become the new dominant force in the future, we
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see that russia has a very stable position in development of the implementation of these technologies, and i want... to end with a very important thought from our president, who said that the significance of breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence is colossal, the rivalry between states is fierce, because what results we achieve depends on russia’s place in the world, our sovereignty, security, viability of our country, our ability to solve the problems of economic, industrial, social development at a qualitatively new level, so friends, it’s up to us, but we, as has happened many times already happened that we would definitely win together. thank you. thank you very much, dmitry nikolaevich, i invite you to take a seat to continue participating in the discussion, and a small announcement for all participants. we're running out of time a little therefore, we must accomplish a feat with you. we need to do it in 44 minutes, so we 'll be in a hurry. but nevertheless, despite such a voluminous report that we
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just heard from dmitry nikolaevich, many topics remain unpacked; we will now go through them in more detail. first topic. technological and financial sovereignty, and here i want to give the floor to the representative of vtb bank, its head, andrey kostin, the world is changing, we are moving from globalization to regionalization, are there or will pan-regions appear, in this situation , i want to ask you, as the head of one of the largest financial institutions in our country: what experience and what general trends in the field of technological and financial sovereignty do you see and what new opportunities? opportunities open up for international cooperation in that very window of opportunity from numbers to data, from globalization to regionalization and pan-regions. andrey, thank you very much, i will try my best. briefly, because, probably, there is no person less knowledgeable about this problem, in hall than i, however, first i wanted to express my deep gratitude to all
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the participants, dmitry nikolaevich, and mikhail vladimirovich for his participation, excellent performance, in general i want to say that there is probably no such government in the world as ours, which is so good it would be prepared and advanced, in particular in the unit. digitalization, digital topics in general, i still remember when mikhail vladimirovich was in the tax office, he created an absolutely unique tax system that did not exist anywhere else in the world, of course it was still i admired us in general, i call our government the government of digital people, there are quite a lot of people here, on the left there are comrades sitting in the front rows who at one time were interviewed by dmitry nikolaevich, mikhail vladimirovich when they were appointed to the position, i always said: answer to the question.
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a system of fast payments, a world map, an exchange infrastructure was created, and banks were really at the forefront of digitalization, they were in many ways, they played the role of digital companies in general, so when here there was such a very hard landing in our relations with the west, when the west took unprecedented measures, starting them in general with the banking sector, then to the surprise of many it seemed that everything was working for us.
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when, along with london or new york , the key exchanges in the world will become all of dubai and hong kong, when, say, the yuan. will be
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promoted, including by the chinese leadership , as a global currency of account when we create it, including or largely based on digital solutions, and a new system of calculations and a new system of formation - capital, the securities market, this is a problem i think we need to solve anyway if we want to get rid of the dictates of the dollar sooner or later. make sure that other countries, including friendly ones, are not afraid of settlements with us, because, unfortunately, i think that the issue that is now on the agenda is quite long, and we cannot return to the old ways maybe, we already realized that this will not work, here is the current system, in which 70% of payments are in dollars, american banks, american authorities,
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or rather, it’s not a matter of...
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creating a digital, digital currency of a central bank, this is a huge, it seems to me, step forward, ahead, in my opinion, only nigeria and jamaica, which are already using it china too, well, china , here, but we are really sitting quite ahead and well, and we are participating in this program, have already carried out more than 300 transactions with individuals, and are working on the limited functionality of the digital ruble. and i would like to find out this direction separately, because of course, digital calculations are i repeat, an integral part, in my opinion, should be in order to gain sovereignty, including in international payments, although our opponents are also moving towards this, so swift announced that they will also soon carry out digital calculations through themselves, but we swift needs to be killed, that is, in our calculations, we need to completely get away from it and our friends too -
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to involve, i think, i would also like to take this opportunity to say that there is a very important initiative of the central bank, this is the transition to a single qr code , we are great work has been done with the central bank, with other banks, agreed decisions have been made, i think that this topic needs to be developed faster, in general, everything that belongs to the category of digitalization, i repeat, it seems to me that our banks are far ahead of european and others, because we are a lot watched. the best years, what is happening in the american ones, and well , the american ones are even better there, in european banks, i really think they are inferior to us, so i would say this, as for digitalization, an integral part, i repeat, and import substitution and gaining sovereignty, there are some issues, maybe more specific, but it seems to me that the government pays a lot of attention to supporting the digital
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sector of the economy. and we are also actively participating here, this includes a preferential tax regime, reduced insurance premiums, this is a preferential mortgage, ptb bank has already issued 100 10 billion rubles of such loans, these are deferments from the army, a number of other measures, it seems to me that they all need to be applied, because nikolaevich said that there would be americans there, we still had experience, we had a lot of foreigners working for us, but it’s still better with our own people, so i think... we need to make sure that our specialists don’t leave, but it’s better that those who have already left come back, we have a very talented, it seems to me, galaxy of our it specialists, here they are on the left, they have enough, i think, expertise to provide the necessary decisions, well, from the point of view of perhaps stimulating this industry, so we believe that we now have...


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