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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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it’s better with our own people, so i think we need to make sure that our specialists don’t leave, but it’s better that those who have already left come back, we have a very talented, it seems to me, galaxy of our it specialists, they ’re sitting on the left, i think they have enough expertise to provide the necessary solutions, well, from the point of view, perhaps, of stimulating this industry, so we believe that we now have...
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a program has been adopted to stimulate regulation of lending for projects of technological sovereignty and structural adaptation economy, i think that this mechanism can be applied to projects for creating digital infrastructure more widely in order to provide financial support, and the whole world complex to create additional incentives, which means the development of this industry, there is a question: talk about that how we will cooperate internationally, it seems to me that there are serious problems here, because against the backdrop of such a conflict-ridden world today, i honestly find it difficult to imagine how we can harmonize and developing common standards with western countries, on the contrary, they are trying to limit us today, this is the initiative of the americans to push kaspersky out of work.
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on the american market shows that it will be difficult for us to work in these markets today, but of course, in the market of developing countries, countries of the global south, we can do a lot of things, we are leaders here, and i think here we should repeat, so i would has already divided, there is, there is an economy or finance of the global south-west, it seems to me it is fundamentally important to develop this topic in order to create a parallel structure, but until we have created it, we will...
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and the guests of the conference, i thank you for the invitation to the iconic site being built, i will probably immediately ask you to display the slide, since there is little time, i ’ll try, i’ll try to tell you more concisely, dmitry nikolaevich outlined the general trends in the development of artificial intelligence, i just want to add that in 2020 we are seeing such... that
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this year has in many ways become a key year in the development artificial intelligence all over the world, primarily due to the development of large language models and generative artificial intelligence tools, well, these are chatbots, unsupervised learning, self-learning, that is , more generally, there are various natural language processing, the current situation can be called a global technological one a race between bigtech corporations, startups, and research teams in this area. russia , while possessing a strong mathematical school, it should be noted, also takes an active part in this process, annually analysis of russian and world publications in the field of artificial intelligence, which is carried out by the institute of artificial intelligence of moscow state university using topic modeling, allows us to keep our finger on the pulse and track key technological trends, the slide shows exactly... on the topic of artificial
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intelligence, by popularity in scientific publications that are characteristic of both world science and russian specifics are evident. that the given trends are also provided with symbols that show which of them are growing, ascending or descending, indicated by arrows, while there are immediate trends that are more distant in time, for example, it is clear that artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry is growing at a tremendous pace, has risen by 100 positions, but is still thousandth place, it is clear that the generative models jumped by as much as 500 positions. in the middle of the slide are the sources for creating large language models, which are now in first place among trends. here on purpose the sources for the creation of these models are presented in such a way as to show the idea of ​​​​interaction between industry and academia, which i hope to still
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be able to talk about today, but it is worth noting that the successes of russian teams that presented their own developments in the field of large... research in the field of large language
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models, generative artificial intelligence, but the pace of development is still lagging behind the global one, while we are more likely to follow trends than to create them? but at the same time, in russian specifics there is more a pragmatic approach, i would say, conditioned, well, rather by internal tasks and challenges, well, the top russian topics included the use of artificial intelligence for uavs, and there is also a strong emphasis on the use of artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry, but i would separately note that despite to sanctions restrictions, russian science... did not turn out to be completely excluded from the global context, russian scientists continue to successfully publish in leading world journals, which is what can be seen on the right side of the slide, continue to speak at top world conferences, although of course
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it has become more difficult to do this, and the question of measuring the success of our specialists by measuring the share of publication in foreign ranking journals probably requires special attention, from our point of view, but this is perhaps a separate topic for the next meeting, while - of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that everything is people, personnel, i hope that this will also be discussed today and tomorrow, well, i ’ll probably end with this briefly, it’s clear that here is just a small element from this study about trends in... it is clear that there is much more, but we did the most interesting thing, i think that i will probably finish here, saving time for our yes, thank you very much, stay in touch with us, and we are returning here to the scene , and i want to give the floor to the representative of the financial regulator of russia, olga skorobogatova, bank
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of russia, let’s still return to the topic of a multipolar world, into which russia is integrating with new solutions, and since the bank of russia is. one of, well, it seems to me, the most innovative regulators, a large number of initiatives have already been voiced, such as alfa friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19 , we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service in the alfabank application, not easy. profitable, alpha profitable, i see how you look at him, i see how he looks at you, how he looks, damn it, we look like that, without even moving the pupils, 100 years ago, in cinemas from april 18 what we bring from savita’s travels, a little sea,
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delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito travel. everything will go as planned with cashback, bonuses, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, that’s how home textiles with cashback are at the megamarket. up to 40%. if you have rice national in your kitchen, it means that uzbek pilaf or japanese sushi is no longer someone’s national pride, but yours personally. at bigfest, chicken premieres for 109 rubles. and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank in delicious, period. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate,
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afalase, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. one of my friends. i decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go from this connection, hello, nowhere, lyusya, nowhere, because the megaphone is even here catches, megaphone is the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, it’s not easy to catch a bird’s fire, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on!
11:42 am
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magnet. the price is right. kitford upright vacuum cleaner or kitforрд convection oven with discounts up to 18%. pairs of grand and grand pikant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive your pension through postal banks. of course, it's there. the benefits are great: transfer your pension to the post office bank and receive 2,000 rubles. and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably at posto bank. this topic has been approached many times; we even have developments in terms of regulation, but this is definitely necessary, because artificial intelligence cannot develop quickly in any other way. and we are talking not only about commercial data, but about data from government information systems our digital projects worked great as a digital profile of a physical legal entity, but this is not enough, we need to further
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develop rules for how data will flow freely from one industry to another, but, but when protecting business citizens, this is important, the second is directly the standards of open apis , that is, in order to build these seamless transitions, and we must determine. interaction protocols, we are now as a financial market, we are always a driver in many areas in this too, this year we will begin to implement recommendatory api, then we will move on to mandatory ones, but we, in cooperation with the ministry of digital development, expect that uniform standards will be used for other industries, and not just for the financial market, and here the platform of agreement is very important, and we agreed with the ministry of digital development that we will do this to do together so that it works for all industries, the third point... it also needs to be mentioned, you know, when we
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try very hard, do something quickly, we sometimes forget that we are as a state, here is a question for us, dmitry nikolaevich, come to me, but market participants always actively take part in this, it is a matter of maintaining the development of competition, so that we do not have a imbalance, that someone will be ahead of the rest, he will take advantage. while others will be left behind, but we as a country certainly cannot afford this, and we, of course, from a regulatory point of view, will look together with the government at how to ensure equal access to the newest ones.
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will allow us to reduce the level of fraud in digital services, the last thing i will say from the point of view of our leadership and where we see ourselves, if we are talking about the new world order, which andrei leonedich said, you really can’t turn the wheel back, we are in the realities in
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which we find ourselves, and we see a window of opportunity, it will not be easy, there is no need to try illusions that everything will be like this, but... it is necessary to work in this direction, we believe that it is certainly necessary to interact with countries in order to create new supranational settlement infrastructure, and digital currency is extremely suitable for this, we can at least those countries that are also launching such national digital currencies, integrate directly without all sorts of swift or other players, and secondly, we need to negotiate at the brix level, for example iaes. about seamless services, both financial and non-financial, identification issues also arise here, by the way, the biometric system, which the mykolaevichs have been launching for a long time, has finally begun to work, we really count on it, this is also one, one of the possibilities like this integration, thank you, olga nikolaevna, thank you very much, indeed, all the issues are important, i would like to discuss them in great detail, but
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unfortunately there is no time, i will only add on the issue of fighting fraudsters, probably the level of digital literacy. i would like to support olga, this is a really big problem, these are tragedies, every day we read, i have already said many times that we are dealing with the special services of ukraine, we need to fight them professionally, and the topic is combining the efforts of the special services, banks, telecom operators, it is
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completely relevant and correct, this the work is still underway, but i think that it requires... we will not succeed, it is the creation of appropriate computing power , ensuring information security, only in complex, solving this triune task, application solutions, neural networks, infrastructure and security, we will moving forward, from the point of view
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of computing infrastructure, a task of a completely different complexity awaits us here, today we... with processors from which company, with specialized processors for this kind of calculation, it will be 50 kw of power and 10 million dollars, if we build a small
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sodik with 100 racks, and it will occupy approximately this amount of space - that’s 100 billion rubles, so this is a very expensive business, omitting the problems with components and other things, it is very capital-intensive and energy-intensive. a task that needs to be taken very seriously so that all our decisions are supported by appropriate, appropriate resources, and of course, information security issues, they must be constantly in the field of our attention so that it doesn’t work out so that we will learn to use artificial intelligence there to control the tram, then like in the horror films that we have seen, and this is real. therefore , i think that moving forward within the framework of any national program or project that will be, we must
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put these two blocks there, think carefully, seriously deal with them, we have these two parts for ourselves in rostelecom, i now i won’t talk about what application solutions we deal with, we really have a lot of them in terms of. this was a broadcast from the data fusion conference. let's continue the main news of this day: elena gagarina, general director of the moscow
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kremlin museums, celebrates her anniversary today. it is she who is responsible for the main treasure of russia, including the cap of manomakh and the crown of the russian emperors. daria okunyeva was one of the first to congratulate her. it has not been distracting for more than 20 years, her office is in the heart.
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an art critic by training, elena gagarina started at the pushkin museum, was engaged in english illustration of the 16th century, for a long time worked for a time under the leadership of the legendary irina antonova, ending up as director of the museum. the kremlin very quickly earned the respect of her colleagues. this is very, very difficult, to put it mildly, as a director of a museum, where there are cathedrals next to you, where services are taking place, where
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the president’s residence is next to you. the kremlin is a very special thing, and it is a special thing, in very good hands. the order for her appointment to the post of director of the kremlin museums coincidentally came on the day of the fortieth anniversary of the space flight of yuri gagarin, her father, it’s her on the right on the famous chronicle, on the left is sister galya. he couldn’t enter a passenger plane and just sit down; he always immediately got to know the pilots, asked to be allowed to sit at the controls, and that was always the case. this is what she and her father have in common: the ability to devote themselves completely to work and draw inspiration from it. it's very nice in the kremlin , and when it's quite deserted. it's truly wonderful here. this is a decision that
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the museum will receive the buildings of the middle shopping arcades, when the restoration is completed there, some of the exhibits will move to a new site, but the main treasures will remain in the armory. daria okuneva, elena fenoshina, lead. the first bulk carrier moored at the elga cargo port under construction in the khabarovsk territory. despite the difficult climatic conditions, the first berth was commissioned ahead of schedule. i will add that this port is the end point of the pacific railway. coal deposits of yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk. the capacity of the new terminal will allow loading up to 50 million tons of coal from the elga deposit. read more elizaveta yurova. from the height of a bird's flight in the water area, we are somonorian giant geometric shapes. port elga - the emerald coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk. the first one is ready, three more, like this, pouring it over and over again, achieving the desired height. the future coal terminal in the khabarovsk territory will require
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millions of tons of rock. left turn. work not only on land, but also on the surface of the sea. divers measure the depth of structures and check all parameters. in the future, the capacity of the port, the end point of the pacific railway, is 50 million tons of coal per year directly from the elginskoye deposit in yakutia. we are first people who landed here, perhaps even many centuries ago, therefore encountered difficulties immediately. yuri gvozdikov, one of the pioneers. he cannot forget how 3 years ago they set up tents and lit fires, but then... on a wild beach in the past , the sailor captain of the ship considers the appearance of industrial facilities here an example of exceptional heroism. the place is unique for the sea of ​​okhotsk, even, there are very large tidal currents, which are semi-diurnal and the entire construction technology is absolutely unique, nothing like this has been built anywhere in russia, but the character the sea is changeable, a clear day is replaced by a squally wind, icebergs and ice floes float past on the current. nevertheless, the equipment moves.
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no one stops, work is carried out around the clock, despite any natural disasters, a summer protection dam has been provided so that weather conditions do not delay loading, a contract has been signed for the construction of ice-class tugboats, the hermes icebreaker is on duty, because heavy equipment, diesel locomotives with platform cars are only sea, in the village they live and work almost 300 people who, through daily difficult work, accelerate the construction of the century on a difficult project. on the territory, despite the fact that the nearest settlement, the village of chimykan, is only 50 km away, impassable taiga. helicopter noise is a common thing here, there are no roads in the area, the cape, where large-scale construction has begun, can only be reached by air, specialists from all over the country landed here, pavel bakhmatsky and staganrog, admits that he doesn’t miss the south, but in his short breaks looks at photographs of his five-year-old son, he will clearly have something to tell.
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of course, i am proud to work here. there will be something to tell later in the future, when the port is operational, that it took part in the construction of such a huge, let’s say, even grandiose project. the elga seaport , together with a private railway, is the gateway to the asia-pacific countries. china, vietnam, and korea are waiting for yakut coal. the geography is wide, the quality characteristics of the coal are appropriate. the project provides for the reception of ships with a carrying capacity of up to 100,000 tons, and after delivery, more than 2,000 jobs. the port on the coast of the khodsky sea is sunning. dozens of lights, with the onset of darkness the night shift takes over the sites, the pace of the largest construction project in the east of the country does not slow down for a minute. elizaveta yurova, konstantin krutikov, lead khabarovsk. the largest floods in recent decades are growing rapidly.
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the level of the tobol river is rising. over the past 75 years, they have provoked a transport collapse in the region, with 2,500 russians stuck in the emirates. a meeting with fbi agents, an account worth millions of dollars in bitcoins and espionage with us side. what else did telegram founder pavel durov talk about in an interview with takir carlson? sergei shaigu instructed to simplify
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the reception. there are equipment and weapons


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