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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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a state of emergency due to flooding was introduced in ulana in two districts of buryatia in the tyumen region , 14 villages are being evacuated. sergei shaigu got acquainted with promising samples of military equipment. as a result, i instructed to simplify the acceptance of equipment and weapons if they were tested in the zone of a special military operation. registration of flights for departure from dubai airport has been stopped until tomorrow, the heaviest rainfalls in the last 70.
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special equipment and military-technical equipment from eighteen industrial enterprises, here are thirty promising weapons, a new lightly armored vehicle, sergei shaigu personally checked its driving performance. lightweight protected special vehicles of this line are designed for transporting personnel and performing combat missions by special forces units using the installation.
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life of military personnel. among the presented samples are a multifunctional sleeping module, equipment for sanitary treatment, washing of personnel and for preparing food in the field. there are also small-sized dry rations, these are for a week, rations for 2-3 days with ammunition, breakfast with him, lunch, dinner, completion of the inspection sergei shaigu instructed to simplify as much as possible the procedure for accepting promising weapons into service if they were tested in the special operation zone and received positive results, and also if the enterprise is ready as soon as possible timeframes to establish their serial production. maria valieva, news.
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an air raid alert was announced in nine ukrainian regions this morning, sirens sounded in vinnetsk, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev, odessa, poltava, sumy, kharkov and cherkassy regions. earlier , the alarm was also declared in the kiev region; local media reported a series of explosions in krivoy rog, as well as in chernigov and the region. in the kiev-controlled part of the kherson region, according to the local administration , some port infrastructure was damaged. also reported. russian attack aircraft liquidated two strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporozhye direction, the combat mission was carried out by the unit of senior lieutenant ruslan ikoev, he arrived at the front as a volunteer from south ossetia 2 years ago with anton stepanenko spoke with the commander of the assault company. they jumped out in thirty, gave them
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500 pieces of high-explosive fragmentation to the jazz and worked normally, footage of the night battle of the storm kvais unit on the western sector of the zaporozhye battle front, the infantry vehicle dismantled two enemy strongholds, for a few minutes they dismantled it. explosions recorded by objective control confirm this. the distance is no more than a thousand m. in this video , the commander of the assault company ruslan ikoev from the kornet anti-tank missile system destroys an enemy fortification, works with over a distance of 4.5 km, objective control again confirms the effectiveness. for this very performance, ruslan was awarded. the order of courage, the cross of st. george, medals for courage and suvorov, but for what exactly he is keeping silent, being modest, we won’t tell everything in detail, but for the fact that we stormed, we carried out any tasks
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where we were sent, we always successfully and accurately completed everything tasks, what can be bad, doesn’t say anything, says all the time, everything ’s fine, everything, what’s normal, he’s wounded i was also there, i didn’t even know, ruslan began performing tasks in the northern military district zone with the rank of ifreiter in april 22, voluntarily signed a contract and became a military machine gunner, fought well, after 2 years he had the shoulder straps of a senior lieutenant on his shoulders, it turned out that when i arrived here, uh, the company commander received a shrapnel, he... was collected in the hospital, instead of him i stayed here, that is , i’m already a company, it turned out that for success, for conscientious service, then from above they also looked at me, i’m great dealt with
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company, and was awarded the first rank of lieutenant last year, he comes from the town of kvaisa, in south ossetia in this republic. together with the russian army, the militia repelled the georgian aggression and finally ended that war, which is why in february of the twenty -second year a huge number of south ossetian volunteers considered the north ossetia their own, in which it is impossible not to fight, they joined the ranks of the russian army, it is his duty to defend their homeland, there will definitely be victory for us, i feel everyone knows this. anton stepanenko, valery distillers, news: zaporozhye front. the federation council supported the candidacy of irina podnosovan, and the post-chairman of the supreme court of russia. in addition, senators are discussing
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a law on holding the world friendship games, a law on supporting young professionals, and a ban on involving debt collectors in collecting debts for housing and communal services. all the details about anna voronina, she is with us. in direct communication with the federation council. hello anna. the agenda is full, what should we focus on? hello vera. well, it should be noted that probably the most basic today there was an issue that was considered at the very beginning of the meeting, this is the issue of appointing the chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation; the day before, the candidacy of irina podnosova was unanimously approved by the federation council committee on constitutional legislation. it should be noted that the competition for this post was opened on march 1, and while still in the position of deputy. chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova was the only one who put forward her candidacy for this high position, and she has a lot of experience, 34 years in the judiciary system behind her, and here, of course, work in the courts of appeal, in regional courts, she, of course, has experience and work with criminal cases, and she also headed
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the judicial panel on economic disputes, such a huge career growth, with from the very bottom, almost to the very top. noted today the authorized representative of the president of russia to the federation council. for me, as a former practicing lawyer, it is extremely important that the candidate has worked on the ground. and if you want, from all this track record worthy list, where all stages of a judicial career are practically completed with dignity, i would highlight the position of chairman of the luga city court. what? what a city is, what a region is, this is russia in miniature, a person who worked on the land can cope with any task assigned. well, it should be noted that today the senators took and asked irina podnosova a lot of questions, in particular regarding the increase in the number of requests
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in civil cases, they were interested in what area, the most, most requests, and how she noted that of the 27 million such cases, almost half are pending. in april 2023, federal laws were adopted on the creation of courts of the russian federation in new territories on the procedure for selecting candidates for the initial composition of the courts. in september 2023, by resolution of the plenum of the supreme court of the russian federation , the day the courts began working was determined. on september 21, 2023, these courts began to work,
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a lot of work has been done and 500 federal judges have already been appointed to these courts, and work is now actively underway to creation of bodies of the judicial community in new territories. well, of course, perhaps the most important question that the senators were interested in today was how irina podnosova sees development. system in the russian federation, she noted that it is important to pay attention to the development of appellate courts, increasing the number of magistrates, as well as ensuring openness and accessibility of the judicial system. the system began to work, the cassation courts of appeal began to work, which are organized on the principle of extraterritoriality and continuous cassation. in of course, there is still a lot to be done in this direction; the courts are working well. well, there is something to do and something to do. now, of course, both openness and accessibility
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of justice are at a high level, all the same, we believe that there is also a lot of work to be done in this direction, which is related to informatization and digitalization of legal proceedings. in turn , the chairman of the federation council, valentina matvienko, spoke about the openness and accessibility of the judicial system, and also asked for special attention.
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free savings card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. prosecutor general igor krasnov called for concerted efforts in the fight against international terrorism at a meeting with cuban president miguel diaz caneli. despite strong pressure from outside, moscow and havana are faithful to the universal human principle of mutual respect, equality of justice, krasnov emphasized. implementing the path set by you by russian president vladimirovich putin, the prosecutor's offices of russia and cuba are interacting the widest range of relationships, including protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and combating crime. we will exchange modern practices on a variety of issues that are of mutual interest to us. advanced achievements in
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the field of treatment, prevention of infectious diseases, modern threats. biosafety challenges are discussed by participants at the first african-russian conference on infection control. the forum began work in uganda, bringing together leading experts from 13 countries from africa centers for disease control and prevention; and the world health organization's regional office for africa. the russian delegation was headed by the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. at the opening, she read a greeting from vladimir putin and spoke about global crises that contribute to growth. biological threats. there is a high risk of the emergence of a new pathogenic influenza virus. and in the twenty -third year, cases of human infection with avian influenza viruses were recorded in the uk, vietnam, spain, china, the united states, and also for the first time in south america, ecuador and
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chile. man-made biological threats are growing. today we are witnesses. taxi and the creators, the owner of telegram, the interview lasted just under an hour, for obvious reasons, tucker carlson dedicated one of the first questions to america, in particular why at one time pavel durov decided not to locate his office in the usa. too much attention from the fbi, no matter where we are in the us. let me give you an example: last time i was in the states, i had with me an engineer who works in
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telegram, cybersecurity employees or agents tried to secretly recruit him behind my back, that's what he told me. they wanted to find out how the codes worked, to find loopholes in order to possibly spy on users. according to durov, he has long accepted the fact that all the gadgets he uses are compromised. in addition to espionage, which the american authorities explain by security, durov was also prompted to refuse work and residence in san francisco by the crime situation in the city. i was attacked while in san francisco to the streets. this happened after my meeting with the founder of twitter in his office. i was returning. to the hotel at 8:00 pm, three big guys tried to snatch the phone out of my hands, at that moment i was tweeting that i had just met the founder of twitter, there was a small scuffle and even some blood was spilled, but i managed... hide. did this surprise you? it came as a shock to me. i travel a lot, but this was the first time i was attacked. the methods of doing business
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in the american way have left no less negativity. the founder of telegram noted unfair competition from politicized corporations that put their own interests above freedom of speech. i would say that the biggest pressure on telegram is not from the government, but from apple and google. when it's time. this can be said by people with very limited knowledge of where telegram came from, they can be encouraged by our competitors who see this as a successful way to discredit us, because telegram. spreads like wildfire. durov mentioned the meeting with his colleague mark zuckerberg, in particular story when the founder of facebook tried to borrow his ideas. we met
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mark more than 10 years ago. i still managed vkontakte and told them, mark and his colleagues, about our platform, application. it was an interesting meeting. in the end, they tried to copy not what we did, but how i described it to them. it was funny. i remember him... asking me: are we planning to start doing something on a global scale, on a global level? i answered: no, asked: is he going to try to enter my domestic russian market, where i worked? and he said no, and we both did exactly that after about a couple of weeks. at the end of the conversation, durov shared his views on the future. according to his forecasts, the telegram audience will exceed 1 billion users within a year; the service itself, whose team includes only about 30 engineers, will remain politically neutral.
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spring floods in russia have become the largest in the last few decades, in the kurgan region, the level of the tabol river is rapidly rising, about. thousand inhabitants. flood threatens in tyumen region almost hundreds of settlements, people are evacuated from 14 villages. the chesa
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flood regime was introduced in ulanud and two regions of buryatia. hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings went under water. military engineers undermine ice jams on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level in the tom river is decreasing, in the ob it is increasing. almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone. in the orenburg region, the flood is moving to the west of the region; in the affected areas they are preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis. and beyond the flood in the tyumen region, now our special correspondent, stanislav bernwalt, is following, he is in touch, greetings, stanislav, what is the current situation in the region? yes, hello, but in the tyumen region there is still an extremely tense flood situation. the most difficult moments are probably taking place in several regions, including kazansky. district and the ishim district of the region, but if you look at the hydrological bulletin for today, for example, and the village of ilyinka, which is located just in
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the kazan district, so there is the ishim river behind day it added 76 cm, reached a level of 884 cm at a critical level of 800, but nothing threatens the populated area itself, because it is located at a sufficient elevation, but it can be... surrounded by water, and if the water does spill , and this takes into account the fact that the water from kazakhstan has not yet arrived, that is, the head of the aquatic snake is still on the territory of kazakhstan, has not entered our country, that is, there will be much more water in the city of ishim, where we are now where we are, today the level is 394 cm, ishim added 50 cm here and the maximum critical level is 850, that is... ishim can reach another half to the critical level, but no one here is relaxing, because the water can come
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quickly, these are the numbers. will change, well , just at one moment, work is currently underway to strengthen the dam, we were able to communicate with the authorities, this is how the work is organized. today we are carrying out work, raising the crest of the dam, using bags by a meter, waiting for high water, so we have about 650 people, equipment, filling bags, delivering them to the dam, loading them, well, we do everything measures to protect both gardens and, accordingly, wastewater treatment plants. yes, honest city buildings are located not far from the river itself, so in those places they are now especially increasing this ridge of the dam so that the water still does not pass, because if these buildings are flooded, but you yourself understand, the drinking conditions in the city may change, well , just counted minutes, it’s very important that not only builders and specialists take part in the work, but also ordinary citizens, because well, there’s really a lot of water for
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big for everyone. and in order to prevent it, of course, it is necessary to use force, for several days people have been coming out, today we saw elderly people who come, fill bags with soil, and then deliver it to the dam in order to strengthen it, and the temporary temporary installations are working , temporary accommodation centers, people from areas of potential flooding are already arriving there, and everything is provided for them - food and water and medical care and the work of psychologists, let's listen and how is it organized? work and the people themselves, food for the organizations was organized by the ishimsky district, they bring it from the cafeteria, everything is in disposable dishes, everything is packaged, they deliver it to people’s rooms, they eat three meals: lunch, breakfast , dinner, so they put us in two rooms, one is larger, the other is smaller, how many of you are there, 10 people, eight children, they put us on a bus and brought us here, how is it
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here? arranged, very well, very well, medicine, polite, cultured, treated us well, and accordingly, all services are brought to maximum readiness, first of all, of course, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, we today we talked and found out what volumes of work are being carried out here directly in the ishim region and in the city of ishim. the situation is now under control. in the kazan municipal district, this is the village of kazanskoye, where the water is now rising and approaching the dam, for this purpose patrols have been organized to control it on a daily basis, where emergency situations ministry employees, including volunteers and local authorities, will monitor its condition in the event the need to take appropriate measures. well, right now, while we're going on air, right
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comes online. message from the ministry of emergency situations mailing list residents of the children's sanatorium pokhomova naleimova danger of flooding, urgent evacuation to a temporary detention facility, take documents, linen , medicines, well, such messages come, well, once an hour, and these messages cannot be neglected, indeed, if there is an opportunity, and there is one, it is necessary to evacuate, because high water is a big problem, colleagues, yes, stanislav, thank you, our special correspondent in the region told us about the flood in the tyumen region,
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