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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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in zhukovsky today they said goodbye to test pilot anatoly kvocher. on april 15 , it became known about his death, the united aircraft corporation reported that he had been seriously ill for a long time. kvocheru tested such military aircraft as the su-17, mig-29 and mig-31. he took part in thirty international salons and exhibitions, performed demonstration flights in more than twenty countries, and was also a participant in several ultra-long-distance flights. anatoly kvocher will be buried at the pontoon memorial cemetery. defenders of the fatherland, today colleagues they said goodbye to him, flying in the sky above the place of farewell. now let's talk about the weather: for the first time this year in the south of the european territory of russia the temperature will rise to +30°.
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the region in the morning exceeded the historical maximum, water is everywhere, some streets of settlements in the kazan region are flooded , dams are being hastily strengthened, residents of fourteen villages are being evacuated in the vyshinsky district, the regional center itself is defending itself with its own dam in the way of water , piles of rubble and tens of thousands of sandbags. microdistrict smylino, which is located on the right bank of tabola, now the most convenient way to get there is by boat, part of the road is flooded, the water level is rapidly approaching. to 9
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m, at the same time in the kitovsky district it had already exceeded 11 m. at night, residents of 40 streets of kitov were evacuated. residents of the neighboring belozersky district are advised to leave their homes; the following footage shows the situation today in the village of menshchikova. we are sailing beyond river 31, that ’s what’s ahead along the street, further there, unfortunately, we can’t help but take off, but there is water everywhere. in the orenburg region, water from the urals is used for water supply, while another river began to overflow - sakmara. the village of kushkul within orenburg is also under the protection of the dam. sakmara also goes to two more microdistricts. city authorities asked residents to prepare for a possible evacuation, ideally to leave to a safe place now. rivers are rampant in other regions of russia. in the khabarovsk territory, during an ice drift , a pedestrian bridge was demolished; it connected parts located on different banks. tyrma,
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about 20 people were cut off from civilization. in yakutia, the opening of the rivers is still far away, but spring there it also makes itself known. the first one took place in the western regions of the republic. real spring rain, and in some places it lasted for several hours. in st. petersburg at the same time, on the same morning, the morning began with snow. the transition of sediment into the solid phase was even recorded by the weather station at pulkovo airport. true, the beautiful white flakes did not fly from the sky for long. we have the opportunity to clearly visualize the process of heat advancement and to assess how large the territory is that spring still has to conquer from winter. arctic coast from the kara sea to... the siberian sea, where the great siberian rivers flow, is constrained by twenty-degree frosts, at the bottom of vehabi -5, while in the south of western siberia the night temperature was +7, the south of the russian plain is already painted in bright orange orange tones, it’s not even spring here, but a sultry summer .
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two factors contribute to powerful warming: firstly, an anticyclone in the south, and secondly, an extensive cyclonic system. the russian south, the southern urals and the south of siberia are under the influence of the warm. sectors of the cyclone, the air that this cyclone moves onto our territory has african origin. in the krasnodar territory in the rostov region +30. having reached siberia , of course, it has time to cool down; in addition, warming up is prevented by the rain clouds of the warm front, but even here the temperature will rise to 15-20°. over the basins of the ural and tabol rivers , under the influence of an anticyclone, the clouds are growing. the abi, irsha and ishim valleys will be in the zone of the most intense precipitation. small. the rain will fall in the central region; on the shores of the gulf of finland in the north there will be precipitation in the form of snow. in krasnodar the day before the air warmed up to +27. today with variable cloudiness will be even warmer. at the height of the day , the thermometer will exceed +30 for the first time this season. interestingly, this is
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far from the record. in 1957, on the same day , the maximum temperature was +34.3. kurgan in the coming days. the likelihood of precipitation is low, the thermometer readings will be almost 2 months ahead of the calendar, today it is not hot yet, in the afternoon it will be around +15, from friday the air in the city will warm up to +24 +26. it’s damp and cool in moscow, +13 this afternoon, it will rain, tomorrow no significant changes, on friday a portion of heat will reach moscow, precipitation is unlikely, the air will warm up to 17°. the forecast for the weekend... does not promise warmth +12-13 during the day, and sunday with rain, is that the forecast? alpha friday - supercake every week on alfabank cards.
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do not make fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, do not create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. now on to technology news, it has become known that the famous humanoid robot from boston dynamics will no longer be developed, what could be the reason, philip trofimov will tell you in the vesnet program. yandex found a way to apply its own. analyzing the content
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of the internet, which has been based on neural networks for so long, in how it all looks from the user’s point of view. in fact, now yandex search has a neural interface that, roughly speaking, humanizes the interaction, understands the natural language in the request, and responds with a humanly formulated answer to the question instead of a set of links. most simple. nation, another question is that the audience of yandex search is 50 million people every day,
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each neural network calculation requires significant resources, and neuro search is as free as a regular one, but there is a nuance: it is only available from a yandex browser or a proprietary mobile application, yes and there, in order to evaluate the innovation, you need to explicitly enable the new function. if we talk about what fundamental format we have chosen, so far there have been two main products, these are chats that appeared in the last year and... you can was to communicate only with a neural network or a search in which you could look for something on the internet, here is the miracle of the product that we are the first to distribute, in fact, from large companies to our entire audience in their hybrid, the search provides the most detailed information from any corner in the internet, and the neural network allows you to access it in human language and get the essence of the answers without opening the original source, although you can also access it right there, referring to the original source. here is a separate difficult point: on the one hand, neurosearch is intended give the user, ideally, a comprehensive
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answer to any question, however formulated. on the other hand, most sites live only due to the fact that search engines redirect users to them, who , along with the necessary information, also consume advertising. if the user received information without going to the site, then that site will have nothing to live on. discussions and even trials on the topic of how similar samarization of answers by the search engine itself to... links, even after receiving a comprehensive answer, and generally destroy the advertising business of sites does not seem to be in the interests of yandex, because they, as the largest advertising system from this business , have their own percentage, well, from the point of view of the users themselves, with the new neurosearch there may be another problem, the problem of choice, just the other day yandex screwed up its generative neural network to a digital assistant...
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and so on, and this, of course, is a product of a slightly different direction than search, but we are trying to make both tools universal, in this sense there is an intersection, well, one big world news, the famous boston dynamics laboratory said goodbye to the legendary anthropomorphic robot atlas, as it should be in the case of a media star, they said goodbye to a new, but
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obviously the last video on youtube, which collected the brightest, or the most significant moments in the history of the project. development of atlas began more than 10 years ago, initially as part of a pentagon advanced research projects agency competition, the goal of which was to create a humanoid, semi-autonomous rescue robot. since then, several generations of atlases have been created, each new the company diligently recorded the skill they acquired on videos, which invariably collected millions of views; in fact, the whole world watched for 10 years as the humanoid robot grew up, and during this time...
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messages from the news agency tape, with reference to the fsb, reported that he had been detained a courier who delivered to russia the components of a bomb that was used to blow up the car of a former sbu officer in moscow. against the backdrop of active financial military assistance to kiev , debts to the population are growing in britain. the national health service is in deep trouble crisis, residents line up for medical help; in the end , not everyone receives it. our own correspondent, alexander khabarov, will tell you the details. the british government has yet another failure, a complete fiasco with the promise of prime minister rishi sunak to solve the most painful problem, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word: to bring the national
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health care system out of the crisis. 7.5 million britons are in queues for routine examination or surgery, more than 10% of the country's population, and 300,000 of them have not been able to see a doctor for more than a year. the london times, which published these figures, cites thirty-eight-year-old nathaniel dyer as an example. he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. nathaniel waited more than 3 months for his diagnosis, instead of the officially established maximum of 62 days, which is also a long time. time spent in a state of complete ignorance. became a real torture for him. things like waiting for an mri to be done or a biopsy to be taken, then waiting for all those results to come back will be put through the system, all these little delays have accumulated and eventually turned into one big delay that could affect my recovery. i call them the 100 days of hell, it's especially hard
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when you're waiting and don't know if you have cancer or not. there are currently 170 patients in our department, 90 people are waiting in line, the waiting time for an appointment with a doctor is 7.5 hours, so if you return home and come here tomorrow morning at 8:00, you will still have to wait in line for free beds in our hospital doesn't have this video right now from the emergency department of one of the english hospitals was published by telegram last year, little has changed since then, official figures say that due to untimely treatment in england , an average of 250 people die every week, about 40,000 patients apply every month for emergency care, wait longer than 12 hours for a hospital bed. last year, 153,000 patients spent more than 24 hours in hospital waiting rooms before they could be
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admitted. for english medicine it is absolute anti-record, 50 times higher.
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i really understand and sympathize with you, but we , doctors, are not the decision makers here. the situation is almost catastrophic, as the british government admits. queues at the hospital, we couldn't cope, we screwed up? yes, because you promised that the queues at the hospital would be reduced, frankly speaking, they are immediately reduced. more than half a million citizens are in line for an appointment, which is more than at the beginning of last year. do you admit it? yes, and we all know the reasons for this. opposition liberal democrats released data on unsanitary conditions in public hospitals in england, where over the past 3 years , 18,000 unpleasant incidents with the appearance of insects and rodents in rooms where ideal cleanliness should be maintained were recorded. it is reported that. in one of the hospitals , black insects bit staff on the legs. there were a lot of flies in the hospital, and behind the walls you could hear rustling and sounds of animals surrendering.
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traces of rats were found in another hospital, and a dead pigeon was found in a third. lib dem leader ed davey has demanded that the cabinet immediate action. the opposition liborists joined these demands. healthcare is experiencing the most severe crisis in history, level. terrifying, we all love our healthcare, everyone has a salvation story, but there is not enough love here, reforms and investments are needed. british politicians are throwing out slogans, but cannot fully explain what went wrong. the national health service, known locally as nhs, was formed in britain after the second world war. a good idea to provide for all britons free healthcare generally worked, but problems accumulated over the years. two powerful ones. the nhs has taken a hit over the past 10 years, the pandemic and brexit. the break with the european union broke the usual pattern of hiring specialists from other countries. many decided to leave, leaving
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behind vacancies that no one could fill. the shortage of doctors in the public health care system has made itself felt before, but now it has acquired a completely different scale, lengthening the queues for appointments with specialists many times over. for example, i had a sheet in the department for 6 weeks waiting for the routine. patient, it’s just that for russian people the very concept of a waiting list is this thing incomprehensible, when i arrived here, the first consultant who allowed me to sit with him at his appointments proudly said that he had a waiting list of 3 months, and i decided, god, he is probably the best consultant in the world, if i’ve been waiting for him for 3 months, i couldn’t even understand what a waiting list is, but now i know that 6 weeks is routine, i can be proud of it, this was before covid, but after...
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the situation because nurses get paid it’s not enough, the doctors were on strike here, young doctors, why were they on strike, because their salary is 14 pounds per hour, on this salary they
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pay tax, and the minimum is the minimum wage per hour, now, in my opinion , it’s 12 pounds or 11 with something well, these are doctors, the responsibility is insane. to be honest, these problems arose a long time ago. the nhs is suffering historically, but the problems need to be solved, so we have to fast. we can’t go back and say that things were worse once upon a time, we has nothing to do with it. people like me survived everything, we survived the pandemic. during covid, the prime minister and his team thanked us with applause, but you can’t put it on the table. during the olympic show in london 2012, labor was highlighted.
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a situation has arisen where, instead of attracting additional specialists, the public health care system pushes them away; many doctors prefer to go to other countries where there are better working conditions and prices that are not as high as in britain. when compared with other countries, then great britain is squeezing the last juice out of its doctors, and they are voting with their feet. the country has a huge problem with tax evasion, offshore schemes, and huge corporations. pay ridiculous taxes and do not participate in the development of society. following the doctors , patients, desperate to stand in line for an appointment, flocked abroad. they go where it’s cheaper and don’t have to wait for months. to undergo surgery on the hip joint, briton annabelle haris went to lithuania; in england, she was offered hospitalization after a year and a half, but the pain was already unbearable. bone literally rubs against bone. one day may be better, but overall things only
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get worse as they come. 80% of patients come from the uk, and my roommate also turned out to be a citizen of the united kingdom. if i went to a private clinic in london, the operation alone would cost me £17, but coming here you get the full package for half that price. this is amazing. while it’s still a little hard to lift my leg, i really sympathize with those people who have no choice, it remains just wait, what is happening today with our healthcare system is very sad. the uk national health service today actually has a whole range of problems: lack of staff, funds, an aging population, rising costs of equipment and drugs, but where
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are there not the same difficulties now? the question seems to be: how are they dealt with? the current medical problems will certainly leave a deep political mark; it will be very difficult for the ruling conservatives to remain in power when, in many areas, only in healthcare, there is a complete dead end, so after the general elections, another ruling party will most likely have to deal with the rubble, and it is not a fact that it will have quick success in this matter. by the way. who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, you can white rose, i can, you’ll sing somehow, brusey, she’s alive, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or whatever, don’t touch her, not yours, well, you, krumashka, light of god, homer to machine gun, there is something to do, commander, what
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to do, passenger’s call sign, i suggest changing the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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spring floods in russia have become the worst...


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