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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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spring floods in russia have become the
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largest in the last few decades. in the kurgan region , the level of the tobol river is rapidly rising, about 19,000 residents may be at risk. in the tyumen region, floods threaten almost hundreds of settlements; people are being evacuated from 14 villages. a state of emergency due to floods was introduced in ulan-d in two regions of buryatia. hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings went under water. military engineers undermine ice jams on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level is the tom river decreases, but in the ob it rises. almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone. and in the orenburg region, the flood is moving to the west of the region. the affected areas are preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis. the flood situation in the orenburg and tomsk regions is being monitored by our correspondents: margarit semenyuk and andrey malanov. they are in direct contact. hello.
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845 cm, in one day the river has increased by more than half a meter, now the evacuation of residents from the settlements of kushkul is actively underway, the eighteenth crossing and podmayachny, i would also note that the road leading to the stepanovsky farm is also now blocked, precisely because of the rise in the water level in sokmar, only...
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tires of entrepreneurs who bring things and essential products, with in this case, in the orenburg region in the village of prigorodnoye , about 150 houses are now flooded, the water there is also already leaving and the first houses are being freed from water, i would also note that the water is gradually leaving both orenburg and orsk, but now the situation is extremely difficult in legsky district, where the water is just rising, we were able to drive through about four settlements in the oleksky district. and we looked for ourselves, indeed the water is approaching the houses, partially, some areas are flooded, not critically, but employees of the ministry of emergency situations and rescue centers are on duty in order to evacuate people from populated areas as quickly as possible, and the mayor of orenburg sergei salmin again said which settlements are now in danger of flooding, i suggest you listen to his commentary. the following areas are at risk of flooding: orenburg districts: kushkul village. podmayachny
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and eighteenth crossing. i urge orenburg residents to prepare for the possible arrival of water, collect the necessary things and documents in advance and be prepared to evacuate. an unfavorable situation is developing in the villages of gorodishche, krasnokholm, and the villages of krasny partizan and troitsky. the great water of the urals came to them. residents are being evacuated in troitsky and krasny partizan. orenburg rescuers, special equipment and buses for transporting people are on site. also now , residents affected by the powerful flood write application for material assistance, financial support, in case of partial loss and complete loss of property, i note that hundreds of thousands of applications are currently being processed, the first hundred thousand people have already received a one-time payment in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. already now, an assessment commission is starting to work, which inspect each house and write down almost in pencil what...
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petukhova, minister of economic development, investment, tourism, external relations of the orenburg region. the construction commission began to work, within the framework of this support program that the federal ministry of construction has approved, we will pay each resident whose house was damaged and cannot be restored, based on 68,000 per square meter, that is, if the house was 70 km, then about 5 million rubles. the resident will receive the second, if... the house was not completely flooded, but flooded, that is , repair work can be carried out, then the payment will be in the range of 7,000 per square meter.
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the government of the russian federation is also now actively monitoring the situation in the region. the orenburg region was sent 50,000 doses of hepatitis vaccines and vaccination has already started, about 25,000 residents of the orenburg region have been vaccinated. we wrote a second letter from the governor to the government of the russian federation and we were approved for the allocation of another 70 thousand doses, this vaccine is stored in the government reserve in the city of novosibirsk, yesterday after we received confirmation that it would be allocated, we immediately organized the delivery of the car. yesterday she left novosibirsk, we are expecting her on thursday morning. and i’ll add that varenburg is now over 6,500 houses and over 11 thousand household plots were flooded, almost 2,000 people were evacuated. in orsk,
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over 400 buildings were freed from water in a day, but in the legsky district they are now strengthening the grouping of forces of the ministry of emergency situations to overcome the flood and minimize the consequences of the flood. colleagues, yes, thank you, margarita, now tomsk, andrey, over to you. good afternoon, colleagues, we are now on the tami embankment, somewhere around 2 km, downstream, from me there is a hydrological observation post, 3 hours ago, from there the latest data has arrived in this area, the water level in tom has dropped by another 10 cm. the second post is located in the area of ​​the communal bridge, there is also a minus there, there is minus 20 cm, the volume is leaving, despite this, the river is standing, there is a thick ice shell in the river area station, has not gone away, in connection with this, due to
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the difficult ice situation in the outskirts of the city, the tomsk hydromed issued a warning, a storm warning that in the rivers that flow within the city... are on the left bank of the tamiya i have behind, and not behind the river, there, there very soon it will already be possible to get through, information has just arrived again that the restored verkhinina highway, there was
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a four-hundred-meter overflow with a length of 400 m, now you can drive there by car, in total in the tomsk region there are five overflows under the control of the ministry of emergency situations. highways, this is about the tomi, here it is, it continues to advance, there are no fresh data, but for the day there has not yet been received, but nevertheless, in the molchanov area there is an increase in the water level by 20 to 26 cm, the koltashev authorities organized house tour in order to warn people, tell them what to do if... big water comes to their houses, to their garden plots, oh, the river is very wide and deep, and well, the highest, the highest level , the highest, plus it is in the korgosobsky north in the area in the regional center of korgasok + 41 cm, and despite this, all these
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indicators, although they generally look quite scary, they are all well below some critical levels, we are monitoring . yes, thank you, andrey, and the flood situation is tob orenburg regions, told by andrey malanov and margarit semenyuk. in the case of blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozurov, a second defendant has appeared in moscow. the fsb detained a man who delivered components for an explosive device to russia. the parts were disguised as manicure tools and hair care products. the package for the terrorist was collected in warsaw and sent to lithuania, where it fell into the hands of a courier, who handed over the components directly to the contractor. the second detainee was a citizen.
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i need a car like this. the medical robotic complex is equipped with all the necessary equipment and is in great demand in the area of ​​a special military operation. its main task is the quick and safe evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. this is the first time this vehicle has been shown publicly. defense minister sergei shaigu personally inspected it and instructed the developers to launch mass production. today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line. do this as safely as possible, of course, at the front you need to test everything to launch, at
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the patriot convention and exhibition center, the head of the russian military department was presented with more than thirty promising models of weapons, special equipment and military equipment from eighteen industrial enterprises, here is a new lightly armored vehicle, i personally checked its driving performance. special vehicles of this line are designed to transport personnel and carry out combat missions by special forces units with the help of installed multi-target small arms sergei shaigu ordered the work-technical complex for fire support for the protection of objects and the evacuation of the wounded from the front line to be equipped with additional machine-gun firepower, which will allow the vehicle to be used during an assault. if we take it and make it like an assault rifle, we
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need to insert 12.7 here. the minister of defense was informed about the development of a promising wearable artillery fire control automation system, which makes it possible to significantly increase the speed of transmitting target designations to artillery crews. time guidance up to 30 seconds. but here is everything necessary to ensure the livelihoods and organization of life of military personnel. among the presented samples are a multifunctional sleeping module, equipment for sanitary treatment, washing of personnel and for preparing food in field conditions, and there are also small-sized dry rations. this is for a week, rations for 2-3 days with ammunition, he has breakfast, lunch, dinner. at the end of the inspection, sergei shaigu instructed to simplify the procedure for accepting promising weapons into service as much as possible, if they have passed tests in the area of ​​the event.
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access to promising scientific technologies, as well as the latest trends in the field artificial intelligence. these. many other issues were discussed today by the participants of the data fusion conference, which started in moscow. our correspondent, maria filippova, is working on the spot and is now in direct contact. maria, greetings, we are waiting for details from you, which was discussed at the conference. alexander, greetings, the two-day data fusion forum started with a plenary session, the main issue of which was the technological future of russia, namely the development of artificial intelligence. and today high technology is still an important part achieving that very technological sovereignty, the very task that the president set, today increased funding is allocated for these purposes, this is how russian prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about support for the it sector. we are consistently improving the regulatory environment, launching experimental legal regimes, increasing
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the training of specialists for the it sector, and generally providing assistance. broad assistance to organizations in this industry, this includes a preferential rate for income tax, reduced tariffs insurance premiums, separate preferences for employees, and much, much more, as a result, we now have about 20 thousand accredited companies; in total , more than 850 thousand people work in the industry. russia is launching. a separate national project that will help the development of technology, it is called the data economy, including its task is to build a holistic mechanism for collecting, analyzing and processing data. in general, today the speakers note: russia feels... good, confident in the world high technology, the main thing is this trend preserve and, of course, increase achievements. to this end, the program includes unprecedented measures to support new
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developments and scientific research, these are , first of all, grants, subsidies, preferential loans amounting to more than 130 billion. the government will also continue to help develop infrastructure and data transmission networks, of course. in various ways, including through the creation of a satellite constellation, new data centers, connecting social institutions, primarily to high-speed internet, as an effect of the implementation of the national the project expects an increase in labor productivity, and of course changes in the income and expenses of various industries, for example, income should increase from 1 to 6%, and expenses...
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financial messages and the centralization of the payment system of the bank of russia itself, we did all this simply to the maximum tight deadlines, and what is very important, this was done with the resources of our it specialists from our it companies. and today the emphasis in achieving technological sovereignty is on supporting science, on training our scientists, on these goals today increased finance stands out.
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can be called a global technological race; russia, while possessing a strong mathematical school, it should be noted, also takes an active part in this process. in general, the development of artificial intelligence will have an impact on various sectors of the economy, on many areas of our lives, and today, by the way, for example, artificial intelligence is especially actively used by the oil and gas sector. well, for example, banks as well, they trust neural networks to fight fraudsters, as well as to make decisions on loans, a selection of individual products for clients and much more. it seems to me that it is very
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important, when speaking about the practical impact on our future, to talk about two absolutely necessary elements, without which we will not achieve success: the creation of appropriate computing power and information security. only in complex, solving this triune task, application solutions, neural networks, infrastructure and security, will we move forward; today, protection from hacking scammers, the speakers note, is necessary bring it to a new level, and for this it is possible to combine the efforts of various departments, in general, technology issues in russia ultimately mark a large window of opportunity, it is important...
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the supreme court of russia will be headed by irina podnosova, her candidacy was unanimously approved by the senators today, and congratulated podnosova on her appointment valentin matvienko was handed a copy of the resolution. speaker soffeda noted that the new chairman knows the entire judicial system and understands what needs to be worked on. anna voronina will continue the topic. question about appointment new chairman. supreme court of the russian federation was considered today at the very beginning of the meeting. the day before , irina podnosova’s candidacy was unanimously approved by the federation council committee on constitutional legislation. the competition for this post was opened on march 1. irina podnosova, being the deputy chairman of the supreme court , was the only one who put forward her candidacy. as a judge, irina podnosova has 34 years of work experience in regional courts and appellate courts. she also had criminal practice.
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in addition, she headed the judiciary. what is a city, what is a region, this is russia in miniature, a person who worked on the land can cope with any task. it should be noted that today the senators asked irina podnosova many questions, for example, about the increase in the number of appeals in civil cases. she noted that last year, out of 27 million such cases, almost half were proceedings on credit legal relations, slightly less on housing and communal collections; senators were interested in the issue of developing courts on new
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territories. in april 2023 , federal laws were adopted on the creation of courts of the russian federation in new territories on the procedure for selecting candidates for the initial composition of the courts. in september 2023, by resolution of the plenum of the supreme court of the russian federation, the day the courts began to work was determined, this is september 21, 2023 , these courts began to work.
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this is the humanization of the judicial system of the criminal procedure code and so on, and, by the way, a lot has been done recently, and irina leonidova is a supporter of further humanization, criminal justice code of the criminal procedure code, the judicial system as a whole, the candidacy of irina podnosova for senator of the federation council was unanimously supported, and now she is officially appointed head of the supreme court of the russian federation. anna voronina, dmitry vaskoboynikov, yuri lepatnikov, valentina velichanskaya, vesti, the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government.


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