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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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in the case of blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozurov in moscow , new defendants have appeared. the fsb reported that the messenger who delivered the components of the explosive device was detained. they were disguised as manicures.
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presented more than thirty promising models of weapons, special equipment and military-technical equipment from eighteen industrial enterprises to the head of the russian military department, here is the new one:
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a lightly armored vehicle, sergei shaigul personally checked its driving characteristics. lightweight, protected special transport the vehicles in this line are designed to transport personnel and carry out combat missions by special forces units using installed small arms. multi-purpose work-technical complex for fire support, security of objects and evacuation of the wounded. sergei shaigu ordered that the front line be equipped with additional machine-gun firepower, which will allow the vehicle to be used during an assault. if we take it and make it like an assault one, we need to pack here 12.7. the minister of defense was informed about the development of a promising wearable an automation complex for artillery fire control, which allows you to greatly increase the speed of transmitting target designations to artillery crews.
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guidance time is up to 30 seconds, this is everything necessary to ensure the life activity and organization of life of military personnel. among the presented samples are a multifunctional sleeping module, equipment for sanitary treatment, washing of personnel and for preparing food in field conditions, and there are also small-sized dry rations. this is a week's worth of rations for 2-3 days with ammunition, as they say he has breakfast, lunch, dinner. at the end of the inspection, sergei shaigu instructed to simplify as much as possible the procedure for accepting promising weapons into service if they were tested in the special operation zone and received positive results, and also if the enterprise is ready to establish their serial production as soon as possible. maria valieva, news. russian units improved the situation in the donetsk and yuzhnodonetsk directions, and also occupied more advantageous positions in the kupinsk direction. this
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was reported to the ministry of defense. on avdeevsky direction, the tactical position was also improved, and eight enemy counterattacks were repelled. groupings of troops in the center through active actions improved the tactical situation and defeated the formation of 24-47 and 59 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of novgorodskoye, nitaylovo and karlovka in the donetsk people's republic. during the day, eight counterattacks were repelled by units of the twenty-fifth airborne, sixty- eighth and seventy-first jaeger brigades, 23, 115 mechanized brigades and seventy-eighth separate air assault regiment. armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements leninskoye, novokalinovo, pervomaiskoye, umanskoye and berdyche of the donetsk people's republic. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces per day amounted to up to 330 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three cars and a 122 mm d-30 howitzer.
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an air raid alert was declared in nine ukrainian regions this morning. sirens sounded in vinnitsa, dnepropetrovsk, kirovograd, nikolaev, odessa, poltava, sumy. kharkov and cherkasy regions. earlier, the alarm was also announced in kyiv region. local media reported a series of explosions in krivoy rog, as well as chernigov and the region. the participation of the kherson region, controlled by kiev, according to the local administration, some port infrastructure was damaged. there were also reports of explosions in odessa. approval of aid to ukraine in the us congress is unlikely to take place this week, about this.
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dates and air defense systems. this is precisely what, according to the new york times , the ukrainian army is critically lacking, and vulnerabilities are accumulating like a snowball. if there is no ammunition and missile defense, then the bulk of the war falls on the infantry, because of this it is necessary to throw unprepared soldiers into battle. while the united states is mired in internal political struggle, the europeans have to take the rap for them. i am pleased that 20 people have now joined our initiative
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since artillery units last fired shells. one soldier from the front line complained to us about this. the morale of the soldiers is undermined by merciless bombing, lack of modern weapons and losses on the battlefield. potential recruits are evading conscription, and many
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have left the country altogether. and ukraine’s chances of turning the situation in its favor are decreasing, writes the wall street journal. the newspaper notes that due to large losses, there are more and more incomplete and heterogeneous ones. like the green transition, sustainability policies, migration, sanctions and military policies, they have all failed, the current leadership of the european union must go, we need new leaders, and we also need to recognize the new reality, says... one european politician whose position is at odds with brussels installations. according to the prime minister of slovakia, talk about territorial integrity and the inviolability of borders in the case of ukraine is only a theory of international law. but in reality, robert fitze emphasized, russia will never leave crimea and donbass. ekaterina shamaeva,
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vesti. spring floods in russia have become the largest in the last few decades. in the kurgan region. the level of the tabol river is rapidly rising. about 19,000 residents may be at risk. flood threatens in tyumen region almost a hundred settlements. people are being evacuated from 14. hundreds of summer cottages and residential buildings have gone under water, military engineers are blasting ice jams on the selenga river, in the tomsk region the water level in the tom river is decreasing and the wabi is rising, almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone. in the orenburg region, the flood is moving to the west of the region in the affected areas. preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis. the russian ministry of emergency situations is strengthening
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the group of rescuers in the legsky district of the orenburg region. they are preparing for serious increase in water level. there are already 10 settlements in the flood zone. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk, works in the region. she is in direct contact with us again. margarit, greetings, when they expect the water level to rise and how, of course, how the situation is developing now. yes, alexander, greetings, but i want to say that the situation in orenburg is now stabilizing, the water in many microdistricts, settlements and snt is already receding, now the level is 10 m 96 cm, but i would like to note now that in the region we are receiving various assistance from different regions of russia to eliminate the flood, now we are driving the amphibian snow and swamp vehicle arkhan, which... arrived from st. petersburg, you can pay attention, we are now sailing on an all-terrain vehicle through a flooded
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residential complex, helping people who still remain in their apartments, we bring humanitarian aid together with the first deputy head of orenburg, alexei kudinov, and i propose now to listen to his comments about the aid that is coming to orenburg region from other regions of russia. due to the flood, all regions from all over the russian federation come to orenburg, help us, some with pumps, some with building materials, some with water, food, some with special equipment, well, i ’ll note that the level of the urals, orenburg, near ivoorsk is decreasing, but at the same time there is now an increase in the sokmara river, under the threat of flooding, the northern part of orenburg, and i suggest you listen. commentary from orenburg mayor sergei solmin, he will tell you which areas are at
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risk of flooding. at risk of flooding fall into the following districts of orenburg. the village of kushkul, under the car wash and the eighteenth crossing. i urge orenburg residents to prepare for the possible arrival of water, collect the necessary things and documents in advance and be prepared to evacuate. an unfavorable situation is developing in the villages of gorodishche and krasnokholm. in the villages of krasny partizan and troitsky, the great water of the urals came to them. residents are being evacuated in troitsky and krasny partizan. orenburg rescuers, special equipment and buses for transporting people are on site. i would like to note that many residents of the affected areas in snt and residential areas are acutely concerned about the issue of payments of material assistance, financial support, as well as the restoration of destroyed houses from the flood. now i propose to listen to the commentary, the construction commission has begun to work,
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within the framework of the support program that the federal ministry of construction has agreed upon, we will pay each resident whose house was damaged and cannot be restored an amount based on 68,000 per square meter, well that is, if the house was 70 km, then the resident will receive about 5 million rubles, the second, if the house was not completely flooded, but flooded, that is... our special correspondent in the region, margarita semenyuk, is monitoring the orenburg region.
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the president of georgia, solome zurbishvili, said that she would veto the bill on foreign agents if it is adopted by parliament in three readings. she explained that she would do this because the document contradicts the strategy and recommendations of the european union. however, zorubishvili is confident that the parliamentary majority will eventually override her veto. previously today. the opposition tried to disrupt the voting and the speaker was even forced to remove several instigators from the hall. following them, he left the hall in protest.
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centers for disease control and prevention, as well as from the world health organization's regional office for africa. the russian delegation was headed by the head of rospotrebnadzor, anna popova.
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watched tucker carlson's interview with pavel durov on youtube, the founder of telegram spoke about his business, shared his views on politics and explained why at one time he refused to do business in the usa. details from artyom krosulin. from the first steps in the it industry to plans for the future, extremely rare for the founder of vkontakte and the creators of the owner of telegram. the interview
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lasted just under an hour. for obvious reasons, tucker carlson devoted one of his first questions to america, in particular.
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and apple and google, when it comes to free speech, and these two platforms are able to essentially censor everything that you can read, that you can access on your smartphone. in a similar vein entrepreneur and explained the notorious accusation that his platform allegedly serves the interests of the kremlin. this can be said by people with very limited knowledge of where
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telegram came from, they can be encouraged by our competitors who see this as a successful way to discredit us, because telegram is spreading like wildfire. durov mentioned a meeting with his colleague mark zuckerberg, in particular the story when the facebook founder tried to borrow money. market where i was working and he said no and we both did exactly that after about a couple weeks at the end of the conversation, durov shared his views on the future. according to his forecasts,
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telegram’s audience will exceed 1 billion users within a year; the service itself, with only about thirty engineers on its team, will remain politically neutral. durov generally called freedom the main priority, the need imposed by the current world order to take one side or another as the main threat to humanity. artyom krosulin, news! the first dry cargo ship arrived at the lga cargo port under construction in the khabarovsk territory. this port is the endpoint pacific railway from the coal fields of yakutia to the kokhot sea. read more elizaveta iyurova. from a bird's eye view of the water area we see somonorian giant geometric figures. port elga, emerald coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk. the first one is ready. i pour three like this over and over again, achieving the desired height. the future coal terminal in the khabarovsk territory will require millions of tons of rock. work not only on land
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conquers the surface of the sea. divers measure the depth of structures and check all parameters. in in the future, the capacity of the port, the end point of the pacific railway, is 50 million tons of coal per year directly from the elginskoye deposit in yakutia. we are the first people to land here, maybe even in many centuries, that’s why. we encountered difficulties immediately. yuri gvozdikov, one of the pioneers, he will not forget how 3 years ago they set up tents and lit fires on the then wild beach. a former sailor and ship captain, the appearance of industrial facilities here is considered an example of exceptional heroism. a unique place for okhotsk the seas, even, there are very large tidal currents here, which are semi-diurnal and the entire construction technology is absolutely unique, nothing like this has been built anywhere in russia. but the nature of the sound of the sea is changeable, a clear day is replaced by a squally wind, icebergs and ice floes float past with the current. nevertheless, the equipment moves, no one stops, work
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is carried out around the clock, despite any natural disasters. a summer protection dam is provided so that weather conditions do not delay loading. a contract was signed for the construction of ice-class tugs for the icebreaker hermes is on duty, because heavy equipment, diesel locomotives with platform cars travel only by sea. almost 3.00 people live and work in the akhtovoy village, who with daily difficult work accelerate the construction of the century in a difficult-to-reach territory, despite the fact that the nearest settlement, the village of chimykan, is only 50 km away, in impassable taiga. helicopter noise is a common thing here, there are no roads in the area, the cape, where large-scale construction has begun, can only be reached by air, specialists from all over have landed here corners of the country, pavel bakhmatsky and staganrog, it is recognized in the south that there is no
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oil supply to the world market. how much has the export potential in russia grown, despite the sanctions, taras kucherenko looked into it, he is joining the broadcast, taras, hello,
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what are we today? we supply the most at the moment. hello, alexander, most of all fuel and mineral resources. it is difficult for japan to refuse russian lng. 9% of imports annually is a significant figure, especially for one of the largest buyers of liquefied natural gas in the world. from here a statement in the japanese mussels that they want to retain shares in the sakhalin-1 and sakhalin-2 oil and gas projects. and here is yet another confirmation that energy security is more important than sanctions solidarity. japan increased lng imports from russia in march by more than 35%. official data from the local ministry of finance. another blow to the reputation of the officials who introduced all the restrictions. and this is the day after the news from bloomberg that our country supplied a record amount of oil over the past year. russia has increased lng, with china, with turkey over the past
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year by 1.4 times, with india one and a half times, and for the first time in the last 5 years we supplied our lng to brazil, european countries are also increasing russian lng, for example, greece in the twenty -third year increased russian lng by 4 and a half times. last year was difficult for exporters. the cost of hydrocarbons was falling, and it took time to find new partners. according to rosstat, the share of exports in gdp in the twenty-third year turned out to be. the lowest since 2011, about 23%. the central bank considered that goods and services at this time almost $500 billion was sold. in the twenty-fourth, experts suggest that the situation will be difficult, but positive. in fact, here it is important to note that, in principle, these 2 years, which were spent on reorienting russian exports of petroleum products, were not in vain, yes,
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we had record ones. there the values ​​in the twenty -second year, in the twenty-third year they decreased, but in principle that reorientation, in terms of relations with partners, it happened in principle, the base that exists now, it tends to in order to show positive dynamics in the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years. at the same time, europe, which tried in every possible way to abandon economic relations with russia, is gradually restoring business. in february, eu countries purchased more than half a million tons. fertilizers by 167 million euros, with belgium increasing purchases fivefold, bulgaria and germany approximately twofold, and lithuania, which did not buy russian grain for almost six months, made a new order; in february they imported more than 12 thousand tons, a definite impact on the russian economy , these sanctions certainly have an impact, another question is that they are much more destructive, specifically for the european economy and...
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therefore, so to speak, there comes a certain awareness that, well, somehow we need to survive, yes, the americans, the americans are there overseas, yes, far away, and it’s not clear what they will do next, yes, but here it’s kind of necessary, we need to navigate, europe acts a little according to this principle, russia was able to redirect supplies of lumber, exports to turkey increased threefold, expert this is associated with the restoration of the country after earthquakes last year and does not exclude re-export to europe, the eu countries were the largest buyers, so far it will be difficult to replace this market.
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