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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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well, now personnel from the presidential press service, let's start with... floods, we've been communicating with kurenkov's first report for a day, let's report, please, alexander vyacheslavovich, we reported yesterday, well, you and i are practically everyone today, what the situation looks like, dear, dear colleagues , in a number of constituent entities of the russian federation there is an unfavorable situation associated with the passage of the spring flood; today the situation in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions requires special attention. steel several times
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less than the values ​​that were at the end of march, beginning of april. although the water level in the cities i mentioned is above dangerous levels, we are noticing its steady decline. the flood wave moves downstream of the ural river and approaches the village of ilek, on the border with kazakhstan. water level. here it has already reached the level of a dangerous phenomenon. in advance, the forces of the territorial subsystem of the rschs carried out a set of preventive measures, and coastal defense structures were strengthened. water-filling stations have been installed in some areas dams. today, in the orenburg region, in 76 settlements and 45 snt, more than 15 thousand residential buildings, almost 23 household plots and 26 people, including 203
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children, remain flooded. medical workers, psychologists, employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the national guard are on duty at all sites. people receive hot meals, legal assistance and comprehensive support. the ministry of emergency situations of russia, together with the authorities of the subject, organized work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency situation and provide assistance to the victim to the population. held. pumping out water, removing waste material and decontaminating territories, decontamination of territories, additional pumping groups and a reserve of heat pumps for drying houses are being formed, work has been organized on the collection, delivery and distribution of humanitarian aid. speaking of this, first of all it is worth thanking all caring people, as well as organizations and even entire constituent entities of the russian federation, who did not stand aside in difficult times and help those who are in trouble. food,
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bottled water, clothing and essentials necessary supplies are delivered to the emergency zone in an organized manner and distributed among the affected population. volunteers and citizens provide us with great assistance in this work, and they also deserve our warmest words of gratitude. it should be noted that not all people agreed to move to temporary accommodation centers; some of them decided to live in cars, tents, or flooded houses.
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this information is disseminated through the media, the internet, and leaflets. the phone is running hot lines, door-to-door visits and organized meetings with the population are carried out. the russian ministry of emergency situations has deployed mobile information and warning systems to the region. the government of the orenburg region has organized work to pay material assistance to the affected population who find themselves in the emergency zone. are updated daily, posted on official resources and published on social networks. i have already reported on this, but i think it is important to note again that most of the applications for payments are submitted through the state services portal. this the mechanism significantly simplifies the entire process of providing assistance to citizens. reducing the time
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it takes for money to arrive in the applicant’s account. this result was achieved primarily thanks to the early decision to digitalize this process. dear. on april 9 and 15 , a meeting of the government commission was held in the city of orsk, in which additional steps were developed to eliminate the consequences of the emergency situation in the orenburg region and measures to provide assistance to the affected population. also to the subjects of the russian the federation was given instructions to carry out additional preventive measures. as for the kurgan region, here the flood wave came directly to the city of kurgan. we expect the maximum level in the coming days. which is predicted to reach 10 m, which is a historical maximum. in the kurgan region , the number of houses and economic facilities damaged by floods is significantly less. today , more than 600 residential buildings and 2 thousand country houses remain flooded in twenty settlements, over
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3,500 household plots, five low-water and nine sections of highways. the government of the kurgan region has organized work on payments.
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and 1 thousand people. in areas at risk of flooding, 77 temporary accommodation centers with a total capacity of more than 11 thousand people have been deployed. throughout the tyumen region there are 402 points with a total capacity of more than 85,000
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people. dear vladimirovich, the situation with floods on the territory of the russian federation is under special control. let's continue work, the report is finished. fine. iraq, i asked you to assess the situation on the spot regarding future restoration work and damage assessment. please. thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, indeed, as i reported the day before yesterday, vladimir vladimirovich, the situation is in cooperation with the ministry of emergency situations, with regional authorities within the framework of joint work on, if that concerns, orenburg. today a number of houses and social and cultural objects have already received exemption from water and we together began a survey where the water receded with a view to restoring housing and life-supporting structures. as of today
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, the work of 135 housing and communal services facilities has been suspended in twenty settlements in the orenburg region. 35 commissions have been created here in the orenburg region, which have already promptly inspected more than 1,200 houses for restoration, loss, loss, including objects and dacha associations. and here we will strengthen it as we free ourselves from water. working groups in order to quickly carry out the necessary survey work, and here the electricity connection is already underway, network gas has been supplied to 1,300 objects and households, in this part, it means that
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there is really a lot of work, a lot of equipment, which means even meters, water or gas, are broken, therefore work together with local... organized in the kurgan region, we are preparing for this work , together with the governor , a commission is being prepared, which is also operational at more than 669 objects.
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constant work and police, the ministry of emergency situations in this part organized with the authorities. vladimir
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vladimirovich, everything is under control, i will continue to work in the same way as agreed, therefore, that means i will report as we move forward and free ourselves from the water. thank you, according to the established procedure, it is necessary to organize the work of assessing the damage in a timely manner, just so that without pause, the water drains away, the commissions must work immediately. thank you, let's go through the regions, let's start with orenburg, denis vladimirovich, please, dear vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, orenburg residents, first of all, thank you for support, attention of the government, the ministry of emergency situations of all residents of our country, we are in constant contact in all directions within the framework of the work of the government commission, the flood and the processes, as already said, have shifted downstream . a stable situation with a decrease
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in the level in the largest cities of the region, orenburg and orsk. the primary task for us for 10 days was, of course, to ensure safety, the readiness of the temporary temporary accommodation facility, to carry out evacuation, and of course, to take all measures to improve life and provide support to the residents. today we continue this work. at 17 april, it was also said that 30,000 people have already received payments, not only. priority, but due to the loss of property, a decision was made to pay almost another 34 thousand residents. in areas that are exempt from floods, a commission is working to assess damage and property to assess the suitability of housing for further residence. the house assessment commission has already inspected more than 1,200 houses; now the bulk of the work is concentrated in orsk, where the water is receding from residential buildings. daily, based on copter flight data, we compile a map of the territories freed from water and
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we build a work schedule for a comprehensive commission, this is a damage assessment commission, cleaning, disinfection teams, and of course, the organizations supplying resources accordingly, and the schedule is posted on the official website. we involved the enterprises of eastern orenbur in the cleaning, formed about 100 autonomous teams with a total number of 500 people, equipped with technicians, machinery and equipment. for disinfection we have all the disinfectants and specialized machines, we treat both streets and residential buildings, and social infrastructure facilities, we carry out activities together with rospotrebnadzor, we also issue these funds to residents for further processing inside their houses and courtyards. disinfection work has already been carried out on an area of ​​more than 10,000 km, power engineers, gas workers, water utilities are connecting the living sector as quickly as possible, the supply has already... electricity has been restored for almost 3,400 residents, gas has been returned to more than 13 thousand residents,
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the work, of course, is carried out by teams around the clock , in orsk there are 35 water intake wells out of three, the supply to the city is reduced by parameters, but on a daily basis, when the water drains, we change the deep-well pumps accordingly and try to connect water to the houses as quickly as possible, well, we have already started repairing the road today. after these priority works, we will begin restoring housing. we are already developing projects of standard solutions for the development of new neighborhoods and neighborhoods. we will offer residents both the opportunity to buy ready-made housing and build a house themselves, we are working with the land, and on friday we will adopt the corresponding regional law allowing land for people who lost their housing as a result of emergencies as a priority, free of charge and without bidding. vladimirovich, you know that the region is industrial, and of course, accordingly, we produce a large volume
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of building materials, appropriate reserves have now been formed, the issue of prices is under control, at this point... i held a meeting with all the suppliers of these resources working in the building materials market together with fas and the prosecutor’s office in order to maintain prices accordingly, and so on an agreement has been reached, a large block of healthcare is being implemented, we are vaccinating residents, more than 33,000 have already been vaccinated, and 11,00 of them, 796 children , have been allocated to us from the government reserve fund with the assistance of the ministry of health of the russian federation. 120,000 doses, and of course, we continue this work. on april 15, all schoolchildren in orsk began studying full-time. pupils left in the zes without clothes and shoes receive certificates for children's clothing in the amount of 7,000 rubles. business, we all have the same decision, well, we’ll stop making this one
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week, we have affected 1,726 - self-employed and 1,070 smes, respectively, we provide financial support in the area of ​​labor with subsidies for the resumption of business activities, with up to five people, after five people, and 100-250 self-employed. filled the preferential fund for working capital at 1%. i meet with residents every day, we analyze all their questions, all resources are used for communication, a single information portal has been launched in the region, where all information on
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support measures for citizens and businesses has been accumulated, we are now conducting accurate information campaigns on the work of the commissions:
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water continues to flow over the last 24 hours, rosturvin amounted to more than 1 m 60 cm. in the villages of the kitovsky municipal district located upstream, the mark has already exceeded 11 m 11 see preventive in fact , more than 14,300 citizens, including 1,833 children, were resettled from the flooded area. there are 20 temporary temporary accommodation centers, which house 730 people, of which 316 are children. all disabled people people with limited mobility are accommodated in central districts.
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we see the work of the hydroelectric dam, as i reported to you earlier, the level of the dam, built in 1962 and repaired in the thirteenth year , was from 8 to 10 m. during the last five days, work was carried out to increase the level to 11.5 or more over an extended period length 17 km, of which 3 m is soil laying half a million bags of soil. now the dams are being guarded around the clock by forces, the dams are being protected by the ministry of emergency situations, and 20 emergency workers are also working under the dam... technical teams in case of it breakthrough. in addition, due to the difficulties in the work of emergency rescue teams and ambulance crews , it is recommended to the rosavtodor management.
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measures are being taken to sanitize houses, wells, wells, houses are being dried out, teams have been formed to organize the cleaning of territories from garbage, to assist citizens with putting things in order in their gardens, and volunteers have been recruited. vladimirovich, the coes and the headquarters work around the clock, all necessary decisions are made immediately, we contact people through social networks, the media, and also directly citizens' gatherings. deputies and leaders are involved in proactive work with citizens. we will fight for our residents, for the city, for a normal life, using every opportunity to do this. at the end, if i may, three
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short annexes on the situation. first, we ask you to limit the actions of the dacha amnesty and maternal capital in relation to residential buildings being built on the territory of snt and dnt, located in flooded areas. secondly, he asks to instruct colleagues in the government to create a computational model for roscosmos satellites using. immediately on the volume of water that enters the territory of the region and we also ask you to instruct, together with the regions , in order to receive final data , to prepare maps of potential flooding zones for all major administrative centers of settlements, indicating water level marks for the constant readiness of local and federal forces for evacuation training -rescue activities for... the report is finished, thank you, thank you for your proposal, please, alexander viktorovich, tyumen, good afternoon, dear
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vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, and along the tabol river in the tyumen region, according to the marks of the gauging stations, the water is not yet rising much, literally 2-3 cm, in some it is even decreasing, but we are certainly waiting for the wave that will come to us from the kurugan region within the next few days. the situation on the ishim river is developing more dynamically. on monday at 14:00 we received a new forecast from roshydromet, which revised the maximum forecast water levels upward. and today we expect approximately plus 2 m to the historical maximum, which were in 2017. but for us, 2 m is a lot, because the terrain in the tyumen region in the area of ​​the shim river is quite flat; every centimeter of height gives a large area. flooding and during these 2 days we sent a large number of surveyors and shot all the heights in all settlements and it turned out that the figures for the number
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of settlements and houses that will fall into the flood zone differ from the figures that i previously reported to you, so the numbers the actual ones are: 101 settlements will be flooded instead of fifty one, 6,387 households each instead of 1,847. about 17,500 residents who live in these houses, instead of the 7,300 that i spoke about. today, water is actively present in the first municipality, which is located on the border with kazakhstan, this is the kazan district, the ilyinka gauging station over the past day is +76 cm, today it is already 8 m 90 cm, this is 55 cm higher than the historical maximum, and the forecast value is 10 m , considering that we had very little time to... protect the main settlement, the village of kazanskoye, which means we, based on the previous forecast, we raised the dam crest to 9 m 50 cm, but since the forecast is 50,
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we are actively working on laying bags to raise the level by 10.50 to 11 m, and tonight we will finish this work, the water is rising, the water has come the body of the dam is slowly rising, people have been evacuated from the flooding zone, the last ones left are the very last ones... but now teams from the ministry of emergency situations, police and local authorities are actively working there , we will evacuate all the people from there and we will deconstruct this dam. pvr deployed, alexander vyacheslavovich said about these numbers, we are increasing their number, in total we will have more than 13,000 places deployed, and if necessary, we will deploy more. in fact, people, of course, are moving more to relatives; today, well, in the morning , 797 people were evacuated from the flood zones, 466 went to relatives. only 75 went to temporary temporary detention centers, 95 were evacuated to medical institutions, more than 150 people were sent to social protection institutions, we are actively working with the population, meeting in technical... we inundate people
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with text messages, cars are driving, working actively local authorities together with police officers and the ministry of emergency situations, the task is to ensure that we evacuate the maximum number of people from the potential flooding zone in the coming days and even hours. we monitor the quality of drinking water with rospotrebnadzor, because... the water is rising quite high, we are interacting with colleagues of federal structures, we are waiting for more water, thank you, yes, alexandrevich, i told you, yes, that it could be higher than usual, remember, yes, and we were just preparing on your instructions plus 2 me, so for us, on the one hand, this did not come as a surprise, because we assumed these levels of example for ourselves,
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so the municipality... which is a little downstream, where we have the city of ishim, especially, we are already raising dams plus 2 meters, just going from kazakhstan to kazan, which i described in such detail, there’s very little time, so here we’ll have time to count the clock, we’ll, of course, try to stand as much as possible, okay, you said that there were eight people, the most stubborn ones remained, no need talk about people like that no, vladimirovich, sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you are trying, everyone is tired, you work there, you don’t get enough sleep, and you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be reliably provided, okay, i want to ask my colleagues from the regions, is there anything,
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maybe you forgot to say, but... what do you think is important? what do people deal with? some pressing questions, vladimirovich, excuse me, about one more object, which i reported to you about, about the federal highway r-402, excuse me, yes, yes, i remember, i remember, but so what? yes, yes, yes, we, if you, alexander vyacheslavovich , actively promptly, or rather allocated a 4 km water-filling dam from the reserve, we already installed it on monday, almost 800 m, but since the forecast came and a higher one, we they drained it from the water, turned it over, because well , it’s just that water will overflow a meter through it, so we will fill the federal road with soil, the first layer has already been completed, we will finish the second on friday, so this we will use the filling dam to protect populated areas, that’s right, but what about some
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additional help? maybe from the government, from the ministry of construction, thank you, not yet, we have strengthened our resources, we have enough of our own for now, if necessary , we will definitely ask for support, okay, thank you, thank you very much to all colleagues from the regions, i want to say thank you, i see that you are working hard and i hope it will remain so until the issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing are resolved, we you know that we will definitely... return to this, of course, we must keep it under control, alexander valentinovich, vyacheslavovich, reports to me almost every day, almost every day, but a little later, when the water recedes, we will gather together in an even larger group with the heads of municipalities, and we will discuss issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing, there are subtle issues, we will definitely return to them,
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