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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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day almost every day, but a little later, when the water recedes, we will gather in an even larger format together with the heads of municipalities and discuss issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing, there are subtle issues, we will definitely return to them, but mikhailtovich, colleagues, we remembered about the supervisory authorities, about the work of medical services. how do you assess what is currently happening in the flood zone from a medical point of view? thank you very much, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, today, the most intense work, of course, was in the orenburg region, i want to thank all my colleagues, since indeed all the medical events were organized on time, we had to
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evacuate a total of 21 objects in... medical organizations of the healthcare system, now, as iraq anvarovich has already said, we are restoring work, but for now the most important thing for us is to restore the water supply, since surgical activities directly ensure all sanitary standards in medical organizations is key, today 41 vaccination teams work directly in the orenburg region, there are no... difficulties in providing assistance, including specialists, cardiologists, neurologists , additionally sent to ursk at the request of colleagues in order to organize an advisory help, so everything is working properly, including at the temporary temporary accommodation centers, medical workers are working for everyone, in the kugan region, they are ready to do additional things here, including the deployment of ambulance teams, everything has been prepared...
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medical services have additionally prepared vaccination teams to provide assistance, including in case of evacuation. in total, today all vaccines are present on the territory of all regions, there are no additional questions, and we practically hold meetings every day with our counterparts in the vis-a-vis regions , so all the work is organized, plus additionally made...
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states for planned care, including for maternity institutions, we talked to you, all this was taken into account, all assistance is provided in full, therefore i say, once again, there is no need for any additional resources, we are working on everything, plus we are assessing the damage to medical organizations, well, in particular in the orenburg region, there are preliminary calculations, but here ’s how the water will continue to flow... accordingly, we are finalizing everything these calculations, in kurgan, in kurgan there is still a readiness for , among other things, the protection of medical equipment, they have also calculated the possible risks for medical care for medical organizations, since we have expensive equipment, heavy, it is usually located on the first floors, then we carried out a set of measures to protect this... expensive
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equipment from floods, so we are doing everything as usual, okay, there is enough there and this is very good, thank god, but in general in the system not enough, i know that over the past 5 years the number of students in colleges and meta-universities has approximately increased by 20%, how is the situation in general regarding training, and training... of medical specialists for us, vladimir vladimirovich, is the most effective tool for replenishment personnel services, and in the twenty-third year we see a positive balance - in the system of providing doctors plus 10,000 people, these are very good results. over the past 5 years , the target figures for admission to first-year universities in budget places have increased by 21.5%.
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this is more than 34 thousand places in 2024, and the distribution of places is primarily directed to those universities that... provide regions with the most difficult personnel situation, but for residency programs they also increased the number of places by 19%, 19,700 places, and an effective mechanism , we use today, this is a targeted admission, and we are probably leaders in all industries in this area, 76% of the total number of budget places is precisely a targeted admission, but according to...
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today , medical universities under the jurisdiction of the ministry of health have been created and are functioning advanced engineering schools, and there we are training specialists who can also work in this direction. well, an important role is medical volunteering, and today there are more than 280 volunteer teams, this is in universities, in colleges, over the past 5 years volunteers have conducted over forty. we also pay special attention to distance
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education, i must say that it was the internet portal of continuing medical education that helped us a lot during the covid period, because the delivery of information through this resource... was instantaneous, more than 2 million specialists simultaneously completed practical educational courses, and today we also use this in our daily practice, and i want to note that the role of middle management today is difficult to underestimate, it’s just a colossal resource in our healthcare system, today in 100 - 65 thousand institutions, or rather, excuse me, in 410 educational institutions today there are almost 140,000 freshmen studying, of which almost 70% are budget places. i must say that the demand and desire to enroll in medical college in recent years has been simply colossal. in most of them
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, the admission score is over 4 and a half on a five-point system, so we see that the demand is great. now, working with rectors of medical universities, we decided to assign the supervision of rectors of higher educational institutions to medical colleges, including the introduction of modern practices, training of specialists, and of course, the scientific direction today received a big boost with the introduction of government programs, this is both a priority of 20-30 and professionalism, all this is strong strengthened.
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different countries have, well, let’s say, their own characteristics in terms of preparation and execution of legal documents, so we need to be more flexible and of course. and don’t lose this direction, because the demand is really very high, well, our medical bases, where practical training takes place, today allow us to provide the highest level of training in all modern technologies that are used in medicine, therefore, all the instructions given in this area are being carried out, and we see that the development of medical education - this priority should remain in our work, thank you, good, thank you very much, we were just talking about restoring housing, infrastructure, in relation to the victims
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from flooding in the region, but in general, work on infrastructure development continues, it is so multifaceted, one of the new directions is expansion, expansion of social gasification, alexander valentinovich, what is happening here, thank you very much, dear. colleagues. to carry out your instructions during your message to the federal assembly, where you gave instructions to extend social gasification measures to gardening partnerships located within the boundaries of gasified settlements. relevant work organized by the government of the russian federation jointly with the regions, with gazprom, with regional gas supply operators. according to a preliminary estimate, which was carried out jointly, the number of such snts
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today is about 22 thousand in gasified settlements, and the number of households that could potentially connect to gas in them is about one and a half million, and these are the households that we believe belong to to objects. fall, we have consulted with the regions and public associations of gardeners and summer residents with deputies and senators of the federal assembly, we have prepared, based on the results of these consultations, changes to the regulatory framework, which
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defines the following criteria for inclusion and , accordingly, households and the possibility of submitting applications, that is, these are the three main criteria: households must be are intended for permanent residence, and land plots and residential buildings must be registered, that is, the owners must have ownership rights to these objects. and third criterion, in order to carry out work on laying networks on the territory of gardening partnerships, a decision of the general meeting of snt members will be required in order to provide public land plots for the placement of gas pipeline infrastructure on the territory of snt. to simplify the acceleration of the process, rosreestr , together with the ministry of energy and the union of gardeners of russia, prepared one. draft standard minutes of the general meeting of the snt. it
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includes the necessary decisions for carrying out work before gasification and at federal headquarters, which we conduct on a regular basis, and regional and municipal authorities, together with representatives of gas distribution organizations, have been instructed to organize personal meetings with the chairmen and residents of gardening associations, and municipalities must do this within the framework of the commission. carry out the same work as was carried out during the start of work on social gasification for ordinary households, it is also necessary to conduct surveys of citizens as soon as possible regarding their desire to connect to gas networks, that is, conduct door-to-door visits, conduct an information campaign and inform residents about the mandatory need and conditions for participation in the social gasification of snt, and provide support, if necessary, in registration. plots and houses, bring to those entitled to additional gasification, to additional gasification of snt, the standard project, the decision
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that i spoke about, and what is important, to organize the work itself on holding general meetings of snt members, this is also such a fairly large amount of work, besides this vladimirovich , we instructed to determine the timing and draw up schedule plans, coordinate them with a single gasification operator, so that... members of gardening associations already know how and within what time frame they will be able to gasify their snt. in fact, this work has already begun, we expect that. the regions must complete the work that we set tasks for them today at the headquarters level by july 1, and here we ask for your support, too, vladimirevich, to give instructions to the governors so that they complete the relevant work by july 1, in order to fulfill your instructions, which is what i mean said that regulatory legal changes to the legislation have been prepared; yesterday,
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the chairman of the government, mikhalavich mishustin , signed a resolution on additional gasification of snt. located within the boundaries of populated areas, it was published today and, in fact, from the moment of publication today it comes into force, thus citizens living in snt in gasified settlements have the opportunity to submit applications to gas distribution organizations from today. well, the corresponding work is also organized at regional level. on your instructions, regional headquarters are headed by governors for implementation. social gasification, explanatory work and monitoring of the local situation are underway, i would like to note that gazprom mobilized more than 600 contractors, about 3,000 people, more than 400 units of equipment to carry out work on gasification, and this includes households in gasified
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settlements and snt, accordingly, this year gazprom allocated unprecedented money. 1.650.000 applications submitted today 1,2000 contracts were concluded, gas pipeline infrastructure was built to the borders of land plots, 935,000 were owned, this is 78% of the concluded contracts, and we are closely monitoring this level to constantly increase. and the technical possibility in general
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has been created for 1,200,000 households, this... means that our gas distribution department works not only according to requests, but in general, if a gas pipeline is being laid along the street, the technical possibility is created if a new application is received, to actually make an insertion to ensure quickly additional gasification, and accordingly gas 55,400 households have already been launched, i would like to note the leading regions, today in terms of quantity and quality of work, this is moscow.
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gas pipeline infrastructure, as well as buying gas-using equipment, the regions have allocated about 12.5 billion rubles over 3 years, and about 30 categories of citizens are provided with support measures, and the government also allocated 961 million rubles from the reserve fund last year to support the regions,
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mainly subsidized, these are 54 regions, this year 1 billion rubles will also be allocated. vladimirovich, on april 9, on your instructions, we began flight tests of the angara a5 heavy-class launch vehicle at the newly built cosmodrome launch complex. the tests are designed to eliminate all inevitable problems that always arise during the first start and to work out all the necessary operational
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parameters. as you know, twice on april 9 and 10, the automation interrupted the starting procedure, and the combat crew, together with engineers and designers, had to find the fault. combat crew he worked clearly, competently, calmly, and deserves all praise. and... on april 11 at 12 o'clock moscow time, the rocket launched, completed all its tasks, as well as the arion upper stage created by the rocket and space corporation rkk energia for launching spacecraft into various target orbits, up to geostationary at an altitude of 36 thousand km from the ground. this was only the fourth launch in 10 years, angara, three before that we launched from presetsk, this was the first launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. it should be noted that the rocket is only is beginning to gain its potential, but it is already obvious to us that it has very good prospects. we have high hopes for
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the angaruy at the vostochnaya cosmodrome; it is recognized as replacing the heavy proton m rocket, over which it has a number of undeniable advantages. firstly, we cease to depend on geopolitical circumstances, having the opportunity to launch heavy missiles from our territory, from two launch sites. we are located in kazakhstan on baikanur. secondly, the angara a5 engine uses much more environmentally friendly kerosene, rather than heptyl, as it is on the m proton. and thirdly, hangars have a large carrying capacity and significant potential for development. today, the angara family of missiles, which were developed and produced by the khrunichev center, includes two versions. light angara, angara 1.2 - this is a two-stage rocket based on a universal rocket module that ensures the launch of at least 3.5 tons into a low
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circular orbit - this is 200 km and at least 2.4 tons into a synchronous solar orbit - this is 835 km. angara a5 is a three-stage heavy-class launch vehicle, its modules are maximum unified by sangara 1.2 already now, by order of the state corporation roscosmos , a modernized angara a5m with a more powerful rd-191m main engine is being created. by the way, we recently completed fire tests and confirmed all the declared characteristics of this.
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a new generation manned transport ship and modules of the russian orbital station being created. the first launch of this rocket will be in 1927; it will be combined with comprehensive testing of a new ship in an unmanned version, and this will be our next launch of the angara from vostochny. another promising modification of this rocket is the angara a5 b with an oxygen-hydrogen third stage that ensures the launch of payloads. use for sending automatic interplanetary stations
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for exploration of the solar system and deep space. subject to continued funding for the work in sufficient quantities , flight tests of this rocket launcher are planned for 30. i stand separately in a light hangar, taking into account the global trend towards creation. roscosmos planned to include in project of the federal space program of russia for 26-28 years to carry out measures to refine the complex for launching angara 12 rockets from the vostochny cosmodrome. i would like to note that all this work also provides for the further development of the infrastructure of the vostochny cosmodrome, including the creation of a new installation and testing facility.
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we looked at the starting table in very good condition, so many thanks to the builders for their work, thank you, i agree, everything needs to be handed over and paperwork completed, there is nothing to be afraid of, everything works, everything is fine, documents, let them not be afraid of anything, let them do it, okay, please, under control, together with the prosecutor general's office with...
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with documents, just these papers with a huge number of them need to be sorted out, everything needs to be done, you're right, vladimirovich, you're right, ok, 99% construction readiness, 40 completed, yes, yes, yes, let’s finish, i understand what’s going on, i understand. there is nothing to be afraid of, we need to formalize everything ahead, even if it’s no longer 90, there’s 100 everything, let them finish the registration, do the paperwork, okay, let’s please talk about domestic software provision in economic sectors, these were personnel, meetings of vladimir putin with members of the russian government via video conference.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank. every moment and the fraudster would have access to the money ; a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be transferred to a secure account, she deposited it in the bank with a ding hang up, no matter who the scammers pretend to be, trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking.


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