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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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this is true. the kremlin confirmed information about the beginning of the withdrawal of russian peacekeepers from karabakh. and here is the footage, which was distributed by the ministry of defense, of the russian peacekeeping corps leaving the region. let me remind you that a contingent of 1,960 people was temporarily stationed in karabakh following the results of a trilateral statement signed on november 10, 2020 between the leaders of russia, azerbaijan and armenia, this was the result of agreements between the countries after the war conflict, as a result of which control over the region passed to baku. according to the ministry of defense, russian peacekeepers deployed 23 observation posts to the line of contact between the parties in the lachin corridor. direct channels of communication were established with the leadership of the security forces of azerbaijan and armenia, and interaction was established with international organizations, including the un. but it was carried out as part of a peacekeeping operation. armenia,
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the destroyed infrastructure, roads, buildings were restored, peacekeepers helped in the delivery of materials, but in addition, the russian contingent ensured the safe exit of civilians from the region; according to the ministry of defense, the russian peacekeeping operation achieved its goals, to simplify the admission procedure to...
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its main task is the quick and safe evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. this is the first time this vehicle has been shown publicly. defense minister sergei shaigu personally inspected it and instructed the developers to launch mass production. today we need to ensure the evacuation of wounded people from the front line. make the most of it safely. of course, we have to try it at the front. at the patriot convention and exhibition center, the head of the russian military department was presented with more than thirty promising models of weapons, special equipment and military-technical equipment from eighteen industrial enterprises, here is a new lightly armored vehicle, sergei shaigu personally checked its driving performance. lightweight protected special vehicles of this line are intended for...
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assault, we need to put it here, 12.7. defense ministers reported on the development a promising wearable system for automating artillery fire control, which allows you to greatly increase the speed of transmitting target designations to artillery crews. pointing time up to 30 seconds. but here is everything necessary to ensure the livelihoods and organization of life of military personnel. among the presented samples is a multifunctional bedroom. module
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equipment for sanitary treatment, washing of personnel and for preparing food in the field, there are also small-sized dry rations, this is for a week, rations for 2-3 days. completion of the inspection, sergei shaigu instructed to simplify the procedure for accepting promising weapons into service as much as possible, if they were tested in the special operation zone and received positive results, and also if the enterprise is ready to establish their serial production as soon as possible. maria valieva to lead. in the case of blowing up the car of former sbu officer vasily prozov. new figures have appeared in moscow. the fsb reported that a messenger who was delivering components of an explosive device was detained. interestingly, they were disguised as manicure and hairdressing kits, but they were transferred from warsaw with the assistance of a local resident. the detainee
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stated that he worked as a courier and was simply carrying a parcel that he received from a representative of his company. received on april 6, 2024 in lithuania. cargo from poland from a representative of her company, on april 7 , the owner of the cargo contacted me, asked when she could pick up the cargo, and if it was possible for her person to come and pick up the cargo, in the evening of the same day, i handed over the cargo to the man i met on address of his residence, the ministry of development of russia requested... from our consulate general in dubai information about measures to help independent russian tourists staying at the emirate airport, but at the same time, russian airlines are taking measures for the speedy return of travelers to their homeland, i remind you that the day before dubai was flooded
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after a powerful downpour, well , we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba center with vadim zavodchenkov. vadim, hello, in the emirates they say that there has not been such rain there for 70.5 years, is this true? given this, what caused the current downpours? where are they even from in the desert? yes, indeed, the rainfall on the coast of the persian gulf turned out to be unprecedented for this arid region, and the main reason for the violence of the elements is the clash of heat and cold. the residents of the united arab emirates have witnessed an exceptional event in climate history. so, the government of one of the driest... countries in the world commented on the thunderstorm that struck on tuesday evening, after a catastrophic downpour, large highways located in the lowlands of the street, thousands of tourists were unable to fly home due to delayed flights,
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the runway was under a layer of water. the situation was aggravated by the fact that even after the rain the water did not go away for a long time, cars and buses had to be pushed onto small hills, due to the climate in the emirates there is no storm sewer as such, there is simply no need for it, the guys are pushing the car, but where are they they are pushing it because there is a flood there too, a flood everywhere, what is there, what is there? the next video is already went viral: a kitten was clinging with all his might to the door handle of a half-submerged car on the street of dubai. help arrived at what is called the last minute. in extreme conditions, both dubai residents and
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tourists did not lose their sense of humor. someone came up with modern means of transportation through flooded streets, and the championship, world champion in winter swimming, mordovians from pskov held a training session next to the entrance to the hotel in which they were staying. the last thunderstorm will certainly go down in history not only of the uae, but the entire planet. such showers are rare, even in the humid regions of the equatorial belt, much less in arid arabia. in just one day , all kinds of precipitation records were updated here. for example, in dubai, the previous extreme daily amount of humidity in april turned out to be exceeded almost nine times, and the maximum of the entire year by more than twice, and thanks to one rainy day, april 2024 has already become the wettest month of the year for the entire period observations. it must be said that
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not only the united arab emirates suffered from the storm, comparable heavy downpours hit the northern regions of oman and the southern coasts of iran. by the way. it was in the islamic republic that the highest daily rainfall was recorded; 162 liters of water per square meter poured onto the city of chahbihar. almost 7 liters per hour. the reason for the violence of the elements is a sharp aggravation of the frontal section stretching in the middle latitudes of arabia. but on monday , colder air masses from transcaucasia began to break into the region. as a result, temperature contrasts in the front zone increased to 12-15°. this activated the processes of cloud formation and individual massifs of heaped rain clouds even broke through. stratosphere. by tuesday, the vortex had reached the coast of the persian gulf, where it was additionally
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saturated with moisture, so that the rains in its area intensified even more. now the main massifs of clouds have already moved to the iranian plateau, and sunny and dry weather, more typical for the region, has returned to the coast of the persian gulf. but one of the most sensational topics of the day was the interview. founder of the telegram messenger pavel durov, to an american journalist tyker carlson. the event is truly epoch-making, this is durvo’s first big public interview in the last 7 years, so the audience was very interested in listening to what one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world of it technologies would talk about. tucker carlson posted the full interview, almost an hour long, on his youtube channel. overnight it was viewed by over a million users of the sea's comments, and they wrote just that. russian and foreign users mostly admire durov and thank tucker for being able to agree on
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an interview with such a person turns out to be a long-awaited guest for the audience, so what was durov talking about, well, first of all, of course, about the successes of the telegram platform. according to him, more than 900 million people are already using the messenger; according to forecasts, this year the mark will cross the billion mark. according to the entrepreneur, telegram is experiencing the main pressure. to promote development, we have launched a platform on which we hold competitions for engineers, the best of the best, we select them based on
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the results of the competitions that we hold every month or two, they can join our team, which only has about thirty engineers. in his conversation with the american journalist, duurov paid the most attention to his relations with the united states. as it turned out, the founder of telegram quickly abandoned the idea of ​​doing business in america, since western approaches were not to his liking. in an interview. i remembered that he was once attacked in san francisco; they wanted to steal his phone. to this revelation from durov, tyker shrugged his shoulders and asked his interlocutor whether he was very surprised by what happened. durov he replied that he had never been attacked anywhere in any country, and he travels a lot. another reason why the entrepreneur decided not to run his business in the technology valley is excessive attention from american intelligence agencies. according to him , an fbi agent literally.
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in march, the figure decreased for the fourth month in a row, the bank of russia reported.
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inflation expectations are an important parameter that the regulator takes into account when making a decision on the key rate. now its value is 16%. the next meeting of the board of directors of the central bank for the rate will take place next week. russia and kazakhstan signed an agreement on the construction of three thermal power plants in the republic. they will appear in the cities of kokshetao and semey. and uskaminogorsk, this was stated in the kazakhstan ministry of energy. their total capacity will reach 960 mw. tets will work at coal. construction of the first is scheduled to begin this year. the authorities have expanded the social gasification program to include gardening partnerships. the resolution was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. free gas supply to the site russians whose houses are located on the territory of snt in a gasified settlement will be able to . an application for connection can be submitted by both the owner of the house and the chairman of the partnership. at the same time, gasification will also
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require a decision of the general meeting of snt members. and prices for natural gas in europe increased in 5 days. by 20%, the cost of a thousand cubic meters on the ttf exchange reached $365. quotes are going up against the backdrop of geopolitical risks, in particular the escalation of the conflict in the middle east. according to experts, further escalation could push prices above $400. it was economic news. short. these are the facts. we continue now to the theme of the last weeks. spring floods in russia have become the largest in the last few decades. in the kurgan region , the level of the tabol river is rapidly rising, about 19 thousand residents may be at risk, well, in the tyumen region, floods threaten almost hundreds of settlements, people are being evacuated from 14 villages. a state of emergency due to flooding was introduced in ulan ud and two districts of buryaati. hundreds of summer cottages went under water and residential buildings, military engineers undermine
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ice jams on the selenga river. in the tomsk region, the water level in the tom river is falling, the bi is rising, almost 500 household plots remain in the flood zone, well, in the orenburg region, the flood is shifting to the west of the region, and in the affected areas they are preparing for large-scale vaccination against hepatitis. the head of the russian ministry of construction, irik faizulin , positively assessed the preparation of local authorities and the ministry of emergency situations for the spring flood in the tomsk region. the minister noted that everything has been done to avoid a difficult situation. today. held a meeting operational headquarters for the passage of spring floods in the tomsk region, irok fayzulin thanked the employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of internal affairs for interacting with citizens and organizing work to protect residents and eliminate the consequences of emergencies. the impact of a new element has never happened before in our country, in the soviet union, or in the russian federation. that is,
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unfortunately, these unfavorable phenomena exist. and we must be able to be prepared for, for all the difficulties that arise, here we are with the minister of emergency situations, now together at the site were, the main difficulty is that people are not afraid until the moment the water comes, today the head, which means, is unfavorable, which means that the phenomenon passes only the mound, moves on, but i really hope that this is... the accumulation of sludge that exists , it grows in time and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. georgia will not refuse to adopt a law on foreign agents, despite criticism from other countries. the prime minister of the republic announced this. earlier, the president of georgia announced that she would veto the high-profile bill. parliament today
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countries approved the initiative in the first reading. the document is scandalous; it was already discussed last year. there was an attempt, but the initiative met with fierce resistance, the pro-western opposition then organized large-scale protests, and the bill had to be abandoned, that is, more accurately, postponed for a year. so, today the georgian parliament at a plenary session approved the bill on foreign agents in the first reading. 83 deputies were in favor, zero votes were against. the opposition did not participate; it left the meeting room. the quorum consisted of 50 deputies. a few minutes before the voting, opponents of the authorities tried to disrupt the meeting with shouts, but to no avail. speaker of parliament shalva papuashvili removed opposition representatives from the meeting room. georgian president soloma zarubashvili calls the bill pro-russian. the bill is also opposed by the diplomatic corps, including the eu delegation to
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georgia and the us embassy. not surprising, right? there is no way... this bill of america, who came up with this headlamp, should have followed they were the first to start monitoring their political and internal political hygiene . they called the united states russian, after all, they were probably the ones who introduced this practice, so this is by no means russian, this is now the normal practice of a huge number of states that are doing everything to protect themselves from influence from the outside, from foreign influence on domestic politics, all countries are taking measures in one form or another, but all for... used as a tool to provoke anti-russian sentiments, then it is unlikely that these impulses served. from within georgia the situation with this law in georgia sharply worsened; on the afternoon of april 15, the document was considered at a meeting of the committee on legal issues, and during
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its discussion a conflict arose between the deputies; a member of the georgian parliament from the opposition party “citizens”, alexander elisashvili, got into a fight with the executive secretary of the ruling party, the leader of the parliamentary majority, mamuka mdinaradze, well then the fight took on a... large-scale character, other deputies also joined in, also on april 15 before a mass rally against the adoption of this law was held at the parliament building in tbilis. citizens gathered on rustavelli avenue. on april 16 , protests continued into the night and escalated into clashes with police. today the opposition plans to hold a new rally near the parliament building. but despite the fact that the opposition calls the bill russian, the initiative, as they say. the authors copied it from the us foreign agents registration act. this is a document adopted in the united states in 1938, which requires foreign agents to disclose their connections with
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foreign countries, information on relevant activities and funding. the georgian ruling party introduced a law into parliament in early april, and it is expected that organizations that receive more than 20% of their income from abroad will have to be added to a special register. refusal to register and concealment of sources of income fine in the amount of 25 thousand lari, which is about 10,000 dollars. the ministry of justice will check the declaration and create the list. let me remind you that last year traditionally exercised soft power, as they they say, they actually finance illegal public organizations in other countries in order to exert their influence, sometimes from time to time to organize color revolutions. therefore, such a law will very seriously suppress the positions of those who are ready
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to organize a demonstration at the behest of the united states. let me remind you that last year the consideration of the bill on foreign agents caused mass disorder in tbilis, batum, kutais, the opposition brought about 1,000 people to the streets. as a result, on march 9, 2023, the ruling party reported that she had withdrawn from parliament the bill on foreign agents she supported. in
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a joint statement of the georgian dream and the people's power social movement, it was said that the lie machine was able to present the document in a negative light, and its adoption at the first reading in the eyes of part of the public looked like a departure from the european course. and here it is at the beginning of april. the ruling party announced its decision to resubmit the controversial document to parliament. the text, by the way, remained the same as last year, with the exception of the term foreign agent influence. it was replaced by another concept - an organization pursuing the interests of a foreign power. strengthening technological sovereignty, access to promising high-tech technologies, as well as the latest trends in the field of artificial. intelligence, these and many other topics were discussed today by participants in the data fusion conference, which started in moscow. maria filippova will tell you what else they talked about. data fusion is
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the largest event in the field of big data. the main topic is the technological future of russia and what role development plays in it artificial intelligence. the focus is, of course, on the footage. it specialists receive extended support measures. in addition, a separate national project “data economy” is being launched in russia. he will support the developers. grants and benefits totaling more than 130 billion rubles. the government will also continue to help develop infrastructure and data networks, of course, in various ways, including through the creation of a satellite constellation, new data centers, and connecting social institutions primarily to high-speed internet. and also a national project will increase labor productivity, and an increase in income is expected in various industries. artificial intelligence will cover the maximum number.
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but it seems to me that a lot is being done, and the issue of our further digitalization, the central bank, involved us in this matter, in particular the creation of a digital, digital currency of the central bank, this is a huge, it seems to me, a step forward, ahead of us in my opinion only nigeria and jamaica, which is already using, is china too, well, china, here, but we are really going far enough here ahead. good - and we are participating in this program, we have already carried out more than 3,000 transactions with individuals, we are working on the border functionality of the digital ruble, and i would like to separately clarify this direction, because of course digital payments - i repeat, this is an integral part in my opinion, should be but in order to gain sovereignty, including in international settlements. the functionality of a modern bank is now impossible to imagine without
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the use of artificial intelligence. technology helps fight fraudsters or select individual banking products. thus, vtb is testing a geoanalytics platform, presented in the form of a heat map, which will make, for example, choosing real estate easier. neural networks will help you decide on your choice of housing, for example, i want to take out a mortgage and in order to give a task to artificial intelligence, i need to fill out a special questionnaire. yuli, can you help me? yes, of course, here, i press forward, yes. we indicate your wishes, what kind of infrastructure is needed around it, the system will select the ideal area and highlight it in bright color. same way. analytics will tell entrepreneurs where to open a business or indicate to developers a suitable location for a new residential complex. accordingly, we know all the infrastructure facilities, we know the interests of clients and we can build heat maps that allow us to answer the question for a specific location, i don’t know whether this location covers the need for restaurants or cafes there. this is the result of working with a large amount of data in the vtb database, internal information that is protected, as
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well as information from large corporations. and partners, media groups, delivery services, taxis, and more, artificial intelligence accurately relieves the routine workload of employees; according to forecasts, by 2025, income from the use of neural networks will amount to almost 12 billion rubles. this eliminates manual labor in many ways, well, for example, artificial intelligence used in document recognition, in fact this is quite profitable, of course, a profitable area of ​​investment for vtb bank. nada fusion vtb presented another one for the first time. innovation, its own metaverse. this format experts are sure that the usual meetings via video conference, reminiscent of a computer game, will soon be replaced by communication using avatars that have facial expressions and the ability to show reactions. in the future, artificial intelligence will help create the most personalized service for the client, and, of course, security. protection against hacking scammers needs to be taken to a new level, data fusion speakers emphasize. to do this, it is necessary to act by combining the efforts of various departments. russia has a window
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of opportunity in the world of technology. there is somewhere to grow and there are all the prerequisites for this. maria filipova, nikita korneev, konstantin veselov, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, lead to do so that others.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with the government via videoconference. the main topic was the flood situation. the heads of the regions affected by the flood also took part in the discussion. well, let’s find out the details natalia solovyova. natalya, i greet you. what data was presented in reports to the president and what instructions were given? yes, hello, artyom, there were instructions a lot, since the situation remains complex and changes almost constantly. communications with the president, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, members of the government and governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. vladimir putin receives reports from the regions most affected by the flood every day, but the situation changes hourly and remains difficult. orsk and orenburg passed the peak of the flood. currently , areas where the water has receded are being sanitized, houses are being dried out, and utility services are urgently restoring the supply of water and electricity.


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