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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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deputy prime minister alexander novak spoke about this at a meeting with the president and how the connection will take place. details from dmitry morocco. members of gardening partnerships can now begin to submit applications for gas connections. the government decree on degasification of snt came into force. plans for its implementation were discussed at a meeting between the president and the government. in general, work on infrastructure development continues. it is so multifaceted, one of the new directions is expansion, expansion of social gasification. alexander valentinovich, what is going on here? thank you very much , dear colleagues, for carrying out your instructions during your address to the federal assembly, where you gave instructions to extend the social gasification event to... organized
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by the government of the russian federation, together with the regions, with gazprom, with regional gas supply operators. as deputy prime minister alexander novak stated, the program is expected to be extended to approximately 22 thousand partnerships located within the borders of gasified settlements. in this way, it will be possible to connect about one and a half million households. at the same time, it exists. several criteria that need to be taken into account when submitting applications: three main criteria: households must be intended for permanent residence, and land plots and residential buildings must be registered, that is , the owners must have ownership rights to these objects, the third criterion in order to carry out work on laying networks on the territory of agricultural partnerships, a decision of the general meeting of members will be required snt.
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the regions must complete work to prepare for connecting snt by july 1. in general, the pace of social gasification across the country is growing, there is funding, and its volume is unprecedented. this year, gazprom allocated 270 billion rubles for the program. connection agreements were concluded for the amount of 260 billion. at the same time, agreements for 160 billion rubles have already been financed. this year, gazprom allocated unprecedented amounts of 270 billion rubles for additional gasification. in principle, there is funding for general social repayment. concluded the contracts were already for 260 billion rubles. of which 160 billion have already been financed. as for the general program of social gasification in the country, among the regions, the leaders today remain the moscow region, the chechen republic, the lipetsk and rostov regions, as well as bashkartastan. another important topic on the agenda.
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over the past 4 years, the it sector, thanks to government support measures, has become the most developing sector of the economy. the volume of sales of products and services in this area increased by 2 and a half times, to 3 trillion rubles we also managed to solve problems with personnel. hunger, the number of employees in
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russian it companies increased by one and a half times and average salaries almost doubled. extorting aid to ukraine in the us congress is unlikely to take place this week, the us agency this press reports. according to him, discussion continues on the capitalist hill. the issue of further military supplies was raised today in brussels. an extraordinary eu summit starts there. well on the agenda. in particular questions about supply of air defense systems to ukraine, the slovak authorities have already stated that they will support the provision of further assistance to kiev only on a bilateral basis. ekaterina shamaeva will tell you which countries are ready for this and which are not. ammunition, soldiers and air defense systems. this is precisely what, according to the new york times , the ukrainian army is critically lacking, and vulnerabilities are accumulating like a snowball. if there is no ammunition and missile defense, then... much of the war falls on
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the infantry, because of this it is necessary to throw unprepared soldiers into battle. while the us is mired in internal political struggle, the europeans have to take the rap for them. i am glad that to date 20 countries have joined our initiative, from canada, germany and the netherlands to poland. thanks to them, we can now provide 500 thousand artillery ammunition. we believe there will be new supplies. there's no reason why we can't deliver another 1 million over the next 12 months. in trying to scrape together weapons for ukraine, european politicians sometimes make false starts. so the president of poland said that warsaw is considering transfer of soviet-made missiles to kyiv. to which the polish ministry of defense responded, anzej duda did not coordinate this issue with the government, which is authorized to make such decisions, but the desperate situation of ukraine is connected not only with the lack of ammunition, the political publication writes, it is much more difficult to restore
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the morale of the soldiers, the author of the article does not exclude a collapse front and states that the country is sliding towards disaster, just ask a ukrainian soldier if he still believes that the west will support kiev a hundred? as much as needed. this promise rings hollow as it has been 4 weeks since the artillery units last fired shells. one soldier from the front line complained to us about this. the morale of the soldiers is undermined by merciless bombing, lack of modern weapons and losses on the battlefield. potential recruits are avoiding conscription, and many have left the country altogether. and ukraine’s chances of turning the situation in its favor are decreasing, writes the wall street journal. the newspaper notes that due to large losses there are more and more incomplete and heterogeneous units, because of this they cannot effectively act together. in addition, at the political level , kiev increasingly has to fight for the attention of its patrons. as the media write at the eu summit, the participants will focus more on
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the aggravation between israel and iran, rather than on ukraine. here is the speech of the head of the european commission, the first of which was an angry pro-palestinian activist. ursulaen reported that the countries of the union have increased defense spending by 20% in 2 years, and this is just the beginning. there is probably no immediate threat of war right now, but it is impossible to say that it is impossible, we must be prepared for this, we need to start with the urgent need to restore, replenish and transform the armed forces of the eu member states.
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migration, sanctions and war policies, they have all failed, the current leadership of the european union must leave, we need new leaders. and we also need to recognize the new reality, says another european politician, whose position is at odds with the guidelines of brussels. according to the prime minister of slovakia, talk about territorial integrity and inviolability borders in the case of ukraine - this is only a theory of international law, in reality, robert fitz emphasized, russia will never leave crimea and...
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you just understand, people are climbing over, they, they are knee-deep, knee-deep, i am also preparing for a storm, thunderstorm, strong wind , flooded streets, this is how i greeted russian tourists in sunny dubai, the trip is alesya fedotova’s dream, these were supposed to be the long-awaited seven warm days in the united arab emirates, a birthday present, the cars are simply flooded, we will wash away people whole by the waves, just tin, girl i flew in on vacation with my husband, but they definitely didn’t think that they would see... the streets were knee-deep, we were walking along the main highway, we would never have thought that this could happen to us in dubai, there were a lot of people, everyone was walking , because everyone needed to get home, both locals and tourists walked, everyone
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was very worried and panicked, because the metro was not working and no one knew when it would open, the metro was flooded, the buses couldn’t get on, there was no waiting for taxi drivers to be free there are no cars, even if they come, they will come with a high price tag. several times at once more than usual, the russians found an alternative way to get to the hotel, on foot, opened the navigator, it took us 2 hours to get to the hotel, decide... luck, we went on foot. some areas of dubai were so flooded that the swim was held right on the street. russian winter swimming champion mark mordovtsev has never had to overcome such a distance. oh, today's water. the recent downpour in dubai, a record for the last 75 years, resulted in more than 250 mm of precipitation falling in less than 24 hours. the wind will blow so hard. holy shit, zero visibility, go outside
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at the time of the rain it was dangerous, many people waited out the bad weather at home, in hotels or in shopping centers, a dark cloud from the sky literally fell on the ground for a day like a tropical downpour, a downpour so strong that it tore trees from the roots, the asphalt deteriorated, the situation was very terrible and unusual for us, for the first time i became.
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russia has requested information from our consulate general in dubai about measures to assist russian tourists located at the emirate airport. but at the same time , russian airlines are taking measures for the speedy return of travelers to their homeland. let me remind you that the day before dubai was flooded after a heavy downpour. well, we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobas center, vadim zavodchenkov. vadim, hello, in the emirates they say that there is no such rain there. was 75 years old, is that true? considering this, what caused the current downpours, where are they coming from in the desert? yes,
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indeed, the rainfall on the coast of the persian gulf turned out to be unprecedented for this arid region, and the main cause of the disaster was the collision heat and cold. the residents of the united arab emirates have witnessed an exceptional event in climate history. so, the government of one of the... arid countries of the world commented on the thunderstorm that struck on tuesday evening, after a catastrophic heavy rainfall , major highways located in the lowlands of the street were flooded, thousands of tourists were unable to fly home due to delayed flights, take-off the landing strip was under a layer of water. the situation was aggravated by the fact that after the rain the water
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i didn’t go anywhere for a long time, cars and buses had to be pushed to small hills, due to the climate in the emirates, there is no storm sewer as such, there is simply no need for it, the guys are pushing the car, but where are they pushing it, because there is also a flood, flood everywhere, what's there? whoever is there, the following video has already gone viral: a kitten was clinging with all his might to the door handle of a half-submerged car on the street of dubai, help arrived, as they say, at the last moment. in extreme conditions, both residents of dubai and tourists did not lose their sense of humor, someone came up with modern means of transportation through flooded streets, and the championship, the world champion in winter swimming...
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areas of the equatorial belt, not like in arid arabia, all sorts of precipitation records were updated here in just 24 hours, for example, in dubai the same extreme daily amount. has already become the wettest month of the year for the entire observation period. it must be said that not only the united arab emirates suffered from the storm; comparable heavy downpours hit the northern regions of oman and the southern coasts iran. by the way, it is in the islamic republic that the highest daily
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rainfall has been recorded. the city of chahbihar received 162 liters of water per square meter. meter, almost 7 liters per hour. the reason for the violence of the elements is a sharp aggravation of the frontal section stretching in the middle latitudes of arabia. but on monday, colder air masses from transcaucasia began to break into the region. as a result, temperature contrasts in the front zone increased to 12-15°. this activated the processes of cloud formation and individual heap arrays the rain clouds broke through. even into the stratosphere. by tuesday, the vortex had reached the coast of the persian gulf, where it was additionally saturated with moisture, so that the rains in its area intensified even more. now the main clouds have already moved to the iranian plateau, and sunny and dry weather, more typical for the region, has returned to the coast of the persian gulf.
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a presentation took place in moscow.
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which is definitely focused on foreign economic activity.
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from ber, thank you, alpha friday, supercake every week alfabank cards, on friday , april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service. right now, in the return match of the semi-final of the rpl-russian football cup, st. petersburg zenit is hosting spartak moscow. in the first the st. petersburg team managed to win the game in moscow with a score of 2:1. what will happen today? our sports correspondent alexander abramov is watching the game. contacts us directly, sasha, good evening, how is the game going, how is the atmosphere at the stadium? yes, colleagues, good evening, well, today here in
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st. petersburg, another round of confrontation between st. petersburg zenit and moscow sportak, indeed, today at the gazprom arena is the return match of the semi-final stage of the rpl in the russian cup, everything is quite simple, zenit needs to hold on the very minimum the advantage that sergei timok's team received in the end. the first match in this confrontation in moscow two weeks ago , zenit won 2:1, but spartak , on the contrary, needs to eliminate this backlog, every time we talk about playing the cup, and not the russian championship, for the second year in a row, we return to format of the russian cup, so i will once again explain to our tv viewers that the loser of the confrontation between zenit and spartak will not be eliminated from the fight for the trophy for the russian cup itself today, but the fact is that the winner of the confrontation between zenit and spartak will play against cska in the final, the so-called rpl path, and from there will already get into the super final, and the loser in this confrontation between denit and spartak will go down to the so-called lower part of the bracket
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in the path of the regions from there, where rostov is already waiting , baltika and dynamo, from there it will also be possible to reach the super final. in short, meetings between zinit and spartak in the russian cup this season are still possible; these teams can meet each other in the super final in the match for the trophy. i remember, what. the fan id does not apply to the games of the russian cup and many active fans of both zenit spartak and cska have been going for the second year only to the match of the national cup, so it is not surprising that today the gazprom arena is sold out with more than 50 thousand fans and the management of zenit, people who are responsible for marketing decided to make a little irony today at, first of all, probably not at the football players, at the fans of moscow spartak, today in front of the main entrance to the gazprom arena they staged a so-called kebab festival. well, this is such a reference to the fact that spartak fans themselves call themselves meat, and before the match we talked with some fans, frankly speaking,
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i wanted to discuss with them what is more important for the team, what is more reliable, whether the fight for the trophy will continue on the rpl path play two matches against cska, where there will be no room for error, or, on the contrary, continue to fight for the trophy at the bottom of the tournament, many did not understand this question, so they mainly talked about the expectations of the match, zenit and spartak this season among themselves they are playing for the fourth time, two matches were within the framework of the russian championship, two matches within the framework of the russian cup, i repeat, a fifth,
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perhaps a fifth meeting in the super final of the russian cup is still possible, i think that many neutral fans would be waiting for just such a final. it is also very important to remember that today spartak is playing the first match without its head coach; just a few days ago, spanish specialist guillerm bascal, who worked with spartak, was fired from spartak. from the summer of 2022 and brought the team to today’s match against zenit bosnian specialist, bosnian coach, vladimir sliskovic, he worked on abascal’s staff, moreover, sliskovic led spartak several times when obascal was disqualified, for the fourth time he is already leading the team as head coach, but today there is a chance to prove that the match a month and a half ago here, when they played 0:0 and spartak showed an excellent game, it was no coincidence that sliskovic was also on the sidelines.
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so, and we continue, one of the most sensational topics of the day is an interview with the founder of the telegram messenger pavel durov, american journalist tycker carlson. the event is indeed, in a sense, exciting, this is durov’s first big public interview in the last 7 years, so the audience was very interested in hearing what one of the most famous private entrepreneurs in the world of it technologies would talk about. full interview. channel, it has already been watched by more than 1.300 thousand users, there are a lot of comments, and both russian and foreign users write, they mostly admire durov and thank tucker for being able to do it at all to agree, an interview with such a guest turns out to be a very long-awaited guest for the audience, so what was durov talking about? well, first of all, of course, about the success of its telegram platform. according to him, he is already
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using the messenger. 900 million people are projected to cross the billion mark this year. according to the entrepreneur, the main pressure tegram experiences is not from the authorities of various countries, but from the american companies google and apple. but despite pressure from major colleagues, the mission durvo remains unchanged. freedom of communication for millions of users, and comes first, comes first, comes first for. i still develop most of the features, working directly with every engineer and designer who implements these features. i am the only product manager because i believe that this is how i can contribute to development. we have launched a platform on which we hold competitions for engineers; we select the best of the best based on the results of competitions that we hold every month or two, they can join our team of about 30 engineers in total. the greatest attention
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in a conversation with the american... with the usa, as it turned out, the founder of telegram quickly abandoned the idea of ​​doing business in america, since western approaches were not to his liking. in an interview, durov recalled that he was once attacked in san francisco; they wanted to steal his phone. to this revelation from durov, tyker shrugged his shoulders and asked his interlocutor whether he was very surprised by what happened. durov replied that nowhere, in any country , he travels a lot, he has not yet attacked. another reason why the entrepreneur decided not to run his business in the technology valley is excessive attention from american intelligence agencies. according to him , fbi agents literally follow him every time he is in the country. they are trying to find out details about the work of telegram in order, well, as durov thinks, to find some kind of control over users.
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too much attention. no matter where we are in the usa, i’ll give an example: the last time i was in the states, i had with me an engineer who works in telegram, employees or cybersecurity agents tried to secretly recruit him behind my back, so he told me, they wanted to find out how the codes worked, find loopholes, so they could possibly spy on users. it is known that pavel durov is one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world, and he states that becoming rich was never part of his plans, but he always wanted to be free, fool... he always wanted to, while he has several hundred million dollars in his accounts, but the entrepreneur does nothing with them.
8:00 pm
if you are a creative, ambitious young a professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmas is your path to the pinnacle of mastery. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour: so the group.


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