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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the authorities of russian regions that find themselves in flood zones must guarantee people protection. property has been provided with adequate support so that no one has concerns about the need to evacuate, vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting with ministers of the federal government and heads of regions where the most difficult situation has arisen. alexey golovko and albert musin will tell you what instructions the president gave and what measures have already been taken. the flood situation changes every day vladimir putin begins the day and meetings with the government with this most important topic from the kurgan region , the minister for emergency situations talks about the situation. we
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communicate with you almost every day, please let us know what the situation looks like today. in the orenburg region, we can say with a certain degree of confidence that the flood wave passed through the cities of orsk and orenburg. the flood wave moves downstream of the ural river and approaches the village of ilek, on the border with kazakhstan. as for the kurgan region, here the flood wave came directly to the city of kurgan. we expect maximum water levels in the coming days. which is predicted to reach 10 m, which is a historical maximum. there are dozens of settlements and thousands of houses located near the riverbeds of the ural, tabol and ishim rivers in the flood zone. and if in orenburg the peak of water has already passed the largest cities, then in the kurgan and tyumen regions the fight against the elements is just beginning. in the tyumen region, the greatest concern is the level of the ishim river, meteorologists have revised their forecast for the upcoming flood. and now the region is preparing. to an unprecedentedly high wave, we
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expect approximately +2 m to the historical maximum that was in 2017, for us 2 m is a lot, because the topography of the tyumen region in the area of ​​the shim river is quite flat , every centimeter of height gives a large area of ​​flooding, i tell you he said yes, that it could be higher than usual, remember? yes, and on your instructions we were just preparing + 2 m. now the dams along the river are being strengthened with bags of sand, trying to finish.
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five settlements. water threatens the capital of the region. in the area of ​​the city of kurgan, just in the last 24 hours the river level has increased by 1 m 60 cm. the level of the tabol river in kurgan has exceeded the dangerous phenomenon mark by 80 cm and has now reached 9 m 27 cm. water continues to flow from the flooded area, more than 14,300 citizens have been resettled, including 1,833 children. at the kurgan dam, if it breaks , 20 emergency technicians are on duty around the clock. how the region
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is preparing to deal with water from kurgan region, albert musin. almost the entire right bank part of kurgan is flooded, more than a hundred villages and snt. in the city center , evacuation sirens sound every 2 hours. several bridges and roads in the regional center were flooded and closed. the city embankment turned into a seventeen-kilometer dam, which... the water is rapidly rising, now in such darkness, we just now, if water is lost, we will not find anyone, all night long the siren rootstock, the deputy governor of the region personally convinced the residents of the tulpan snd to evacuate, people refused, hoping for a clay embankment, but in the morning it burst. volunteers on boats inspect flooded houses, helping to rescue the property of abandoned animals. he generally leaves the dogs on a chain, we bring wire cutters, we bring chisels, and break them there. the water
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came to the village of kitovo just overnight, in some places its depth here reaches several meters, the wind raises waves, and rivers flow through the streets with such a strong current that boats on... oars are simply blown to the side, and you can only walk here on the motor, worry, let's go now, let's go now, let's go now, vitaly chupin returned to pick up two dogs, the water has already entered the house, everything is practically raised, the meta just stood there until the last moment, until the water reached the roofs, everything is used to save the animals, rubber boats, and gardening tools, how many skins do you have, four, four small ones, and yes a big one, two big ones? in the glinka microdistrict , the largest dairy farm of 1,300 animals is being evacuated. dozens of people lined up in a human corridor, helping with the evacuation, and then the cows were taken to special pens in trucks. the forecast for the coming days is unfavorable, the water level will reach
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the historical maximum is 10 m. in regions where the river level has dropped, now is the time to assess the damage and compensate for it. as soon as the water recedes, pause: the water goes away, the commissions should work immediately. in orenburz, for example , standard projects have already been developed for the development of new neighborhoods, and people who have lost their homes will receive land plots on a priority basis. in the meantime, the first payments have begun, including through the state services portal. 30,000 people have already received
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payments, not only priority ones, but in connection with with the loss of property, a decision was made to pay almost 34,000 more residents. among the priority tasks there. where the earth begins to dry out, clearing away rubble, disinfecting water, and of course, helping those who are left homeless; in the same orenburg region , more than a thousand people remain in temporary accommodation centers, some of them need psychological and medical help. there are enough specialists there, right? today, 41 vaccination teams are working directly in the orenburg region, there are no difficulties in providing assistance, including specialists, cardiologists, additional neurologists. at the request of colleagues in order to organize advisory assistance. in addition, humanitarian aid is coming to the affected regions from all over the country, and volunteers are helping rescuers and doctors. i want to say thank you to all my colleagues from the regions, i see that you are working hard and i hope
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this will continue until the issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing are resolved. the president announced a large meeting on the topic of eliminating the consequences of the flood, in which, in addition to... in nagorny the peacekeeping mission of our country is ending in karabakh; today the withdrawal of russian units from the territory of the former republic began; the russian contingent has been in the region since the twentieth year in accordance with agreements between baku, yerevan and moscow. since last fall, azerbaijan has announced the restoration of its territorial integrity, and armenia has recognized these borders. so, as noted in soffed, the completion of the russian peacekeeping operation is a logical consequence of these events. read more in the material egor grigoriev. the russian peacekeeping contingent leaves the territory of azerbaijan, 2.0 people on the territory of nagorno-karabakh, they served for almost 4 years. urals and kamaz trucks with
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personnel and armored vehicles are moving towards the departure point. a march was made, columns of armored vehicles. armenia and in 2020, in achieving the results of agreements and stabilizing the situation , the russian mission plays a big role, this was noted by assistant to the president of azerbaijan hikmet hajiyev. today, taking into account the repeated public statements of the prime minister of the republic of armenia nikolana on recognition of sovereignty. russian peacekeepers played a significant role in this ; the systematic and large-scale actions of our peacekeepers helped achieve the desired results; the ceasefire was monitored along the entire line of contact between the parties in the lachin corridor.
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operational communication was established with the leadership of the security forces of both armenia and azerbaijan, but not everything went smoothly. the escalation also led to losses, six of our peacekeepers were killed, another while carrying out the most important task of mine clearance, but the work, of course, continued, almost 700 houses were inspected, and after the transition of the territory of the karabakh economic region
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to the full control of azerbaijan in september 2023, our peacekeepers helped with the temporary accommodation and relocation of thousands of people, now the mission is completed, planned preparation of the property complex of the russian peacekeeping contingent is being carried out with subsequent loading to standard fixed equipment for subsequent transportation through a railway loading station on the territory of the russian federation. withdrawal of the contingent it will take several days, but for the full restoration of peaceful life, the help of our military will still be needed. we are talking about humanitarian demining of territories to verify clearance, and there is much more. egor grigoriev, news. russian tourists do not refuse trips to dubai due to bad weather. domestic tour operators conducted such data today. meanwhile, 300 russians were unable to fly home. they are expecting such an opportunity in time at dubai airport, hundreds of flights have been canceled or rescheduled there,
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the situation is gradually improving, but today we managed to send only a few planes. meanwhile , the emirates' utilities began to eliminate the consequences of historic downpours; such precipitation has not been seen in the region for 75 years. the topic will be continued by alexander belibov. the strongest storm in the last three quarters of a century, which hit the united arab emirates just the day before, led to the collapse of the largest. air hubs throughout the middle east at dubai international airport. the airfield turned into a sea. the airport has stopped receiving and departing all flights until weather conditions improve. in as a result , thousands of people gathered in the airport terminals, waiting for the departure of their flights, among them many of our compatriots. the flight was first rescheduled for an hour and a half, then after we waited for our time for the already rescheduled flight, the flight was easy. the display was removed, there are no tickets until the 19th, footage from crowded
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terminals shows people sleeping, some on the floor, some on chairs in the waiting rooms, many with children, travelers were essentially trapped, all flights were canceled, and there was no way to go to a hotel no possibility, because there are many roads were completely or partially flooded. about 300 russian citizens are now waiting for their flights in dubai, these are tourists and independent travelers, some of the tourists are... checking in their luggage. a similar situation has developed at other airports in the emirates. this is what the crowded terminal in sharjah looked like. russian tourists who were flying to dubai, but due to bad weather landed in the capital of the uae, were stuck in abu dhabi. night, then we were dropped off, and then with
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the force of tourists who seemed to have been picked up at the airport. but the most difficult situation in dubai airport, where hundreds of russian tourists who were supposed to return home the day before spent the entire last night and today in the terminal, many complained that they were not even provided with food and water. there are a huge number of people with small children here who are simply at a loss as to what to do, for some it’s simple.
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then there will be heavy rain, so that local residents , if possible, stay at home, do not go out anywhere, close the windows and observe all safety measures, despite the fact that the emirate authorities are trying to minimize it.
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or iran had a hand in the storm over dubai, but only in the vagaries of nature do people, british journalists ask themselves, because in the emirates they periodically cause rain artificially to replenish groundwater supplies. flight tracking data. an analysis by associated press showed that one plane linked to the uae's cloud seeding efforts flew across the country on sunday. meanwhile, ahmed habib, an employee of the national center of meteorology, told bloomberg that within a few days before the unprecedented rains began, several cloud seeding missions were flown. this happens due to the fact that a sufficiently
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moist air mass breaks through here, and the convection movement, which is associated with heating of the surface. earth, they rise to this level, then latent heat is released, drops are formed, and what happens is, well, this whole door, a hatch, opens and a mass of water pours out, whether there was a natural thunderstorm over dubai, now they are arguing for an outage meteorologists, but everyone agrees that it was anomalous, heaven not only opened up, but even turned an atypical green color, raising even more questions about what it really was. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and denis sokolov, lead. on saturday, the american congress will put to a vote new bills on separate packages of military assistance to israel and kiev, in addition, on additional spending on some kind of containment of china, where would new anti-russian sanctions be without them? all initiatives were presented today by
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the speaker of the house of representatives, confident in that now he will be able to enlist the support of both parties, his only associates are michael johnson. republicans have already accused him of giving in to joe biden, who , in their opinion, continues to lose touch with reality in the united states. report by our staff correspondent dmitry melnikov. arriving at his small homeland in the city of scranton in pennsylvania, president biden got lost right on the plane. at the same time , a general dynamics plant was burning a few miles away. it is this production, the main link of the multi-billion dollar the pentagon's plan to accelerate the production of ammunition for ukraine. the fire was put out while the president was walking with local children around the city where he was born 81 years ago. tired of walking, he could no longer pronounce the name of his native scranton. here biden tells his fellow countrymen about how america's influence in the world has grown under his presidency.
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you know, the whole world is looking at us, i enter the negotiation hall, it doesn’t matter if it’s a summit. "we are living in unprecedented times, we are living in dangerous times, this is being said all over the world. at home, we need reliable leadership, a strong hand at the helm, i consider myself a wartime speaker in the literal sense. with a strong hand, johnson is dividing the president's foreign aid package into several separate bills. israel, taiwan, ukraine." it is in
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this order that on saturday he will propose that the house vote on each project separately. moreover, if... the need for urgent assistance to israel and taiwan does not cause disagreements, funding for ukraine is the main reason for the split in the camp of the republicans, even as loan and even for the benefit of their own military-industrial complex, not everyone supports the allocation of money to kiev. most democrats are in favor of allocating funds to ukraine, but among my republican colleagues there are people who, let ’s say, are somewhat less assertive in this regard if assistance is provided. the truth is, leaks from the capitalist hill
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, not confirmed by anyone, but similar to them , reveal the details of the package proposed by johnson for ukraine from 48.5 billion about 20 to replenish its own american weapons stocks at the expense of those that kiev received before, taking into account the remaining presidential limits under this law, the united states will immediately be able... to transfer weapons worth $12 billion to ukraine, and another $14 billion to place defense orders for kiev at us enterprises. true, the production of atakoms, air defense systems and tanks for the armed forces of ukraine will take at least a year. in the republican faction, these manipulations with the division of laws have already been called a scam, and the number of those who threaten johnson with resignation if he puts the ukrainian package to a vote is growing. congressman thomas massie said they would support it.
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from kiev, the white house already agrees against the backdrop of lamentations that sound every day at everything, they announced that john's plan was theirs. discussed with the president on the phone, and apparently biden is ready to sign all four laws. to put pressure on congress on the eve of the vote,
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troops from kiev once again arrived in the united states. at the american-ukrainian forum in washington, head of government shmygal asked to transfer air defense systems to the armed forces of ukraine, but following in biden’s footsteps, he became confused about why, although there is deep truth in this reservation of the ukrainian prime minister. we need air defense systems for the protection of russian cities, for the protection of ukrainian cities, excuse me, while in the west they clearly understand that the allocated money will not radically change the situation of ukraine, but washington will probably be able to prolong the oppression of the kiev regime for some time. even if the speaker’s proposed option for helping kiev is approved and signed by biden by the end of the week, this will be the last investment by washington investors in a project called ukraine. at the same time , everyone here is aware that new supplies of weapons mean new human sacrifices, but other than money, washington is not
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going to give any guarantees to the kiev regime. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. in the it sector in russia, 850 thousand people work in about 20 thousand companies. mikhail mishustin shared these statistics today in his greeting to the participants of the international conference data fusion. the prime minister emphasized that digital platforms. a total amount of more than 130 billion rubles. also keeps developers with grants and incentives for the government to continue to help develop infrastructure and data transmission networks,
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of course, in different ways, including through the creation of a satellite constellation, new data centers, connecting social institutions primarily to high-speed internet, and the national project will also increase labor productivity; they also expect an increase in income in various industries, artificial intelligence will cover. .. it seems like a step forward, ahead of us, in my opinion , are only nigeria and jamaica, which are already using, this is china too, well, china, here, but
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we are really going quite well here... with the choice of housing, for example, i want to take mortgage and in order to give a task to artificial intelligence, i need to fill out a special questionnaire. yuli, can you help me? yes, of course, i press forward, yes, we indicate your wishes, what kind of infrastructure is needed around you, the system will select the ideal area and highlight it
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in bright color. in the same way, geoanalytics will tell entrepreneurs where to open a business or indicate to developers a suitable location for a new residential complex. accordingly, we know all infrastructure facilities, know the interests of clients and can build such thermal cards that allow, for a specific location, to answer a question there, but i don’t know whether this location covers the need for restaurants and cafes there. this is the result of working with a large amount of data in the vtb database, internal information that is protected, as well as information. the use of neural networks will amount to almost 12 billion rubles. this eliminates manual labor in many ways, well, for example, artificial intelligence used in document recognition. in fact, this is a quite profitable, of course, payable investment direction for the bank.
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meetings via video conference, reminiscent of a computer game, communication with the help of experts will soon replace the usual avatars, which have facial expressions and the ability to show reactions. in the future, artificial intelligence will help create the most personalized service for the client, and, of course, security. protection against hacking scammers needs to be taken to a new level, data fusion speakers emphasize. to do this , it is necessary to act by combining the efforts of various departments. russia has a window of opportunity. in the world of technology, there is where to grow, and there are all the prerequisites for this. maria filipova, nikita korniev, konstantin veselov, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, to make sure that other countries, including friendly ones, are not afraid of calculations. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters.
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