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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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i call them the 100 days of hell, it's especially hard when you're waiting and don't know if you have cancer or not.
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there are currently 170 patients in our department, 90 people are waiting in line, the waiting time for an appointment with a doctor is 7.5 hours, so if you return home and come here tomorrow morning at 8:00, you will still have to wait in line for free beds not in our hospital right now. this video recording from the emergency department of one of the english hospitals was published by the telegraph publication last year. since then, little has changed, official figures. talk about that an average of 250 people die every week in england due to delayed treatment. each month, around 40,000 emergency room patients wait longer than 12 hours to be allocated a hospital bed. last year, 153,000 patients spent more than 24 hours in hospital waiting rooms before they could be admitted. this is an absolute anti-record for english medicine. 50 times. exceeding
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the speed of receiving patients who were here before the pandemic. is britain over? the question is not as stupid as it sounds. we a country that is adrift in a sea of ​​change and is unable to move in any direction itself. we no longer have a health service; it does not meet any standards. this giant queue accumulated in the english city of pristal, where the public health service organized a free appointment.
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screwed up, yes, because you promised that the queues at the hospital, we failed, the queues at the hospital will be reduced, frankly speaking, they are immediately reduced, more than half a million citizens are in line for reception, this is more than at the beginning of last year, do you admit it? yes, and we all know the reasons for this. the opposition liberal democrats have released data on unsanitary conditions in public hospitals in england. where over the past 3 years , 18,000 unpleasant incidents with the appearance of insects and rodents in rooms where ideal cleanliness should be maintained have been recorded. it is reported that in one of the hospitals , black insects bit the legs of staff. there were a lot of flies in the hospital, and behind the walls there was rustling and sounds that animals were donated. traces of rats were found in another hospital, and a dead pigeon was found in a third. leader of the liberal democrats.
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it is known here by the acronym nhs and was formed in britain after the second world war. the good idea of ​​providing all britons with free healthcare generally worked, but problems accumulated over the years. the nhs has suffered two powerful blows over the past 10 years, the pandemic and brexit. the break with the european union broke the usual pattern of hiring specialists from other countries. many decided to leave, leaving leaving behind vacancies that there is no one to fill. there is a shortage of doctors in the state.
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it has made itself felt in the healthcare system before, but now it has acquired a completely different scale, lengthening the queues for appointments with specialists many times over. for example, in my department there was a waiting list for 6 weeks for... and after covid it was 78 weeks, because they didn’t send anyone, and then they immediately started sending everyone. the problems have intensified due to a general decline in living standards. last year , a large-scale series of strikes by nurses and doctors began.
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they demanded higher wages. disputes with the government dragged on for months. cabinet under boris johnson, followed by list tras and rishi sunak. easily allocated money for military assistance to ukraine, while doctors were shamed for organizing strikes, they endanger the health and lives of people. i had situations when i was ready to come for an additional appointment, not because i needed to be paid additionally, but simply because i understand, i understand what is needed, yes, but the manager tells me: yes, that’s it ok but we can't find a nurse who will agree to be at this appointment, like this, can you imagine, here... these were the situations, because nurses are not paid enough, the doctors here were fasting, young doctors, why were they fasting, because their salary was 14 pounds an hour, they pay tax on this salary, and the minimum is the minimum wage per hour, now
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, in my opinion, it’s 12 pounds or 11 something, but these are doctors, the responsibility is the crazy part. a situation has arisen where, instead of attracting additional specialists,
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the state healthcare system pushes them away; many doctors prefer to go to other countries where there are better working conditions and prices that are not as high as in britain. compared to other countries, the uk is squeezing the last juice out of its doctors, and they are voting with their feet. the country has a huge problem with tax evasion and offshore schemes; huge corporations pay ridiculous taxes and do not participate in the development of society. following the doctors , patients, desperate to stand in line for an appointment, flocked abroad. they go to where cheaper, and you don't have to wait for months. to perform the operation on the femoral joint, british annabelle haris. went to lithuania, in england she was offered hospitalization after a year and a half, but the pain was already unbearable, bone was literally rubbing against bone, one day could be better, but overall everything was only getting worse, she had to take eight more quenching tablets a day, and so many or paracetamol tablets. at the clinic where she
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had the operation, 80% of the patients come from the uk, and her roommate too became a subject of the united kingdom. if i had gone to a private clinic in london, the operation alone would have cost me £17,000, but when you come here you get the full package for half the price, it's great, it's still a little hard to lift my leg, i really sympathize with those people who have no choice and can only wait, what is happening to our health system today is very sad, the national... uk health services today in in fact, a whole range of problems: lack of personnel, funds, an aging population, increasingly expensive equipment and drugs. but where are there not the same difficulties now? the question seems to be: how are they dealt with? the current medical problems will certainly
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leave a deep political mark, it will be very difficult for the ruling conservatives to stay in power when in many areas, not only in health care, there is a complete dead end, so it will most likely be up to another ruling party to deal with the rubble after... the general elections, and it’s not a fact that in this case early success awaits her. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. do you confirm the transfer? among spam and scammers blocked service my security connect for free to the application
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in order for russians to have warm light in their homes, it is not enough to just extract gas; it still needs to be prepared and delivered from the well to cities, villages, enterprises and power plants. before natural gas reaches consumers, it can overcome the pipes are not 1.00 km long. the european part of our country is literally covered by a single gas supply system like a huge network. the same one is now being created in eastern russia. of course, it is impossible to simply open the valve to the well so that the gas itself goes to the consumer 1.00 km away. it needs to be pushed over such a long distance, creating the necessary in the pipe. pressure for this, along the entire path of the gas pipeline , compressor stations are located every 100-150 km, they give impulse to the gas due to its compression or, as engineers say, compression, this the voskressenskaya compressor station supplies gas to the capital region. five main gas pipelines come to the compressor station, three main gas pipelines
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from the central asia center and two main gas pipelines from the kasimovsky underground gas storage facility. at our station, two compressor shops undergo the process of compression, that is, increasing the pressure, and depending on the needs of the consumer, our compressed gas, yes, is sent to the ring gas pipeline of the moscow region, towards noginsk or to side of serpukhov. this voskresenskaya compressor station supplies gas to the capital region. this compressor station is capable of passing up to 160 million cubic meters of gas daily, so large.
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bryansk, belgorod regions, kaluga, voronezh, volgograd, ryazan, tula, lipetsk regions. our compressor station is located on the ring gas pipeline of the moscow region, so we directly supply moscow and the moscow region. serpukhov department, of which the compressor station is part voskresenskaya, feeds the moscow ring gas pipeline. by approximately 80%, that is , the warmth and comfort of the majority of residents and enterprises of the country’s largest city directly depends on the operation of the enterprise. gas must be of the highest quality. at each stage of transportation it undergoes cleaning. gas from the main gas pipeline is saturated with fur impurities and goes to the first purification point, these are cyclone dust collectors, where
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the gas is purified due to centrifugal force. after this, it goes to the second cleaning point, these are our separator filters. fine cleaning. the gas pipeline runs not only underground, but also in places under water, so condensation can form inside the pipe, which means another mandatory step is gas drying. by the way, it’s not only here. gas is dried immediately after production at intermediate stages of transportation and when lifted from underground storage facilities. yes, there are some, they are needed to cover part of the required volumes of gas during the period of peak consumption. then the volumes used up from the storage facilities are compensated for by reserves that are made in the summer. kaluga underground gas storage facility is the first in the country, created in an aquiferous structure. below us, at a depth of approximately 800 meters, there is a porous layer with overall dimensions of 2x5 km in length and width and approximately 15-20 m in thickness. every year about 500 million cubic meters of gas are pumped into it, this is enough to
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provide energy resources to a city of 350-4000 people.
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enterprises, realizing the importance of their work for hundreds of thousands and millions of people. the most interesting thing in the profession is to learn, to find out the future, to find out
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development prospects, to make a contribution to something good. this object began, i was a simple engineer, it ended, i was already the chief engineer, so my whole life in the reconstruction of this object is in my hands, starting from the well and ending with the aslushka, separation, compressor shop. mainline or from an underground storage facility, technologically the completion of a large transport route of blue fuel under high pressure of tens of atmospheres ends at the gas distribution station, and if the previous stages were
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largely related to giving impetus for a long journey of gas, then at the finish line opposite it it is necessary to slow down and reduce the pressure from 55 to 12 kg per km in order to send gas to distribution networks, industrial, social, municipal and household consumers. grp-16, one of the largest in gazprom, is located at the entrance to the capital on the so-called moscow gas ring. this system allows us to supply gas around large cluster cities. around the city of moscow we have six such large gas heating stations, the total the productivity of which is more than 10 million cubic meters per hour, from which gas is supplied to the underground gas pipeline of the city of moscow to ensure reliability.
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this is yekaterinburg, the entire turbo engine plant, our generators, which are made by elektrosila, st. petersburg, all the equipment is ours, the drying equipment is also ours, this is our tikon, each turbo unit has its own huge one. the boiler burns more than 30,000 cubic meters of gas per hour to produce 480 tons of steam, which in turn makes the blades spin turbines to generate electricity will heat
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water for the capital's district heating system. such a complex installation simultaneously produces heat and electricity. at the beginning there is a gas turbine, which produces heat, and at the end there is a generator that produces electricity. all this goes to the consumption needs of moscow residents. the introduction of new technologies and system updates allows you to monitor and control processes remotely from operator consoles. now start-up and commissioning operations are underway. if you look, all the information is displayed on local computers and monitors. you can track all the parameters of the station. well, plus everything, that means management. all units, pumps, that is, gate valves, are carried out from these control panels, in addition to increasing the efficiency indicators of the station,
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which are growing thanks to... constant modernization, the company pays great attention to environmental issues. the same boilers are equipped with modern environmentally friendly burners, the level of impact on the atmosphere is significantly below acceptable standards. some of the noisiest objects on the ets territory are, of course, cooling towers, tall, large, huge cooling radiators. here they figured out how to cope with the noise, built these large noise-absorbing walls, close the door and... the overall noise level is significantly reduced, and , accordingly, the neighbors live more comfortably. the comfort of a large city such as moscow is ensured by a centralized heating system. in addition to large boilers, mosengo also has smaller boiler houses. it's interesting that when under different conditions, for example, outside temperature or the number of connected buildings, different sources operate with different loads. moek is responsible for delivering heat. every year , to save fuel, the company’s engineers develop a program to distribute
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loads between tetz. and boiler rooms. the fact is that due to district heating, this is what we call the combined production of electrical thermal energy, up to 40% of fuel is saved compared to the separate production of electricity at a condensing power plant, and thermal energy in the hot water boiler room. when we do this together at the same time, we save up to 40% of fuel. this large-scale program allows us to save fuel and , accordingly, reduce emissions. so only in the twenty-third year, last year, thanks to this implementation of this program, we reduced. 1.2000 tons of copronic gases and more than 1.0 tons of nitrogen oxides, this is a very significant contribution to the ecology of the city. the work of thirteen tets and more than 100 boiler houses allows mosenergo and moek to supply heat to 90% of moscow residents. every day, 1,800 km of networks supply the resource to 74,000 buildings in the capital. the point is a comfortable life for city residents and ensuring the operation of capital enterprises.
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on time, without pause, vladimir putin called for organizing work to assess damage from floods immediately after the water recedes to help people restore and repair their houses as quickly as possible. the consequences of the natural disaster became the main topic of the president's meeting with governors and
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the government on wednesday. in some regions the water is already receding, in others it is only approaching critical levels, as, for example, in kurgan region. i appreciated the scale of the work currently underway in the affected areas.


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