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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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on time, without pause, vladimir putin called for organizing work to assess damage from floods immediately after the water recedes to help people restore and repair their houses as quickly as possible. the consequences of the natural disaster became the main topic of the president's meeting with governors and the government on wednesday. the water is already receding, in others
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it is only approaching critical levels, as, for example, in the kurgan region, the scale of the work that is now underway in the affected areas was assessed by natalya solovyova. in touch with the president, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, members of the government and governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. vladimir putin receives reports from the regions most affected by the flood every day, but the situation changes hourly and remains difficult. the peak of the flood has passed. orsk and orenburg are now sanitizing areas where the water has receded, drying out houses, utility services are urgently restoring the supply of water and electricity, rescuers are delivering food, bottled water, essentials, and volunteers are helping. meanwhile, water is advancing on kurgan, in the region 14,000 people were evacuated, 18 temporary accommodation centers were opened for them, which can accommodate... a total of 5,000
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residents, many are moving to relatives, the authorities fear a repetition of the situation in orenburg, when people refused to leave their homes, risking their health and even life . according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, now the most important role is played by informing the population. particular attention is paid to information work with the population. people need to be told about payments and other forms of support that they can receive information about the procedure for restoring documents and the address.
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some applications for payments are submitted through the state services portal; this mechanism significantly simplifies the entire process of providing assistance to citizens, reducing the time it takes for money to arrive in the applicant’s account. in the orenburg region , they have already begun assessing the damage, developing projects for the development of new residential areas, restoring roads, and at the same time making payments to the victims. we began repairing the road infrastructure of the tram tracks that were damaged. we are already developing projects standard solutions for new construction. neighborhoods we will offer residents both the opportunity to buy ready-made housing and to build a house on their own, we are working with the land, on friday we will adopt the appropriate regional law allowing the provision of land to people who have lost their housing as a result of the emergency as a priority, free of charge without bidding. a large block of healthcare is being implemented, we are vaccinating residents, more than 33,000 have already been vaccinated, and 11:00 of them are 796 children, of which with the assistance. the russian federation
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was allocated from the reserve fund by the government 120,000 doses, and of course we continue this work accordingly. on april 15, all schoolchildren in orsk began studying in a full-time format. students left in the zes without clothes and shoes receive certificates for children's clothing in the amount of 7,000 rubles. in the kurgan region they are preparing for the worst. according to the regional governor, the water level in tobol can rise to 11 m. residents of 35 settlements are being evacuated, the movement of trucks on federal highways in the region has been limited, and in kurgan itself three bridges and several sections of roads have been blocked. expansion work is underway dump, but authorities warn that the structures may not survive and residents are asked to take evacuation seriously. work to inform citizens about the evacuation order is carried out continuously around the clock. the work of the headquarters is seen openly, with the posting of photo-video-text materials in the media, social networks, with an actual analysis of the situation based on...
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forecasts of which snt or populated area are at risk of being flooded or cut off. current forecast data from quadcopters and space analysis are provided. we believe that people should know and understand that occurs to compare risks. to help us resettle flooded areas, due to the difficulties in the work of emergency rescue teams and the ambulance crew , it is recommended that the rosavtovtodor department limit the transit of freight transport along the irtysh highway at marks 250 and 278 km of the border of the city of kurgan. in the tyumen region, the water in the ishi river may rise to a historical maximum; authorities are calling for evacuations from dangerous areas. the rescuers are ready to help, but for some reason not all of them hear the call. people from the drowning zone. we are waiting for more water, thank you, yes, alexandrevich, i told you, yes, that it
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can be higher than usual, remember, yes, that’s why the municipalities that are a little downstream, where we have the city of ishim, especially, we are already raising dams, you said that. .. we’re taking people out, those who are the most stubborn are left, there’s no need to talk about people like that, there’s no need, sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you’re trying, everyone’s tired, you’re working there without enough sleep, and you’re sincerely trying to help people , but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but it is necessary that believed that everything would be reliably provided, including doctors, according to the minister of health, assistance in the flood zone is being provided in full, residents of the tomsk region began to be vaccinated against hepatitis a in order to avoid an epidemic, the same work is underway in the orenburg and kurgan regions and at the same time they consider the damage caused to hospitals and medical centers in
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areas affected by floods. we had to evacuate medical organizations in the edinburgh region, and changed routes accordingly. on patient routing we talked to you about emergency conditions regarding planned care, including maternity institutions, all this was taken into account and all assistance is provided in full. in kurgan there is still a readiness to protect medical equipment, including the possible ones.
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to begin work to assess the damage, and as soon as the water recedes, he called on his colleagues to gather in a larger group to discuss the restoration of infrastructure and housing. in the tyumen region, according to a new forecast , more than 100 people may fall into the flood zone settlements where a total of more than 17 thousand people live. possible ruptures of the dump or overflow of water through them. an urgent evacuation is underway. the situation is being monitored by our special correspondent in the region, brenwald, the situation in the tyumen region regarding flood water is extremely, extremely difficult, it is getting worse, and also because the weather is changing, abnormal heat will now come and the water will flow stronger, but the two most difficult areas are probably kazan region and ishim
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region, the ishim river, in fact, and there it gives such a significant increase, for example, for day in the ilyinka area, this is the kazan region, the increase is as much as 76 cm, the level reached 88%. 4 cm at the critical level of 800, that is , the spill is already beginning there, but this also takes into account the fact that the water from kazakhstan, that is , the head of the water snake, the so-called, has not yet left kazakhstan, has not entered the territory of russia, that is there will be a lot of water, and here in the tyumen region they are preparing for this water, you see now behind me volunteers, just city residents collecting it and filling it up. sandbags for to strengthen the dam crest, what work is being carried out, the authorities told us, today we are carrying out the work, raising the dam crest with bags by a meter, waiting for high water, so we have about 650 people, equipment, we fill the bags, deliver them
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to the dam, load them, well, we do it all measures to protect both gardens and , accordingly, cleanliness facilities are carried out not only by builders and designers, but by ordinary citizens. the amount of heavy equipment here, as you can see, the work does not stop literally not for a second, in there are several shifts, there are actually students working here, we even saw pensioners today, many understand. that now we need to act extremely quickly, because the water is rapidly approaching the city, the children are coming voluntarily, when they said that you need to help, the children immediately agreed, there were, we only have adults, yeah, yes, what is the task of the guys, well, the task of guys collect bags, four to five, they collect shovels, tie everything up so that they can then take the cars to the dam, the desire to help their beloved city and loved one institute, that is, you understand that the trouble is common, yes, if so, the trouble is common, therefore... in such moments we need to unite and be all together, we are now in an emergency in the city, so we are all here,
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we help, we strengthen as much as we can. the ministry of defense of the russian federation has strengthened the group of engineering troops involved in protecting settlements from floods in the tyumen region. the corresponding decision was made in response to an appeal from the head of the region ; over 100 additional military personnel with automotive equipment were transferred to the ishim region for... implementation measures to strengthen the build-up of protective structures near the ishim river. it was also reported earlier, and we witnessed today , that a subversive group of engineering troops is carrying out work, carrying out blasting operations on the ishim river, the task is to prevent ice jams and protect, well, the hydraulic structures themselves. as of today, this means that 540 explosions have been completed and the ice in the river bed has been cleared. more than 3,000 km. the unit is staffed by
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professionals from the tyumen higher military engineering command school. every knows its task, everything works as a single well-coordinated mechanism. since the 8th , a state of emergency of regional importance has been declared in the region in those areas that are prone to flooding, voluntary evacuation has already been announced in the risk of flooding, temporary temporary accommodation has opened and many people are already moving, this is just up. along the flow, where the water will enter, first of all, in this region there have already been such floods in these areas, in the seventeenth year there was quite serious flooding, so people understand that with big water they come big problems, and entire families are evacuated to temporary temporary detention centers, where everything is prepared for them, from shelter to food, medical care, psychological assistance, including assistance; storage spaces are opened here in ishim, as in many other settlements. things, personal belongings, they allocated a huge area for parking cars,
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this is also important, we saw how in ortski, when cars did not have time to be taken out of the danger zone, they simply floated here, foresaw this moment, now many use this parking lot and bring their transport facilities. stanislav bernwald, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, conduct ishim, tyumen region. there are mass protests and arrests in tbilisi again. media reports that the police pulled out. crowds of opposition leaders to calm tensions, this is the third night of protests. even journalists took part in the fight. colleagues recorded how the cameraman hit his opponent with a television camera. the crowd attacked the police cordon near the government house. street leaders demanded that the prime minister of georgia, irakli, come to talk to them kabakhidze. the protesters moved to the government house from the georgian parliament building, which was besieged for several hours. on wednesday, the people's representatives adopted the bill in the first reading.
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for the 2024 fiscal year, johnson proposes to allocate $61 billion to kiev and 26 billion to tel aviv. if the document is adopted, it will oblige the state debt and the pentagon to draw up a clear strategy for helping kiev. according to the text of the bill, this strategy must contain a clear description of the goals and priorities of the united states in the field of national security and the consequences if the set objectives will not be achieved. congress will make the final decision based on the voting results on april 20. one problem after another, the booing company is now going through
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hard times due to staff turnover and, as a result, a drop in product quality. emil mersaev found out what is happening inside the corporation and what kind of breakdowns can occur on board some of the most popular airliners. systematic problems at the booing corporation have risen to the level of the us congress. a series of aviation incidents weight has worried american legislators. parliament has held a hearing on the safety of the 787 dreamliner line. testimony was given by a quality control engineer who worked for the company. 15 years old, san-silipur stated that massive violations were allowed during the assembly of aircraft, when he reported this to management , he was simply removed from the project. the specialist said the consequences could be catastrophic. what happens if the metallay reaches the fatigue limit straight into the air. the plane will just fall apart, it it will literally begin to burst at the seams, tear and
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collapse. the engineer is not afraid to speak loudly, despite the fact that his colleague was recently found dead. in his own car right during the litigation in the case of negligence at boeing. representatives of the company, by the way, did not even bother to come to the hearing in the senate. but the special commission was unable to say an unequivocal yes to the question: are the airliners safe? the safest place for us is our sofa at home, and the hangar for an airplane, and yet, every day we go outside, planes are taking off, safety is a deal, however, i am excited about the situation at boeing. according to half a dozen. the 787 is crooked due to the difference in the components, gaps are formed, the joints between the parts are too large, and although they are fastened together, the pressure after about a thousand flights, according to experts, will lead to extreme metal fatigue. in order to assemble these sections, it is necessary that all landing dimensions along
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which the articulation takes place are kept within tolerances. if these... pieces are not are maintained, assembly may require some modifications on site. there are currently 1,100 dreamliners in the air around the world. lately , the 737, another most popular line in the history of aviation, has also been experiencing difficulties. it has almost 12,000 aircraft. just since the beginning of the year , over a dozen emergency situations have already occurred, the landing gear will break, a piece of the wing will fall off, or the cabin will come apart at the seams, like this. emergency landing right next door. the last high-profile incident occurred at the beginning of the year on an alaska airlines flight. airlines simply tore the door open during the flight. the public is excited. on average, 70% of americans have become more worried about flight safety, writes newswick. repeated, shocking allegations of boeing manufacturing errors highlight a woeful lack of
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safety culture and practices that prioritize profit over everything else. profit indeed. boeing in december last year amounted to almost $8 billion, an increase of 118%. but you still have to pay for failures; analysts are making negative forecasts for this year, because due to increased inspections , boeing deliveries decreased by one and a half times. market capitalization is also gradually falling, now it is estimated at $100 billion, but before the pandemic the figure was at 250. and the price dynamics. these shares are also negative; since the beginning of the year they have fallen by 32%. the company is trying with all its might to rehabilitate itself, has carried out a number of personnel changes, as well as test flights, it has stated that the critics are wrong, and this has been shown by an examination under the supervision of the federal civil aviation administration. true, ourselves american authorities are in no hurry to make statements, however, it is obvious that
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it will not come to the closure of one of the largest us companies, which is the locomotive of national exports. at that time , the authorities may well be able to ground some of the 787 family vessels, analysts say, the investigation of the national management will continue at least until the end of may. russian peacekeepers are leaving nagorno-karabakh, the information was confirmed by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. russian peacekeepers have been in the region since 2020, about the reasons for the withdrawal and the results of the work. egor grigoriev.
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in stabilizing the situation , the russian mission plays a big role, this was noted by the assistant to the year in achieving the results of the agreements, president of azerbaijan hikmet hajiyev. today, taking into account the repeated public statements of the prime minister of the republic of armenia nikola pashinyan on the recognition of azerbaijan’s sovereignty over nagorno-karabakh, the long-term confrontation between the two countries is virtually over. russian peacekeepers played a significant role in this. systematic and large-scale. operational with the leadership of the security forces of both armenia and azerbaijan, but not everything went smoothly: the escalation also led to losses, six of our peacekeepers were killed,
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another while performing the most important task of demining, but the work, of course, continued, almost 700 km of roads and more were checked 2,000 hectares of land. the white awnings of our peacekeepers' trucks have always been a sure sign for civilians traveling on humanitarian aid. assistance, food and medical. 650 tons of food and basic necessities and 3,800 tons of medicine were donated to those in need. and equipment, direct medical assistance was provided, construction materials were delivered, hundreds of houses damaged by shelling were restored, and after the territory of the karabakh economic region came under the full control of azerbaijan in september 2023, our peacekeepers helped with the temporary accommodation and relocation of thousands of people. now the mission is completed, the planned preparation of the property complex of the russian peacekeeping contingent is being carried out, with subsequent
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loading onto standard fixed equipment for subsequent transportation through the station rail loading into the territory of the russian federation. the withdrawal of the contingent will take several days, but for the full restoration of peaceful life, the help of our military will still be needed. russia is ready to share with cuba the practice of combating terrorism and extremism, prosecutor general igor krasnov stated this during a meeting with the chairman of the supreme people's court of cuba. all the details are in the report by evgeniy nibot. over two days in govani , russian prosecutor general igor krasnov held five working meetings with representatives republics. the historical center of old govanna, here is the building of the supreme court, its chairman ruben remihiofera meets the head of the russian supervisory agency igor krasny, their negotiations
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lasted more than an hour and a half. during our work, we have accumulated significant potential in various categories of crimes, such as the criminal use of cryptocurrencies, extremism, terrorism, crimes against children, crimes. relating to the illegal trafficking of weapons and drugs. in russia, a stable judicial and investigative practice has developed, it is modern practice that we are ready to devote ourselves to. this is the first such meeting of representatives of the two states, and such interaction helps to strengthen cooperation, both between institutions associated with the prosecutors general's offices of both countries, and with the courts. let me be honest, it is a great honor for us to host you and have the opportunity to negotiate. this visit is an expression. the wonderful ties of friendship that exist between our peoples and our governments, as well as between the departments of the cuban system republic and the russian federation. the second meeting took place with representatives of the general
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control directorate of the republic of cuba. it is located in an old century-old mansion, built by a local planter, owner of sugar factories. his family rented out the building . even before the revolution, the building housed a private college, and after the overthrow of the battista dictatorship, an elementary school was located here. moved to old govana so long ago, now specialists work here who fight corruption in cuba. the key function of the general audit office of cuba is to combat corruption, as well as control over the work of local administrations. since its founding in 2009, it has been led by one of cuba's most experienced politicians, maria bijerana partello. greetings and welcome, prosecutor general of the russian federation and the delegation accompanying you. among those present. here is a representation of controllers, auditors and a team from cuba's headquarters. your visit is a great honor for us. by a happy coincidence you visited cuba in the year in which we celebrate
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the fifteenth anniversary of the creation of our control office. during a working meeting, igor krasnov proposed concluding an agreement between the russian prosecutor general’s office and the cuban anti-corruption agency. i consider one of the key areas of anti-corruption work to be formation in society. intolerance to corrupt behavior, because , as the leader of the liberation movement of cuba, hase marti, quite rightly noted, to calmly observe a crime means to participate in its commission. i suggest consider concluding a separate agreement between our departments on cooperation, which will serve as a legal basis for possible training to improve the qualifications of employees of the control department of cuba. the working trip of the prosecutor general of russia will continue; after cuba, the delegation will visit two more countries. evgenia nipot, evgeniy kirilenko and nadezhda nefedova, reporting from govan, cuba.
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the return match of the semi-final of the russian football cup has ended in st. petersburg. zenit hosted spartak moscow at home. two weeks back in the capital, the st. petersburg team won with a score of 2:1. alexander abramov will tell you who made it through the cup final and who will have to compete in the lower bracket. this was another round of confrontation between zenit and spartak. the teams met each other for the fourth time this season. twice in the championship and twice in the cup. for spartak , the return match of the semi-final is on its way. rpl became the first in the russian cup after the resignation of head coach guilherm bascal. bosnian specialist vladimir sliskovich, who was baskal's assistant, led the team to as acting head coach. vladimir slishkovich, the man who will try to save the season for spartak moscow. now our football players have a certain blog and are afraid to show their best qualities on the field. this is one of my main tasks for today - to regain faith in myself.
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the remaining ones are equally important to us. at the beginning of march, zenit and spartak played a goalless draw in the national championship. in the return match of the cup, this result was repeated at the gazprom arena. another 0:0. goalkeeper of spartak alexander maksimenko made several spectacular saves, when at the end of the match mateo casiera still scored, a video review came to the rescue, after which zenit’s goal was canceled. 0:0 at the gazprom arena and 2:1 victory for zenit on aggregate. today, i already said. with our great advantage , there was practically no sharpness at our goal, but the aftertaste of the fact that we didn’t win, couldn’t score, remained, unfortunately, it’s impossible to say that we are happy today, but the main thing is that the quality of the game more than me arranged today, the task of reaching the next stage has been completed, i hope everyone is alive and well, zenit will continue to fight for the cup in the final of the rpl path with double matches against cska, spartak
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is still the same. claims the trophy, but from the lower bracket of the tournament, from the regional path. also on the road of the dynamo regions, on wednesday they passed orenburg and rostov, which beat ural. it’s okay, if there is an option to climb through the lower bracket, then we will try to win. do you know who is already in the lower bracket? well, as i understand it, dynamo is near orenburg today won, i saw the score was 3:1, that’s before dynamo, and then i don’t know who rostov is yet. dynamo, rostov, baltika, spartak. of course, this 0:0 has a taste of defeat, we did not advance further in the upper bracket, but nothing can be done, now we have to play with dynamo. the russian cup superfinal is scheduled for june 2, in order for zenit to get into the match for the trophy, it needs to beat cska moscow by the sum of two matches. in order for spartak to play in the match for the cup, they must first beat dynamo and then beat the winner of the rostov-baltika pair. performing duties of spartak head coach vladimir slishkovic at the post-match
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press conference. made it clear how likely a new meeting between spartak and zenit on june 2 in the match for the russian cup is likely. this is how it will be. alexander abramov, alek sakalchuk, alexander kutataladze and alexander stelemashevsky. vesti st. petersburg.
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