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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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what did pope edmund griginichki say to osayan, kingdom of heaven? he said when he
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died like that to the people of the rfsr, and he said, you know, what calms me down, i say that then it was important in soviet times, then it was prestige, and he says that charles spencer chaplin was not even an honored artist of odygei , so this is somehow trying on, so no, thanks to everyone who was involved in this, well , it’s us... we don’t ask, they give it, thank you, at least an activist or worker, as they call it, an activist, it seems, well, i’m a document haven't seen it, but as it happens, and as i understand it, the word was given to me, yes, yes, yes, yes, i want to absolutely continue, we are not talking with dmitry, but about what dmitry spoke about, so, you know, great fears are settling in in my body, when you look at these fines by zimmerman, and... you see, the horror is
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this: in the twenty-first year in december , vladimir vladimirovich putin put forward, someone called it an ultimatum, someone called a proposal that guys, let's somehow, well, reality has changed a little, let's go back a little and live peacefully, together, laughed in our faces, what happened happened and what is happening now, that is, in my opinion, happened... a return to normal, inherent in human nature, and an event called war, we can call it a special military operation, we call we call it this way, because at one time a un-centric system was invented, where any war was condemned, and so on, so on, like there is a world government, everything would be fine, but in the ninety-first year, one of the main members of the world government, refused to be a member of the world government, this whole system went downhill... the question
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is different, these are the december proposals, well , here we are now with god's help, with the help of our heroes, country, military leaders, but we will achieve it, i am absolutely sure of this, victory and there will be that reichstack on which the banner of victory will flutter and develop, in which zelensky’s carcass will flutter and the banner of victory will develop, and the banner of victory will develop, is it possible?
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an englishman as well as an indian, yes, yes, well, yes, or maybe with a pakistani who is in charge,
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this is such a syndrome and it turns out that the hegemon cannot do anything with this little one, well , nothing like this syndrome, tomorrow the albanians can say so, the uzbeks, they will say everything, and the hegemon will find out, believe me, he can’t do anything, the world is changing in general, in my opinion , unenlightened, but how do we imagine the agreement, with whom, who is that side, you can treat it any way you like, but maybe dima is right? and in general, this dictate of the time cannot be considered by today’s institutions as something eternal, unshakable, no need to say, it seems to me that it is wrong that it this is the building around which, perhaps , it is necessary to conclude some kind of agreement between russia
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and china, well, maybe a couple of other countries that have joined this one, which i myself should explain why, and why at all. no, the very concept of concluding an agreement is from the past, what am i talking about, that is, it’s from the structure that he actually killed, come up with something else, yes, which trump actually killed, well, yes, with the sociran deal, because after this it became clear that everything, that is, there is no continuity, there is no meaning, that is, no one even observes the illusion, and if this is not the case, that’s it, and so international law has always been ridiculous, because there were no mechanisms for its implementation.
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they leave, but quietly, calmly watch, because that’s all, that’s what the americans did, with whom they entered into agreements, after forty-five they didn’t go anywhere, they don’t care about any agreements, anything, anything, all these they can crawl around in europe and invent something for themselves, then the americans raise an eyebrow and say, that means, that is, we must get to the place where they have in europe the last base will be, etenovich stalin understood this well. nikita sergeevich rushchov started with stupidity, in particular, he withdrew the base from finland ahead of time, tried to be friends
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with. joseph vasarinovich also did not let zhukov’s troops through afghanistan, iraq, iran and turkey, no, because of the atomic bomb. and the plan was clear, but he also didn’t do it, why because there was no force, because there were no atomic weapons. that’s why it was necessary in iran to say, yes, then the next question is: what to do with the fact that they are not afraid? we're talking about we say this here all the time, but they have lost the habit of fear. we had people here quoting nicola machiavelli, who gave an exhaustive answer on this topic, so here we need to decide who we are and where we must understand, i agree, we must understand, i will be painful and careful, as was said in the classic soviet film, advertising. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need halva, take credit cards,
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2:44 am
it turns out: one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, where can she get away from this
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on the other hand, the deputy head of the european commission speaks and says that the situation is generally catastrophic, because they are now forced to spend on energy resources in three to four times more than china and the united states, which makes the economy, industry of the european union completely uncompetitive, and he considered that, in principle, if we take the overpayment that goes to energy resources, take all those subsidies that the european... union and countries spend to compensate their own citizens for these huge expenses on heating and other things, then the amount comes out to about 1 trillion euros a year, you can do it, this is a crazy amount, just not huge, and of course it could be used for completely different goals that would be more consistent with the interests of their citizens, but this will not be done, and here
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the question immediately arises: how can such two... parallel realities exist, in one of which, well, it is quite obvious that there is some kind of minority minority group that makes a decision that goes absolutely against the will of the majority of the population, because i doubt that today the average germans, italians or french want to die for spending a trillion euros for all this nonsense than, say, for their education, pensions, benefits, and so on, it is used for this. a completely new trend in european politics, at least in recent years, well, probably 50-70 for sure, we see a complete rejection of any forms, even such a fake, democratic formation of state power, a gradual transition to technocratic rule, formally
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technocratic, not in the sense that those people who manage, they are... very high level, maybe ursula vonderlein in fact, she is a gorgeous gynecologist, i don’t know, i’ll probably never find out in my life, but the fact that she is not an expert in the work she is doing now is absolutely certain, but the question here is not their meritocracy, if you like, the fact is that simply no one votes for them, they are positioned as bureaucrats who make an apparatus bureaucratic career. which has absolutely nothing to do with gaining votes and trust from the population, this is done through completely different technologies, but this is inevitable, you showed orban, a phrase came up casually, and i actually find it extremely interesting, he says: we have here this group of technocrats, which themselves have proclaimed some projects, among them
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sustainable development and so on , this is based on these euphemisms at these... congresses, organizing forums and other things, this is, firstly, a great way to write off a huge amount of money for maintaining this apparatus of non-governmental organizations, which then directly influence. on politics, on the other on the other hand, this is an opportunity to bring to the forefront absolutely incomprehensible, inarticulate figures who position themselves in such a way that you don’t understand
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what it is, well, that means you’re a backward person, i’ll explain to you now, you’re talking about some kind of production there, about jobs, anything else, who is interested in this, now the main task is the green transition, and we will do it, that’s how you get an army of just absolutely inarticulate, uncharismatic, gray figures who are just... mission, and we see that both his speeches and speeches, all that are now being heard by representatives of the current european commission, they all have one
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thesis behind them, under different sauces they are trying to persuade their own population and their own political elites that there should be more europe, that is, the european union, here the state or less, or it’s better that they don’t exist at all, every time they start talking, our internal competition is killing us, we must... otherwise you chose orban, he gets in the way, now in slovakia it is very underestimated that is happening, although it seems to me that fitzo and pellegrini are even more promising than orban, because they have a very clear vision of how to build a possible agenda for negotiations there in the future and it is also necessary to pay attention to how they deal with this kind of leaders? since they have an absolutely monopolized position in the media among opinion leaders and so on, any person who takes a step to the left or a step
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to the right of their mainstream liberal-globalist agenda, either called a crazy communist, or a psychopathic fascist, there are no other options, because these are liberals, they are the ideology of modernity, there are only three of them, liberalism, communism, fascism, they take advantage of this, as soon as a person begins to disagree with any... in a word , which they say, if he just doesn’t like something related, that you don’t pay extra to the population, our working conditions there are bad, what, look at this communist, what is this, go back to the soviet union, if somebody he says, well, we have some traditions, that you bring these people here, they will seize them here now, he says, what a fascist scoundrel, look, put him there immediately and that’s it, they take advantage of it, which means that as far as ours is concerned countries, we call hungary, slovakia, a number of others... which are still provincialism to sit and wait, i wonder if they might show themselves in the near future, what will happen in europe, but they are still
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on our side, it would be the greatest how- then they will reach or find the strength to be with us, this is not the behavior of a great powers, great powers don’t behave like that, some small regional country can sit and think, this is what will happen to me tomorrow, and how will this country build relationships, somehow the americans don’t behave like that, the british don’t behave like that lead. they have already climbed into a space that for 300 years was directly part of our state, thanks to the activities of absolutely incomprehensible political figures of the late eighties, early nineties, these territories broke away from our country, and today the british, americans have become so entrenched in the south caucasus in central asia that, in general, i think it’s a huge job. is necessary in order to prevent them from realizing their absolutely terrifying plans for russia with catastrophic consequences, and they were able to go there, although they had not been there for 300 years at all,
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it was generally part of russian territory.
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3:00 am
so that people would be there, live, serve, this is the task, well, this is europe, it is so united, we either need to close ourselves off from them, or we need to perceive them as something single and create such a golum for ourselves, why fight with it for a long time, it’s easier to divide it into 20-30 small
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trolls and... whoever wants to be in a partnership with us for god’s sake, whoever wants to fight with us, well, that means we’ll fight without options, but if we don’t begin to provide, in addition to the obvious, effective measures. sanctions regime, when someone behaves inappropriately towards us...


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