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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. it's not just rails. the problem is that people
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were there, lived, served. this is the task. some kind, and we say to this country: well done, here’s gas for you at a completely different price, we give you such and such other subsidies, something else, neighboring countries with this state begin to think, why the hell is our leadership extending these sanctions every year, if the neighbors didn’t renew, their citizens now pay less for light,
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pay less for... heat for other things, if we we won’t do this, they will have an excellent trump card in their hands, it will sound like this: it’s not us, it’s the european union, the fact that the european union is they themselves are of no interest to anyone, they go and vote themselves at meetings of the european union , they return to their citizens, they say: look what the europeans are doing, what can you do, a common agenda, there’s something else there, we need to drive a small wedge into this unity so that a crack starts, as soon as a crack starts, it will come without us to the end, will destroy this one. design, and any person who will again tell you these fairy tales about how we are the first country that should be interested in having a european union, because there is a european union, we are not at war with europe, and before there was no european union, look how much we fought, you see what happens, that when the european union comes, we have no one to talk to in europe, when there was no european union, we found two or three countries, negotiated with them, made a bloc against this country through joint efforts , now we
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opposed by a huge colossus. so united on absolutely artificial grounds, with a crazy ideology, absolutely zero accountability to the population and a readiness to mobilize all financial resources possible to fight us, this is your european union, if we don’t introduce this crack into it and start working with national states, we we’ll just make the task easier for our enemy, nothing more , i agree, by the way, so that there are no illusions about america, since now our americanists will start speaking here... what said speaker johnson? we are living in unprecedented times, we are living in dangerous times, this is being talked about all over the world in our home. we need reliable leadership, we need a strong hand at the helm. i consider myself a wartime speaker, and i mean that literally. i knew this when i picked up the hammer. i didn't expect it to be easy. former speaker newt gingrich wrote on social media a couple of days ago that the current moment in time is probably the most difficult
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he has encountered. she is, that is, a woman who, in general, she serves her family, the american slogan, she really serves her family, this is the idea about taking over the military-industrial complex, it doesn’t need the european army at all, this is the idea that arose from the french, there are plans for schumann, pleven, the beginning of the fifties, the creation of schumann for our plans, but that ’s the point, the construction of a european army, that’s it... a european army was not needed, until they needed it, this european army won't, now they seem to have an idea that they need this european army, because they will pull theirs out of europe, from
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europe, from the middle east, please, he entered the red sea, the german, god forgive me , the destroyer heson, and he could even fire machine guns, a frigate, well he is considered an isminets, in principle, of this class. that the frigate, in any case, has entered, to hand over this, to push away this unnecessary balance, so the united states is acting very clearly, but for them, for them, ursulov fondaren is the person who, i think, they will now push it through, not by chance there biden walked with her in the rose garden, and it was michel who stopped to sit in the office in the white house, oh, he taxied there while he was alone. well, i don’t think that he was there alone, i don’t think, i don’t think, that’s why the united states is defending, now dima is there about the world order, well, it’s clear that international law is established by the winner,
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so the power won, onov’s, i’m sorry, i’ll say something that for every international affairs specialist will sound like our international ones, we were taught differently, no one-centric system will ever
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existed. there, south-east asia, everything, he no longer had to answer for himself , he had to answer for nothing, the british were responsible for the rest, we, by the way, are with roosevelt for all this next to us and eastern europe. here the thirty-second was imposed on taiwan over these over these years, that’s how they ruled, where is the unicentric system, there really was no coercion, the cold war ended, the cold war ended, whose right, the right of the winner of the united states, they
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established their right, now they have an idea it’s coming, we need to extend the domeit law, well, the law on sanctions against iran was adopted in 1996, so it was also adopted there as a law against cuba. now they
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are not satisfied with this trading system, they are satisfied with the imf, where all votes are distributed according to quotas, and investigators, the more quotas, the more votes, and for the americans this is the largest quota, but according to a different principle, there is a meeting of trade ministers, this one the principle does not suit them now, that’s it, then we will rebuild the wto, the chinese say why should we rebuild, this is a good organization, sidzenping said this in november of the eighteenth year. we will defend it, we will develop this right, the united states is rejecting this, so we must first win, that’s who wins, and victory is what, in my opinion, victory is what if the united states goes to its island, to your own hemisphere, well, actually, actually to your own island, that is, that is, if this is the concept that trump proposed, and a person
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who grew up, strictly speaking, in the era... position, the united states will not accept it, therefore, i think trump is the best president, he will destroy everything, honestly, of course, kamala would be better, she will do it faster, but nevertheless, trump is also a person who can destroy everything, for europeans, this is leaving the united states, it’s like you look, there’s a conflict going on now. yes, in the middle east, one of the american representatives, the state department, i don’t know, the pentagon, remembered that israel, in fact, is not nato’s main ally, by law, the fact that they have 17 agreements, no, they say absolutely in a different way, no, that’s exactly what they said, miller said so, like, we’re helping ukraine
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because it’s not ukraine. fulfill, and the united states will see, why am i obliged to fulfill it, if you
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signed the usa, if the country signed by the usa does not comply, although i signed, well, they, they set the order, they are the hegemon, to whom for everyone and for the whole of europe for me they are not a hegemon, for me they are not a goal, and that’s why i’m talking about this, that insofar as it is necessary, before
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the united states, everyone could talk about all this agree, it was impossible to agree, about everything, no, if, if they had done it on
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december 15, which, by the way, would have been done if georgia had worked then, and ukraine in the eighth year, if they had joined nato , then everything would have already been decided, since we behaved in a way that they did not expect after three days there, well, 08, 08, 08, it was clear that they were setting the task of destroying us, for
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them it was crimea that was important, crimea was destroying russia's presence on the black sea, crimea nullified the possibility of any of our work in the mediterranean sea, because... the beginning of the 2000s is ready, we also calmly fit in completely for now, the fact is that when vladimir vladimirovich in february 2007 posed the question: we, in principle, in principle, russia is part of that post-bipolar world world, then why is it not taken into account, then they didn’t hear him, or
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didn’t want to hear him, they just didn’t understand that wait, the question was that in the year ninety-nine, or rather in the nineties . americans had a certain clinton strategy: we land in moscow and we steer, like the soviet union ruled these outskirts, we don’t need it, in the 2000s this strategy changed: it doesn’t work out with moscow, we are switching to color revolutions around it, at the same time, at the same time, listen, the chinese also walked at that time, walked along they fit into the same path and worked not
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by chance, the americans never decided. the soviet union was forced to carry out market reforms, then market reforms in china will lead to a weakening of the power of the ccp ; the experience that was in china will be repeated, and china showed for the first time in 1995 that when the maneuvers around team spirit were around
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taiwan, when the chinese... the americans fully used the triangle theory, there we committed a great stupidity, a certain gorbachev, mikhail sergeevich, who came and gave
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a degenerate speech in china, he came to china with a degenerate speech, spoke at the university, this is much more important for the chinese than a speech in vladivostok, he came to their territory and gave a degenerate speech there, that was the problem, he could have given a million degenerate speeches in russia than all the time. i did, but when you say it in china, and it leads to capital consequences, which we all know well, then this is no longer a random thing for the chinese, so here you need to clearly understand that america, over the course of several centuries of its existence, has always acted not in parallel , but consistently, these are their methods, they are always afraid to step too far, the akian power cannot act consistently, well, excuse me, but it acts like that, well, it didn’t act like that, they
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sorted out spain separately, then got involved in europe, each time they sort it out one by one: america is a country that is built on the basic principles of, excuse me, protestantism, protestantism implies moderation, which is why they do not follow the path of missionary work everywhere, they strike gradually, linearly. one by one, this was always their strength and not their weakness, which is why even during the second world war they clearly redistributed, no, in the second world war they fought with two opponents, they always had one opponent, with two opponents, the american government, or rather, the people wanted against japan, they didn’t care at all what the people wanted, because they insisted that it be against germany, no, let me remind you that
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germany announced. they started shooting at each other, chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt a pain in the little one’s stomach, and immediately in my head it was that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee and told them what happened here. they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took up this
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matter and conducted our investigation. malik, please. yes, well, it seems to me, in fact, that we are talking about approximately the same thing, we are just approaching from different angles, that is , indeed, of course, there is a goal ... the global goal of the united states of america - this is dominance throughout the world, it doesn’t change, but strategies can change a little depending on the administration, there if we take the same china again, and we see that under the republicans a tougher policy was still pursued, there bush sr. introduced even more prolonged sanctions, then under billy clinton there was a concept that let’s try to strangle china in our arms, the sanctions were lifted, they began to share a variety of scientific research, they lifted a lot of export-import restrictions, so... the youngest, after all, some tariffs were returned, under obama there was the very dawn of chimerica chimerica, and under trump there is already a full-scale trade war, but the biden administration
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here, of course, found itself in a really difficult situation, and because, well, initially they understood, yes, that they would reduce the intensity of the confrontation it won’t work with china, and after everything that trump did, and in principle, neither the establishment in washington had any desire, and as we see, the confrontation with china is a fairly
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popular topic even among the american people. on the chinese sea, the third conflict, it’s very difficult to drag everything out, you have to be torn between all directions, so i fully admit that if, for example, the republicans come to power in november 2024 and trump will be inaugurated there in january, but they will try somehow remember that same kissinger, come up with it again and invent it there, implement that same kissinger maneuver in reverse, try to somehow come to an agreement with us in order to remove some resources from here to direct against china, another thing is that i think that of course not it will work out, but some... attempts in this which the united states finds itself in, they are extremely , again, like a strategic impasse, in the direction we will quite possibly see, but it is unlikely that they will be able to get out of it there, even if the administration changes, so well , returning to current events, indeed today the same bill was presented in the house of representatives on the allocation of trenches to ukraine, israel, taiwan and even humanitarian aid
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to the gaza strip by speaker mike jones. yes, although he stayed there for several months, in the end with him they did a good job, and as we see, he is already presenting approximately everything that the democrats adopted in the senate, well, it’s true, as if in individual separate tranches in the lower house, and despite the fact that he himself, by the way, spent the entire twenty-third year voted against the ukrainian tranches, but when they had already made him speaker, he began to slowly move around in the air, i think that the right people explained what needed to be accepted in what form, but no cuts or expenses, as we see, happened, and although there are republicans they proposed not to spend 60 billion on ukraine there , but 48 billion, they proposed to exclude this very aid to the palestinian authority altogether, but it will also be included, however, apparently in a separate tranche, and the vote on all this, but will be held on april 20, saturday, then there will stay for one day and the legislators in congress, although they should have already gone on vacation, but on the nineteenth, but on the twentieth they remain, that is,
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the nazis are preparing a gift on the birthday of their idol, well, that too, right? like this symbolism, but in fact i think, after all, yes, why mike johnson stayed until the last minute, in my opinion, this is due to the fact that immediately after the vote he went on vacation for 2 weeks, during which time emotions within the republican caucus of the republican conference should calm down a little, yes, because as we see now, the right wing of the republicans is very dissatisfied with this betrayal of their speaker, they are already
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promising to put it up for a vote. others for the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. united the states, the west, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations.


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