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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ, has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the monastery. the united states, the west, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints, let's see what happens next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how is it the numbers that help? you are incomparably original in your question. and what in general with
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production, raw materials, exports, what is it, our product, your brother there, in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. for example, i think that humanitarian aid to the gas sector may not even be accepted, but as for the main tranches for ukraine and israel, they will most likely be approved in the lower house, but then, however, it’s not entirely clear to me, how are they they will try to push it all through in the senate on the same day, but if you try hard, then you can, but if they still don’t have time technically, procedurally, well, until twenty days... until april 30, it remains, that
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is, it is postponed for may, but it is quite possible that this will happen right now before the end of this week, but we should not be frightened, of course, by the figure of 60 billion dollars, although it is quite large, but still out of these 60 billion, as we know, yes, 30 billion is being transferred to the pentagon to replenish everything that it has already spent in ukraine, because the pentagon currently has a cash gap of approximately 10 billion, that is, all this needs to be replenished, approximately 14 billion is already... new tranches for ukraine, and there is an additional 7-8 billion, perhaps these will be tranches to the ukrainian budget, although well it’s far from a fact that they will go straight in a straight line, well, let’s see, it would be better if they sent it straight away in taar form with coke, interesting, well, yes, you can arrange it that way, obviously, that of course the europeans, and even the european peace fund, the so- called , basically finances everything related to the ukrainian social sphere, but perhaps the americans will pour in some more money, 14 billion dollars for this...
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are provided on credit, on a secured loan due to the fact that this money is frozen russian assets on the territory of the united states, and although there are initial and some estimates said that we had frozen in the region of thirty. on the territory of the united states, but in reality, after the latest audits, we can conclude that there are approximately 5 to 7 billion, today 4.8 was mentioned, well, there are different estimates, well, much less than, of course, this same bill and the new ones tranches, but it was already correctly noted today, but the task, of course, is to put pressure on the belgians, where in belgium, as we know, and eurokle holds approximately $260-250 billion of russian assets, so they are not touching them yet, they haven’t even touched the profits , and... with this money, yes, because they are afraid
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of catastrophic consequences for their financial system, but as for the americans, yes, for them, of course, 5-7 billion is not such a lot of money, especially since they themselves understand, and about this janet yelin said, the head of the treasury, yes, that russia will it will take a long time to go to court, this story is many years in the future, that is, they won’t be taken away tomorrow, let’s just say, yes, they will be there in this frozen state, well , besides, as we know, even though ukraine is undergoing restructuring, yes announced for the third year in a row, that is, they do not pay interest on their debts, well... this year they can still pay something to the imf, that is, the country is not yet bankrupt, yes, after all, these are the same assets will be taken away at the moment when ukraine turns into a bankrupt country, although well, officially, formally this is not happening yet, even if we look at some ukrainian, god forgive me, garbage bonds that are traded somewhere in germany, yes, they fell very much after the ukrainian counter-offensive, which failed in the summer of twenty-three years, but now they have grown, so it is clear that someone is pouring money in, trying... to give the appearance
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that everything is great in the financial sector of ukraine, although there is a hole in the budget of 60 billion dollars, there is nothing to close it, there are big problems with this, well, in general, in my opinion look, yes, 14 billion for about a year and a half, well, this... well, this is not the money that could seriously change the situation on the battlefield, yes, because this is not even calculated until the end of this year, until september twenty-fifth, then there is also this for the first six months of trump's possible next presidency, if of course he wins the elections, well , by the way, what is interesting about trump personally, but as we know, he initially supported speaker mike johnson and urged his supporters not to announce that's what he needs mistrust, but now i have already begun to crawl away from this situation, because i understand that maybe they will still announce it, so i think that if they do drag... this very resolution before the vote, well, that’s in may it will already be there after the tranche has been agreed upon, well, the likelihood is high that this same resignation of the speaker will happen, well , of course it will be full-scale chaos for the congress, it will most likely freeze the activities of the house of representatives, right up to
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the elections exactly before the november ones, so republicans democrats will have big ones problems, but it’s like they already have internal internal internal political problems there, but what do the chinese say about this, i’ll explain why only? the chinese will stand and the assets of the chinese will be taken through the system of lawsuits, because trump then said that this is a tea virus, for the losses caused by the coronavirus, now there will be lawsuits, they will rob china, theoretically this is of course possible, but as we know in in the twenties it was populist.
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in my opinion, of course it will be here too a certain internal squabble, because on the one hand, it’s really populistly interesting for trump to make some very bright anti-chinese statements, because it works well for the republican audience, well, for example, if we look at the position of those whom trump will quite possibly take to join their team, now they are already speaking much more moderately, for example, the person whom trump wants to make secretary of the treasury, that is, to take the position that janet yellen now occupies, this is john paulson, the billionaire, he has already announced that if he becomes... the head of the treasury, he will die there , just to prevent trump from introducing tariffs of 60% on all imports from china, yes, which trump also talked about, so i think that here, of course, there will be very serious negative consequences for the american economy, and we have something to answer the americans, how many
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american ones we have here, well, if we are talking about the assets of private american companies, i think there are of course many, many billions here, that is, if desired slam everything freeze this is theoretically possible. you just need to slam everything, harshly and unambiguously, the european ones, by the way, also preventively, just slam everyone, yes, i will probably seem like the devil’s advocate in the eyes of many present, but it seems to me that this current cold war number two, sooner or later should still end in detente, version 2:0, since it was during the first cold war, of course, so...
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what's scary about it? uh, well, as one smart person said, if in the world war he could prove what he served all his life. therefore, the version about the mind of this man, whose last name was einstein, is remarkable, but it is limited to his period before the second
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world war, he never created a general theory of poly, and not only that , he was mistaken in many issues, he certainly was not a great politician, although of course, great scientists, but if i just why am i... asking such a terrible question, in the west there is no idea that a thermonuclear war will lead to terrible consequences, after fukushima, after even chernobyl, after those...
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overvoltage and overvoltage of the united states states, they decided to apologize a little, so to speak, and launched a helsinki group, what an overexertion we had - it was an example of deception. the eternally good-natured soviet old man, who was not an old man then, the americans, who were sure that they would collapse now, because after vietnam, spring and so on.
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it was an overstrain in the heads of old people who were not old yet, there was no overstrain, they just decided on the theory of convergence, they decided what how, because them, because khrushchev announced this the mishchan dream, and they abandoned it even then ; it was not right, but his heirs came to power, because then they left the ideologists and went over to the townspeople, to catch up with meat and milk, which was written for the perenapryagin reform.
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europe, europe, as i already said, has lost its international legal personality, it will have to come to an agreement with the same united states, with china, with india, well , you can center yourself with other new ones, but this will not be détente, why? but because this, well, what is the yalta conference? was there a detente? the podzdam conference that there was detente, this was a division of the sphere of influence, this, so to speak, will have to be negotiated, consolidated. don’t think that i want to confuse anyone, but your long discussion is very interesting,
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undoubtedly, it reminds me of a scientific... scientific debate within the framework of some conference about the colonization of mars, well, in the sense that it is very important, interesting , but very soon it is not yet clear how, in the shadow of the question, what is victory for us, yes, everything is very simple, this is the formation of a fair a world order in which our country, my children, yours, children, grandchildren will be able to ensure their own development and a controlled level. safety and at the same time we will still be able to see our own friends, and we have them, we know how to be friends, fortunately, yes, in general, with our heads held high, for me this is such a big victory, yes, which is impossible without through the use
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of force, does not primarily solve the problem of military threats. in relation to the russian federation, without this basis, everything you just talked about, yes, this is scientific fantasy in its purest form, yes, the main thing now is, yes, it has already been said here, we are not at war with ukraine, of course, not with ukraine, but a direct clash is now taking place in the territory controlled by the kiev regime, that’s what we become much stronger in the process. the word rarefaction, please forgive me, to be honest, i was so inspired by some kind of, i understand, not gorbachev’s word, but gorbachevism, and god forbid we experience some new detente, instead of the yalta
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conference, for me, you know , discharge, yes unload and inspect the weapon, this is the only thing, but now this should be the only healthy one. chernigov, what the west is doing in odessa and what the west is doing in kharkov, that’s more down-to-earth, yes, but what’s happening is something like this, this whole farce from which we...
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is so funny, unfortunately, yes, these are people who are now stubbornly working against us, and with varying degrees of success , this layer of these professionals is not working, so far it seems to us that biden is a man who has simply lost his mind, yes, american military specialists, they they haven’t lost their minds, they, in general, are doing their job, doing it... painstakingly, well, that’s how they know how, yes, absolutely systematically, in ukraine, while the role of western
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professionals in general in the ukrainian, that is, the general staff, has been for the last six months , i ’ll tell you an amazing thing, it has grown very much, that is, biden’s sanity seems to be falling before our eyes, yes, and the role of specialists is growing very much, so it seems to me
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that there is confusion, even that concerns not only the mathematics of war, but also not so much, but some surprises for yourself in terms of combat use of certain systems, in terms of how our general staff thinks about us, they, you know, are in some confusion regarding our rather serious ideological stability, but it seems that a country without ideology can live for a long time.
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in the conditions of the modern information society, to keep all this, this is the confusion of western military specialists, it is even greater, probably, than... the specialists of the kiev regime, this is of course very important for us, and i would say, maybe even a turning point in that simple the reason is that now we, we have been fighting for quite a long time, have come to a certain threshold, after which the enemy can lose a lot, he can lose energy, he can lose territory. once again, and may actually lose part of its military potential, which, one way or another,
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it is trying to use rationally. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. look around, now
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the year is 200 124, 100 years from now, everything will be in another way, moscow, moscow, and where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain the same, i know what it means to give your word, at least look at me. when it's all over, alice will go back to her time, and you have to go back to yours, i mean, why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is like the future, we will save your parents, personal path and 13 galaxies everyone, it’s delicious, it’s very good, because it was made with love, 100 years ago.
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april 18 is the day of military glory of russia, april 18, 1242, the battle of the ice, on the ice of lake chutskoye, the russian warriors of novgorod prince alexander nevsky defeated the german knights of the livonian order. the germans who escaped from the encirclement fled to the west, some of them fell through the ice. the levon order lost 2/3 of its army in the battle on the ice. and there was a miracle without number, and the german was 500 - says the chronicle. it's easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the whole paintings. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deep fake and change
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your voice. i am following very closely what is happening in belgorod, or more precisely on the border of belgorod, kharkov, sumy, and chernigov.


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