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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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now now it's important about the heart attack with the front of the stick right after the commercial.
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so the old political elite has become more active in ukraine, yatsenyuk is holding forums, poroshenko is fighting for military personnel, lyashko has become a chaplain with the wording on the front.
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no one even doubted this, now regarding the draft dodgers, let’s roughly calculate how many people we are talking about. speech, if on average, even in small regions, yes, such as poltava, there are others, 30-40 thousand each - these are those who have already been put on the wanted list, these are those who have already put on the wanted list, well, you can estimate, yes, we are talking about about 600-700 thousand people who, well, definitely don’t want to serve, they have already crossed the line, but they are already outside the law, they are being persecuted, well, okay, you have them pursue, what will you do next with them?
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places in the cells, well, you still have to take into account, there are a lot of people who want to sit there, i think there will be a problem with this, by the way, they once promised to close these old soviet prisons and build new, civilized ones, they even planned to build private ones , but one of them already built. i actually watched this, well, just wretchedness , in fact, well, it’s even impossible to watch it , despite the fact that i have to give a compliment before the thirteenth year, i really
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enjoyed watching the ninety-fifth quarter , there was a real level of humor, well, it was on altitude, i don’t know what happened in this team now, but... well, maybe the author’s workshop there has changed, i don’t know, but there’s no humor there, you know, there’s no humor there, you just look and generally ask yourself a question, you in general, you understand what you are demonstrating on this stage, just think about it, the people themselves are awesome, yes, who have not served a single day in the army, nor in the soviet, nor in the ukrainian, nor have they been to the front, they do the act not traditionally, how they did it against... the authorities, yes, that is, well, criticizing the authorities, and they succeeded at this at a high level, now you can’t criticize the authorities, they, they switched on the people, they are trying to laugh at the scumbags, who are they? , uhilyants, yes, let's figure out who this is, what kind of people these are, these are men over the age of 18
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under 60 years of age, who work, pay taxes, for the military to protect them, for the police to provide security, for ... so that the prosecutor is honest, the judge is honest, yes, the administration, politicians, diplomats, for the state machine to work, to provide quality services, they pay taxes for this, neither one nor the other, nor the third, nor the tenth can provide this service, the war has come, and now they are told: now you go fight for us, because everyone else got a reservation, everyone received a reservation, despite the fact that it is no secret to anyone that he himself...
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he will work so hard on this piece of land, for which he must go and die. and the last thing, tiktok, we often talked about it here, the anthem of uhilant. do ukrainians know what they are doing now? now they don’t perform there themselves during this anthem, but simply post photographs of poroshenko with his family, the speaker of parliament with his family, deputies with their families, and so on. you're talking about hilyants, here you go, you're hilyants, this is a conflict that will happen sooner or later. it will explode anyway this country, sooner or later this will happen, this cannot continue indefinitely, you understand, this level of injustice, the flow of this lie, false patriotism, which everyone talks about on television, it will still tear this country apart, i feel it
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will happen if already now on ukrainian channels they are talking about not only that there is a confrontation between the trade center and potential conscripts, but on ukrainian channels they are already saying: continuation of the topic about the hijackers, when zelensky was elected president, i remember, my colleagues and i in the media, in analytical workshop, they discussed this person a lot, then this information surfaced that zelensky was a four-time dodger from the army, from military service, there are documents from the military... commissariat system that confirm his failure to appear at the recruiting station, in fact, failure to pass medical examinations, failure to complete
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documents, and so on, that is, it turns out that, in principle, if we are to bring out some kind of collective swindler, then the president of ukraine himself should lead this team, and now this document is circulating on telegram channels, just the other day he came across repeatedly in different sources, that is, this is not some kind of secret for ukrainian society, they are all fine... but in any case, it seems to me that zelensky’s fate would have worked out better, that is, he would have become some kind of person, not the president of ukraine, of course, because in the army for 2 years he was given at least some kind of vertical, so to speak, internal management, which he now... does not have, perhaps he did not become would be a heavy drug addict, perhaps he i would have chosen a different pursuit, but unfortunately,
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it was zelensky’s deviationism, zelensky himself gave birth to this phenomenon and continues to essentially protect it, so in my opinion, the visit of our head of the defense department to patriot park, which convincingly showed a completely different picture, here we were repeatedly heard on air that more than a thousand volunteers come every day... to the reception centers of military commissariats, so i was literally today in a hospital in the moscow region, talking with my fellow countryman, he received the order of courage, only recently i came from there, now i’m being rehabilitated, he says: you know, i volunteered for the fourth time in the northern military district, in the spring and summer of 2020 i applied to my military registration and enlistment office, well, from the voronezh region, then in the end i got in for the fourth time, applying to two different cities, to two different city military registration and enlistment offices, on the fourth attempt a person was accepted into the army, he did not serve in the army, was not subject
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to pressure and pressure by our large crowd, but the system itself did not rush us, now there are people, and people continue to come, and this is very important, general, deputy commander of the navy, nato, in europe, made an absolutely insane statement in guardians, in my opinion, accusing russia and china of developing underwater technologies, and that a large underwater war is coming, that is, it is now looming in the future, between a united russia and china. against the entire collective west, the admiral reminds his colleagues that russia and china have technologies, from
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underwater boats, there are uncontrolled deep-sea vehicles, there are even means of actually strategically defeating the enemy, and also the same poseidon, which everyone is really afraid, because there is no way to defend against this product at all, and yet these people themselves were the first to provoke the very submarine war that we are talking about...
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these are the most in demand, although it is difficult in the zone of a special military operation identify the most in-demand required branch of the military, but still it is our radio-electronic specialists in electronic warfare, our senitics, who do the work that the head of state speaks about with great gratitude to these officers and these contract soldiers, and those 30 thousand downed unmanned and manned aerial vehicles over the 25 months of the northern military district, which the minister of defense announced.
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we need to prepare for this, we need to be clearly aware of this, iran, by the way, showed, mind you, we never sent 300, let me remind you that 300 is nothing, just for fun, look how the war began, let’s say, the united states of america against iraq, that is, the first day, how many were
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released, in baghdad, no, just in baghdad, how many were released, more than a thousand. the first day and 42 days without, so when the west now shouts: just think about it, it’s like iran sent 300, you know, 300, the americans say, that’s not enough, that’s not enough, and 200 billion opposite the missile, in one night, a third of a year’s supply , well, iran did not set the task of unleashing a bash, we are talking about something else, we are talking about the fact that we need to understand what level of threats we will be talking about pretty soon, what we will encounter, of course. this must be understood, we must understand, yes, too, the british said, now we will hand over new unique equipment defense is hyperbole, i don’t know the engineer there, but behind all the humor of this approach, because the lazar there is highly dependent on a million factors, but it is clear that the future lies in weapons that do not need to be reloaded, that is,
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it is clear that now there will be a colossal development, of course, our heroes decide there more difficultly. tasks, and how, well, they find out on the battlefield, well, those flaws that cannot be corrected otherwise, weapons develop when they are used, and after this war there will generally be an explosion, and an explosion is already underway, massive air defense, at the same time, comes as a return to the well -forgotten old, and there is a park, as well as the emergence of completely new unique ones, that is, nothing, but humanity always moves forward through war, no matter how sad it is, well, it will begin in a month. changes due to the updated mobilization law signed by zelensky, it is clear that no one will wait for this month, it is clear that with redoubled force they will grab citizens of ukraine into the streets, beat them half to death in military registration and enlistment offices, regional city offices there, and so on, well, here i am what's amazing is that i had opportunity there to communicate with the guys
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who work in the verkhovna rada, they say: “you know, this is the same platform”: for life, the deputies who supported this law, they sincerely believe that in this edition, this is the most ideal option for the ukrainian of the population, i say, that’s what they say, that’s what they sincerely think, because it could have been worse, i say, it’s interesting, but what’s worse, well, they would have shot them right away, that is, no, we started communicating, i say, it’s worse like banderajugent from 14 years old or grandfathers seventy-year-olds should start grabbing it right away, did they say 16 to 70 to wear now?
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do you really think that you passed the law and this is good, he says, you’re just out of touch, it could have been worse, i say, guys, i say, it’s much worse, i say, well, i also see what you’re doing, we need to record it, when it all ends, they will be given orders for acceptance, i think, so that’s the most interesting thing. these people, this man who called me, literally from the beginning of the svo, he somehow, he didn’t call me, he wrote, says, this is what i’m watching in the evening with solovyov, i wish you all to see the dock in kiev, i say, well , i’ll see you soon in kiev, guys, i say and let’s see who will sit in the dock and on which bench, and i also want to touch a little more on the topic of the priorities of the united states, as for israel , so a lot has been said about ukraine here, but i’ll add a little humorous topic from my long-time israeli friend, he, through his activities, works with
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a number of knesat deputies, so we called there today and he says with an odessa touch: listen, says, well, we the actions of zelensky and his entourage are so upsetting, i mean upsetting, he says, how can he interject, he says, our people here are running around with their cheglas in their embroidered shirts.
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help, she says, well, the americans will find a way to supply ukraine, they are already supplying, but there are many of these options, more cargo is recorded there, they are already supplying, and they are supplying missiles, and i will not be surprised if it becomes known that today they used, by the way, their unannounced deliveries, missiles, well , everything is clear there, so i kind of completely agree with you, vladimir rudolfovich, i really want to see the power of russian weapons, we all have wanted to for a long time.
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there were people there, they lived, they served, that’s the task.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. slana petrovna, good afternoon, services. security of your bank for another moment and the fraudsters would have had access to the money at your expense, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money to a secure account, i called the bank, she hung up, by whom not just scammers pretend to be trying to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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on time, without pause, vladimir putin called for organizing work to assess damage from floods immediately after the water recedes to help people as quickly as possible.


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