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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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on time, without pause, vladimir putin called for organizing work to assess damage from floods immediately after the water recedes to help people as quickly as possible. restore and
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repair houses. the consequences of the natural disaster became the main topic of the president's meeting with governors and the government on wednesday. in some regions, the water is already receding, in others it is only approaching critical levels, as, for example, in the kurgan region. the scale of work that is currently underway in the affected areas was appreciated by natalya solovyova. in touch with the president, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, members of the government and governors of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. reports. from the regions most affected by the flood, vladimir putin receives every day, but the situation is changing hourly and remains difficult. orsk and orenburg passed the peak of the flood. currently , areas where the water has receded are being sanitized, houses are being dried out, and utility services are urgently restoring the supply of water and electricity. rescuers deliver food, bottled water, basic necessities, and help volunteers. meanwhile, the water is rising.
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14,000 people were evacuated to kurgan in the region, 18 temporary accommodation centers were opened for them, which can accommodate a total of 5 thousand residents, many are moving to relatives, the authorities fear a repetition of the situation in orenburg, when people refused to leave their homes, suffering health and even life. according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations, now the most important role is played by informing the population. particular attention is paid to information work with the population and people. it is necessary to talk about payments and other ways of support that they can receive, about the procedure for restoring documents, targeted receipt of humanitarian aid, vaccination and many other issues. there is a hotline telephone, door-to-door visits and organized meetings with the population are carried out. the russian ministry of emergency situations has deployed mobile information and warning systems to the region. the government of the orinburg region has organized the work. for payments of material
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assistance to the affected population who find themselves in the emergency zone, financial 30,000 people have already received assistance, most of the applications for payments were submitted through the state services portal, this mechanism significantly simplifies the entire process of providing assistance to citizens, reducing the time it takes for money to arrive in the applicant’s account. in the orenburg region , they have already begun assessing the damage, are developing projects for the development of new residential areas, restoring roads, and at the same time making ... payments to victims, have begun repairing the road infrastructure of tram tracks that were damaged, and are already developing draft standard solutions for the development of new neighborhoods, we will offer residents both the opportunity to buy ready-made housing and to build a house on their own, we are working with the land, on friday we will adopt the corresponding regional law allowing the provision of land to people who have lost their housing as a result of the emergency as a priority, free of charge and without labor, a large healthcare block implements, vaccinates.
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more than 33,000 residents have already been vaccinated, 11,00 of them 796 children, with the assistance of the ministry of health of the russian federation , we have been allocated 120,000 doses from the government reserve fund, and of course this we continue to work accordingly. on april 15, all schoolchildren in orsk began studying full-time. pupils left in the zes without clothes and shoes receive certificates for the nursery. in the kurgan region they are preparing for the worst; according to the regional governor, the water level in tobol can rise to 11 m, residents of 35 settlements are being evacuated. the movement of trucks on federal highways in the region has been limited. in kurgan itself , three bridges and several sections of roads were blocked. work is underway to build up the dump, but the authorities warn that the structure may not stand. residents are asked to take evacuation seriously. work on informing the story. evacuation of citizens is carried out
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continuously around the clock. the work of the headquarters is carried out openly with the publication of photos, videos, text materials in the media, social networks, with an actual analysis of the situation, flood forecasts, which snt or settlements are at risk of being flooded. or cut-off, current forecast data from quadcopters and analysis based on space photography are provided. we believe that people should know and understand that happens in order to compare the risks of helping us resettle flooded areas. due to the difficulties in the work of emergency rescue teams and the ambulance crew , it was recommended that the rosavtodor management limit the transit of freight transport along the irtysh highway at marks 250 and 278 kilometers of the border of the city of kurgan. in the tyumen region , the water in the ishi river can rise to...
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yes, so the municipalities that are just downstream, where we have the city of ishim, especially, we are already raising dams, you said that we are taking people out, the most stubborn ones remain, no need so there’s no need to talk about people, sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you’re trying, everyone’s tired, you’re working, you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re sincerely trying to help people, but why people... including doctors, according to the minister of health, assistance in the flood zone is being provided in full, residents of the tomsk
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region have begun to be vaccinated against hepatitis a in order to avoid an epidemic, the same work is underway in orenbur and kurgan and at the same time counting the damage caused to hospitals and medical centers in the regions. we had to evacuate medical organizations in the orenburg region, accordingly we changed the routes for routing patients with emergency conditions through planned care, including maternity institutions, we talked to you, all this was taken into account, all assistance is provided in full. there is still one in kurgan.
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make sure that prices for building materials do not rise when the time comes to renovate houses. in turn, vladimir putin emphasized that it is necessary to immediately begin work on assessing the damage, and as soon as the water will recede, he called on his colleagues to gather in a larger format to discuss the restoration of infrastructure and housing. well , another topic of the meeting was the results of the test launch of the angara a5, and the conversation turned to the next important event in the space industry. launch of an upgraded even more powerful rocket of the same class for sending , including manned spacecraft. according to the plan , it will take off for the first time in 2027 and also from the east. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, reported to the president about the prospects of the project.
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april 11 at 12 o'clock moscow time the rocket launched and completed all its tasks. we have high hopes that at the vostochnaya cosmodrome it is recognized as replacing the heavy rocket launcher. m, over which it has a number of undeniable advantages. firstly, we cease to depend on geopolitical circumstances, having the opportunity to launch heavy rockets from our territory, from two launch pads (in polesetsk on vostochny), while our proton m launch complex is located in kazakhstan on baikanur. secondly, the angara engine is being used again much more environmentally friendly kerosene, and not heptyl, as is the case on the m proton. another promising modification of this angara a5b rocket with an oxygen-hydrogen third stage ensures the launch of payloads weighing up to 38 tons into low-grade orbit. we need
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to build another table for super-heavy rockets. yes sir. vladimirovich, we will plan and build it in the east. now this is our main cosmodrome and it is actively developing. on your instructions. during the riots in dviliye, arrests began. so far two participants have been captured scuffles with the police. one of them was reported to be carrying a knife.
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present it as russian. american president joe biden will immediately sign the aid bills for ukraine, israel and taiwan presented in the house of representatives if congress approves them. follows from a statement released by the white house press service. speaker of the lower house of representatives mike johnson previously introduced a document for the 2024 fiscal year. johnson proposes to allocate $61 billion to kiev and $26 billion to tel aviv. if the document is adopted, it will oblige the state debt and the pentagon to draw up a clear strategy for helping kiev for the years ahead. according to the text of the bill, this strategy must contain a clear description of the us goals and priorities in the area. national security and consequences if the objectives are not achieved.
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in addition, the strategy should reflect what military aid has not yet been supplied to kiev, but could lead to success on the battlefield. congress will make the final decision based on the voting results on april 20. one problem after another, bowing is now is going through hard times, and this is due to staff turnover and, as a consequence, a drop in product quality. what is happening inside the corporation and what kind of breakdowns can occur on board some of the most popular airliners, emil mersaev found out. systematic problems at booing corporation have risen to the level of the us congress. a series of aviation incidents seriously worried american legislators. parliament has held a hearing on the safety of the 787 dreamliner line. testimony was given by a quality control engineer who worked in the company for 15 years.
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and the special commission was never able to say an unequivocal yes to the question: are the airliners safe? the safest place for us is our sofa at home, and for a plane a hangar, and yet, every day we go out, planes take off, safety is a deal, however, i am excited about the situation at boeing. according to half a dozen speakers, the fuselage of the 787 is crooked, due to the difference in components, gaps are formed, the joints between
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the parts are too large, and although they are fastened together, the pressure is approximately after a thousand flights, according to experts, will lead to extreme metal fatigue. in order to assemble these sections, it is necessary that all the landing dimensions along which the joints take place are kept within tolerances; if these tolerances... are not maintained, then some modifications on site may be required for assembly. there are currently 1,100 dreamliners in the air around the world. lately , the 737, another most popular line in the history of aviation, has also been experiencing difficulties; it has almost 12,000 aircraft. only since the beginning of the year have occurred there have already been over a dozen emergency situations, either the landing gear will break, or a piece of the wing will fall off, or the cabin will come apart at the seams. as a result, it’s an emergency. the landings are very close, the last high-profile incident happened at the beginning of the year when
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the door of an alaska airlines flight was simply ripped out during the flight. the public is worried, on average 70% of americans have become more worried about flight safety, the publication writes. repeated, shocking allegations of boeing manufacturing errors highlight an appalling lack of safety culture and practices where profit comes first over everything else. in fact, the deck is profitable. last year amounted to almost $8 billion, an increase of 118%. but you still have to pay for failures. analysts are making negative forecasts for this year, after all. due to increased inspections, booing supplies decreased by one and a half times. market capitalization is gradually falling. now it is estimated at 100 billion dollars, but before the pandemic the figure was at 250. and the dynamics of the share price are also negative. since the beginning of the year they have fallen by 32%. company and everyone are trying to rehabilitate themselves, carried out
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a number of personnel changes, and also test flights, she said that the critics are wrong and... this was shown by an examination under the supervision of the federal civil aviation administration. true, the american authorities themselves are in no hurry to make statements. however, it is obvious that it will not come to the closure of one of the largest us companies, which is the locomotive of national exports. in exchange , the authorities may well temporarily ground some vessels of the 787 family, analysts say. the national governance investigation will will continue until at least the end of may. russian peacekeepers leave nagorny. the information was confirmed by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov: russian peacekeepers have been in the region since 2020. about the reasons for the withdrawal and the results of the work. egor grigoriev. the russian peacekeeping contingent is leaving the territory of azerbaijan. 2.0 people on the territory of nagorno-karabakh, served for almost 4
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years. urals and kamaz trucks with personnel and armored vehicles are moving towards the point. departure. a column of armored vehicles marched to the loading station. soon in time, all equipment will be loaded onto platforms for delivery to the russian federation. our contingent was deployed temporarily following the results of the statement by azerbaijan, russia and armenia in 2020. the russian mission plays a big role in achieving the results of agreements and stabilizing the situation. this was noted by assistant to the president of azerbaijan hikmet hajiyev. today, given the prime minister's repeated public statements.
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both armenia and azerbaijan, but not everything went smoothly: the escalation also led to losses, six of our peacekeepers died, another while carrying out the most important task of demining, but the work of course continued, almost 700 km of roads and more than 2. lands were checked. the white awnings of the trucks of our peacekeepers have always been a sure sign for civilians, humanitarian aid, food and... 650 tons of food and basic necessities, 3,800 tons of medicines and equipment were transferred to those in need, direct medical assistance was provided, construction materials were delivered, hundreds damaged by shelling were restored houses, and after the transition in september 2023 territory of the karabakh economic region under the full control of azerbaijan, our
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peacekeepers helped with the temporary accommodation and relocation of thousands of people. the mission is now complete. the planned preparation of the property complex of the russian peacekeeping contingent is being carried out with subsequent loading onto standard fixed equipment for subsequent transportation through the railway loading station to the territory of the russian federation. the withdrawal of the contingent will take several days, but for the full restoration of peaceful life, the help of our the military will still be needed, we are talking about humanitarian exchange.
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satellite constellation, new data centers, connecting social institutions primarily to high-speed internet, and the national project will also increase labor productivity, and an increase in income is expected in various areas.
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i want to take out a mortgage and in order to give the task to artificial intelligence, i need to fill out a special form. yuli, can you help me? yes, of course, i press forward, right? we indicate your wishes, what kind of infrastructure is needed around it, the system will select the ideal area and highlight it in bright color. same in this way, geoanalytics will tell entrepreneurs where to open a business or indicate to developers a suitable location for a new residential complex. accordingly, we know all the infrastructure objects, we know the interests of clients and we can build such heat maps that allow for... a specific location, to answer the question there, but i don’t know whether this location covers the need there for restaurants, cafes, this the result of working with a large amount of data in the vtb database,
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internal information that is protected, as well as information from large partner corporations, media groups, services delivery, taxi and more, artificial intelligence accurately relieves the routine workload of employees; according to forecasts, by 2025, income from the use of neural networks will amount to almost 12 billion rubles. this removes... manual labor in many ways, well, for example, artificial intelligence used in document recognition. in fact, this is a quite profitable, of course, payable direction for investing money at vtb bank. at data fuzhin , vtb presented for the first time another innovation, its own metaverse. this format is confident experts, it will change soon familiar video conference meetings, reminiscent of a computer game, communication using avatars that have facial expressions and the ability to show reactions. in the future, artificial intelligence will help create customer experiences. the most personalized service, and, of course, security, protection from hacking scammers needs to be taken to a new level, data fusion speakers emphasize, for this it is necessary to act by combining
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the efforts of various departments, russia has a window of opportunity in the world of technology, there is room to grow for this all the prerequisites are there. maria filipova, nikita korniev, konstantin veselov, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov, news. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 18 , 1506, pope julius ii laid the first foundation stone of st. peter's basilica in rome. once upon a time , the gardens of the circus of the roman emperor nero were located near this place. then the apostle peter was buried here, in the circus, and accepted martyrdom. and in that century, the first basilica, a crypt with the sarcophagus of st. peter, was erected here. after 11 centuries it began to collapse, so they began to build a new one.
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105 years ago, on april 18, 1919 , the russian academy of the history of material culture was founded, its main task being archaeological historical and artistic research. real monuments of antiquity. the academy traced its history back to the oldest archaeological institution in our country, the imperial archaeological commission, created in the middle of the 19th century.
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and in 1900, in 1937, the academy was transformed into two organizations at once: the institute of archeology of the russian academy of sciences in moscow and st. petersburg institute of history, material culture rana. every year , employees of both institutes conduct large-scale field research in different regions of russia and beyond its borders, scientists from the capital’s institute conduct excavations not only in moscow and the moscow region, but in novgorod, the urals, kazakhstan and even spitsbergen. recently, the remains of the hull of a pomeranian ship were found there. among. landmark projects of the st. petersburg institute in recent years - the creation of a unique 3d model of the ancient palmyra, a city from the unesco world heritage site, as well as the project restoration of the triumphal arch of palmyra. on april 18, 1955, the bandung conference began. it was initiated by five asian countries, including india, pakistan and indonesia. in total , delegations from twenty-nine
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countries arrived in the city of bandung on the indonesian island of java. asia and africa. after world war ii, the former colonies of leading european powers quickly became independent states and claimed their place in international affairs. as a result of the conference, they condemned colonialism, created a united front of the peoples of asia and africa, and came up with 10 principles of peaceful coexistence. the conference was called a symbol of the countries of asia and africa in the struggle for independence. even the expression spirit of bandung appeared. but, unfortunately, everything was limited to words. then afro-asian solidarity quickly faded away; due to disagreements between countries, it was not possible to organize new forms of such a scale. however, a number of bandung principles were used 6 years later in belgrade to create the non-aligned movement. it included countries that share the principles of non-participation in any military blocs. april 18, 1998 at the nuclear-powered missile cruiser peter the great was
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raised by the naval andrei. flag. the ship changed its name twice. when it was laid down in 1986, it was called kuibyshev. after 3 years, he was released under the name yuri andropov in honor of the secretary general of the ussr. but after another 3 years, when the soviet union disappeared, by decree of boris yeltsin, it was renamed peter the great. now it is the world's largest operational attack warship, not an aircraft carrier, more than 250 m long, the ship's power plant, two nuclear. 150 megawatts each on board crew 750 people, many different weapons , an air group of several helicopters. in total, at the baltic plant, under project 1144 orlan , four such nuclear-powered cruisers were built in combat formation, now only one, and another one , admiral nakhimov, which was called kalinin before the collapse of the ussr, is in the process of repair and modernization. peter the great became part of the squadron of surface ships of the northern fleet.
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this is what this day in history was like: in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny: young people began throwing bombs. merchant stones, they came specifically to kill, the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, and chaos was happening, a shot was fired, and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed in my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov shot no less three times wa attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents
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of the ivanovo region. still considers it a cruel killer, i went to the investigative committee, i tell them what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this case and conducted our investigation, now it’s up to the workers, congratulations, pay attention to the communication face, carry out the repair work, please, there is light at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for the work. this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1800 m, but they have already begun to make it in the duseolinsky ridge in 1939. all this was seething, you know, all this was stirring. bam continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage.
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the economy has turned around. to spite our enemies , we are achieving great success; there have never been such precedents in the history of russia and transport construction.


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