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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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floods in russian regions are gaining strength, residents of 35 settlements are being evacuated in the tyumen region, evacuation is also underway in the kurgan region, including in kurgan itself, and houses and roads are flooded in the orenburg and tomsk regions. in the belgorod region
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, they are restoring damage after recent attacks by militants on the graivarna outskirts, they have resumed the supply of electricity, they are also laying out new communication lines, and sappers are clearing the territory of unexploded ordnance. the us congress will vote on a bill to help the kiev regime in this saturday, and republicans agreed to consider the document after democrats split their support for ukraine and israel. the money will be given on credit, but... the guilt of the us debt can be forgiven. russia has proposed introducing sanctions against violators of the un resolution on the conflict in the gas sector. this initiative was put forward at the subvisa meeting. the document, adopted in march, demands an immediate ceasefire. residents of thirty- five settlements are being evacuated in the tyumen region; there are already three areas in the flood zone. people are taken out in advance. there is a risk that hydraulic...
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is now 418, that is , there is no threat of flooding yet, but in the neighboring kazan region, near the village of ilyinka, the increase has been 8 cm since 20 pm yesterday, and there is already...
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792 cm at a critical level of 800, that is, the spill is already underway and in a day or two, this level, as experts assume, will be here directly in the city of ishim, so maximum attention is now being paid to increasing the dam crest; not only builders, designers, but also take part in this process ordinary townspeople come to help, because everyone... understands that now any help is very, very important, the evacuation from the kazan region continues, and many other areas are also being evacuated, and people are being accommodated in temporary accommodation centers, and everything is provided for them there, water, food, and accommodation, psychologists and general practitioners are also working, we continue to monitor the situation and are waiting for the latest news, literally in an hour.
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dangerous values ​​have long been exceeded; in total, more than 3.00 houses were flooded in the region, almost 14 thousand people were evacuated. the situation is tense in the tomsk region, dozens of houses and roads are flooded, a state of emergency is in effect in four districts, and the water in the op river is rising. the day before, the head of the ministry of construction visited the region and assessed the effectiveness of the measures that the authorities are taking to prevent large-scale flooding. just in the south of siberia, there is now a flood. region, they are increasing
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the group of rescuers in the ilek region, 10 settlements have already been flooded, detachments from samara, tatarstan, an airmobile group from kirovskaya have come to help region, they are also strengthening the dam of the sakmar river, which threatens to flood a number of villages, the level of the other ural river is decreasing, in orenburg in orsk gas and electricity supply is being reconnected to houses. they began to pay compensation to people and are preparing to build new housing in their place. destroyed. rescuers, volunteers and military personnel in the disaster zone are helping the affected residents of the orenburg region, and missilemen from the yasnaya formation are working. they deliver drinking water to enterprises, clinics, schools, kindergartens, as well as to residents of hard-to-reach areas, there regularly
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tank trucks arrive. the quality of the water is carefully checked. before shipping, specialists take samples and conduct laboratory tests. in addition, the military brings them to temporary centers. in nine regions, as well as in the territories of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime. and in the kupinsky direction , russian tankers destroyed important enemy targets. the location was revealed by intelligence officers,
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including during inspection of the territory using drones. the crews of the modernized tanks immediately went to the firing line t-80. the shelling was carried out from closed positions, invisible. drone operators helped with the adjustments, as a result , camouflaged dugouts and enemy personnel were eliminated, and our units on the front line received much-needed support. the rate of fire of the tank guns made it possible to complete the task as quickly as possible before the militants opened fire back. we drove 400 meters towards the enemy, a peculiar intersection. such was the enemy - they were shelling, there was a machine-gun loophole, the infantry could not get through, they had to rolling the tank there close to the ground, these are of course not the right distances for a tank, well , i had to, we rolled out, worked,
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suppressed the machine gun point, the infantry passed through, jumped in, secured a foothold, they gave me a medal for the fence, in the belgorod region the electricity supply was restored on the outskirts. the power supply was interrupted after one of the terrorist attacks by militants, work is in full swing on communication lines, residents are being returned to their homes, not only after the territory is inspected by sappers. and our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, saw how the restoration was progressing normal life. the roads and sidewalks of the groevororonsky urban district of the belgorod region are strewn with metal fragments from shells. utility service. they are cleaning up the border settlements, the territory was heavily damaged by shelling in the bsu, now the streets are being cleared, the power supply is being restored, there is a lot of work, a lot, yes, we are now cleaning up the city, whitewashing the curbs, everything is going on right now, on this street, on the outermost part of the city the day before the power supply was restored, and today
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the network company’s specialists are extending new communication lines, cables were interrupted by two hits from rocket artillery shells, boris’s house was damaged by the explosion, the man showed damaged windows and the roof, one house was damaged in our house, here the ceiling collapsed in this house, right next to it, thank god, no one was injured, nothing , everyone came out to wrap the pipes, the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries tried to break through our border, shells from tank artillery fell on people, the russian military repelled the attacks of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy was driven back, now they are not allowing him to gain a foothold on the battle line contacts, the situation: easier, but at the same time remains difficult, shelling continues. the ukrainian military is using kamikaze drones to hunt for civilians, this fpv drone was discovered in the private sector, the russian military neutralized it, it was equipped with a cumulative projectile, it is written here that it
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was made in ukraine. people are gradually returning home from evacuation so that repair and restoration teams can begin work. sappers are checking the shelling sites, meter by meter specialists. the international mine action center of the ministry of defense is inspecting residential buildings and social facilities that were damaged by shelling. sappers remove unexploded shells. the unit works as part of a group that... protects the state border, most often we find rszzz, phoenix, panther missiles, the enemy seems to be using cluster munitions, they may not explode and pose an immediate danger to life. the russian military takes all dangerous finds to the test site. modern projectiles represent a large a threat to local residents, other than a major destructive one. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin,
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vesti belgorod region. the heads of the eu member states at an informal summit in brussels emphasized the need to urgently provide air defense systems to kiev. this is stated in the final statement. however, there are no specifics on delivery dates yet. eu leaders also again called for prompt adoption. european commission on the use of profits from frozen russian assets for ukraine. let me remind you that it was previously reported that the first transfers in favor of kiev could be made already in july. israel is unlikely to launch strikes on iran before april 30. this was reported by the american television channel abc with reference to a us administration representative. in his opinion, the jewish state will not attack tehran until the end of the jewish holiday of passover. and the publications. claims that israel planned to strike iran on the night of the drone attack, that is, from
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april 13 to 14. however, after a telephone conversation with joe biden, benjamin netanyahu postponed the decision to respond. the axio internet portal, in turn, writes that israel considered the possibility of striking iran this monday, but again did not dare. at the same time, according to the american press, the us authorities were outraged that tel aviv did not consult with the white house. before the attacks on damascus. let me remind you that on april 2, the villages of tsahal launched a missile attack on the diplomatic quarter in the syrian capital. the iranian embassy complex is located there. at least 13 people were killed. the heads of state and government of the eu at the summit in brussels called on all parties to the conflict in the middle east to show maximum restraint. this is stated in the final statement of the meeting on the middle east. politicians also announced the introduction of new sanctions against iran. at the same time american. seimar hirsch claims that the pentagon, with biden's approval, convinced the iranian leadership that tehran, in response
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to the attacks on damascus, could freely attack israel, and then helped tel aviv repel this attack. the third night of mass protests in tbilis again ended with arrests, several people were taken to the police. without clashes with law enforcement officers it worked out. even journalists took part in the fight. colleagues captured it. as the cameraman hit his opponent with a television camera, the crowd attacked the police cordon near the government house, the protesters moved there from the parliament building, it was besieged for several hours in a row. deputies discussed the law on foreign agents; the document obliges to register npos that are financed from abroad. the opposition calls the law pro-russian and believes that it interferes with the country's integration into the eu. in fact, this is an analogue of american law. and they tried to accept him a year ago, then. all also ended in protests, perhaps a new attempt will be more successful, the day before
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the scandalous document passed the first reading, and now it’s time for economic news, konstantin, new data from the ministry of economic development on inflation has appeared, tell us, what is it about? tatyana, price growth is slowing down, at least that’s what the weekly data shows. inflation in russia from april 9 to april 15 slowed to 12, year on year. the rate of price growth accelerated, exceeding 7.8%, according to the ministry of economic development. in the food products segment, weekly price increases slowed down to 1.%. fruit and vegetable products became a limiting factor. there was zero dynamics in the non-food products segment. a slight decrease in prices for electronics and household appliances had an impact. in the service sector, inflation was about 3%. the most noticeable increase in price. air tickets for domestic flights. the russian ministry of finance placed federal loan bonds for more than 80 billion rubles.
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with a total demand of 140 billion. no supply limit was set for ten-year bonds. this measure makes it possible to attract the volume of placements for which there is a market demand that the department is ready to take. the yield on both issues is, of course, high in the current conditions. as reported in march, the ministry of finance proposed in the second quarter. bonds worth a trillion rubles; eight more auctions are planned before the end of june. increased oversight of what is sent to ukraine, increased demands on allies for compliance. obligations on their part to return kiev to all economic support provided by washington. republicans prescribed such conditions in the bill on so so-called assistance to the kiev regime, on which they are ready to vote. the document proposed by the white house did not suit them, so significant additions were made to it. there are estimates listed there, from which it follows that ukraine itself
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has little left out of the total package of almost $61 billion. more than 23 billion for... countries, that's what it's for. the ministry of industry and trade already has an understanding of what to oppose to the new western sanctions against the russian non-ferrous metallurgy. this was stated by the tas agency , the deputy minister of industry and trade victor eftukhov. he compared the new restrictions themselves to madness. meanwhile, russian analysts note that the london metal exchange and the chicago
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mercantile exchange have to hand over the palm to the raw materials site in shanghai due to sanctions. the lion's share of global copper trading takes place in china and now aluminum along with nickel will largely move there, while the west will feel a shortage of physical supplies, which will lead to an average increase in quotes of 5%. and at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today 94.32, euro exchange rate 100 rubles. 27 kopecks that's all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantinka was there with economic news. large-scale floods change geography, capture new territories, residents of thirty-five settlements are evacuated in the tyumen region, people are taken out from the right bank of the mound in southern siberia, houses, roads and bridges are flooded in the flood zone of four regions. snowfall in the middle of spring in the yemalo-menesky autonomous okrug, a blizzard is raging, in a number of cities,
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including the capital, svihardi for schoolchildren with classes were canceled for grades 1 through 7. the road is snowy, dozens of cars are stuck in snow, a rescuer is helping to get out. protests are raging in tbilisi, the third night of the demonstration ended in clashes with the police and arrests, a crowd stormed the government house and besieged parliament, but the scandalous document about foreign agents, which the opposition considers pro-russian, still passed the first reading. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov is holding negotiations in venezuela, this is the first visit of the head of the supervisory agency. our country into a republic, red will meet with officials, including their counterpart, with bilateral cooperation on the agenda. after the advertisement, watch the sports news, we will tell you about the remarkable achievement of the russian hockey player nikita kucherov. a credit card is beneficial in any
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if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. and now sports news. daniel, greetings. so, nikita kucherov became the fifth player in the history of the national team. hockey league who made 100 assists in one season, tell us how it helped you win the match? good morning, yes, his tampa won the last match of the regular season, 6:4 against toronto. the second pair of semi-finalists have been determined in the champions football league; they are bayern munich and real madrid. after a scoring frenzy in the first match, the score was 3:3. the second game was much more modest in terms of performance. real opened the scoring in the twelfth minute, rodrigo scored. but then man city persistently opened up the opponent’s defense for a long time, only once doing it successfully. kevin de bruyna took advantage of the chance, he also had another clear chance, but
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failed to score. the match went to a penalty shootout, where real won, reaching the semi-finals; kouchic and bernardo silva failed to convert their attempts. it didn’t come down to a series of penalty kicks in munich, where everything was decided by one goal from kimich in the second half. the first match ended 2:2, the second - 1:0 in favor of bayern. the victorious london arsenal. the return match of the semi-final of the russian football cup has ended in st. petersburg. zenit hosted spartak moscow. in the first the st. petersburg team won the game in moscow with a score of 2:1. my colleague alexander abramov will tell you how the two-game confrontation ended. this was another round of confrontation between zenit and spartak. the teams met each other for the fourth time this season. twice in the championship and twice in the cup. the return match of the rpl semi-final in the russian cup was the first after the resignation of head coach guilherm bascal. bosnian specialist vladimir sliskovic, who was obascal's assistant, led the team
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as acting chief trainer. vladimir slishkovich, the man who will try to save the season for spartak moscow. now our players have a certain block and fear of showing their best qualities on the field. this is one of my main tasks for today - to regain faith in myself. the remaining championship matches and the national cup matches are equally important for us. at the beginning of march, zenit and spartak played a goalless draw in the national championship. in the return match of the cup, this result was repeated at the gazprom arena. another 0:0. spartak goalkeeper alexander maksimenko made several spectacular rescues. and when mateo casiera did score at the end of the match, a video review came to the rescue, after which zenit’s goal was canceled. 0:0 at the gazprom arena and 2:1 victory for zenit on aggregate. today, as i already said, the game was with our big advantage and there was practically no sharpness at our goal, but the aftertaste of the fact that we didn’t win and couldn’t score remained,
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unfortunately, it’s impossible to say that we are happy today, but the main thing , that the quality of the game was more than satisfactory for me today, the task of reaching the next stage was completed, i hope everyone is alive and healthy, zenit will continue to fight for the cup in the final of the rpl path with double matches against cska. spartak still also claims the trophy, but from the lower bracket of the tournament, from the regional path. also on the road of the dynamo regions, on wednesday they passed orenburg and rostov, which beat ural. it’s okay, if there is an option to climb somewhere through the lower bracket, then we will try to win. do you know who is already in the lower bracket? well, as i understand it, dynamo won against orenburg today, i saw the score was 3:1, that’s before dynamo, and i don’t know who else is rostov. dynamo. the russian cup superfinal is scheduled for
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june 2. in order for zenit to get into the match for the trophy, it needs to beat cska moscow on aggregate. in order for spartak to play in the match for the cup, they must first beat dynamo and then beat the winner of the rostov-baltika pair. acting head coach of spartak vladimir slishkovich at the post-match press conference made it clear how likely a new meeting between spartak and zenit on june 2 in the match for the russian cup is likely. that's true and will. alexander abramov, aleksalchuk, alexander kutataladze and alexander stalmashevsky. vesti st. petersburg. a play-in mini-tournament has started in the vtb united basketball league, which determines the last two participants in the playoffs of the current season. ural mash beat samara at home 80-69, the hosts systematically increased their advantage by the final quarter and were +20 points.
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samara. twenty minutes, which was at the end, but this no longer affected the final results, so ural mash in its debut season enters the playoffs from seventh place, and his opponent in the first round will be zenit. in another match of the day, mba in saratov beat local avtodor 85-79. the hero of the match was visiting defender alexander trushkin, he scored 34 points and updated his career scoring record. the forward also became the ninth russian in the history of the league. which reached the mark of 30 points scored. mb wins its eleventh victory in a row for the last ticket to the playoffs, now they will argue with samara. the final series of the women's volleyball super league has started. in the first match dynamo akbars turned out to be stronger than kaliningrad lokomotiv 3:2 in games. dynamo won the first two games 25:20 and 25:22, but lokomotiv was able to return to the game, taking
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the third and fourth sets. in favor of dynamo, the next match of the series will be held there in kazan on april 19. that's all about sports for now, see you in the next hour.
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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing. floods in russian regions are gaining strength in the tyumen region, and people are being taken out to live.


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