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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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to talk to you, briefly about the main thing. floods in russian regions are gaining strength in the tyumen region, they are being removed.
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evacuations are also underway in kurganskaya, including in kurgan itself. in the orenburg and tomsk regions , houses and roads are flooded. in the belgorod region , damage is being restored after recent attacks by militants in the region of graivarna, the supply of electricity has been restored. new communication lines are also being installed. sappers clear areas of unexploded ordnance. us congress to vote on relief bill to the kyiv regime already. this saturday , republicans agreed to consider the document after democrats split their support for ukraine and israel. the money will be given on credit, but half of the us debt can be forgiven. russia has proposed introducing sanctions against violators of the un resolution on the conflict in the gas sector. this initiative was put forward at the soffez meeting. the document, adopted in march, demands an immediate ceasefire. prosecutor general of russia. krasnov is holding
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negotiations in venezuela, this is the first visit of the head of our country’s supervisory agency to bulivarian republic. the russian ambassador, as well as his venezuelan colleague and the leadership of the latin american foreign ministry, met at the red gangway. the prosecutor general will hold several meetings with venezuelan officials on the agenda of bilateral cooperation. it is expected that an agreement will be signed as a result. and before arriving in venezuela, igor krasnov visited... the fight against terrorism and extremism, and noted that russia is ready to share its practice ; see details in evgeniy nipot’s report. in two days in govan, the attorney general in russia, igor krasnov held five working meetings with representatives of the republic, a truly busy schedule. the historical center of old govanna. the supreme court building is located here. its chairman ruben rimihiofera meets.
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by coincidence, you visited cuba in the same year that we celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the creation of our control office. igor krasnov, during a working meeting , proposed concluding an agreement between the prosecutor general’s office of russia and intolerance towards corrupt behavior, because how completely rightly noted the leader of the liberation movement of cuba, hase marti, to calmly observe a crime means to participate in its commission, i suggest you consider the issue of concluding a separate agreement between our departments. cooperation, which will serve as a legal basis for possible training to improve the qualifications of employees of the cuban control department. the working trip of the russian prosecutor general will continue; after cuba, the delegation will visit two more countries. evgeny nipot, evgenia kirilenko and nadezhda nefedova, reporting from govan, cuba.
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dushamb held a meeting of the coordinating committee on air defense issues, member states in the cis. we discussed improving air defense. commonwealth countries issues of military-technical cooperation. the russian delegation at the committee meeting was headed by deputy commander-in-chief of the russian aerospace forces, colonel general yuri grekhov. joint air defense systems have been created and are operating in collective security regions, which has significantly increased the capabilities of air defense space of our states. through joint efforts, significant work has been done to create unified ones. regional air defense systems, the issue of organizing and maintaining joint combat duty, the actions of the forces on duty, events taking place in many regions are being systematically resolved, in particular the recent air operation of iran against israel shows the possibility of an
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anti-air defense system to counter both unmanned aircraft and various missile systems. in tyumen ishim. getting ready for when big water arrives, dams are being strengthened and built up in the city, when the peak of the flood reaches here and how the flood develops in other regions, vadim zavodchenkov will tell you about this. the entire right-bank part of the city is flooded, the flood in kurgan has already broken the record of the 21st century, when will the crest of the flood reach the tyumen ishim, and is it true that moscow is also at risk of swimming in the coming days? current weather analysis. on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at centrobus. hello, better weather will not end the flood in trans-urals. the current flood in kurgan has already been recognized as the strongest in the 21st century. the day before
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, the tabola level here exceeded the maximum level of the 2002 flood, 9 m 10 cm. to date, more than a hundred have been flooded. and several microdistricts of the city located in the floodplain of the river, and the water continues to rise. the authorities are calling on kurgan residents to leave the disaster zone, but there are still such careless citizens. and this is what the ishim flood looks like from space. the photo was taken on april 16, it shows the river flooding near. ilyinka village in the south of the tyumen region, it is in this part of the region that the flood is causing the most problems; on wednesday, due to the threat of flooding, 14 settlements in the ishim region had to be evacuated, making it difficult for both people and animals to leave their homes.
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meanwhile, downstream the ishim river is preparing to defend against the big one. waters , the city of ishim with a population of seventy thousand, dams are being strengthened and built here. apparently, residents still have some time to spare. the fact is that now the crest of the flood wave is still located in kazakhstan in the area petropavlovsk. this is evidenced by the stabilization of water levels at the local gauging station. but on russian territory , water availability has only just begun to increase. the most significant growth is noted. in the already mentioned village of ilyinka, where the river added 80 cm per day. only by the weekend will the flood at this point reach its peak. by the way, not only the south, but also the north of western siberia faces weather disasters. the day before, a snowstorm covered
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the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug. on the solihart-oxarka road. several dozen drivers were trapped in the snow. help them out rescuers went. on the same day. white flakes flew from the sky in st. petersburg, this winter comeback, of course, did not turn out to be a full-fledged one, the snow immediately melted when it fell, however, residents of the northern capital had to... remember warm jackets, today the south of european russia, the urals and trans-urals will be in the area of ​​the anticyclone, so it is sunny here, in the rest of the territory the weather will be spoiled by fields of frontal clouds, so it will rain in the middle latitudes, in some areas they can bring up to a third monthly volume of moisture, in the north precipitation will again turn into snow, snowstorms are not excluded in some places, this weather explains... the peculiarities of the temperature regime: in the north , due to the invasion of arctic air, it is cold,
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even in the north-west of the russian plain, columns thermometers will not rise above zero +5, but further inland the cooling will not be missed by the atmospheric front, carrying, on the contrary , well-warmed air masses, as a result, in the south of the european territory of russia in the daytime up to +27:32, in the south beyond the urals to +20. 25, for example, in kurgan the sun will shine almost until the very end of the week. this afternoon in the city it’s about +22, which is almost 12° above normal, then the thermometers will reach july’s +24.26 only on sunday a thunderstorm front will break through into the region, but it will bring little moisture, so this will not affect the flood in any way. in st. petersburg, the relapse of winter will drag on. on the banks of the niva there will be precipitation turning into snow from time to time; by the weekend
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, temporary snow cover up to 5-10 cm high may even be restored, and the daytime temperature will be within the climatic framework of march, at midday +1 -3. this cold snap will not reach moscow, but the rain will. the heaviest rainfall is expected on friday. within 24 hours , april 3rd will fall on megapolis. volume of moisture , flooding is possible in some places, at the same time, the temperature regime will be warmer than usual, during the day +15:16 only today on saturday the thermometer readings will be close to normal, +11:12. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now advertising, then economic news, we’ll talk about the growth in demand and production in russia. sometimes you go to an island, you book, it starts, all inclusive clouds, breakaway, shoes, offline, start your vacation in one of the millions of hotel apartments, your vacation starts on oh, take out loans, easy. we are at sovcom bank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcom bank, loans that
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the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. well, debts on credit cards are hanging , interest is accruing, you need help, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help. and now economic news, konstantin of the central bank published a report on the dynamics of production in the regions, so what is known, is there any growth? tatyana, what is known is that there is growth, the economy is growing, despite lack of personnel. so, the growth of the russian economy in february-march continued, as the central bank notes in its report, production continued to increase in
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conditions of high domestic demand. in most macro-regions , passenger car sales increased. in the central part of the country in siberia, they increased the production of electronics , household appliances in the north-west of ships, in the south of food, while in all macro-regions enterprises still experienced a severe shortage of personnel. in march, the monthly price growth rate adjusted for seasonality decreased, but persistent inflationary pressure was still elevated, its main driver being growing demand. western countries will continue to think about how to steal. frozen russian assets, this intention was recorded in a joint statement of the finance ministers and heads of the central bank of the seven, following a meeting in washington. it stipulates that the implementation of this idea will be carried out by the authorities of the countries in whose jurisdictions these funds are located. the idea was also discussed in brussels at an informal summit of european leaders, and also came to nothing other than a declaration of intent.
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following the meeting, the head of the european council, charles michel , called for working with both hands. we need to be more vigilant, we need closer cooperation, we need to use all the tools that the european institutions have in one hand and national governments in the other, but of course we are not naive, we need to clarify everything, we need to try to be more effective here. exchange gas sales in russia in the first quarter increased by more than 50%, year-on-year year, as reported by st. petersburg. the international commodity and raw materials exchange sold over 3 billion cubic meters, in monetary terms the trading turnover exceeded 6 billion rubles. sales of coal on the exchange are growing dynamically, the trading volume amounted to more than 270 tons for a total amount of 780 million, which is almost 162 times more than in the same period last year. oil brand
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fell in price by more than 2.5% during the previous trading session. now it is already trading below eighty. dollars per barrel. the reason is oil reserves in the united states, which temporarily eclipsed geopolitical risks in the middle east. according to the us department of energy, reserves increased by 2,700,000 barrels over the week. the forecast was approximately two times lower. but future market prospects still favor rising oil prices. the biden administration does not intend to extend the easing of sanctions against venezuela. moreover, new strict restrictions are being considered. in relation to iran's oil sector, which will indirectly hit banks, refineries and industry in china. american experts believe that due to pressure on two major oil powers in the medium term. in the future, prices may soar to $250 per barrel. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 94.32,
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the euro exchange rate is 100 rubles. 27 kopecks that's all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, konstantin churk was here with economic news. floods in russian regions are gaining strength in the tyumen region, 35 settlements are being evacuated and residents of the kurgan region are being evacuated. the water level in the tabol river has increased by another 1.5 m over the past 24 hours. in the orenburg region, the rescue team is being expanded. u tbilisi is again in riots, the crowd attacked the police cordon of the government house. several people were detained. the law on foreign agents being discussed by the georgian parliament has caused excitement. the conservative hdz party wins parliamentary elections in croatia. according to preliminary data, she receives 60 mandates. out of 151. this means that the party of the current prime minister will not receive a parliamentary majority, and to form a government it will have to conduct coalition
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negotiations. prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov arrived in venezuela in caracas, the head of the supervisory agency will discuss issues of bilateral cooperation with his colleague and hold negotiations with other officials. and then on our broadcast is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years. and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. april 18 , 1506, pope julius ii. laid the first foundation stone of st. peter's basilica in rome. once upon a time , the gardens of the roman emperor's circus were located near this place. nero. then the apostle peter was buried here, in the circus, and suffered martyrdom . and in the fourth. the greeks here erected the first basilica, the crypt with the sarcophagus of st. peter. after 11 centuries it began to collapse, so they began to build a new cathedral.
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the work went on for 120 years, and all the major architects of italy took part in it, from donat bromant and raphael santi to michelangelo buanaroti. together with the cathedral, they built the square in front of it. inside, the cathedral amazes not only with the richness of its decoration, but also with the size of 450 statues, 50 altars, a huge collection works of art. it is curious that the main altar of the cathedral does not look to the east, as in most christian churches, but to the west. for 500 years, st. peter's cathedral was the largest christian church in the world, but at the end of the 20th century it gave way to the basilica of the blessed virgin mary of peace or noterdam dal a, built in the capital of cote devoir. it was 105 years ago, on april 18, 1919. the russian academy of the history of material culture was founded, its main task being archaeological historical and artistic research of material monuments of antiquity.
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the academy traced its history back to the oldest archaeological institution in our country, the imperial archaeological commission, created in the middle of the 19th century. and in 1937 , the academy was transformed into two organizations at once: the iran institute of archeology in moscow and the st. petersburg institute of the history of materials. cultures of ran. every year , employees of both institutes conduct large-scale field research in different regions of russia and beyond. scientists from the capital's institute are conducting excavations not only in moscow and the moscow region, but in novgorod, near the urals, kazakhstan and even spitsbergen. recently, the remains of the hull of a pomeranian ship were found there. among the landmark projects of the st. petersburg institute in recent years is the creation of a unique 3d model of the ancient palmyra, a city listed as a unesco world heritage site. as well as a project to restore the triumphal arch of palmyra. on april 18, 1955, the bandung conference began. it was initiated by five
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asian countries, including india, pakistan and indonesia. in total , delegations from 29 asian countries and africa. after world war ii, the former colonies of the leading european powers quickly became independent states and claimed. to its place in international affairs. as a result of the conference , colonialism was condemned, a united front of the peoples of asia and africa was created, and 10 principles of peaceful coexistence were invented. the conference was called a symbol of the countries of asia and africa in the struggle for independence. even the expression spirit of bandung appeared. but, unfortunately, everything was limited to words. then afro-asian solidarity quickly faded away due to disagreements between countries and new forms of this scale were not possible. the principles of bandung were used 6 years later in belgrade when creating the non-aligned movement. it included countries that share the principles of non-participation
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in any military blocs. on april 18, 1998 , the naval st. andrew's flag was raised on the nuclear-powered missile cruiser peter the great. the ship changed its name twice. when it was laid down in 1986, it was called kuibyshev. after 3 years , he was launched under the name yuri andropov in honor of the secretary general of the ussr. but after another 3 years, when the soviet union disappeared, by decree of boris yeltsin, it was renamed peter the great. now it is the largest operating one in the world. attack warship, not an aircraft carrier, length more than 250 m, ship's power plant, two nuclear reactors of 150 mw each. on board, there is a crew of 750 people, a lot of different weapons, and an air group of several helicopters. in total , four such nuclear-powered cruisers were built at the baltic shipyard under project 1144 orlan; now only one is in combat formation, and another one was admiral nakhimov,
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which was called before the collapse of the ussr. like this there was this day in history, i waited for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition of russia. and blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow.
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the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country gas station take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects. dasha is more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it like, our product, your brother there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him.
7:00 am
floods in russian regions are gaining strength in the tyumen region, driving out residents of 35 settlements. also on in kurganskaya evacuation, including in kurgan itself. in the orenburg and tomsk regions , houses and roads are flooded. in the belgorod region, they are restoring damage after recent attacks by militants on the outskirts of grayvoron and have resumed supply.


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