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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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in the tyumen region, dozens of settlements are being evacuated, and residents of kurgan are also being evacuated. houses in the tomsk and orenburg regions are flooded, we are waiting for correspondents to broadcast directly. if the money is allocated, it will be on credit, and part of the funds will remain in the united states to replenish its own arsenals. republicans agreed to consider a document on assistance to the kiev regime, under what conditions? massive violations during aircraft assembly. the boeing corporation is mired in scandals, which threatens passengers on board these aircraft. emal is covered with snow
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salihard, dozens of cars are stuck on the roads, schoolchildren have had their classes canceled, cold weather is coming to the cities of the european part of the country, should we expect snow in the capital? the water level in the tabul river increased by another quarter meter last night. the water is already in the center of kurgan, flooding the embankment above the dam, nearby. institutions, banks and high-rise buildings. people from the right bank are already being evacuated from kurgan . our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko joins us. stanislav, i welcome you, tell us what is happening in the city right now? tatiana, greetings, the mound is still withstanding the flood. over the past 24 hours, the water in the autobole has risen by more than a meter, now the level is 970 cm, while the water continues to remain. but
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now i’ll show you how the embankment of the mound looks like, the water has already overflowed the embankment dam and flooded the pedestrian path, and of course, now the embankment is closed to pedestrians, again for safety reasons. in some places, the water in the region has risen so much that it is even demolishing residential buildings; last night in the voronovka area, one house, walking along the current crashed into the suspension bridge, then the fragments of the building floated further, but the bridge. himself withstood in the kitovsky district in the area of ​​the sanatorium settlement, the water level remains above 11 m in the area of ​​​​kitovo and kryukov above 10 m. the day before in the village of kitovo there was a sharp rise in water, it went into the houses and the people of the whole village united so that... then help each other in resisting the flood, some have boats, some used fishing suits to help each other carry things, in fact, here what they say... local residents, we knew
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that the water was coming, we prepared, prepared a generator, people, in principle, help us with a generator, boats with motors, we had everything there, we are there on the island, as it were we’ve prepared, now there’s a lot of people there, they’re helping, they’re calling, they’re writing in chats, they’re giving food to someone, they’re letting someone have a cat or a dog, so just like that, many learned that day about , that... began to arrive at home, some people urgently returned to the village to feed their animals, who were left in the houses on the second floors in the attics, well, someone to save the remaining things, that’s what they told us, i thought everyone here had already run away, the dog, you have to feed, and you left the animals here, yes, yes, yes, and the things had already been transported, they were generally evacuated, yes, everyone was evacuated.
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a long time ago, well, yesterday morning, yes, we are transporting the remains of things, i am moving out my parents’ house, yes, how is the mood in general, how is the house itself, well, the house, the water has not yet reached the house, so we are waiting, but in ninety-four there was water porch, so the garage, everything was completely flooded, what measures were taken there in advance, i don’t know, maybe they lifted some things, took them out, yes, of course, they lifted things that were fragile, removed refrigerators, those? according to the ministry of emergency situations, maximum water levels in kurgan and in the kurgan region as a whole are expected in the coming days. today it is known that in twenty settlements , 600 residential and 2.0 country houses, over 3,500 household plots, five low-water bridges and eight sections of highways remain flooded. residents of the territory who are in the potential zone flooding is still called for as a matter of urgency. evacuate for safety
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and health reasons. according to the latest information, more than 14,000 people have already been evacuated in the region, including about 2,000 children. let me also remind you that they are currently working in the kurgan region. 20 temporary accommodation points, ready to accommodate everyone who needs it now. this is the information for this hour, tatyana, you have the floor. stanislav, thank you, our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, was from the flooded mound. so, residents of thirty-five populated areas are evacuated in the tyumen region. there are three areas in the flood zone. people are being transported early; there is a risk that the hydraulic structures may not be able to withstand the water pressure. its level in the river. it is growing every hour, another +70 cm per day. the historical maximum was exceeded near the village of ilyinka the day before. in the orenburg region , they are increasing the number of rescuers in the ilek region; 10 settlements have already been flooded. detachments from samara, tatarstan, and an airmobile group from
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the kirov region came to help. the dam near the river is also being strengthened sakmar, which threatens to flood a number of villages. but the level of the other ural river, on the contrary, is decreasing in orenburg. homes are being reconnected to gas and electricity, people have begun to receive compensation and are preparing to build new housing to replace the destroyed ones. in the tomsk region, several villages on the banks of the op river are under threat of flooding. the water level in it is rising rapidly. a state of emergency is in effect in four districts. in the coming days , large amounts of water may arrive in the region from the novosibirsk region. in the south-west of siberia, now 12 settlements were flooded. novosibirsk regions in the altai territory. there are hundreds of private plots, houses and road infrastructure underwater. residents of ukraine heard explosions last night. shortly after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region. the sounds of detonation were heard
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in the khmelnitsky region, where at least two series of explosions have already been counted. early in the morning , reports of strikes came first from the ivanofrankivsk region, and then from ... frankivsk itself, the air raid alert in the country has been announced several times in recent hours times, the siren sounded in 12 regions, as well as in the territories of the kherson region controlled by the kiev regime. in the zaporozhye region, crimean paratroopers disrupted the night rotation of the ukrainian armed forces infantry. air reconnaissance spotted the nationalists who were moving towards the forward positions. the coordinates were transmitted to the command post. crew of howitzer d-30 closed firing positions. a group of paratroopers adjusted their fire in order to inflict maximum defeat on the enemy; as a result of successful combat work, they succeeded destroy the military department in the ssu. we work at any time of the day, in any weather, but we work for any purpose, that is, for
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infantry, for armored vehicles, for launch points, for bull caches, and in general we work in conjunction with allocating 60 billion dollars to ukraine, they want to give the money on credit , but the republicans noticed that half of this debt to kiev could be simplified. a loan for ukraine is
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just dust in the eyes. this initiative allows the president to write off up to 50% of allocated funds after november 2024, and the remaining half after 1. the bill will be discussed separately from the israeli package, a step the white house agreed to so that the initiative would finally be put to a vote. previously, the american administration insisted on joint financing, now they are ready to sign anything, most importantly quickly. the house must pass these relief packages this week, and the senate must quickly follow, and i will sign everything immediately. no word yet about protecting our own borders, don’t be surprised. the usa is in last place. right now the most important step for washington is financing the war in ukraine by $60 billion. meanwhile, our only open border is the most
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dangerous threat to national security. the us congress needs to remember this. johnson himself is now trying to justify himself, he says the document has been changed and part of the us money will be used for its own weapons. look, we made this project better because , as you know, there are big differences in ukraine. in this package we have changed something, 80% of the costs will go to replenishing the us arsenal, this really important for our own defense industrial base here in the us. according to analysts, this package will not help ukraine, and for the states themselves, the benefits of the bill are questionable. most people should understand that in fact this is only beneficial to the top elite, it is they who will profit from this, 2/3 of this money. will remain in the usa, the rest will go to ukraine, god knows where they will end up after they get there,
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as the politics magazine writes, now the armed forces of ukraine are holding on with difficulty, the ukrainian air defense cannot cope with the defense, while the peak the activity of russian troops is predicted by the summer, for many this is not news, for example, businessman elon musk said that an early defeat in the ssu was easy to predict before, victoria koroleva, israel is unlikely to strike iran before 30. an american channel reported this abc, citing a us administration official. in his opinion, the jewish state will not attack tehran until the end of the jewish holiday of passover. but the new york times claims that israel planned to strike iran on the night of the attack drones, that is, from april 13 to 14. however, after a telephone conversation with joe biden, benjamin netanyahu postponed the decision to respond. internet portal aks. writes that israel considered the possibility of striking iran this monday, but
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again did not dare. at the same time, according to the american press, the us authorities were outraged that tel aviv did not consult with the white house before the shelling of damascus. let me remind you that on april 2, the villages of tsakhal launched a missile attack on the diplomatic quarter in the syrian capital, where the building complex is located iranian embassy. at least 13 people died then. the heads of state and government of the eu, at the summit... called on all parties to the conflict in the middle east to show maximum restraint, as stated in the final statement of the meeting on the middle east. politicians also announced the introduction of new sanctions against iran. at the same time , american journalist seymour hirsh claims that the pentagon, with biden’s approval , convinced the iranian leadership that tehran, in response to the shelling of damascus, could freely attack israel, and then helped tel aviv repel this attack. thus the states supposedly decided. prevent a real military conflict. in croatia
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, the ruling political party hdz won the parliamentary elections, but failed to gain an absolute majority. the data was published on the website of the local electoral commission. deputies of the croatian democratic community will occupy 60 seats in parliament out of 151. and now , to form a government, the party will have to conduct coalition negotiations. let me remind you that the cdu supports all western sanctions against russia and does so. support kiev, the opposition has repeatedly accused the croatian democratic community of corruption and deliberately dragging the country into the ukrainian conflict. the third night of mass protests in tbilis again ended with arrests, several people were taken to the police. there were some clashes with law enforcement officers. even journalists took part in the fight. colleagues recorded how the cameraman hit his opponent with a television camera. the crowd attacked the police cordon of the government house.
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russian prosecutor general igor krasnov will hold negotiations in venezuela. this is the first arrival of the head of the supervisory department to the bulevarian republic. krasnov was greeted early by the russian ambassador, as well as his venezuelan colleague and the leadership of the latin american foreign ministry. the prosecutor general will hold several meetings with venezuelan officials on the agenda of bilateral cooperation. it is expected that an agreement will be signed as a result. and the situation with flights of russian airlines to dubai. and from there it will stabilize, the federal air transport agency reported this. 30 such
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flights were carried out per day. the departure time for the steel sides is already adjusted. meanwhile, public utilities in the united arab emirates began eliminating the consequences of the flood. let me remind you that the country was hit by the heaviest rainfall in the last 75 years. and in some areas , the first floors of the building were lost, and at least one death is known. some roads in dubai are still flooded, and there is a traffic collapse in the city. and now economic news konstantin, new data from the ministry of economic development on inflation has appeared, tell us what’s in it? tatyana, it says that price increases from... inflation in russia from april 9 to april 15 slowed to 12%. year on year, the rate of price growth accelerated, exceeding 7.8%. such data is provided by the minecon of development. in the food products segment, the weekly price increase slowed to 1.
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fruit and vegetable products became a restraining factor. there was zero dynamics in the non-food products segment. it had an effect. a slight reduction in prices for electronics and household appliances. in the service sector, inflation was about 3%. air tickets for domestic flights have risen most noticeably. the russian ministry of finance posted federal loan bonds worth more than 80 billion rubles, with a total demand of 140 billion. no supply limit was set for ten-year bonds. this measure allows us to attract the volume of placements for which the market has demand and which the department is ready for. the yield on both issues, of course, is high in the current conditions; as reported in march, in the second quarter the ministry of finance will offer bonds worth a trillion rubles, and eight more auctions are planned by the end of june. western countries will continue to think about how to steal frozen russian assets. this intention was recorded in a joint
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statement by the finance ministers and heads of the central bank of the seven following a meeting in washington. it stipulates that implementation.
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since abandoning it, it is gradually gaining momentum. brazil announced discussions on the use of national currencies for intra-brix trade. as noted by the minister of finance of the republic, fernando adad, this will help the development of regional trade in the short term. earlier it became known about the intention of the participating countries brix, create an independent payment system. this measure will protect international payments between countries from sanctions pressure from the west. and at the end of the issue, unfortunately, it’s not about yuans. and not about brazilian reals, about other currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is 94.32, the euro exchange rate is 100 rubles. 27 kopecks that's all i have for now. tatiana. well, that's good too. thank you, konstantin. booing corporation got in, konstantin churikov was with economic news. and the booing corporation has found itself in turbulent times. the campaign is rocked by one scandal for
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for others it’s all because of plane breakdowns. it became known about massive violations during the assembly of airliners. what threatens passengers on board popular aircraft and what is happening inside the manufacturer itself. my colleague emil mirshaev will talk about this. systematic problems at boeing have risen to the level of the us congress. a series of aviation incidents seriously worried american legislators. parliament held hearings on the safety of the 787 dreamliner line. testimony was given by a quality control engineer who worked in company. stated that when assembling aircraft, massive violations were allowed, when he reported this to management, he was simply removed from the project, the specialist said that the consequences could be catastrophic, what would happen if the metallay reached the fatigue limit straight into the air, the plane would simply fall apart, it literally will begin to burst at the seams, tear and
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collapse, speak loudly, the engineer is not afraid, despite the fact that his colleague was recently found dead. in your own car directly during litigation in a negligence case boingng. representatives of the company, by the way, did not even bother to come to the hearing in the senate, and the special commission was unable to say an unequivocal yes to the question: are the airliners safe? the safest place for us is our sofa at home, and for a plane the hangar, and yet, every day we go out, planes take off, safety is a deal, however, i am excited about the situation at boeing. according to data, half a dozen. after a thousand flights, according to experts, will lead to extreme metal fatigue. in order to assemble these sections, it is necessary that all landing dimensions along
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which division occurs are maintained within tolerances. if these tolerances are not met, some on-site modifications may be required for assembly. there are currently 1,100 dreamliners in the air around the world, but they have been experiencing difficulties lately. and the other most massive line in the history of aviation, the 737, it has almost 12,000 aircraft. just since the beginning of the year , over a dozen emergency situations have already occurred, the landing gear will break, a piece of the wing will fall off, or the cabin will come apart at the seams, as a result, emergency landings are all around. the last high-profile incident happened at the beginning of the year when the door of an alaska airlines flight was simply ripped out during the flight. the public is excited, averaging 70%. they began to worry more about flight safety, writes newsweek. repeated, shocking allegations of boeing manufacturing errors highlight a woeful lack of
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safety culture and practices that prioritize profit over everything else. in fact, booing's profit in december last year was almost $8 billion, an increase of 118%. but you still have to pay for failures. analysts are making negative forecasts for this year. after all, due to the increased frequency of inspections , booing deliveries have decreased by one and a half times. market capitalization is also gradually falling, now it is estimated at $100 billion, but before the pandemic the figure was at 250. and the dynamics of stock prices is also negative. since the beginning of the year they have fallen by 32%. the company is trying with all its might to rehabilitate itself, has carried out a number of personnel changes, as well as test flights, it said the critics are wrong. and this was shown by an examination under the supervision of the federal civil aviation administration, however, the american authorities themselves are in no hurry to make a statement, however, it is obvious that
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it will not come to the closure of one of the largest us companies, which is the locomotive of national exports, in which case some will be temporarily imprisoned vessels of the 787 family, the authorities may well do so, analysts say. the national directorate's investigation will continue until at least the end of may. and now. sports news time danilo interrupted al-halal football club has a record winning streak, it totaled 34 victories in a row in various tournaments, tell us who the players lost to in the end. good morning, the victorious story of the emirati team al ain has ended, but in any case, alhilal managed to set a world record before that. the second pair of semi-finalists have been determined in the champions football league; they are bayern munich and real madrid. after scoring a goal in the first match. the score was 3:3, the second game was successful in terms of performance much more modest. real opened the scoring in the twelfth minute, rodriga scored, but then man city persistently opened up
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the opponent's defense for a long time, only doing it successfully once. kevin de bruyna took the chance, he also had another clear chance, but failed to score. the match went to penalties, where real won, reaching the semi-finals. kovacic and bernardo silva failed to convert their attempts. before the penalty kick series in munich. it didn’t work out, everything was decided by one goal from kimik in the second half, the first match ended 2:2, the second - 1:0 in favor of bayern, the winner london arsenal. the day before , several more playoff matches in different brackets of the tournament ended in the russian football cup. in the semi-final of the rpl route, zenit hosted moscow spartak. the first game on april 3 ended in a victory for the st. petersburg team 2:1; no goals were scored in the return match. repeatedly awarded by the goalkeeper. white alexander maksimenko. this is the third time recently that these teams have finished 0-0 in st. petersburg. thanks to this result, zenit reached the final of the rpl path, where it will meet with
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cska. in other meetings in the regional bracket, rostov beat 3:1 in yekaterinburg, ural. dynamo 4:2 was stronger than orenburg. as a result, after the draw, dynamo will play spartak in the semifinals, and rostov will play baltika. the winner of these four will compete in the main final. for trophies with the best pair zenit csk. russian chess player ian nepomniachtchi has once again become the sole leader of the candidates tournament, which is taking place in toronto. our grandmaster still continues to go undefeated; in the eleventh round he completely beat the representative of india with black pieces vedita gujarati, who made a mistake in time trouble. vedit had an advantage at a certain moment, but he was unable to realize it. i scored seven points and went clean. first place, since his main competitor played a game against caruana, there are four more rounds of the tournament ahead,
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the last two in the vtb united basketball league are being determined... ural mash beat samara at home 80-69, the hosts systematically increased their advantage in the final quarter led by +20 points. samara even won the last twenty minutes, but this no longer affected the final result. therefore, ural-mash in its debut season enters the playoffs from seventh place, and zenit will be its opponent in the first round. in another match of the day, mba in saratov beat local avtodor, 80. 5:79. the hero of the match was visiting player alexander trushkin. he scored 34 points and updated his career record. forward also became the ninth russian in the history of the league to reach the 30- point mark. emba wins its eleventh victory in a row for the last ticket to the playoffs and will now compete with samara. the final has started series of women's volleyball super league in the first match, dynamo akbars turned out to be stronger than the kaliningrad locomotive. dynamo won
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the first two games.
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100 assists per season. moreover, kucherov, among those five players who achieved this mark, is the only representative of russia. previously, only wayne gretzky, mario lemieux, bobby ohr and conor mcdavid managed to do this. in the last match of the regular season with toronto, kucherov scored and made one assist. his tampa won 6:2, nikita himself will very likely become the best scorer of the regular season, because makinon, who is second, is six points behind kucherov and... has only one match in reserve. that's all for now, see you in the next hour.
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