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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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pushkin card, what conditions must be met? a southern cyclone is approaching the central part of the country. our meteorologists will give their weather forecast. the flood is capturing more and more regions of siberia and the far east. difficult situation in the urals. according to the latest data, the number of flooded residential buildings per day has reached almost 18,000. in kurgan. samara, kazan and the kirov region, emercom detachments have been sent to help their colleagues , they are strengthening the sakmara dam, and the level of the other ural river is decreasing. more than 150 residential and country houses were damaged due to flooding in tomsk region, in tyumen region they are strengthening dams on the ishim river.
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what is the current situation in flooded areas and what is the situation in populated areas where the water has already gone? yes, colleagues, greetings, well, now we are working in the village of tatarskaya kogorla, the sakmara flows here, the level of which rose by 38 cm in one day and in the morning reached a dangerous level, 873 cm, this is 3 cm above the dangerous
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level, i will note, that several streets are now flooded here, while the water is rising, the level is rising, the situation is under the control of both the head of orenburg and the governor of the orenburg region, the situation is also monitored by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, police, and medical workers, in order to evacuate the residents of this settlement if the situation worsens... i will note that according to the latest, in the morning according to measurements, the level of the urals near orenburg is decreasing, now the level is 10, excuse me, 10.74 cm, the ural of oorsk is also decreasing, 555 cm, but as for ural-uelek, here we see some increase, insignificant, but still there is an increase, 917 cm now i would like to note that in the center of orenburg , apartment buildings that were flooded... are now returning to normal
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life, emergencies ministry employees are working there, they are pumping out water from the basements so that electricity and gas supply specialists can come in and check all the equipment and so that people can already were able to return to their apartments, now i suggest you listen to the commentary, the basements are now flooded, the soil is very saturated with water, a ufa group is now working, pumping water from the sewers to free it, because everything stands on support. and, accordingly, it was possible to further remove the water, pump it out from the basements, dry it out, respectively, and carry out an audit of the asu, power supply, so that the houses could be returned faster, faster, faster to a full life, to the one to which people are accustomed. well , i note that local authorities are now meeting with residents of the affected microdistricts, settlements and, of course, cities, inspecting, if possible, houses that have already been freed from... water so that
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the assessment commission can already intervene, as well as the construction commission, which will inspect all households, will already make a conclusion on restoration, repair and payment of all material and financial support, but now i propose to listen to the comments of the first deputy head of orenburg, alexey kudinov. as the water decreases and sections of the streets are cleared, literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the inspection commission will begin work on the first survey. residential premises, that is, we are preparing for the inspection of residential buildings, and we are also now actively preparing for the treatment of territories, well and, accordingly, to the removal of garbage from those streets that will be cleared of water. over the entire period of the flood in the orenburg region , over 16,500 people were evacuated. i would like to note that in orenburg , more than 6,500 houses remain in the flood zone.
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is there a flood situation in the region now? yes, good afternoon, colleagues, uh, fortunately, thank god, the situation is much calmer, as evidenced by even the cancellation of today’s flood operational headquarters, this indicates that the situation is stabilizing, for example, uh, on there is the water continues to decline, today - in the area of ​​the camp garden, the water has fallen by another 67 cm and the reserve to the critical level there is about 2 m ; the water is gradually leaving and clearing the territory, this morning traffic opened on the tomsk highway, in total yar, this towards the kemerovo region
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in the south of the region. the road was overflowed in two places at once, but today the water has gone and traffic on this road is completely open. so far, two settlements remain partially sunk, in the village of vershinino four residential buildings were flooded, in the village of baturino there was one residential building, but the bill for flooded household plots in these two settlements in various snt is already several dozen, if not hundreds, they are waiting for another wave of water on the tami, which should come. from the kemerovo region - but there is a slight increase there and it is not yet clear whether this impulse will be able to push the ice further downstream there, now let me remind you that several congestions have formed on the tama, in particular within the regional center e ice
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standing there, not moving anywhere. the greatest attention is now focused on the flood on abi. as of this morning, the head of the ice drift is in the tannery there. area near the regional center of kozhevnikovo, but according to forecasts , it covers about 15-16 km per day and should cross the border of the next shigarsky district in the next day or two. the water in abi is gradually increasing. an increase was recorded in the city of kolpashevo, where the water rose by 22 cm in one day. , kolpashevo is located in the center of tomsk. region is geographically located, based on the experience of previous years it is possible it should be noted that a number of settlements may find themselves cut off from the mainland due to overflowing roads due to rising water in the rivers; in these settlements
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, a supply of food and medicine is being created; options are now being calculated for how help will be delivered there if necessary, how people will be evacuated, where they will be evacuated. temporary accommodation centers are being deployed, equipment and means are being prepared to help people and evacuate if necessary, and it is worth noting that, as experts noted, today the ice on the kama has darkened, so ice blasting work has been considered inappropriate and has been suspended. well, for now we have a fairly calm situation, we are monitoring... its development, the development of the situation, and we will report on everything additionally. thank you, alexey smirnov and margarita semenyuk spoke about floods in the tomsk and orenburg regions. we will return to this topic later before we take a break for a short advertisement. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, and
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every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, get a credit card , everything will be the way you want, we continue to broadcast, powerful explosions occurred this year... in some regions of ukraine. shortly after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region. local buildings have not yet provided details about the purpose of the strikes and their consequences. the sounds of detonation were also heard in the khmelnitsky region. at least two series of explosions were counted there. and early in the morning , reports of strikes came first from the ivano-frankivsk region, and then from ivano-frankivsk itself. gorlovka and avdeevka the day before they came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. there are wounded. we will now
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discuss all the latest events in the dpr with the head of the region, denis pushilin. he joins us. hello, denis vladimirovich. hello, alexander. let's start with shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. what is the current situation? unfortunately, so far we are recording shelling of our settlements, mainly in donetsk, petrovsky district, yasenovata, and gorlovka. somewhere the enemy still has the opportunity to get artillery and use these types of weapons, but now characteristic of the enemy in terms of use still remains and priority, yes, this is the use of drones and... in the piwi of drones, which he directs at the civilian population, and often suffers in addition to the civilian
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population, as well as rescue services, and medical employees, that is, we mean the ambulance that goes to help, as well as the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, and the only thing here is that everything that is being done, of course, is moving the front line, which allows for more effectively to the relevant services, alexandra, here we still need to speak carefully, because artillery, yes, the enemy, after the liberation of avdeevka , those settlements, including pervomaiskoe, does not have the opportunity to reach with artillery, and accordingly, to work on the big scale across areas, the enemy has the ability there really is no longer any, but the enemy still has
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the opportunity to use long-range weapons, including missiles. here is the western model, which he still applies to our settlements, but if we talk to compare, then yes, in this regard it has become a little calmer, calmer, at least in the kiev and kuibushevsky districts of donetsk, it has become a little calmer, of course, and a little quiet, but again fpv drones, which the enemy quite regularly uses on civilian targets, unfortunately, this is still a fairly serious threat, both for...
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of course, it is quite seriously damaged, and we proceed from the fact that we are still guided by the opinions, positions and proposals of specialists after they have the opportunity to evaluate, well, do and carry out , let's say, our research, our work, while there was no opportunity to carry out such work on may day, speaking of... restoration, traffic is open on the new bridge across the kalmius river, it connects two districts , how significant is this event for the republic? every bridge, every structure is a very significant event in the life of the donetsk people’s republic, because this bridge, let’s say, connects the starobeshevo and
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telmanivsky districts, that is, residents should not go around now - there are about dozens of them extra kilometers to get from one settlement to another, and this is really very seriously very important, there are quite a lot of these bridges, they have already been opened, repaired, restored, this really instills hope and optimism for our residents, why because many bridges, in addition destruction due to military operations, they still have damage from time and without... the actions of the previous authorities, meaning the ukrainian authorities, who will not pay attention to this, but now roads and bridges are being repaired after russian and this last bridge, which they had the opportunity to open, was repaired by contractors from the moscow region, for us these are already understandable contractors, very
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high-quality work, not at the first site on the first bridge, but this is very typical. such a trait and it is highly appreciated by us, the residents of donbass, well , continuing the theme of restoration, not so long ago you met with the head of the samara region, the region is helping with the restoration of snezhnoye, in addition, moscow has a three-year plan for the restoration of donetsk, that’s how extensive what are the tasks of the russian regions today to restore the dpr, if we talk about the twenty -fourth year? and 27 regions that help recovery. ae cities and regions of the donetsk people's republic, this is very serious help and support, this is direct assistance, support in terms of repairs, in terms of restoration of social facilities, well, i mean schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and other social facilities, and this is also the restoration of housing, this is, of course,
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building based on russian reality, based on russian standards, public spaces, this is , of course, road repairs, this is, of course , methodological assistance, which is extremely in demand for us, taking into account the fact that although we are historically a russian region, there are still certain gaps in terms of the legislative framework there and other things, right now, taking into account the integration processes, of course they are not available, this is the kind of help from the regions of the chiefs, it is extremely in demand, so yes, but with the governor of the samara region we had the opportunity to discuss in detail the plans for this year for over the next few years, check all the possibilities and plans for the needs of this city. yes, it’s snowy, but as for moscow, here daily work in literally headquarters mode takes place with moscow, because donetsk
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is not yet at the stage where we have fully begun to restore it, well , because it’s still flying in, because it’s still the enemy is shooting and shelling, but nevertheless a lot of preparatory work is going on, repairing infrastructure, networks, and of course this year. we are already seeing a number of visible improvements, i mean, and again, public spaces and social facilities, so here, well, i’ll tell you honestly, with each region we are working out in detail all the plans for the necessary work, i ’ll emphasize once again very serious support, thanks to our president for this the decision that an entire region be assigned to each city, district, and this... is effective, it gives results, and more importantly, it builds such a connection between our cities,
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regions of russia and our regions make it clear how vast our country is, how much is she this is the enormous responsiveness that the residents of these regions show towards the residents of donbass, but this deserves great gratitude and great respect, thank you very much. and the day before you criticized the ministry of labor and social policy, which read that since twenty-two, about 10,000 residents of the region have received compensation for housing destroyed or damaged by shelling. what needs to be done to make payments faster? you know, alexander, there are both objective and subjective reasons why there are certain types of delays, and of course, this is constant work that should be carried out by a... and by the relevant department, the ministry of labor, social policy and here of the donetsk people's republic, and here we should not pay attention, that
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’s why this issue was sensitive that would be wrong, that’s what my complaint really was, the numbers sound good, these are large, large funds that are being directed to such, such sensitive issues, to resolve sensitive issues for our... these are understandable, understandable, let’s say, requests from residents, so here i would emphasize that here it is not so necessary to tell how much has been paid,
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how much assistance has been provided, to concentrate so that this really means more actions have been reduced, bureaucratic processes have been simplified, there is in view of everything, verifying all documents and so on, we are organizing the work, these are, let’s say, issues that are not resolved so quickly. as we would like, but the question here is that these payments are coming, for us this is already very significant, here it is impossible to build equally fast work everywhere, because in safe areas, where specialists can quickly go, evaluate, let’s say, create the necessary package, collect the necessary package of documents, but somewhere like, for example, in the petrovsky district of donetsk or there in gorlovka in the nikitovsky district, well, everything is not so simple, so... here we need to take these points into account very carefully with such statements that everything is already good with us, not good yet, we see these series of improvements, but there is something to work on, and people
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are just trying to reach out to our officials about this. and you previously reported that there were complaints on the internet about the illegal collection of rent and the sale of contraband goods on the market in mariupol, what is being done to solve this problem and are there similar situations in the region as a whole? it is correct and necessary to respond to citizens’ requests in a timely manner, so the law enforcement agencies have worked here and the situation in this case has been stopped, are there many
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such cases? there seem to be enough polygons, there are 29 landfills, we have 35 companies that operate, that’s everything related to municipal solid waste, but in fact, we already live, we are a subject of the russian federation, of course, here we need to approach all the standards , to all standards, and here there is still enough discrepancy, which is why the decision was made here
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that... in fact, an eco-park should appear here in the donetsk people's republic, all preparatory measures are underway, a number of meetings have been held, including with the ministry of natural resources russian federation, well, let’s put it this way, we understand where to strive, we understand how sensitive and important the issue is for our residents, there are still enough difficulties, there are not enough employees, because these enterprises are staffed at about 50%. well, let’s put it this way, we have a shortage and shortage of personnel in almost all industries, including this one, let’s say we are recording it, but at the same time we are also recording a shortage in transport for now, but we work here, there are complaints received, quite justified, from our residents, but we understand what to do with this, and of course the help from the federal center is quite serious, so punish, that
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is, very clear interaction, therefore... and order will be restored here, according to russian legislation, well , there is, of course, something to work on again. thank you, denis vladimirovich, i will remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushiliin was in direct communication with the studio. let's take a short break now, and then economic news.
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now it’s up to the zrivnikov, congratulations, attention in the slaughter, slaughter in communication, produce troubleshooting work, now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for the work, this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1800 m, but they began to break through it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939, all this was in full swing,
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you know, all this excited. you continue to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, with what volume to go out, how much money to spend, the economy has turned to the east, to the detriment of our enemies we are achieving high successes, there have never been such precedents in the history of russia for transport construction, construction the baikal sea mainline is not only about rails, it is a problem for people to be there, live, and provide services. this is the task, incidents with booing aircraft reached the american congress, hearings were held there, at which new facts about
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unusual assembly methods surfaced. we’ll find out all the details from konstantin churikov, he’s joining me, bone, good morning, tell us how the market reacted to the statements that were made, sasha, hello!


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