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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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children under 13 years of age. the red army also saved the majdanik prisoners near the city of lublin in poland from death. this is july of '44. later, soviet troops liberated the prisoners of auschwitz, this is january 1945. sachsonhausen april '45. ravens bruka april '45. stutt hof, may '45 and many other death factories. what does it mean that soviet troops liberated concentration camp prisoners? you know, after all, over the years, it seems that well, what is there, probably, many believe, they came up, uttered the cherished words, showed id, they said the password, they opened the doors and let them out, liberated the soviet... troops
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of concentration camp prisoners, at the cost of their own lives , voluntarily gave their lives for the lives of people unknown to them, of all nationalities, different religions, citizenship, whoever was there, they had no idea, political orientation, party affiliation, they knew nothing, but they laid down their lives. soviet red army soldiers in order to free these people, and this feat, and it is precisely in self-sacrifice they are trying to forget, to erase with an eraser from the pages of history, by demolishing monuments, rewriting textbooks in the west, destroying documentary films, and now direct... persecution of not only
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political persecution, but also legally justified all those who want not to lose their memory, but to preserve it. in this regard, we drew attention to the notification received at the beginning of april by the russian embassy in berlin from the administration of the memorial complexes on the site of the former nazi concentration camps buchenwald, dora mittelbau, and sachs.
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who talked about the contribution to the liberation of soviet troops from these death camps, it is impossible to pronounce, it is also impossible to believe, but our embassy in berlin received a notice that the participation of russian official representatives in commemorative events on the occasion of the 79th anniversary is undesirable. the release of prisoners, the mentioned death factories, those very officials of our country who have made the last decades the meaning of their lives, preserving the memory of the great patriotic war of world war ii, who invested their own forces, which worked to fulfill their... responsibilities,
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combining them with the implementation of a civic position to preserve historical memory and defend every monument in europe, which was demolished by bulgaria, unfortunately, in the baltic states, in poland in other cities, the so-called enlightened europe, they don’t want to see them, these are people who...
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the public, who expressed a desire to hold such public, civic events, helped them, proving to the local authorities. the need to support these actions for the preservation of historical memory. we consider and evaluate this provocative attack as another step by the german country, aimed at further politicizing in an anti-russian way the historical memory of the outcome of the second world war. we believe that this is the destruction of historical memory and truth about the second world war. on the part of official berlin, which is clearly behind such an attitude and which also stimulates this attitude, this largely explains the fact that the german authorities have still not given an answer to the note sent to the german foreign ministry by the russian embassy in march of this year, demanding that
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berlin officially recognize as acts of genocide the crimes committed by the third reich on the territory of the soviet union during the great patriotic war. i want to assure the german side that it will not be possible to remain silent and avoid answering. we will continue persistent, systematic work to preserve and communicate to the general public the historical truth about the crime of german nazism. we will strive for the implementation by the government of the federal republic of germany humanitarian payments to leningrad siege survivors of non-jewish nationality, which berlin has stubbornly rejected for many years. russian diplomats in germany this year , together with veterans and compatriots, deservedly. will honor the memory of prisoners of nazi camps, will worthily honor the memory of soviet soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of europe from the terror of the third reich, including saving the lives of german citizens, and saving the very
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honor of the people of germany, returning them to the mainstream of humanity, in april may employees diplomatic and consular missions of russia in germany will lay holy wreaths at memorials and military graves located in various federal states of germany; cultural and humanitarian actions carried out by russian volunteers and activists deserve special mention, among them a project carried out with the support of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, under the leadership teacher, candidate of psychological sciences elena serpionova, 58 high school students and german language teachers from 15 schools in moscow and st. petersburg, lugansk, tambov, yekaterinburg, tyumen, chelyabinsk, vologda, ilets, cherepovets, orenburg region, translated from german into russian and recorded an audio guide on the memorial on the site of the former ravensbrück concentration camp. soviet prisoners constituted the largest
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group of prisoners in ravensbrück, after polish captives, but there were still no russian-language versions of the audio guide for the memorial; only german versions were available. english, french, dutch and polish. in the twenty- first year, elena sirpionova, together with like-minded people approached the management of the revensbrück memorial three times with a proposal to translate and record an audio recording in russian at their own expense, but german officials did not show any interest in this. the administration of the complex refused to discuss this issue with the russian embassy in the federal republic of germany. as a result, the initiative group decided to implement the project on their own; currently, the audio in russian is available for free on the tourism portal, a link to which will be available in the text of today’s briefing, on a special website. during their work, volunteers discovered that in the german version of the audio guide, which contains fifteen tracks with memories of eyewitnesses and former
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prisoners of revenbrück, there is not a single commentary from soviet prisoners. volunteers found testimony from prisoners from the soviet union and added to the audio guide. we thank all the people who care and are involved in the project, it has great historical significance, including for the large russian-speaking diaspora in germany, we will cherish the memory not only of those who died and survived terrible things behind the walls of the concentration camps, but also pay tribute respect to those who freed them. there is a bright holiday ahead, a holy holiday, the day of victory over the nazis, let's be worthy of our grandfathers and fathers. brought this day closer at the cost of their lives. and one more date, important, international, one way or another, related to the previous topic. april 18 is the international day of monuments and historic sites, which was established in 1982
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by the assembly of the international council for the preservation of monuments and sites. ikomos, and was approved by the unesco general conference. monuments. carry cultural code of the nation, they maintain the connection of times, historical memory, embodied in monumental art, forms the identity of the people, values, guidelines of society, and therefore... including 21 cultural monuments. there are 31 candidate objects in the preliminary list of this list. the russian federation strictly adheres to its obligations under key international legal acts, including the 1972 convention for the protection of the world, cultural and natural heritage and the hague convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed forces. special military operation, the armed
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forces of our country are taking full measures to the conflict of 1954, while taking measures to ensure the safety of world cultural heritage sites and religious institutions in ukraine. in turn, the kiev regime carries out targeted attacks on social and cultural objects of our country. we have talked about this more than once, given specific examples, and disseminated this information on international platforms. the kiev regime is not... rare icons from the national museum of art named after bogdana varvara khanenko. the icons of the relics of the church foundation of the kiev-pechersk lavra are being prepared for shipment to europe. they continue their cynical
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struggle against our common cultural and historical heritage. the kiev authorities are demolishing monuments to gogol, pushkin, the bitter bulgakov, mostrovsky, soviet and russian military leaders, zhukov, vatutin, suvorov. all monuments to soldiers who fought against nazism have already been destroyed in the lviv region. a terrible figure; it was demolished in 2020. takes from its so-called civilized patrons, poland and the baltic states, latvia, 312 structures, this shameful example of ukraine to lithuania and estonia in violation of international obligations to care for, improve the safety of memorial structures, military memorials are eliminated and acts of vandalism are literally encouraged, the state line is aimed at rewriting history in ukraine, garnishing former legionnaires, accomplices...
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defenders of the fatherland that fell on polish territory, only 90 monuments have survived to date. in essence, the ideological foundation of the modern system of international relations is being undermined, built after the second world war as a result of the victory over nazism. victory is the cornerstone of the modern un system, created on the basis of the anti-hitler coalition. it is our sacred duty to preserve the memory of those who freed the world from the brown plague, because disrespect. to the memory of our common ancestors, the desecration of memorials to liberating soldiers, one step to the literal
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glorification of nazism, but we saw how the nazis were not neo-nazis, the real ones, who then during the second world war of the great patriotic war destroyed people for us on a national basis are now applauded in the canadian parliament. this is happening in ukraine, this is happening not only in ukraine, this is happening in the usa and canada, and another important memorable, anniversary, one might say, date, this year, as you know, russia celebrates its 190th century. dmitry mendeleev, the great russian scientist, author of the periodic table of chemical elements, whose contribution to
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the development of world science is of truly general human significance. the name of dmitry ivanovich medeleev also bears the 58th international chemistry olympiad for schoolchildren. this is the largest tournament of young chemists, it will take place from april 21 to 26 in china, the city of shenzhen, on the basis of the joint russian chinese university, moscow state university, beijing polytechnic institute. a record number of participants is expected this year. about 300 schoolchildren mentors from more than 30 countries. it is worth noting that for the first time in its history, the competition will be held outside the cis; from russia , the olympic chemistry team included representatives from seven regions. altai territory, nizhny novgorod region, novosibirsk region, moscow, samara region, republic of bashkartastan and republic of tatarstan. for the young participants of the olympiad, this event will be the first practical experience of international scientific cooperation; it is gratifying that this was footage of the briefing by the official representative of mitrossia, maria zakharova. what are you waiting for? you
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free forever. that is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. currently , the flood situation in the tyumen region includes 101 settlements in the flood zone . the peak of the flood in the kazan region is expected in the coming days. work to increase the dump in the village of kazanskaya will be completed today. now the head of the press service of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the temen region is in touch with us. natalya, hello, has the flood zone increased? and where is the most serious situation? vera, hello, yes, indeed, we were there today. achieved levels, historical water levels, they were exceeded, compared to 2017, now we are in the village of kazanskoye,
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probably the most tense situation is developing here, for several days work was carried out here to strengthen the dam, together with employees of the ministry of emergency situations they worked and volunteers and local residents, now imagine... note, it is passing, are there people who do not want to leave their homes in the flood zone? as for evacuation, it probably follows that in areas where flooding is possible in natalya, what can be said about evacuation, such as the tyumen region, 1600 people have already been evacuated, about 193 are placed in temporary accommodation centers, there is no social tension with those citizens who are not yet ready to leave their homes,
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groups are working that include police officers, psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations, social services, local governments, this work is underway, and it can be noted that residents are slowly beginning to be understanding get ready in advance. leave housing that may be in a flood zone, and what work is being done to strengthen waterproofing structures, is there enough equipment and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations for these tasks? yes, there is enough equipment, employees of the ural rescue center, aerobic groups of the khantamonsiysk district, chelyabinsk region, and cadets of the institute came to our aid. fs of russia from the city of yekaterinburg , in order to cover all these events as much as possible
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, employees work in the ishim municipal district and in the city these works are being carried out in ishim, but as i already said, in the village of kazanskoye the work to strengthen the dam will literally be completed in the next hour. what are the forecasts for the flood when it is expected to peak, huh? if we talk about forecasts, our experts predict that the peak of the fall will most likely occur at the beginning of the third ten days of april. natalya, thank you, the head of the press service of the ministry of emergency situations in the temenskaya region, natalya syomina, was in touch with us. now in the city of orsk, orenburg region, they are diverting water from residential areas, they are considering different options from pumping to... the water level in the ural river has already allowed the pipes at the base of the dam to be opened, the water is noticeably leaving, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk is now working in the region, she is in
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touch, hello margarita, what is the current situation in the orenburg region? yes, vera, greetings, but first of all i would like to talk about the northern part of the city, for example in the tatar villages of kagorly, now there is an increase in water in the sakman river. per day the increase was 38 cm and now reaches 873 cm, 3 cm above the dangerous values, now there several streets were flooded, including several houses and private plots, now i propose to listen to the comments of local residents, it came suddenly with seething, the head is aware of everything, controls everything, but against nature.
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more than 3,000 houses have already been inspected for damage assessment and also 1,200 houses for condition and subsequent restoration. i will also note now that specialists have already pumped out more than 207 thousand cubic meters of water to 67 sites. already in orsk, disinfection of territories begins, sanitization of streets also begins, active vaccination against hepatitis is underway ; over 42,000 people have already been vaccinated in the region, of which over 17 thousand. these are children, i would also note that in the orenburg region gas supply has now been restored to 50% of the residents, these are those microdistricts, settlements where there was
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a threat of flooding and... for safety the power supply was turned off, now we are in the dubki residential complex, which is already got rid of the water, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations from ufa are working here, they are helping to pump out water from the basements, now i suggest you listen to the commentary, the basements are now flooded, the soil is very saturated with water, a ufa group is now working, pumping water from the sewer collectors to free it up, because everything is supported , so it was possible to remove the water further, pump it out from the basements, dry it out, and accordingly, do an audit already asu, power supply, so that homes can be returned faster, faster, faster to a full life, to the one to which people are accustomed. i would like to note that in orsk the water level in the urals has now dropped by 22 cm per day, now it is 555 cm, a decrease is also observed in the urals near orenburg, now
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the level... on the 10th is 74 cm. in lek there is also a decrease of 1 cm. now the level is 917 cm. i note that now local authorities and regional authorities continue meet with residents affected by the flood, explain support measures and offer to listen to comments. as the water decreases and sections of the streets are cleared, literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow an inspection commission will begin work on the first inspection. that is, we are preparing to inspect residential buildings, and we are also now actively preparing for the treatment of territories, and, accordingly, for the removal of garbage from those streets that will be cleared of water. well, i’ll also note that 327 thousand residents of the region who suffered from the flood have already written an application through the state services portal and the multifunctional center to receive material assistance and financial
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support. to make money again, this tunnel is not the longest on the bama, only 1,800 m, but they started digging it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939 , all this was in full swing, you know, all this stirred up, the boom continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, what volume to go out with, how much money to spend, the economy has turned to the east to the detriment of our enemies, we are reaching high levels...
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there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. the construction of the baikal sea mainline is not only about reality, the problem is that people should be there, live, serve, that’s the task. the flood is covering new regions of siberia and the far east, the situation is difficult in the urals the rise of tabola in kurgan continues; in the tyumen region, dams on the ishim river are being strengthened. at a meeting in brussels , support for ukraine is discussed. does everyone agree to provide
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military assistance and what kind? initiative sounds. the boeing corporation is losing its reputation, another scandal associated with breakdowns. what is happening in factories and what is the threat to passengers on board? more than 160 people were injured in thailand as a result of an ammonia leak. authorities are evacuating residents within a radius of 2 km from the emergency, the plant where the accident occurred 30 km from vatai. the flood covers new regions of siberia and the far east, a difficult situation in the urals, the rise of tabol continues in kurgan, the river has already flooded the city center, water is approaching multi-story buildings, evacuation has been announced. in the orenburg region, they are increasing their team of rescuers; emergency rescue teams from samara, kazan and the kirov region have been sent to help their colleagues; they are strengthening the sakmara dam. but the level of another
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river... is dropping by more than 100.


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