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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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the boeing corporation is losing its reputation, another scandal associated with breakdowns. what is happening in factories and what is the threat to passengers on board. more than 160 people were injured in thailand as a result of an ammonia leak. authorities are evacuating residents within a radius of 2 km from the emergency, the plant where the accident occurred 30 km from vatai. the flood is affecting new regions of siberia and the far east, and the situation is difficult in the urals. in kurgan , the rise of the tabola continues, the river has already flooded the city center, the water is approaching multi-storey buildings, evacuation has been announced. in orenburgskaya regions are increasing their team of rescuers, and emercom teams from samara, kazan and the kirov region have been sent to help their colleagues. they strengthen the sakmara dam. but the level of another river, the ural, is decreasing more. fifty residential
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and country houses were damaged due to floods in the tomsk region; in the tyumen region , dams on the ishim river are being strengthened, its level is rising, and evacuation has begun from nearby villages. in bashkiria , the number of flooded areas doubled in one day; several sections of roads and bridges went under water. in novosibirsk regions are preparing for the peak of the flood, in altai they are calculating the damage from the first wave and preparing for the second. in addition, the water level in the khor river began to rise. in the far east. the kurgan embankment is partially flooded after another rise in water in the tabol river. the level has exceeded 970 cm. the police are on duty near the dangerous place and are not letting people in. our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko works in the region. in some places, the water in the region has already risen so much that it is demolishing residential buildings. last night in voronovka one house was demolished river along the flow, it was carried away right onto...
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in the spring the bridge, the bridge itself survived, but the house, unfortunately, of course not, now we are on the embankment mounds, it was preventively prepared for the flood, observation teams constantly ply through this territory, they monitor the water level in the river and do not allow people close to the tobol itself, measures are still being taken in krugan to prevent the serious consequences of the flood, here now more than 100 people are working on the embankment, preparing sandbags for strengthening. already existing dumps and for creating future dumps in the following areas, where water can also come, it should be noted that all these are university college students, each of them is here absolutely voluntarily, from technical schools, universities we are working here for the second day, the task was set to fill 10.00 bags, load, roughly speaking in dump trucks, spread out across 17 ranges of 20 locations, so that at each point, here we have here around the corner... a car, that is
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, four kamaz trucks loaded with earth, a kamaz truck stands large, loaded with sacks, if in case somewhere there is a breakthrough or leak of water, that is , a mobile group, there is also a forklift, a bus, there are about 20 people on the buses, they are on duty around the clock, they are changed, fed, everything is as it should be, in the kitovsky district, near the settlement, there is a sanatorium, water level today it remains at a level above 11 m, in the area of ​​​​kitovo and kryukovo above ten, the day before there was a sharp rise in water in the village of kitovo, it began... to enter houses, people, so the whole village united, they help each other, someone has boats, someone has fishing boats suits, they continue to transport things to safe areas, the situation is difficult, but people are not discouraged, you save things, well, yes, we are trying, you live here, yes, yes, it’s not far from here, how do you feel about the situation in general, how do you assess it, it was like this , well, who lived in 1994, they say there was something similar to... in my time, no, i’m 37
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years old, this has never happened before, have you already evacuated or are you just today? no, i think most of the things are now, we thought there wouldn’t be much water, as if some they didn’t take out the things, so to speak, these are leftovers, well, i took out the dog, now the cat is still left, now i’ll take out the cat, maximum water levels, according to the ministry of emergency situations , are expected in the coming days in 25 settlements, more than 600 residential and more than 2000 country houses remain flooded precinct
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stanislav, what is the current situation in the tyumen region? greetings, vera, in the tyumen region there is still an extremely, extremely difficult flood situation, the most difficult areas, as you said, are the kazan district, and the ishim district itself, in the kazan we worked in the region today, but directly in the district settlement, and there the flood of the alabuga river led to the fact that the water came up. started to rise close to the dam, but thanks to the timely completion of the dam and the building of the ridge, it was possible to prevent the dam from overflowing, but the water still continues to rise in ilyinka, where we are now, here is the most difficult
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situation regarding water, and the water has already reached ishim it’s practically 9 m here, but it’s worth saying, you see, there’s no water here, because and... we have prepared bags of soil just in case, we have reserves of soil so
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that in the event of some emergency situation, we can quickly eliminate this situation, so to speak, and prevent the erosion of our embankments or yes hit. water, that means, into populated areas, flooding of gardens, houses, here everything works like clockwork really in one impulse, volunteers, and construction specialists, and of course, rescue specialists of the ministry of emergency situations, the russian federation, all in one impulse, here they are doing one thing, now they are building up dams, there are a lot of them here, so that the water does not flood populated areas, so the ministry of emergency situations is rotating its detachments. from one point to another, because i repeat once again, there are a lot of dumps, we need to increase them as much as possible, well, at least one and a half meters, because the water here is expected to be quite large, let’s listen to what they say at the ministry of emergency situations. if we talk about the situation in general, 80 people from the ishim
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fire and rescue garrison also continue to work today at dambi in the city of shime. 45 people from the ural rescue center went today - it is very important to remind here that during the flood period, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, the most basic ones, well, experts say, this is at least once an hour, we work, at least use antiseptics, all this is very important, because that intestinal infections
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spread very quickly during this period, but also with regard to water, tap water, of course , cannot be drunk or only boiled, but it’s better to just be... well, it’s worth saying that those who work now we are working on eliminating the consequences, who prevents, prevents the consequences, everyone will be vaccinated against hepatitis a, the disease of dirty hands, again, not a new, completely
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safe vaccination, but it will protect your life. we continue to monitor the situation here in the tyumen region, vera, i give you the floor. stanislav, thank you, the situation with. floods in the tyumen region were reported by our special correspondent in the region stanislav bernwalt. alpha 5! april we give 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alpha service the poster is in the alfabank application, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, let’s do it this way, and now, brutes, there are other ideas, of course, let’s count the payment, yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code, the camera itself calculates everything, how did it happen? of course, you also got 10% cashback with
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an air raid alert was announced in five regions of ukraine at night. local media reported explosions in the kiev region. no details provided. later, there were also reports of explosions in the melnitsky region. in the morning information about explosions appeared. in the belgorod region , electricity supply was restored on the outskirts of grai-varon and the power supply was interrupted during shelling in the armed forces of ukraine; the territory of the city is also being inspected by sappers so that local residents were able to return to their homes. igor pikhanov with details. the roads and sidewalks of the groevoronsky urban district of the belgorod
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region are strewn with metal fragments from shells. utilities are cleaning up border settlements. the territory was heavily damaged by shelling in the bsu; now the streets are being cleared and power supply is being restored. there is a lot of work, yes, we are cleaning up the city now, taking up curbs, everything is going on right now. on this street on the outskirts of the city , the light supply was restored the day before, and today network company specialists are installing new lines. the cables were broken by two hits from rocket artillery shells, boris's house was damaged by the explosion, the man shows the damaged windows and roof. one house was damaged here. the ceiling collapsed in this house, right next to it, thank god, no one was injured, nothing, everyone came out, here to wrap up their rubles, the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries tried to break through our border, but people were hit by shells from artillery and tanks, the russian military repelled the attacks in the suu, the enemy was driven back, now he is not allowed to gain a foothold on the line
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of combat contact, the situation has become easier, but at the same time continues to remain difficult, shelling continues, ukrainian... with the help of kamica drones they will go after civilians, this fpv drone was discovered in the private sector, the russian military neutralized it , it was equipped with a cumulative projectile, it says here that it was produced in ukraine. people are gradually returning home from evacuation so that repair and restoration teams can begin work. places attacks are checked by sappers, specialists from the international mine action center of the ministry of defense, meter by meter, inspect residential buildings and socially. objects that have been damaged by shelling, sappers are removing unexploded shells, the unit is working as part of a group that protects the state border, most often we find rszzo, phoenix, panther missiles, the enemy seems to be using cluster munitions, they may
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not explode and pose an immediate danger to life , all dangerous... the russian military takes the finds to the test site. modern shells pose a great threat to local residents; in addition to their great destructive power, they are stuffed with metal needles and chopped reinforcement. all these elements should increase the affected area. the sapper destroys unexploded enemy shells. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. the intensity of shelling of donetsk decreased after the ukrainian armed forces were pushed further away from the city. the head of the dpr, denis pushiliin, stated this on our broadcast. according to him, now the enemy is forced to use long-range guns, drones, artillery, yes, the enemy, after the liberation of avdeevka , does not have the opportunity to reach those settlements, including pervomaiskoe, with artillery, that is, accordingly, to work broadly across areas, the enemy really no longer has the opportunity, the enemy still has
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the opportunity use long-range weapons, including missiles, of the western standard, which... he is still using in our populated areas, but if we compare, then yes, in this regard it has become a little calmer, calmer, at least in the kiev and kuibushevsky districts of donetsk, it has become a little calmer, of course, and a little clearer, but again fpv drones, which the enemy quite regularly uses on civilian targets, unfortunately, this is still a fairly serious threat both for our residents and for infrastructure objects. since the start of the special military operation, kiev has received almost $84 billion in financial assistance from the west. these figures are provided by the ukrainian ministry of finance. regarding military support, dutch prime minister mark rutte the day before he proposed to buy patriot air defense systems from countries that do not want to supply them directly. he stated this at
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an informal summit of eu leaders in brussels. our european correspondent knows what other initiatives have been taken. it is important for us to keep our promises, i assure you that each of us wants to make as much effort as possible to speed up this process. in a short time we have increased our defense capacity in terms of industrial production, but this is not enough, we must work harder. on joint photograph, claiming to be the ideological leader of the eu, macron, an ardent supporter of the introduction of troops into ukraine and
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the escalation of the conflict, stood out from the crowd, came in gray, unusual for him, his... here, unwilling to sponsor the war, hungarian prime minister orban, like a white the crow was the last to make his way to his place behind the backs of his colleagues. all the leaders were received by the king of belgium. the decisions you made to support ukraine, strategic autonomy, defense, expansion of immigration, will bring security, democracy and prosperity for even more citizens. along with democracy and prosperity, germany is transferring another air defense complex to ukraine. the netherlands explain why it is necessary to invest in this project? this is large-scale support
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to stop russian success in ukraine, which will compromise our future security. this is not only about ukraine, but about us. a lot of people in the european council understand this. true, surveys show that blind support for a obviously losing position and further investment in militarization of europe. are met with less and less understanding among eu residents. therefore, they are frightened by the imaginary russian threat, which current european politicians are trying to resist. they are frightened with the inevitability of something larger and larger-scale, precisely on european territory, of course, through the fault of moscow. they do this in the expectation that the europeans will not want to change horses at the crossing. this summit is the last before the summer elections, which will largely determine european politics for the next 5 years. anastasia popovlenadsky aleftina sorokina. news brussels. from july this year, schoolchildren will be able to retake one of the unified state exam subjects. mikhail mishustin called this the right to make mistakes, which is very important for children to have. the prime minister
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discussed the details at a meeting with the head of rosobnadzor anzor muzaev. he emphasized that all questions when retaking one of the subjects at the unified state exam were discussed. in his address to the federal assembly, the president said that... it is necessary to reduce the excessive load on our students, and this is especially true for schools, it must be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand it is necessary when improving the unified state examination (use), of course, working out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions process, this is very important, because students are often worried, but sometimes in life they don’t have time to complete it. with this innovation this
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year, all issues related to retaking, with the opportunity to retake one of the subjects , have been completed, this year the guys will take advantage of this opportunity, and universities will be able to take this result into account, that is, the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year . in the fsb reported on a large-scale special operation to seize gray sim cards used by scammers and saboteurs. in march , 612 sim boxes and more than 300 thousand sim cards were seized in forty russian regions. with their help, accounts of social networks, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts were activated. fakes and false rumors about terrorist threats were spread. 30 people were detained, criminal cases were opened under articles of fraud and unlawful access to computer information, including a resident st. petersburg, which activated
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sim cards of russian operators in the interests of ukrainian organizations. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov today in venezuela, the head of the russian supervisory agency, came to this country for the first time. at the gangway, krasny was met by his venezuelan colleagues, the leadership of the ministry of defense, and also the russian one. sol igor krasnov has already begun a series of meetings with officials, primarily with the heads of venezuelan law enforcement agencies. as a result, an agreement is expected to be signed on cooperation. flights are resuming in the united arab emirates, hit by severe floods. as the federal air transport agency said, the situation with flights of domestic airlines is now stabilizing. yesterday, planes made about thirty flights, local carriers. in turn, it is again bringing its aircraft onto the runways at sharjah international airport. in this emirate , entire areas are still flooded, and residents are evacuated
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by helicopter. the consequences of a natural disaster are being eliminated in yemen. heavy rains covered 15 provinces of the country at once. road traffic there is paralyzed. the police report that the victims were killed. more than 160 people were injured in thailand as a result of an ammonia leak, as... residents within a 2 km radius of the plant are urged to refrain from eating food that may have been poisoned. the complex where the emergency occurred is located just 30 km from the resort town of pattaya. according to media reports, none of those suffocating asked for help. corporation. reputation, as the american media write, the company is shaken by a series of scandals associated with airliner breakdowns, and recently it became known about massive violations during the assembly of aircraft, what
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is happening at the factories and... what this threatens for passengers on board, emil mirsaev found out. systematic problems at booing corporation have risen to the level of the us congress. a series of aviation incidents seriously worried american legislators. parliament has held a hearing on the safety of the 787 dreamliner line. testimony was given by a quality control engineer who had worked for the company for 15 years. san selipour stated that allowed when assembling aircraft. massive violations, when he reported this to management, he was simply removed from the project. the specialist said the consequences could be catastrophic. what happens if the metallay reaches the fatigue limit straight into the air? the plane will simply fall apart, it will literally begin to burst at the seams, tear and crash. the engineer is not afraid to speak loudly, despite the fact that his colleague was recently found dead in his own car during litigation in a case of negligence in
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boiging. the safest place for us is our sofa at home, and for an airplane the hangar, and yet every day we go out, airplanes take off, safety is a deal, yet i am excited about the situation at boeing. according to half a dozen speakers, the fuselage of the lanf 787 is crooked due to the difference. in order to assemble these sections, it is necessary that all flights, according to experts, will lead to the landing dimensions along which the division occurs to be maintained within tolerances. if these tolerances are not met, then
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assemblies can. some improvements in place. metal fatigue. while there are currently 1,100 dreamliners in the air around the world, another line, the most massive in the history of aviation, the 737, has recently been experiencing difficulties. it has almost 12,000 aircraft. since the beginning of the year alone , more than a dozen emergency situations have occurred: the landing gear will break, a piece of the wing will fall off, or the cabin will come apart at the seams. as a result, emergency landings are all over the place. the last high-profile incident occurred at the beginning of the year near the flight. alaska airlines airlines simply tore the door open during the flight. the public is excited. on average, 70% of americans have become more worried about flight safety, writes newsweek. repeated, shocking allegations of manufacturing errors by booing highlight an appalling lack of safety culture and practices, with profit taking precedence over everything else. in fact, booing's profits last december were nearly $8 billion. the growth of us. 118%. but
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you still have to pay for failures; analysts are making negative forecasts for this year, because due to increased inspections , booing supplies decreased by one and a half times. the market capitalization is also gradually falling, now it is estimated at $100 billion, but before the pandemic the figure was at 250. and the dynamics of the share price are also negative. since the beginning of the year they have fallen by 32%. the company is trying with all its might to rehabilitate itself, has carried out a number of personnel changes, as well as test flights, it has stated that the critics are wrong and this has been shown by an examination under the supervision of the federal civil aviation administration. true, ourselves american authorities are in no hurry to make statements. however, it is obvious that it will not come to the closure of one of the largest us companies, which is the locomotive of national exports. in return, the authorities
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are quite capable of temporarily grounding some vessels of the 787 family.


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