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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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787 authorities may well, analysts say, the national management investigation will continue at least until the end of may.
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joe biden has banned israel from attacking israel. apparently the us president forgot the name of the city of rafah in the gas sector and mistakenly called it haifa, which is located in northern israel. i made it clear to the israelis: don't step on haifa, it's not, i mean, oh well.
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maria zakharova commented on biden’s next reservation, according to the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, quote: it would be it would be funny if this man did not direct billions of dollars and colossal amounts of weapons to wars around the world. end of quote. maria charmed. all biden has to do is ban himself from participating in the elections. the namsky transport engineering plant performed songs by alexander marshal and mark radinovich.
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this is already the third day, the rescue service reported this, noting that firefighters will remain on site for at least another day. only a few fires were extinguished, mostly in the basement. according to local media, smoke is still rising from the building. let me remind you that a fire broke out in one of the oldest buildings in copenhagen on tuesday, as a result the spire and roof collapsed, half of the building was completely burned out. now about the weather, according to the forecasts
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of specialists from fob centers, the central region will soon be covered by a force nine storm, meteorologist ekaterina grigorov has all the details, ekaterina, greetings, when can we not wait... in the capital, will there be rain in the regions affected by the flood? in the capital , light rain will begin in the coming hours, nastya’s picnic will come out on friday night, 2/3 of the monthly norm of precipitation will fall on moscow, well, in addition to heavy rain, there will also be a stormy wind. the southern urals and siberia will not affect nastya. but in the smolin microdistrict in kurgan, the water has never risen so high, road signs are barely visible, and the stop pavilion next to them is completely flooded. over the course of a day, the water level in the tabol river increased by more than a meter. the right bank part of the mound, where more than 100 holiday villages are located and several microdistricts are flooded or flooded. here are the clay today, not what you are sewing it there, you can see some asphalt there, you can hardly see the fence anymore, in my
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house too, 30 centimeters of water have already entered the house, the bathhouse is up to the windows. in the tyumen region. restricted traffic along the izym highway towards the russian-kazakh border. in the kazan region, the roadway is flooded. inspectors notify drivers of detour routes. meanwhile, in the district center they are finishing building up the dam. the ishim river in this section has already exceeded its historical maximum by more than half a meter. the following shots are from the kushkul-orenburg microdistrict. it's flooded here private airfield. they tried to move light aircraft into one of the hangars with a raised concrete base. in the same time. in orsk, even after the water recedes, some areas can only be driven by an all-terrain vehicle, all-terrain vehicles, which are now being used by teams restoring the water supply in the city. the flood situation in the east of the country is becoming more complicated, a state of emergency has been introduced in two settlements in
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the lazo region of the khabarovsk territory, and the khor river has overflowed its banks. water overflowed the dam, flooding schools and several residential houses. more and more, everything is just wood. went into the house, fuck it, we won’t go into the house at all, the house is floating. in southern urals and western siberia, the weather is determined by the influence of the anticyclone; here, slightly cloudy weather does not have a negative impact on the development of floods. light precipitation associated with the frontal section of the cyclone will occur today along the ob river. but here, too , the influence of the anticyclone will soon intensify, there will be fewer clouds and daytime heating will become more intense, that is, snow and ice will melt. let's move to the european territory of russia, today the central region is under the influence of the warm front of the southern cyclone, moderate wet rains will be associated with it, this evening, but already now a new vortex is forming on the wave of the cold front over the balkan peninsula, it will be an active and powerful cyclone,
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already on friday night it will rush to the center countries with a good supply of heat and moisture, the rain will pour like a wall, the epicenter of ninastia will be the smolensk, kaluga and moscow regions, in some places... about 30 mm of precipitation will fall, that is, three buckets per meter. and that is not all. there will also be a gale. in the southwest of the central region, gust speeds will reach 25 m/s. in the north-west and chernozem region - 20. in moscow, today it’s +13 cloudy. light rainfall in the capital will begin in the coming hours. the rain will become heavier in the evening. in the middle of the night it will pour like buckets. in just 6 hours, 12 mm will fall, and by the beginning of the working day, seven more. in general, during the process more than 20 mm, while in the middle of the day on friday the wind will sharply increase, the wind speed will reach 21 m per second, by the evening the wind can accelerate to 23 m/s. just closer to saturday morning, the wind will begin to weaken; it should be separately noted that closer to saturday morning
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it will become sharply colder, and in some places precipitation may turn to snow. in conclusion, footage from yamala, nenets autonomous okrug, in the second half of april in mitel on the salihart aksar highway... several cars got stuck, the drivers themselves could not get out of the snow trap, rescuers came to the rescue on a wheeled all-terrain vehicle, 11 were evacuated to a temporary accommodation point man, this is the information about the weather, yes, thank you, and ekaterina told about the weather grigorova, alpha friday, supercake. every week using alfabank cards. on friday , april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service, in the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable! touch! circle to the burger
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12:42 pm
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are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. at bigfest , chicken premieres for 109 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. global manufacturers have warned of an increase in chocolate prices. growth is affected by the shortage of cocoa beans on the world market. in addition , packaging and logistics costs are rising. what is happening to the cost of sweets in retail in russia, what will domestic confectionery factories do to maintain growth prices? see the report by anna lazareva. why is chocolate becoming an expensive delicacy? black caviar, that's the price.
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directly this is india, caroline, yes, there is a lot of cocoa from peru, cocoa beans from nicaragua, cocoa beans from ecuador, cocoa beans from the philippines and venezuela. olga yarovyakova, founder and director of the amazing cocoa chocolate factory, demonstrates a strategic reserve; there will be enough raw materials for another year, which means that prices for final products will not have to rise sharply. in april they already grew by 15%, this is now the current increase, perhaps in may we will still have a 5-10 percent increase.
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they made programs to subsidize the planting of cocoa trees, that is , a certain amount was paid for each tree planted, so a large number of small farmers and even private farms planted these cocoa trees, but almost 20 years have passed and many of the trees have become very decrepit, but neither the farm nor the farmers want to plant new trees.
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chocolate bar should cost more, we we won’t discuss it with you, i think that we are now, well, as if the confectionery industry will leave people who consume normal, high-quality, and therefore expensive chocolate, well, without a product. the world's confectionery manufacturers are doing their best, some are reducing the size of the standard bar,
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others are adding a large amount of various fillings instead of cocoa. well, the third one gets the usual one. the volume due to air pockets produces so-called porous chocolate. quality products we we understand now that there will be much less, the share of cocoa in mass production will decrease in chocolate, flavorings and dyes will be replaced, which will maintain the color and aroma of cocoa. a manufacturer of premium chocolate from st. petersburg decided to take a different route, saving not on quality, but on the services of intermediaries. the head of the company, olga yarovikova , and her colleagues traveled all over latin america in search of the best cocoa and met farmers personally. support farmers, yes, you see what they buy, have money
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buy some necessary things, yes, you help them develop them. you say what to improve the farm, what varieties to grow, helped producers financially by adding bonuses to the market value of raw materials, then in difficult times for the buyer, personal relationships turned out to be more important than profit, says olga yarovikova. some farms, they deliberately do not follow the exchange, that is, they do not look for seven-minute, it is clear that it is very attractive, yes, to sell cocoa beans there not for 6 dollars, but for 10. but at the same time, people are fine understand what is needed, we support them, they should support us in this. you can also grow cocoa in russia. this revolutionary idea was proposed by an expert from the foodnet working group of the national technology initiative, economist alexey kuk. this
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requires a national project of 5-10 years. we already have an industrial greenhouse. in rostov it started with cecory, now its line includes 350 types of products, including hot chocolate and cocoa. yes, now there is an abnormal situation on the cocoa bean market;
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prices and purchase prices have increased by 50-60%. accordingly, the cost of production becomes much more expensive, but not everything is so critical, because again, when you sign a contract, it is for a year, and you can set a certain price. working directly with suppliers helps to secure favorable conditions; the aronap plant purchases cocoa in indonesia and malaysia, and here they have reduced costs for packaging, marketing and advertising. everything very much depends on automating the process in order to relieve people, so that there is less manual labor, so we are introducing some of our know-how, some automatic processes, we have, for example, only two people working on the line to pack into a cardboard box. the quality is checked by a whole laboratory, these are safety indicators, we check the raw materials, these are coliform bacteria , mafa, yeast, mold.
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can you tell by organleptics whether it is counterfeit? for example, instead of cocoa, they put a husk from a shell called kakavella. this is a processed product of cocoa, you may feel some kind of grittiness, a lot of waste - we just reject it even at the organoleptic stages, this is, well, possible tell how they make their product cheaper, what you need to pay attention to in the composition of the product in order to understand that this is real chocolate, we even produce special products that say that this is real chocolate, if we read it, it contains cocoa butter , what a worn out and useful face.
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russian chocolate product is valued abroad among the professional community. the st. petersburg factory is currently testing a new direction - a chocolate restaurant, where cocoa beans are used in all dishes. working with chocolate comes first turn desserts, that is, in order to make some application, yes, use already in other products. that we need to move away from the standards and frameworks that our chefs are taught in colleges, yes, in institutes, that is , take a completely different look at the product,
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here is alexander zuev, our chef, he is exactly the person who was able to transcend the templates and frameworks , the company has now successfully entered the chinese market, russian chocolates have created a real sensation there, this year just on the eve of the chinese new year... we in one of the provinces of china, liauning, in two cities in shinyang and dalian , held such an innovative event, i would say, a festival fair made in russia, where chocolate and chocolate products became one of the leaders in audience choice, literally were swept off the shelves in a matter of days. the next step will be permanent points of presence in different... after holding several days of
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the fair festival, in the first city in shinyan, the director of the large shopping center in which we actually carried out, and we held negotiations, he expressed interest in... exports over the past 7 years have grown by 40% to $780 million. april is the day of military glory of russia. april 18, 1242. battle on the ice. on the ice of lake chutskoe, the russian warriors of the novgorod prince alexander
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nevsky defeated the germans. knights of the livonian order, the germans who escaped from encirclement fled to the west, some of them fell through the ice, the livonian order lost 2/3 of its army in the ice battle and a miracle without number will fall, and the germans say 500 chronicle.
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i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, spring has finally come.
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the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov. young people threw stones at the businessman's property.
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such a killer, i came to the investigative committee, i tell him what happened here, they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot be, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the flood is covering new regions of siberia and the far east. difficult situation in the urals. according to the latest data, in one day the number of flooded residential buildings reached almost 18,000. in kurgan, the rise of the tabola continues, the river has already flooded the left bank. in the orenburg
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region it is increasing. a group of rescuers, they are strengthening the sakmara dam, and the level of the other ural river is decreasing. more than 150 residential and country houses were damaged due to the flood. in tomsk region.


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