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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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and a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the floods are capturing new regions of siberia and the far east. difficult situation in the urals. according to the latest data per day, the number of flooded residential buildings reached almost 18 thousand. in kurgan, the rise of the tabola continues, the river has already flooded the left bank. in the orenburg region, a group of rescuers is being increased, they are strengthening the sakmari dam. but the level of the other ural river is decreasing. and country houses
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were damaged due to floods in the tomsk region, in in the tyumen region, intensive water growth is observed in three areas; rescuers are strengthening the dam on the ishim river. evacuations have begun from villages that may fall into the flood zone. in bashkiria, the number of flooded areas doubled in one day ; several sections, roads and bridges went under water. in the novosibirsk region they are preparing for the peak of the flood, here in altai. calculates the damage from the first wave and prepares for the second. the water level in the khor river in the far east has begun to rise. and now the presidential envoy is in touch with us from kurgan in the ural federal district vladimir yakushev. vladimir vladimirovich, hello, thank you for finding time for us. now, of course, it’s an extremely interesting situation, to find out first-hand how the situation in kurgan is developing there. there is conflicting
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information about how large the territory is flooded, well, the territory is large, especially this picture is very informative when we look from a quadcopter or from a helicopter, so of course, if we start estimating in kilometers, then compared to those years when tobol russian, then of course the territory is large, but if we talk about numbers, then as of april 18.
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the main part of the city is protected by a dam, and it should be noted that the authorities spent a week doing a lot of work to build up the dam, to eliminate the subsidence that was on the dam, and today the left side of the city, where the main population of the city of kurgan lives , is protected. the dam stands quite reliably; there were three leaks within 24 hours, but they were eliminated very quickly. water continues to rise, according to our forecasts, it will everything... dams, to prevent any leaks, to eliminate them very quickly, in order not to let the city run, not to let water into the city, then a large number, of course, much more, or rather, it should be said so, much more... houses may end up in
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a flood zone, and i really wouldn’t want this, so all services are working in a tense mode, the government is working around the clock in the kurgan region, people don’t even leave the government building, the headquarters is working around the clock, video surveillance has been organized at points cameras are installed at the highest voltage, quadcopters are constantly launched into the air so that a decision can be quickly made and how... some leaks can be detected, so this is now the most important story of the passage of the peak in the regional capital, here was the data from the ministry of emergency situations , almost 1,400 people have already been evacuated, including 200 children, how fast is it now, or so to speak, is the evacuation of people going right, is it possible to convince people to leave their homes, this is always an unpleasant topic for everyone, it’s scary. from home, i wanted
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would always be there to the end, and yet there is such a need: is there an understanding that this needs to be done and is it being done? which, well, we are 100% sure that water will come there, this work is ongoing, regardless of whether people agree to evacuate or not, if we talk about people’s behavior, then of course they agree to evacuate poorly, the kurgan and tyumen
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regions do not an exception, like in other regions of the russian federation, until people saw big water, until they really saw that their homeownership was threatened danger, people, as a rule, do not leave their homes in advance, but we work in such a constant mode, it means that one group passed through, followed by another group, in the end we manage to convince someone, psychologists work with someone , when we understand that there is already a 100% forecast, and these houses will go under water, we manage to persuade someone, but if we are talking about voluntarily leaving their households... there are not too many such people, well, let’s honestly admit, but that doesn't mean we should relax, all evacuation services today are also working under pressure and are in constant dialogue with the population, plus we also talked, and today this work is underway, heads
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of local government, governors of both territories personally meet with the population, explain why it is necessary to evacuate . what needs to be done for this, if suddenly the population has any questions, then the service promptly responds to this, and additional information, if suddenly something is missing, well, for example, where exactly is the tap located, although today everything is constantly organized in the media on government websites, on the websites of local governments, you can constantly get this information, it is brought to people, including...
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which exists today in this situation, it is really high, so, of course, it is fundamentally important in such a direct dialogue to make these clarifications and answer pressing questions, yes, of course, this is properly organized work with people, i so i understand that it is now organized correctly, there is a conversation, an explanation, people need to be explained, yes, what the danger is, because after all, this has not happened for several decades, and of course, there is no understanding of what the threat is... this is flooding , nevertheless, some people will remain, for sure, is there any work, is work organized for those who remain in place, well, sometimes the house is not completely flooded, but the person cannot or the family cannot leave, is such work carried out or is it necessary , alexander, that's when we
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we understand that we were unable to reach an agreement in some format with the citizens, and we understand that our house is located in a flood zone and someone remained there. today, this, this house is immediately taken under control, this, it is controlled by the ministry of emergency situations, and naturally, this means that this also applies to the internal affairs bodies, in this mode we too, when we organized all the work, as we built algorithm of action with the population, we have also discussed this position in principle and understand how to work, which means with those people who do not completely want... to leave their households, and well, of course, sometimes there are cases when it is not possible to come to an agreement in general, but we guard these houses, and if suddenly it all takes on a threatening character, and people they see, then , of course, they are already beginning to voluntarily
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make a decision and voluntarily evacuate, but it is very important that there is always a boat around this household, and there are emergency workers from the ministry of emergency situations. another question, alexander, that you raised is regarding the guarding of property, here in we constantly keep this issue under control, and that concerns the bosses. uh departments of internal affairs, regional everything that concerns, uh, leaders who are in cities in municipal districts, uh, heads of internal affairs bodies, this issue is constantly kept under control when uh there is a meeting with the population and it is explained, that in the event of an evacuation, the authorities take responsibility for the safety of property, then at these meetings employees of the internal affairs bodies are required to be present, and they also confirm this. by the way, it should be noted that after such direct meetings, of course,
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there are more people wanting to evacuate. this just means that consensus is found in such direct contact. vladimir vladimirovich, are they able to save animals ? our colleagues are showing a lot of stories now, some help their smaller brothers, some abandon them, unfortunately, there are such facts, but here there is some kind of central work, or is that all somehow? or do they do it themselves? no, no, in no case, this is a separate issue, at the emergency headquarters and at kurgan in the tyumen regions this question, it is a control question, the question is definitely asked to the responsible officials, which means how much, what is organized today, for domestic animals, which, well, what we mean are cats and dogs, but a large territory where we still have farm animals, let's do it... there is already an established history of what
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to do in this case, large agricultural enterprises help solve these issues, which means where to put these animals, and as for cats and dogs, then local government bodies are additionally creating places where... these pets can be taken there during the flood period, but as for when animals are abandoned, well, just like that, for the employees of the ministry of emergency situations this is already a familiar story, so they take these animals in the same way they rescue, deliver to animal shelters, well, they will be there, then we will determine their fate, maybe the old owner will show up, or maybe some new one will appear, so this is a control direction, we understand that this thing is always painful.
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and calls for those settlements for which we know that they will definitely end up in the flood zone, to evacuate in advance, we will continue this work, the water will come there a little later, now we will survive the mound, i will also move out, which means that it just means to the zone in the tyumen region, where the ishim river flows, because there are several settlements there , and there we will also bring all our work to its logical conclusion in order to save... and the maximum number of households from flooding, and those, that means ,
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households that fall into the flood zone, it is fundamentally important for us to evacuate people from there in a timely manner, because yes, of course, property is when people lose it during a flood, this is a tragedy, but still the main task and the main value are human lives , therefore, we must do everything so that during the flood period, god forbid, we do not lose a single person, yes vladimir vladimi. people, this is the main thing. thank you very much. vladimir yakushev, the presidential envoy to the ural federal district, was in touch with us. thank you. and now in more detail let's talk about the situation in the orenburg region. works there. our special correspondent margarita semenyuk, she is in direct contact with the studio. margarita, hello, what is the current situation? yes, alexander, greetings, we are recording, we continue to record the growth of the sakmara river in the tatar korgala region, per day the increase is already over 40 cm, now all
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dangerous indicators have already been exceeded and the level of the sakmara river is now 878 cm. i would also note that the water level in the urals in the orenburg and orsk region is now decreasing at
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the ileka area remains unchanged, all services are operating in enhanced mode. mode to eliminate the consequences of the flood, i would also note that in those territories that have already been freed from water, that is, houses and personal plots, commissions are now starting to work to assess the damage to the condition of housing, 4,200 houses have already been inspected, and specialists have also pumped out two 207. cubic meters water in 67 areas in orsk, the territory is being disinfected, sanitary cleaning of the streets is ongoing. vaccination against hepatitis a has now been vaccinated over over 42 thousand people, 17 of them are children, also now in the orenburg region people are returning, returning to gas supply, 50% of consumers have already been connected, these are the people who were disconnected from gas supply for safety reasons. i would also like to note that , on behalf of the governor,
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100 barrels with a volume of 1,000 liters have now been delivered to vorsk and installed in residential areas.
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tomorrow it will stand near every educational institution, this is 1000 liters. i would like to note that in total , over 15,500 residential buildings are currently flooded in the region, of which these include 60 apartment buildings, and over 22 thousand household plots are also flooded. currently, in residential complexes in orenburg, water is being pumped out from basements , specialists from the ministry of emergency situations are helping. from ufa, we are now in snt vesenniy, where just a few days ago houses stood almost up to the roof in water, now you can see that the water has gone, people are returning to their homes and can now move freely along the streets, and i suggest you listen to the commentary now. the basements are now flooded, the soil is very
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saturated with water, the ufa plant is now working a group that pumps water from sewers to release it because... everything is supported, and accordingly it was possible to further remove the water, pump it out from the basements, dry it out, and, accordingly, carry out an audit of the asu, power supply, so that the houses could be returned faster, faster, faster to a full life, to the one to which people are accustomed, i would like to note that today , 327 applications from victims have been received through the state services portal and the multifunctional center. is now almost 650 million rubles. studio. thank you, margarita,
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our special correspondent in the region, margarita semenyuk, spoke about the flood situation in the orenburg region. now a short advertisement, then we will continue. stay with us. alpha friday. supercake every week on the cards. alfabank on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank application, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, okay, i understand, here you go so at the megamarket home textiles with cashback up to 40%. tabacquette, start a new life. cigarettes. on easter, russian lotto unites people. and when we are together, our
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again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. today, a drone was neutralized over the roof of a unique reactor hall simulator, the only one in the world built to life size. the station reports that no one was injured in the attack and there was no damage. at the same time, it is noted that the raids in su were for a check-in. and the city of energodar have been going on for 2 weeks. the militants are directly violating the station security principles established by magatha at the un security council. powerful explosions occurred this night in some regions of ukraine. shortly after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region. local publications have not yet provided details about the purpose of their strikes consequences. the sounds of detonation were also heard in the khmelnitsky region. at least two series of explosions were counted there, and early in the morning reports of attacks came first from the ivano-frankivsk region, and then from ivano-frankivsk itself. the united states is providing assistance
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to ukraine, provoking kiev to continue hostilities, and benefiting themselves, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the new american bill on the allocation of $60 billion. due to its internal political differences, washington is looking for different modalities in order to continue to provide assistance to ukraine under any modes of providing this assistance. de facto, we are talking about provoking ukraine into further hostilities until the last ukrainian , ensuring guaranteed profits for the united states. no matter who says anything, americans do not forget about themselves. ukraine now, not only does it have to fight for it, providing profits for the americans, but it is also burdened with debt. favorite colonial policy of the united states of america. this is not capable of
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in any way influencing... the outcome the development of the situation at the fronts, all specialists, and semi-specialists, are now recording with the naked eye the situation at the front, which is far from favorable for the ukrainian side, so nothing can change it. songs by alexander marshal and mark rodinovich were performed at the omsk transport engineering plant. the artists performed live for the factory workers. the concert was held as part of the music marathon in workshops, a series of performances by russian stars at enterprises that produce machinery and equipment for the northern military district. the geography of the marathon is already is quite extensive, concerts were held at factories in chelyabinsk, nizhny tagil, st. petersburg, serpukhov, each time to full houses.
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became, now we’ll take a break, and then we’ll continue, stay with us.
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it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow; a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen
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next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what’s going on in general with production, raw materials and export, like... what is it, our product, your brother there, in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, well, i’m not a fighter, i’m for my brother came, i have to find him.


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