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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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publish one of the unified state exam subjects. mikhail mishustin called this the right to make mistakes, which is very important for children to have. the details of the example were discussed at a meeting with the head of rosobronadzor anzor muzaev. he emphasized that all questions regarding retaking one of the unified state exam subjects were discussed. in his address to the federal assembly, the president said that we need to reduce the unnecessary burden on... the unified state examination, of course, to work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the university admissions process. this is very important, because guys are often worried, but that’s all. it happens in life, the president’s live broadcast had not yet ended when he announced this.
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local government in russia has a feminine face. valentina matvienko noted at a meeting with female heads of municipalities that there are three times more representatives of the fair sex in these positions than men. the conversation took place on the eve of the local government day in preparation for the fourth eurasian women's forum. the chairman of the federation council also emphasized the great support provided by the meeting participants.
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in the northern military district, and in our municipalities we create a comfortable life for our population. it is important for us that our territories develop, that amenities increase, so that the families of military personnel and participants in a special military operation do not experience difficulties. now the entire belgorod region, the entire belgorod region, is a single volunteer movement that unites tens of thousands of residents. meetings, personal meetings with the population, i go to citizens’ appeals, but i believe that only transparency, accessibility of power is what the basis of trusting relationships between the authorities and residents, how to choose the right sources of information and why it is always necessary to study alternative opinions, these issues are discussed in kaluga by the participants of the forum, which is called the course of a young fighter, the information front, with a lecture on the fight against information hoaxes,
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states and those goals which the state is pursuing.
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real disposable income of russians increased to a record level in the fourth quarter of last year, an increase of 8%, according to data from the accounts chamber. i have read the report dmitry marov. dmitry, greetings, due to what are citizens’ incomes growing and in what categories? i welcome you, first of all, due to the increase in wages, as well as the increase in income of entrepreneurs. rapid growth of wages against the backdrop of a shortage of personnel, powerful budget injections and high entrepreneurial activity. all this led to a record increase in household incomes last year. as follows from the data of the accounts chamber , the real disposition. the income of russians in the fourth quarter increased immediately by 8%, this figure is the highest since 2009, if you look at the figures for all quarters, then overall in the twenty-third year the growth was 5.4%. in nominal terms, according to
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rosstat, income over the past year increased to 50,000 rubles. per capita, or almost 11%. in this case, it is simply an amount of money, while when assessing real incomes , it is taken into account what... if we are talking about real incomes of the population, then as a rule we use comparative indicators of one period with the previous one, in this regard we do adjustments for, firstly, inflation, that is, for that growth prices that were observed during the same period.
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several factors contributed to the increase in real incomes of citizens, primarily the growth of budgetary injections into the economy, due to which production revived. 59% came from salaries; the portion of income from entrepreneurship also increased to 6.8, and this, in turn, is a record figure since 2014. the contribution of social payments was 19.5%. all the main components of income grew, because , for example, we regularly. pensions, social benefits, which also increased at the end of the year, but first of all, of course, the dynamics of real incomes last year were determined by wages, which grew very quickly, in nominal terms at the end of the year they grew by a little more than 14%, in real terms, that is, taking into account inflation, we transfer
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goods and services that can actually be bought for this money, by almost 8%. last year there was a noticeable increase in salaries of public sector employees, especially in public administration and education, and significant increases. received by workers in the fields of finance, information, communications and culture. at the same time, the payment increases labor in the corporate sector. due to a shortage of personnel, employers are forced to raise salaries in order to attract or retain employees. this is what happens. for example, in the manufacturing industry in regions where the manufacturing industry is located, the number of applicants in relation to the number of vacancies is record low, there is competition for workers, and the main way of competition is to increase wages. according to forecasts of the ministry of economic development, in the next 2 years real disposable. there will be dynamics persist against the backdrop of personnel shortages. currently
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, the country's unemployment rate is still at a record low of 3%. the level of real income will also depend on price fluctuations. the central bank, which still continues to maintain a high key rate, expects inflation to return to the target level of 4%. dmitry, thank you, dmitry morocco spoke about the real disposable income of the population. rossik's revenue a year after fish branding grew by more than 17.5%. the results were summed up by unires management. in april twenty-third the company acquired american business that owns kfc in russia. during this time, 750 establishments out of 1,170 in 74 regions came under the rostix brand, which is 2/3 of all kfc restaurants throughout russia. the agreement was signed. more than 90% of partners who bought a franchise. the revenue of unvest itself -
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this is open information - it is in the park this year in the twenty-third year amounted to a little over 20 billion rubles. and we increased our turnover by 17%, we grew by this volume, in net profit, this is 3.5 billion. we have opened about thirty restaurants under the russian brand, we are now in the process of opening there are also about 20-25 construction projects there, and we expect that by the end of the year we will... approach the figure of 100 restaurants under the rossi brand. global manufacturers have warned of an increase in chocolate prices. the growth is affected by the shortage of cocoa in the market. in addition , packaging and logistics costs are rising. what is happening with the cost of sweets at retail in russia and what will domestic confectionery factories do to keep prices from rising. watch the report by anna lazareva, immediately after the advertisement. alfabank for business.
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win. why chocolate is becoming an expensive delicacy. here the price for it is simply sky-high, just like trees and cocoa groats, there will be no more of them. how did russian chocolatiers conquer the chinese market? i can personally confirm that it was literally swept away by chinese consumers, because... russian sweets are in great demand, what tricks are being used to reduce the cost of chocolate production, the share of cocoa in mass production will decrease in chocolate, flavors and dyes will be replaced, which will maintain the color and aroma of cocoa, from cocoa to bananas, why
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russia is ideal for growing heat-loving crops, that is, we actually... in 2-3 years we can enter the production of products that we do not produce today. this is india, kerala, yes, there are a lot of cocoa beans from peru, cocoa beans from nicaragua, cocoa beans from ecuador, cocoa beans from... there will be enough raw materials for another year, which means prices for the final product will not have to rise sharply, in april they had already increased by 15%. this is the current increase now, perhaps in may we will have another
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5-10 percent increase. traditional the chocolate ingredient has become too expensive, its price is at its highest ever. history: if a year ago a ton cost 3,000 dollars, now it is more than ten, the main culprit, as a rule, is not the harvest of cocoa beans, but the situation is more complicated, explains irina eldorkhanova, vice-president of the russian guild of confectionery bakers, owner of a network of confectionery boutiques. in africa about 20 years ago, the international community created subsidy programs. planting cocoa trees, that is, a certain amount was paid for each tree planted, therefore a large number of small farmers and even private farms planted these cocoa trees, but almost 20 years have passed and many of the trees have become very decrepit, but new trees are no longer
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a farm, nor do farmers want to plant them, because there is no subsidy program, and without... a situation where factories are afraid to go to retail chains, because the answer is, you can leave and not supply us with anything,
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nothing related to the fact that a chocolate bar should cost more, we are with you we won’t discuss it, i think that now it’s as if the confectionery industry will leave people who consume normal, high-quality, and therefore expensive chocolate, without a product. confectionery manufacturers are trying their best, some reduce the size of the standard bar, others add a large amount of various fillings instead of cocoa, and still others get the usual volume due to air pockets, creating so-called porous chocolate.
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support farmers, yes you see that they buy, has money to buy some necessary things, yes, you help them develop their farm, tell them what to improve, what varieties to grow, helped producers financially adding bonuses to the market value of raw materials, then in difficult times for the buyer, personal relationships turned out to be more important benefits, says olga yarovikova.
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to understand that this is real chocolate, we even release a special product that says that this is real chocolate, if we read it, it contains cocoa butter, which is wiped and healthy litcithin, it will not delay substitutes for cocoa butter, palm oil and cocoa powder, you can feel the substitutes in chocolate, they melt at higher temperatures, for example, if you take chocolate at 35°, and it’s right in your hands. as soon as they melt, that is, you start to eat it, it’s immediately chewed, it’s like plasticine. russian chocolate product is valued abroad among the professional community. the st. petersburg factory is currently testing a new direction of chocolate restaurant, where
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cocoa beans are used in all dishes. working with chocolate - these are primarily desserts, that is , in order to make some application, yes, use in other products, this needs to move away from the standards and framework that our chefs are taught in colleges, yes, in institutes, that is, in a completely different way take a look at the product, here is alexander zuev, our chef, he is exactly the person who... was able to step outside the templates and frameworks. the company has now successfully entered the chinese market. russian chocolates created a real sensation there. and this year, just on the eve of the chinese new year, we are in one from the provinces of china, liauning, in two cities in shinyang and dalian, they held such an innovative, i would say event, festival fair made in russia, where.
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chocolate and chocolate products became one of the audience's favorites, and were literally swept off the shelves in a matter of days. the next step will be permanent points of presence in different provinces, through which it will be possible to enter large retail chains. there is already interest from chinese partners. after holding several days of the fair festival in the first city in shinyane. he just came across us. the director of that large shopping center in which we actually held, and we held negotiations, he expressed interest in making in the same shopping center some kind of permanent point of presence of russian products made in russia, but china is only one of the directions, russian products chocolatiers are supplied to 75 countries; at the end of
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last year, russia exported chocolate... products from it took twelfth place in the world, exports over the past 7 years have grown by 40% up to $780 million.
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ukraine again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as the local press service reported, a drone was again launched at the station, and it was neutralized over the roof of building g, where it is located. the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator. as a result, no one was injured and there was no destruction. air force raid on zas and the city.


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