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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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ukraine again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as reported by the local press service, a drone was again launched at the station, and it was neutralized over the roof of building g, where the world’s only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. as a result, no one was injured and there was no destruction. air force raid on zaes and the city.
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energodar has been going on for 2 weeks. the people of nastani stressed that the attacks violate both the general principles of nuclear safety and the principles established by the un security council, and promised notify experts of the international agency. russian troops improved the tactical position in the avdievsky direction and occupied more advantageous positions in the yuzhno-donetsk direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the most active fighting took place in the donetsk direction. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment of the thirty-sixth, fifty- sixth and ninety-third mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of populated areas vasyukovka, orekhovo-vasilievka and andreevka of the donetsk people's republic. in the area of ​​the settlement of krasnogorovka, donetsk people's republic, a counterattack of the assault group of the forty-sixth airborne brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled. losses.
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for further hostilities until the last ukrainian, ensuring guaranteed profits for the united states. no matter who says anything, americans do not forget about themselves. ukraine now, not only does it have to fight for it, providing profits for the americans, but it is also burdened with debt. beloved colonial policy of the united states of america. this is not capable of in any way influencing the outcome of the development of the situation on the fronts. all specialists, and some specialists, are now recording with the naked eye the situation at the front, which is far from favorable for the ukrainian side, so nothing can change it. the russian foreign ministry called the ukrainian law on tightening mobilization monstrous. the official representative of the foreign ministry, maria zakharova, said that zelensky, with his decision, is sending people to certain death.
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zelensky signed a monstrous, inhumane law from the point of view of people in ukraine, on tightening mobilization, which destroys the rights of ukrainians. we can say with confidence that this most terrible, wild, monstrous mobilization law will contribute to an increase in the already rampant corruption in ukraine and will further split society. but it is unlikely to help the zelensky regime with replenishment of the ranks of the fsu. abroad of ukraine, panic. kilometer-long queues of frightened ukrainian citizens have already formed who are storming the embassy to catch up before the law comes into force on may 16, renew your passports and not return to the territory of ukraine. the flood is covering new regions of siberia and the far east. the difficult situation in the urals in kurgan continues. we eat
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tabola, the river has already flooded the left bank, an evacuation has been announced, a group of rescuers is being increased in the orenburg region, emergency situations teams from samara, kazan and... the kirov region have been sent to help their colleagues, they are strengthening the sakmara dam, the level of the other ural river is decreasing, more than 150 residential and country houses suffered due to floods in the tomsk region. in the tyumen region, dams on the ishim river are being strengthened, its level is rising, and evacuation has begun due to nearby villages. in bashkiria, the number of flooded areas doubled in one day. several sections of roads and bridges went under water. in the novosibirsk region they are preparing for the peak of the flood, in altai they are calculating the damage from the first wave and preparing for the second. in addition, the water level in the khor river in the far east began to rise. now
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let’s talk in more detail about the situation in the orenburg region. our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, works there, she is in direct contact with the studio. margarita, hello, what is the current situation in the region? yes, alexander, greetings, well, the situation in the region is stabilizing, the water level in the urals, near orenburg has decreased by 8 cm over the last 2 hours and is now 10 m 60 cm. gradually , snt, residential areas are being freed from high water, houses are also now being released, people can return to their households and see how much the flood is.
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sakmara near the tatar korgol continues to gain level, the increase in the last hours was 2 cm, now the level of the sakmara river is 882 cm, the river also flooded the private kushkul airport in the orenburg region, after the water subsides, technical maintenance will be carried out for the safety of using the airport, and also note that the water level. in the urals, near orenburg, near orsk, the level is now decreasing, in eleki the level remains unchanged, and also all services are now working to eliminate the consequences, they are pumping water to apartment buildings, the territory is being disinfected, the streets are being sanitized,
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vaccination against hepatitis a has also started, over 42 people have now been vaccinated, and 17 of them are children, which has also already started in orenburg. worked for the city, now power engineers are working on site, the water utility is working, they are doing everything to get the well running, and this is their job, our job now is to ensure that we, together with the water utility, organize assistance to them in the supply of water,
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purchased 100, 70 distributed throughout the territory city, 30 in health and education institutions, now. we decided to purchase the required amount of capacity so that today we have 69 educational institutions, 31 schools and 38 kindergartens, respectively, 69 cubic meters will stand next to each educational institution tomorrow, that’s 100 liters. an assessment and construction commission is starting to work, which will go through every house in all flooded areas of the region for a full detailed assessment of all damage from the big water. alexander. thank you margarita, oh flood situation in the orenburg region, said our special correspondent in the region margarta semenyuk. in the tomsk region
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, the water level in the tom river has been falling for several days. now it is below dangerous levels. houses and infrastructure facilities are freed from water. residents of tomsk affected by the flood. they will be able to submit an application and receive compensation, but rescuers are concerned about the second river (op), hydrological posts have been set up, and emercom employees conduct round-the-clock monitoring.
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came to the village unexpectedly, late in the evening, huge blocks of ice and water swept away everything in their path, first a powerful stream demolished fences in courtyards, and then reached houses. in a matter of seconds, a stormy stream engulfed most of the village, frightened people hurriedly left their homes. yana seleverstvova recalls how she barely had time to save a child and a fluffy cat. he grabbed the child, ran out , she was already leaving, there was knee-deep water.
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because the last time something like this happened was in the seventy-third year, but it never happened again , she approached the water fence, but so that i came here, this has never happened before, the consequences of flooding are being eliminated by the entire village, with the help of a motorized pump, special equipment is used by firefighters to pump out the water, work is underway to clarify the circumstances, the level of flooding, the moments of flooding, an underground area there, let’s say in a garage, and so on, and as a result they have to pump out the water. commissions to assess flood damage have already begun.
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from july this year, schoolchildren will be able to retake one of the unified state exam subjects. mikhail mishustin called this the right to make mistakes, which is very important for children to have. the prime minister discussed the details at meeting with the head of rosobnadzor anzor. he emphasized that all questions regarding retaking one of the unified state exam subjects were discussed. in
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his address to the federal assembly , the president said that we need to reduce the unnecessary burden on our students, and this is especially true for schools, it must be reasonable, balanced, on the other hand, it is necessary when improving the unified state exam, the unified state exam, of course, uh , work out the possibility of retaking one of the exams before the end of the admissions process university, this is very important, because the guys are often worried, but everything happens in life. before the president’s live broadcast had finished, when he announced this, all the rosubornadzor hotlines exploded with questions from our graduates, whether they will be able to take advantage of this innovation this year, all questions related to retaking, with the opportunity to retake - one of the subjects has been completed, this year the students will take advantage
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of this opportunity, universities will be able to take this result into account, that is , the president’s instructions will be fully implemented this year. u local government in russia has a female face. valentin matvienko, at a meeting with women, heads of municipalities, noted that there are three times more representatives of the fair sex in these positions than men. the conversation took place on the eve of the local government day in preparation for the fourth eurasian women's forum. the chairman of the federation council also emphasized.
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the meeting participants themselves spoke about what exactly is being done for the families of fighters, as well as for the development of trust territories. our men, husbands, sons, brothers. achieves victory in the northern military district, and in our municipalities we create a comfortable life for our population. it is important for us that our territories develop, that amenities increase, so that families, military personnel, and participants in special military operations do not experience difficulties. now the entire belgorod region, the entire belgorod
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region is a single volunteer movement that unites dozens. thousands of residents, i hold many meetings, personal meetings with the population, i go to citizens’ appeals, but i believe that only transparency, accessibility authorities - this is the basis of a trusting relationship between the authorities and residents, all solid waste must be sorted by 2030, this order was previously given by the president, and at least a quarter can and should be reused, the russian environmental operator is actively working in this direction, for 5 years, the share of waste going to recycling exceeded 50%. it was possible to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry. varvara nevskaya will continue the topic. the first anniversary and the first summing up in 5 years since foundation, the russian environmental operator is essentially creating a new waste management industry from scratch, and as
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the numbers show, it is doing it extremely effectively. despite sanctions pressure. and an objective reduction in the volume of government support, it was possible to create 250 waste treatment facilities. this made it possible to increase the share of waste sent for processing from 7 to 53%. at the same time, the share of recycled waste increased from 3% in 2018 to 13% by the end of 2023. thanks to reo's efforts, every second a kilogram of waste in russia is sorted, and the volume of msw disposal. decreased by 20%. the russian environmental operator has already financed the construction of eighteen new facilities. their capacity allows them to process about 6 million tons of waste on the territory of eleven regions of the country. the construction cost amounted to 29.9 billion rubles. funds received from
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the company's bond issue. another achievement of the reo industry has received a new look, becoming investment attractive. we. in 1919 they had a zero infectious disease rating attractiveness, no one invested or wanted to invest in this industry, and at the moment, the concessions signed in our country in 2 years are five times more than in the previous 10 years, we now have concessions signed for almost 300 billion, and in the 10 years of the previous it was signed for 50, but reo, of course, will not stop there. the main goal is to continue to build a circular economy, where every waste is recycled and returned to circulation in the form of new products. according to the president's instructions, the company will have to build 400 waste processing enterprises, but in order for the industry to develop, it is not enough to build specialized factories; it is equally important to involve
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the country’s residents in a culture of conscious consumption that cares about the environment. this year's green award , held by ro... for the fourth time, is aimed at identifying the best projects in the field of environmental education, as well as the most significant achievements in the field of environmental protection and the implementation of the most effective practices in the environmental sector. based on the activities that took place in previous years, we saw the need to create new nominations, first of all, the nomination eco-family and eco-centers, we pay more attention to the volunteer movement, and here in this regard we divided it, let’s say, last year the number of people wishing to take part in the competition exceeded 4. this year
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the organizers expect beat this record. more and more young people are moving in this direction and offering their projects. the green award, in my opinion, is just a very cool and correct tool for identifying such bright guys, whom we then, for our part, like rosmolodezh, well, in a sense.
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the anniversary of the union, which will be celebrated next year. at the press conference, the minister of culture noted that it is the union of theater workers that can become a creative platform for young people and for preserving the invaluable experience of previous generations. we lack a large platform for young theater workers, we really miss the important mission of a public organization, in preserving the memory of our outstanding artists, and, like the history of the theater, about those living today, not missing anniversaries, honoring, remembering together, passing on this knowledge from generation to generation, working closely with our unique creative universities, which of course also... should be involved, especially at this age, in the life of a public organization, this is very important, it seems to me, this undertaking, a union of theater workers - this is like the oldest
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public organization, in 2 years it will turn 150 years old, it was conceived as a union of assistance, this vector of development will be preserved, assistance and ... development of theater and education, assistance to both young people and actors, who put their whole lives on the stage, and of course, you know, we face a huge number of tasks, and they can only be solved together. a new national project for the development of transport is being discussed in the government. i believe that it will operate from the twenty -fifth to the thirties, its preliminary financial parameters have become known, we will learn the details from maria filippova, maria,
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hello, what will they spend the most money on? alexander, greetings, on the railway right now everything is in order. the government is developing a new national project for the development of transport infrastructure for 2025-2030. it should replace the programs expiring this year. safe and quality roads and a comprehensive infrastructure modernization plan. the budget of the new national project called the development of transport infrastructure, according to preliminary estimates, will be more than 10 trillion rubles. almost 3.5 trillion will be allocated by the federal treasury, most of the over 6.5 trillion is planned to be received from extra-budgetary sources. the lion's share of funds will be allocated for the development of railways, more than 4 trillion rubles for infrastructure, including the largest project.
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the budget provides about 345 billion rubles for these purposes. another 701 billion will be allocated by the regions. the annual passenger flow in 2030 is intended to increase to 850 million people and for comparison
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this year it will be 813.4000. of course, there is the participation of russian railways here, as the holder of infrastructure, which are directly responsible for the quality of passenger terminals, station complexes, and the city, in turn, of course, they are responsible for the quality of the local area, this is a joint work, it also includes, in principle , improving accessibility. large regional centers near moscow to the moscow aviation hub are among the leaders in financing within the framework of the new national project, as well as the construction and repair of highways; more than 2.5 trillion rubles can be sent to federal facilities; regional highways will receive about 210 billion. sea harbors are also expecting large-scale transformations. to develop the backbone network of russian ports
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will plan almost 300.3 billion rubles. most of the funding will come from extra-budgetary sources - this is 291 billion. already this year , almost 125 billion will be invested in the port infrastructure. priority projects, the ministry of transport notes, will be the construction of the port elga coal terminal, the construction of a universal transshipment complex novorossiysk ship repair plant and a multifunctional cargo area in the seaport of korsakov on sakhalin. but what article is still missing. multiple transformations are needed, but i would highlight here the main thing is investments in the reconstruction of the capital of municipal electric transport enterprises, that is, this is the replacement of worn-out energy facilities and the repair of rail tracks. separate
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issues here are: the development of subways, there are not very many of them, a literally individual number of objects is required in order to significantly improve the efficiency of their operation. and the third direction in the development of public transport is the renewal of rolling stock. in terms of air transport infrastructure, 75 airfields will be renovated by 2030 countries. 250 billion will be allocated from the budget for reconstruction. new airports will appear in sheregesh and omsk, the airfield in gornoaltaisk, the airports of sochi, vladivostok and kaliningrad are awaiting renovation. and, of course, new territories, renovation of local airports will start after 2027, the first in line for restoration will be mariupol airport.
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in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov: young people threw stones at the businessman’s property, they came specifically to kill, the situation became tense, the parties began shoot at each other, and chaos is happening, a shot was fired, and i felt a pain in my stomach and the blood began to flow. what immediately comes to mind is that they want to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting at least three times at the attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i told them something was happening, they looked at me like that they look with their eyes, they say, this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or
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a hero who saved his family. bam continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, what volume to release, how much money to spend? the economy has turned to the east, to the detriment of our enemies, we are achieving great success. there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction.


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