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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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information picture of the day in facts is russia 24 in the studio artyom yamshakov and olga armyakova, this is what you will learn about. night attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. kremeley explosions in ivanofrankovsk, kharkov and the kiev region. the russian army carries out precise strikes on the ukrainian military rear. powerful attack in the dnepropetrovsk region. data from
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the defense forces, we learn about the situation at the fronts. israel and taiwan in one direction, ukraine in the other. joe biden agreed that military assistance to kiev will be considered as a separate bill. now it's up to congress will the usa accept or leave zelensky behind? 612 sim boxes and more than 300,000 sim cards. the attackers were planning all this. use large-scale fsb raids in 40 regions of the country for sabotage in the interests of ukraine. all equipment was confiscated and more than 30 people were detained. footage of a special operation by security forces. re-taking one unified state examination to reduce bureaucracy in educational institutions. mikhail mishustin held a meeting on education. what other issues were discussed? large amounts of water
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are flowing to new regions of siberia and the far east, and the situation in the urals is difficult. when there wait for the peak of the flood, what help can local residents expect? we'll tell you. ukraine again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. according to the local press service, the attack was carried out by a kamikaze drone. he was neutralized. above the roof is a building. where the world’s only full-scale reactor hall simulator was located, there were no casualties or destruction, and this is not the first attack, vysu’s raids on zayats and the city of energodar have been going on for 2 weeks. nastani stressed that the attacks violate both the general principles of nuclear safety and principles established by the un security council, they promised to notify agency experts. nine people were wounded during the shelling of gorlovka.
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was struck in the very center of the city, local authorities reported. the main target of the attack by the kiev regime was the hospital and the blood transfusion station; the explosions damaged the surgical building and the nephrology department. according to preliminary data, the ukrainian armed forces hit the throat with a hymers multiple launch rocket system. well, russian troops improved the tactical position in the avdeevsky direction, occupied more advantageous positions in yuzhnodonetsk, repelling seven enemy counterattacks. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the most active fighting took place near donetsk. well, now we’ll find out all the details from denis alekseev. he joins in with the facts. denis, welcome, how is the situation on the fronts? and what about night strikes on ukrainian armed forces targets? yes, i welcome you, but new details have emerged of the attack on the location of the armed forces of ukraine in chernigov the day before. an iskander cruise missile flew at a military facility, and most likely not even one. but the choice
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it is clear that the range is sufficient, and the flight path ensures the invulnerability of a high-precision projectile, yesterday they talked about hitting the headquarters of the north group, the russian ministry of defense confirmed the fact, and details of other arrivals appeared. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation were destroyed within 24 hours. control center of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine north. two launchers with radar illumination and guidance of an anti-aircraft missile system s-300. the ammunition depot of the operational-tactical group of the armed forces of ukraine donetsk, the weapons depots of fuel of the 101st teroborona brigade, and the enemy’s manpower and military equipment were defeated in 126 regions. our military locates and liquidates ukrainian armed forces facilities in the rear regions of ukraine regularly; powerful explosions occurred this night. in several areas after midnight
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, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region, and early in the morning reports of strikes came from ivanofrankovsk. information has appeared about an explosion in dnepropetrovsk. there the likely target was the position of an air defense complex; in the khmelnytsky region, the arrival took place in the area of ​​a military air base in the suburbs, starokonstantinov. according to ukrainian sources, this airfield is being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. well, now about the situation on the fronts, what is happening there, the footage of objective control speaks for itself; the positions of the militants are regularly ironed by our artillery, aviation, drones, and it is impossible to single out any specific direction.
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to be already, but in the avdeevsky direction the next seven counterattacks resulted in losses of a hundred people. the kiev command clings to berdich, but it also misses, they sent a couple of brigades there the day before, but the result is still the same. serious battles in the donetsk direction, the strategically important settlement of krasnogorovka. there, the armed forces of ukraine are trying to prevent our military from occupying lines that will allow us to develop a movement to the west, the result of unsuccessful counterattacks of about 500 people. kiev will also strengthen its formations with prisoners. 10 thousand convicted they announced today in the rada that they can go to the front, and noted that given the current
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he asks to speed up, joe biden published an article in the wall street journal, calling on congress to quickly pass a bill to help ukraine. however, in the house of representatives everything is still not so simple, things may come to the resignation of the author of this law, speaker of the house mike johnson, which means ukraine will never receive help. biden's main argument is if ukraine does not receive it in the near future. military assistance, then he will lose the war, then, according to the american president, russia will move closer to nato territory. quote: close as never. biden, of course, chose not to say that nato has been expanding eastward all these years and has long since approached the russian borders. one way or another, the head of the white house asks congressmen to quickly pass a bill on allocating military assistance to kiev in the form in which the us administration itself wants it. that is , in a single package, assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan at a time, or separately, as
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the other day, the speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, proposed. that is, biden and the democrats are already ready to go with republicans to compromise, if only america’s friends, as the us president called ukraine and israel, would quickly receive american aid, at taxpayers’ expense, of course. at the same time, joe biden says that another person will benefit from further arms supplies to ukraine. american companies, the head of the white house does not specify here, but this refers to the military-industrial complex enterprise, they are the main beneficiaries throughout the entire conflict in ukraine, it is obvious, it is characteristic that biden’s article was published only on the fifteenth page of the newspaper, while on the seventh page there is another material under the heading of less and less hope, this is just about ukraine’s chances of winning, de facto. we are talking about provoking ukraine into further hostilities until
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the last ukrainian, ensuring guaranteed profits for the united states. no matter what anyone says, americans do not forget themselves. ukraine now, not only does it have to fight for it, providing profits for the americans, but it is also burdened with debt. favorite colonial policy of the united states america. all of them are specialists, and some of them are specialists. now with the naked eye he can see the situation at the front, which is far from favorable for the ukrainian side, so nothing can change it. what’s also interesting is that johnson’s bill, on the one hand, is quite extensive and detailed, but on the other, some of the wording is very vague. it is not specified, for example, what kind of assistance will be allocated and how it will be spent; there is a clause about the supply of long-range atacoms missiles to kiev, well, a total of 61 billion is planned to be allocated to ukraine. johnson states that if
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if the document is adopted, then the state debt and the pentagon will be obliged to draw up a clear strategy for helping kiev for several years. however, conservative-minded republicans in congress are also unhappy with this bill; any compromises with democrats are unacceptable to them. they were the first to blink, yes, as they say in america,
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the republicans, yes, they themselves gave up, as they say in the usa, yes, they themselves made concessions, in the end they put all these tranches to a vote, and so the story is sort of with the migration crisis no way either allowed. in the belgorod region , electricity supply was restored at the window on the outskirts of grayvoron. the power supply was interrupted after one of the terrorist attacks by ukrainian militants. work on communication lines is in full swing. well, residents are gradually returning to their homes, but only after the territory is inspected by sappers. our correspondent, igor pikhanov, saw how people’s lives were being restored to normal. the roads and sidewalks of the groevoronsky city are strewn with metal fragments from shells. districts of the belgorod region. utilities are cleaning up border settlements. the territory was heavily damaged by shelling in the bsu; now the streets are being cleared and power supply is being restored. there is a lot of work, yes, we are cleaning up the city now, taking up curbs, everything
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is going on right now. on this street on the outskirts of the city, the light supply had been restored the day before, and already. today , network company specialists are laying out new communication lines, the cables were interrupted by two hits from rocket artillery shells, from an explosion boris's house was damaged, the man shows damaged windows, the roof, one house was damaged , we have a ceiling collapsed here in this house, right next to it, thank god no one was injured, nothing, everyone came out to wrap the pipes, the ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries tried to break through our border , but... people were hit by shells from tank artillery. the russian military repelled attacks in the ssu. the enemy was driven back. now he is not allowed to gain a foothold on the line of combat contact. the situation has become easier, but at the same time it continues remain difficult, shelling continues. the ukrainian military, with the help of kamis drones , will go after civilians. this fpv drone was discovered in the private sector. the russian
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military neutralized him. it was equipped with a cumulative projectile. it says here that it has been produced. in ukraine. people are gradually returning home from evacuation so that repair and restoration teams can begin work, sappers are checking the sites of shelling. meter by meter , specialists from the international mine action center of the ministry of defense are inspecting residential houses and social facilities that were damaged by shelling. sappers remove unexploded shells. the unit works as part of a group that protects the state border. most often we find rszzo and phoenix missiles. the enemy seems to be using cluster munitions; they may not explode and pose an immediate danger to life. the russian military takes all dangerous finds to the test site. modern shells pose a great threat to local residents; in addition to their great destructive power, they are filled with
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metal needles and chopped reinforcement. all these elements should increase the affected area. sapper. destroy unexploded enemy shells. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everyone needs it, they need it, again it seems to me that the cashback from alpha in yanex food is making me dizzy. what we bring back from savita’s travels, a little prayer, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for the next trip. the avito trip
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i suggest you listen to it right now. valery nikolaevich, hello. good afternoon. we are meeting with you within the framework of the meeting of ministers of education of the sco member countries. tell me what has already been discussed on this event? we must start with the fact that this is the first meeting in the last 5 years, the previous one. was in 2018, for a number of reasons, first of all, the pandemic made its own adjustments, we did not meet in person and did not discuss current pressing issues, there are quite a lot of such issues, and the first and most important one is always the convergence of national education systems so that students who receive education in our countries, they could feel as comfortable as possible both while receiving education and then accordingly.
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to get this kind of budget places in russian universities, on the other hand, we discussed specific specialties in which our colleagues will send their students, and a whole range of other issues, in general, purely scientific, we are talking about our unique infrastructure of the megascience class, class great science, we have such infrastructure at the gurchatov institute, at the joint institute of nuclear research in dubna, in novosibirsk. a new large complex, which is being built by colleagues from academ town, on lake baikal, in buryatia in the irkutsk region, on the border there, there is the institute of solar-terrestrial physics, these are
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all the projects that interest our colleagues. we’ll talk about teaching foreign students later, but first i’d like to ask how you generally assess the potential of our cooperation with the sco member countries in the field of education and is this educational track even important now in interaction with partners? well, extremely. changes in labor markets in almost all countries, the situation, of course, is not the same, each country has its own, but the demand for is important, because there are simply tectonic quality education, it is colossal, and today it simply sounded like a refrain in terms of higher education, this is the ability to build a system in this way, a national system of higher education, for the first time. through the residents of this or that country, foreigners, foreign students, could receive, on the one hand, affordable, on the other hand , quality education, around this,
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in fact, today most of all it was like conversations, and today there will also be a signing of an action plan for cooperation in the field of science and education between the relevant ministries of russia and kazakhstan, well, lift the veil of secrecy for us a little, what will be included in this plan, what will be the emphasis? in russia russia opened seven branches of russian universities in kazakhstan. the first was a branch of moscow state university, only in recent years a branch of the mendeleev university of chemical technology, a branch named after gubkin, mifi and a number of others were opened, including regional universities, in particular chelyabinsk state university, a branch in kostanay and a branch of the moscow aviation institute. but we discussed how to strengthen these branches and make them flagships in the unit. obtaining an appropriate education, this is the first question, the second is, of course, the question of a more comfortable education for kazakh students
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at russian universities, russian students in kazakhstan.
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we have our own unique projects, we talked about the project of an advanced engineering school, about the development of technological entrepreneurship in universities, our large program for creating campuses for universities, with this was received with great interest and there were a lot of questions, in fact, some of what we discussed is included in this road map. let’s talk a little more about foreign students, how many of them are currently studying in our country? 55,000, and if we talk about students specifically? from the sco member countries, how is their number changing? well, this is almost - 2/3 - more than 200,000 students , just if we take foreign foreign students, then more than 2/3 are students from the states of the shanghai cooperation organization, we have first place in kazakhstan ranks in the number of students, uzbekistan is in second place, and china is in third place. then tajikistan and
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india, here we actually have the top five, all these countries are represented in the interstate association of highways, so the question is extremely, extremely relevant, again, i repeat, these are some specific issues related, among other things, to the internship of students there, for example individual states, this is a direction that each state would like to act on not just arbitrarily. is interested in preparing personnel for its labor market, in this regard , we have substantively discussed with kazakhstan, and the number of quotas, of course, for training foreigners from abroad. and we know that every year the government allocates quotas for student training, how many are there this year and what is the plan for next year? and 30,000 and the number has doubled over the last 3 years , while we keep it at this level, but in
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any case, development in... this is the social and humanitarian block, international relations, economics, jurisprudence, construction, and engineering, more and more in recent years, competition has been growing among foreign students. thank you very much, valery nikolaevich for the interesting conversation, thank you.
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