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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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these are the facts, we continue, the flood is engulfing new regions of siberia and the far east, the situation is difficult in the urals, in kurgan the tabol continues to rise by 17 cm in 10 hours, the river has already flooded the left bank, an evacuation has been announced, well...
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several sections of roads are under water and bridges, in the novosibirsk region they are preparing for the peak of the flood, in altai they are calculating the damage from the first wave and preparing for the second. well , in addition, the water level in the khor river in the far east has begun to rise. now let’s talk in more detail about the situation in the tyumen region, where our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is working, he joins us live. stas, hello. stanislav, greetings. what is the current situation in the region? so, where are the most difficult places? greetings, guys, yes, indeed, here in the chumen region there is an extremely tense situation in the flood direction, the e-125 highway from the village of gagarino to the kazanskaya regional center was blocked today due to water overflowing over the road surface. we observed this picture this morning: one flood began to rise rapidly and flow across the road to another. side and
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, accordingly, a new spill is now forming there, and we can draw conclusions that the water is really gaining height quite quickly, entering populated areas, the most problematic areas are the kazan and ishim regions, we worked there all day today, now the most important thing is this strengthening those structures, those dams that exist, increasing the crest of the dam, to the point... that they involve students and volunteers in the work, but we’ll definitely talk about this later, the authorities assessed the scale of the work that is taking place in the region today. our main task is to preserve those dams that have been built, those temporary bank protection structures that we will restore additionally in order to prevent water from getting into populated areas, so we carry out round-the-clock... debarking, we
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have prepared bags with just in case soil, we have reserves of soil so that in the event of some emergency situation, we can quickly eliminate this , so to speak, uh. situation and not allow it to happen this means the erosion of our embankments or the ingress of water into populated areas, flooding of gardens and houses. and very important information, indeed, in the village of kazanskoye, where we were today, the water has already approached directly to the dam, despite this, rescue workers from the ministry of emergency situations, employees of construction departments, in conditions of almost high water, there is now about one and a half to the top of the dam meters, but maybe a little more, everyone of course hopes that the water will not begin to overflow and god forbid, the dam will not wash out,
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nearby settlements are being evacuated, a siren is heard, in fact, every half hour on the air of various ... radio stations there is a call to evacuate either to temporary temporary detention centers, of which there are a lot of open now, or to your relatives, do not forget to take valuables and, of course, documents, those who need medicine, they too you need to take it with you, and the centers are ready to receive the population, well, about the work that is going on, as i said above, volunteers take a very active part, as in orski here in the tyumen region, thank them very much for this, because the amount of work that is available here without help. let’s just say that it’s not easy to produce good people, this is what volunteers say about their work: we go around the courtyards, the private sector, we go around the residents who live in high-rise buildings, we knock, we announce
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who we are, why we came, we have helped many people, who found the opportunity to move, to move not only to relatives, but instead of a temporary stay, that is, familiarity with this situation. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobys center, evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, hello, so what about the weather in the capital region, what to expect, what to prepare for? good afternoon, colleagues, the weather has already begun to deteriorate, but it will become dangerous in
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a day, when a storm wind hits central russia. again. in the european part of russia, summer, spring and winter coexist. in mid-april there is a lot of sunbathing on the black sea beaches of kuban. the weather permits. on the coast the air has now warmed up to +22-27, in continental areas in some places up to +28-33. if it weren’t for the cold water, 13-14°, vacationers it would be a pleasure to open the swimming season. the only thing that saves you from the stuffiness is a fairly dense wind that raises waves. at the same time , snowstorms rage in yamal in mid-april. several vehicles were stranded on the soliheart oxarka highway during the height of the storm. the drivers themselves were unable to get out of the snow trap; rescuers came to the rescue on a wheeled vehicle, and 11 people were evacuated to a temporary accommodation center. there is a phenomenal temperature contrast in the western part of russia right now. while in kuban in some places the heat is thirty degrees, in yamal
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the frosts remained twenty degrees. it is this collision with cold and heat that will lead to a sharp activation of atmospheric processes. it is easy to notice that the capital... is located precisely in the border zone, the meeting place of such heterogeneous air masses. already this coming night , an active cyclone, born on the wave of an atmospheric front over the balkan peninsula, will approach the center of the country. the rains will intensify sharply. the epicenter of ninasti will be the bryansk, smolensk, kaluga and moscow regions. up to 30 mm of precipitation will fall in places. wind will be an additional negative weather factor. in the south-west. in the central region, gust speeds will reach 25 m/s. in the northwest and chernozem region the wind will accelerate to 20 m/s. in moscow, light precipitation has already begun, thermometers show about +90. the rain will intensify in the evening, and in the middle of the night it will start pouring down like buckets. in just 6 hours
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, 12 mm will fall, and by the beginning of the working day on friday, seven more. in general more than 20 mm. at the same time , it will sharply intensify in the middle of the day on friday. its gusts will reach 21 mea per second, and late in the evening the wind can accelerate to 23 m/sec. in such conditions, it is worth staying away from old trees and...
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accounts, and, of course, fakes and false rumors about terrorist threats were spread, the department has already detained a resident of st. petersburg, who activated sim cards of russian telecom operators and provided them to ukrainian terrorist organizations access to them, criminal cases have also been initiated against another thirty people. the functioning of large locations of criminal telephone traffic was suppressed, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and carry out hacker attacks aimed at destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as government bodies of the russian federation. during direct interaction with the territorial bodies of the ministry of internal affairs of russia , 937 sim banks and 11 servers were discovered. stations that ensured the operation of communication devices. so, according to
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the department’s information, with the simboxes seized by the fsb of the ministry of internal affairs, they could make 40 million fraudulent calls per day. i’ll explain what it’s all about this is simbox. this is a special device that is used to protect and simultaneously operate a large number of sim cards. using one such box , you can handle up to 60 calls at a time and send them. about 600 messages per hour, official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs irina volk also emphasized that all the seized equipment was intended for mass mailing, sim card activation, and conversion of international telephone traffic to russian networks. well, in other news, european central bank president christine lagarde stated that washington's proposal to use frozen russian assets to finance military assistance to ukraine. are destroying the international legal order, christina
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kuruma joins us right now with more details. christina, welcome. christina, hello, what amount are we talking about? hello. the states are putting pressure on their allies, trying to convince them to confiscate 260 billion euros from the russian bank. european authorities are cautious in this matter and are inclined to transfer profits from these assets to benefit ukraine.
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euro in international finance compared to the dollar. many experts are confident that as a result of the confiscation of russian assets, trust in the entire financial system built by western countries may be undermined. let me remind you that we are talking about an amount of about 260 billion euros, which are members of the gs7. union and australia blocked in 2022. in france, 19 billion are frozen. about 200 million in germany, but the majority is controlled by the belgian group euroclear - 191 billion euros. washington adheres to the idea of ​​complete confiscation and puts pressure on allies. however , only $5 billion of the total amount of frozen russian assets is stored in the states. the consequences of a radical decision will affect the united states to a lesser extent. potentially.
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which in their bank accounts protect the largest amount of funds affiliated with russia. switzerland, which is not a member of the european union, refused to join the task force seeking to block russia’s foreign assets; by the way, more than $8 billion is frozen there. policy publication sources, among the british authorities say that sanctions will be less effective if russian money is confiscated. england has centuries of experience in storing other people's assets. according to experts,
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the country has frozen the reserves of the russian central bank in the amount of about 26 billion pounds and from... in england they understand that if they commit any actions, including unlawful actions or controversial dubious actions in relation to other people's assets, then london will cause a significant blow to its reputation as the financial capital of the world, and most importantly, competitors s...japan and other countries will definitely take advantage of this. this is not the first time international assets have been frozen. in 2011 , at the height of the civil war in libya, western banks froze the gaddafi family's money. the amount , according to various estimates, exceeded $60 billion, but out of the $12 billion that london, for example, controlled, only one was returned back.
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well, the g7 country will continue to look for loopholes in legislation that will allow it to be exploited. russian assets to support ukraine, according to the plan, the solution should be formulated before the june summit in italy. well, now to the cultural news: the list of museums on the pushkin map may expand. the program gives schoolchildren and students the opportunity to attend exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, and performances for free. and previously , the list of available museums included private ones, but at some point the money, as they say, flowed in the wrong direction, not for the development of culture. they approached the issue radically, private traders were simply excluded from the list, but now they can return, albeit under different conditions, the topic will be continued by sofya sergieva. it was called a museum in accordance with federal law. after 2 years, private organizers will be able to return to the state program “pushkin card”. to do this, they will have to include part of their collections in
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the state museum fund. as the ministry of culture notes, it is not necessary to declare all items in the collection. exhibits, it will no longer be possible for those exhibits that will be included in the state catalog to be restored independently; it will be necessary to attract tested experts, restorers who can already restore this or that exhibit, additionally maintain accounting documentation, store it, protect it, well, in my opinion, this
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is all correct, why because a collector, when he collects his collection, collects his exhibits, and... additional protection from the state. not by the state, so it also appears . private organizers had to be disconnected from the state program in 2022, when fraudsters stole more than 100 million rubles from pushkin cards. they bought tickets for non-existent events and then withdrew the money. the perpetrators were found, the funds were seized, but a residue remained. not all private museums are such, yes, there are organizations that have in their name, the name of the word museum, but it has nothing to do with museums, these are some commercial institutions, entertainment institutions, the word museum, it of course attracts the visitor, but not
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all these organizations, let’s say, give reliable information to the pseudo-muse, provide... real artifacts that can tell about this or that direction of collecting there after disconnection from the state program, a number of private museums, especially small ones, lost part of their active audience, along with their financial influx, the museum of soviet life worked according to pushkin’s map, there was a very large response, that is, many people still ask if they can come to us on pushkin map, because we had a lot of master classes in some pushkin map and it was quite... a good financial influx, and of course the audience that followed the pushkin map, it immediately disappeared, accordingly, we lost part guys who are just big on guns. they went, they didn’t have the opportunity with their own money, but they just came to a museum, to an event, to some event. pushka.rf, the name speaks
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for itself. and here is a reference not only to the name of the sun of russian poetry, but to the enthusiastic perception of this program among young russians. over the 3 years of its existence , more than 10 million people have used the pushkin card. the list of absolute leaders includes theaters, museums and cinema. we have.
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according to the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural sip bank - nothing extra. so, in sports news, in just a few minutes the first final match of the gagarin cup will begin. the magnitogorsk
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metallurgist will host the yaroslavl locomotive, and our sports correspondent stas redekultsev is working at the scene. he communicates directly with us. stas, welcome. stas, welcome, yes, how is the atmosphere at the stadium and what are your expectations from the match? yes, colleagues. greetings from the industrial heart russia, from the southern urals, from the labor city of magnitogorsk, here in the metallurg arena, literally a few minutes remain before the final, before the start of the final series of the continental hockey league, and two teams, of which, in general, none of the specialists, by and large, even the fans i didn’t expect it in the finals, but nevertheless they are in it and today they are starting to play for the coveted cup among themselves. gagarin. for lokomotiv this is the second attempt in history, the first in 15 years to take the main trophy of the continental hockey league. locomotive from
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yaroslavl , several hundred fans flew here to magnitogorsk and came to support, we talked to some of them before the match. well, for magnitogorsk metallurgical league, i can’t say that finals are already such a routine, but nevertheless, the season before last, magnitogorsk played in the finals, but then they lost.
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nothing bad will happen, what do you think about the idea of ​​a cross-playoff, since it could have happened that there wouldn’t have been a single team from the west, well, compared to those years, it became a little more interesting, a bigger country they began to see, travel and generally become more interesting, indeed, the periphery is now playing hockey, the first team of the east, magnitogorsk metallurgist and the third team of the west, yaroslavl locomotive exit.
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the beauty of grooming in general, topics in which the female eye is trained. in fact, the meeting focused on the development of towns and villages, their comfort; women and heads of municipalities were present. no discrimination, the conversation took place in preparation for the fourth eurasian women's forum. first, some interesting statistics from valentina matvienko: the number of women working in municipalities is three times higher than the number of men, that is, in the sphere.
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2022, as the head of the municipality, i personally handed the summons to my eldest son, as part of partial mobilization, last year my second son went to the northern military district, and there are many such mothers. those representing municipalities of the reunified regions and
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border entities also spoke today about the specifics of their work. now the entire belgorod region, the entire belgorod region is a single volunteer movement, uniting i have tens of thousands of residents, i hold many meetings, personal meetings with the population, i go out to receive citizens’ appeals, but i believe that only transparency, accessibility of power is the basis of a trusting relationship between the government and residents. now to the problems that absolutely all municipalities face. according to valentina matvienko, the most acute of them is the imbalance of powers and financial security. another honorable question: the implementation of control and supervisory activities in relation to local authorities. the president has repeatedly noted that it is necessary to change the approach and expand the practice of using preventive measures. in order for all these problems to be effectively resolved, women in power must constantly learn and develop. the federation council provides
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everything for this. opportunities the federation council always advocates that in government bodies, in business, in various fields, at the decision-making level, women express themselves more actively, this depends largely, you agree, and on us, this is what the work is aimed at our council of the eurasian women's forum, ongoing and numerous projects, such as the development of women's entrepreneurship.


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