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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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this problem, of course, can only be solved comprehensively. sergei ivaleevich, in general , everything is working out for you, i want to say it again, and i wish you good luck, we will keep in touch, we will talk more than once, thank you very much for everything, thank you very much, all the best, thank you. vladimir putin has another video conference call with the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis, who officially returned to work today after taking sick leave. but we also remind you that on april 4 the head of the region received. live wound, the attacker was detained on the spot, the governor was successfully underwent surgery, was discharged from the hospital on april 12, and now he has resumed his duties, which he reported to the president, here is footage from the presidential press service: andrei vladimirovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, vladimirovich, how are you feeling, how are you feeling, thank you big, i’m recovering, but already at the workplace, in work mode, i see. okay, how are you,
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thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report the results of five years of work, i handed over the presentation, if it might be convenient to look at it, it’s there, but the first such key result for all of us within the framework of our plan to live in the north, this is, of course, what we achieved last year. for the first time in the past 33 years , we have achieved an increase in migration, that is , more people have come to us for permanent residence than have left us. as for the slowdown in population decline, last year compared to 1919, the natural population decline decreased by almost seven times, and this is, well, for us the most important indicator of our five-year work. another one good news that last year we
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had an increase in the birth of firstborns, first children, this figure increased for the first time since 2009, and the number of large families continues to grow, now there are 9,500 of them in the region, if we take the seventeenth year there, then this is an increase of 40% . therefore, for us, of course, these indicators, factors, they are the most key, of course, at the core, vladimir vladimirovich, here i would like to thank you for your support, and the government, this is the economy. those infrastructure and economic projects that are being implemented with your support, again, there are few numbers, but from the nineteenth to the twenty-third year, the growth of the domestic regional product was 2 and a half times per capita, and in terms of per capita indicator we are in tenth place in the country, the volume of investments actually made in development is 1,200 billion rubles. we are leaders among the arctic territories in our country in terms of... the volume of investments and
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leaders in terms of the number of resident zones. by the way, i would like to note here and also say words of gratitude to both the government and, of course, your decisions, because these are the tax regimes, preference regimes and the torus of the capital of the arctic and the arctic zone of the russian federation, they show their effectiveness, the volume of investment activity continues to grow, and what is important is the next 10 years... the projects that we are engaged in today, the volume of these investments is for the projects we are working on, it exceeds 3 trillion rubles. it is very important that within the framework of these projects new jobs are created, over the past 5 years there have been 8,500 of them, and of course wages are very important, which are also growing, so the nominal salary accrued for january of the current year was 104,500 rubles. of course, there are people... who
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receive less, we understand this, this is an average , but according to this indicator we are also in ninth place in the country. vladimirovich, last year we launched a project heading to the north, when we attract the specialists that we need from other regions and take them under full care, including all everyday issues, placing children in kindergarten, familiarization with the territory, and this project allows us to bring teachers, and healthcare workers. and another important measure that has shown its effectiveness is polarities right away, we have been paying polarities right away since 20, for young people, for young professionals, here yes, and here there is a request, you gave instructions to introduce the same measure for employees of federal authorities and federal institutions that work in the far north, a draft resolution has now been prepared, where it is in the draft resolution, i would very much ask for
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your instructions so that this norm is removed from the final document, why? because this will allow us to attract young people from other regions, who immediately received polar jobs without this five-year experience of living in the far north, this is very important, and i would like to say a few words about such main infrastructure investment projects, well, the first project is the murmansk transport node, thank you so much for your support.
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we have already worked out a plot of land with them - after selecting and inspecting all the plots of land, the territory has already been determined, colleagues have already registered a legal entity here on the territory of the murmansk region, and we are already
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starting to prepare for practical implementation next week, by the way , colleagues will be here, once again we are already discussing a whole set of nuances there, but we are moving, we are moving.
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all necessary decisions within the framework of the national transport project being formed within the framework of the investment program of russian railways currently being formed to increase carrying capacity for the ports of the murmon region, we are working on this issue with the ministry of transport, with the russian government, noevich, your instructions necessary, because now the railway capacity will be 45 million tons this year, taking into account those projects. which are currently in work and those projects, including the belarusian project that we are launching, we need 110 million tons of carrying capacity by the thirtieth year, and here i would ask for your support so that this instruction is in place, and the government and i would already finalize everything necessary a solution to ensure
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long-term transport capacity by rail to these strategic ports, well, the next ulamich project is gasification, thank you very much for supporting this initiative. for the decisions that you clearly recorded in your instructions, work is progressing, we are resolving issues that arise at the level of the government of the russian federation, but there is an important question, of course, regarding the price of gas, the government has instructed the antimonopoly service to calculate what the price will be for the final consumer, but here it is important to fix that the price for the end consumer does not differ significantly from the russian average, in order in order to optimize the population's payments for...
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gasification, we also plan to fix it this year in terms of the time frame, where which pipe goes from the gas pipeline, but the main issue that is currently being resolved is the price, the final price. gas, it is determined by the antimonopoly service, and here it is fundamentally important to directly fix it so that it is within the limits of, let’s say, plus or minus the russian average, then it will be very clear for investors, including the company mfusagro and evrakhim, to consider investment projects for the construction of plants, and the main thing will be clear to us, how much heat will cost for the population in order to optimize our people’s payments for heat, because they significantly hit their pockets, of course, and here i would also ask for your support, which means another strategic project, which we are currently engaged in
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is lithium, uh, we have completed geological exploration work at casting deposits, as a result of their development - our country can become one of the top three in lithium reserves, that is, the volume of reserves that are on the kola peninsula turned out to be even larger than expected, it is clear that in order to implement this project we need infrastructure and electricity... but for us this is another such global point of growth and for the whole country a strategic metal for the modern economy, i would also like to note , how work is now progressing on support settlements, you supported this initiative when you were in the murmansk region last summer, work on master plans and comprehensive development plans is underway, they have been defined in the murmansk region.
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the lives of people in artik, of course fundamentally important, and of course, another key topic is renovation, but thank you very much, vladimirovich, for your support, for allocating the resources that we have today for the three-year period, we worked with the ministry of development of the far east, the arctic, the ministry of defense, the ministry of finance , ministry of construction, thank you very much to my colleagues, a clear plan for 3 years, what we are doing in these settlements, just yesterday the chairman of the government signed a corresponding order, now they will just... be introduced we have limits, well, the weather will allow us to carry out this same renovation on a large scale
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this year already, this is the most important, most important task, as well as the fact that we naturally continue to support those guys who are now on the front line with all the necessary additional support, and support them families, most of whom live in these settlements, they are like family to us and the issues they have are quickly resolved... this is certainly important for all subjects of the federation, vladimirovich, but for the arctic zones, taking into account the state of social
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facilities, taking into account the fact that the volume of investments in the arctic zone today is needed more in order to retain people and attract new people to implement projects, i would like to ask you to give instructions to prioritize all the same during the formation new national projects, so that the arctic territories are the same priority as the far east, so that... the amount of funding for those objects that will be included in the master plans is an absolute priority, this is it is fundamentally important, this is the position of all art governors, this is very important for us, petrovich further refine it, okay, so that we at the government can discuss this, okay, thank you very much, we discussed it with setrovich, we will finalize the details, we will definitely report to you then, also the presentation indicates a number of projects that... are uniquely implemented in our region, which can be replicated in all subjects of the federation,
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this is the dog family space, where families come, take care of the children, and mommy at this point, you can turn to a specialist; in healthcare, we have launched a program of free vitamin supplementation for the population, by the way, they are using it in the extreme series, this is very popular when testing is done in a convenient place, in a shopping center, and vitamin in case... uh, if there is not enough vitamin, the arctic school program, when children themselves choose what kind of space to create in their school, and what it should look like, and a network of youth spaces. sopki and sopka sport is free to visit, so that young people, well i had those spaces, especially taking into account our climate, where i really felt comfortable playing sports in the most modern conditions, and implementing other projects. vladimir ivanovich, at the end of my report, i would like to address you with a question: the tasks that the murmund
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region faces today are large-scale and will take place in september of this year. election of the governor of the murmon region, with your support and of course the support of the northerners, i am ready to continue to serve the murmansk region to fulfill the tasks set, taking into account the decisions that you made for the development of the murmon region as such an outpost in russia in the arctic? andrey vladivich, well, the work has been completed and is progressing, there are , of course, a lot of unresolved questions and problems, but even... judging by what and how we are now discussing with you, in the material absolutely, i know your activity, i am sure that it will lead to the results we all need, and most importantly, it will serve the cause of improving living conditions in the north in the morman region, and i want to wish
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you success, then we’ll talk in more detail about... the tasks that the region faces, in the enlarged, down-to-earth, let ’s say, simple sense of the word, let’s work, i’ll write out i’ve already practically signed all your documents that you sent me to the government, to the administration, then together we’ll discuss all this with our colleagues and make the necessary decisions, all the best to you! thank you so much for your support, vladimirovich, thank you very much, good luck! these were footage of vladimir putin meeting with the head of the murmansk region via video conference. well, we continue now let's return to the topic of floods. in 2-3 days , large water will approach the first populated areas in the ishim region, said the head of the tyumen region, alexander moor. he is now
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in direct contact with the facts. alexander viktorovich, hello. alexander viktorovich, welcome. the day before you said that over 100 settlements, home to about 17 thousand people, could fall into the flood zone, what is the situation now? and good evening again, today high water at maximum levels is moving along the ishim river in the kazan region, passes the regional center of kazanskaya, and as you already said, we expect to arrive in... small settlements already in the ishim municipal district, this is the next municipality, downstream of the ishim river. is there an understanding of approximately how many buildings are flooded or flooded? so where is the most difficult situation right now? of course there is, we quickly collect information three times a day at 18:00 in
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the kazan region, 91 houses were flooded - in several populated areas.
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just behind the dam in the flood zone for another yesterday evening all the people left because they see the real water level, they see a threat, so all the houses there are vacated and disconnected from electricity, and the territory is patrolled by police officers day and night. well, you’re helping people evacuate, the rescue team, because a reinforced force is working there now, of course, of course, we from the very beginning, as soon as, by and large... from april 5, as soon as we received information that the flood level would be historic, immediately organized preventive evacuation in advance, helped those people who support needed, withdraw.
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is located just downstream, i think that given the speed of water movement, large water in ishim can be expected in three to four, five days, so ishim is preparing, building up, strengthening the crests of existing previously built dumps, and also preventive evacuation is being carried out, really together working with us are police officers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who in those settlements that are preparing, help build these... protective structures, those settlements that are already susceptible today drowning, ensure safety and order, yes, of course, the main thing is that people are not left without attention, alexander viktorovich, you have already spoken in part about the construction of dumps,
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temporary structures like these, are there enough human resources, is there enough equipment for this, and how is the arrangement of these protective structures going in general, there are enough people and equipment, we have strengthened significantly, and... the most important thing that we have and what we had was the resource of time, since we knew in advance, but i have already said that what we have in many populated areas protective structures were completed at points, the dams were full-fledged, but they were built based on the historical maximum, since our new forecast exceeds this maximum by almost 2 m, so of course we have and have had and still face a serious task to build up these dams, so a.. we are concentrating our efforts on those municipalities that will be the first to encounter high water. work is carried out everywhere, but the greatest resource of both equipment and people is concentrated, of course, in these
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municipalities, with subsequent movement, let's just say, downstream. work is underway everywhere, and the municipalities that are just downstream will even be able to complete all the work in advance and already deal with a full evacuation, so today i assess the grouping of forces, the grouping of forces, means as... enough alexander viktorovich, well, if in general about the situation, how things are now, it’s tense, indeed, there’s a lot of work, thank you very much for being in touch, alexander viktorovich moure was with us, thank you, so we continue, all solid waste by the thirtieth year must be sorted, the president gave this instruction, and at least a quarter. can and should be reused; the russian environmental operator is actively working in this direction. over the past 5 years, the share of waste going into recycling has exceeded 50%, but
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we managed to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry. varvara nevskaya will continue the topic. the first anniversary and the first summing up of results in 5 years since its founding, the russian environmental operator is essentially creating a new industry for processing and... despite the sanctions pressure and an objective reduction in the volume of government support, it was possible to create 250 waste treatment facilities. this made it possible to increase the share of waste sent for processing from 7 to 53%. at the same time, the share of recycled waste increased from 3% in 2018 to 13% at the end. thanks to reo’s efforts, every second kilogram of waste in russia is sorted, and the volume of solid waste disposal has decreased by 20%. the russian environmental
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operator has already financed the construction of eighteen new facilities, their capacity allows them to process about 6 million tons waste on the territory of 11 regions of the country. the cost of construction amounted to 29.9 billion rubles. funds received from the issue. over the previous 10 years, 50 were signed, but of course ro will not stop there, the main goal is to continue to build
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a circular economy, when... every waste is recycled and returned to circulation in the form of new products. according to the president's instructions, the company will have to build 400 waste processing plants. but in order for the industry to develop, it is not enough to build specialized factories; it is no less important involve the country's residents in a culture of conscious consumption that cares about the environment. this year's green award, held by reo for the fourth time, is aimed at identifying the best projects in the field of environmental education.
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russia has proposed to the brix countries to create a grain exchange, interfax writes about this with reference to roscongress. the initiative was announced at the first meeting of the brix working group on agriculture, where they also announced a conference on food security, which is scheduled for the end of june in moscow. let me remind you that at the beginning of march the president vladimir putin supported the proposal to create a brix grain exchange. budget of the national development project. russia has increased barley supplies to china by 13 times. in january-february, volumes exceeded 180.
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this is reported by the agricultural export center under the ministry of agriculture. according to his calculations, by 2030 the potential for russian shipments of this cereal is already estimated at a million tons. in monetary terms, this is more than $200 million. and france has become the largest buyer of russian liquefied gas in europe. in february, the country purchased lng for 322 million euros, which is 10% more than the previous month. former leader, hungary has reduced imports by a third to 210 million. spain closes the top three with purchases of 118 million. let me remind you that the european union plans to completely abandon russian fossil fuels by 2027. it was economic news. short.
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special support for participants. a military operation is task number one for the crimean authorities. the head of the region, sergei aksyonov, stated this in a conversation with vladimir putin. the president spoke with him via videoconference. we also discussed security issues on the peninsula, as well as how things are going in economy. in general, the situation in the region is clear. however, of course, your assessment of your plans is important. i see everything from the materials, from our constant personal contacts, how things are.


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