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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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in russia, on april 18, 1242, during the battle of the ice on the ice of lake chutskoe, russian warriors of novgorod prince alexander nevsky defeated the german knights of the livonian order. the germans who escaped from the encirclement fled to the west, some of them fell through the ice. the livonian order lost 2/3 of its army in the battle on the ice. and there was a miracle without number, and the german was 500 - says the chronicle. a credit card is beneficial in any
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searches at almost two hundred addresses throughout russia and seized powerful equipment. with its help, scammers and terrorists could make, think about this figure, more than 40 million calls. per day, that is, in a day it was possible to call almost a third of the country’s population. olga mazurak will continue. pull your hand under blanket. this man was unable to rest ; he had to not only pull his hands out from under the blanket, but lie down on the floor. special forces soldiers made such impolite but necessary visits to a total of 177 addresses in forty-two regions of the country. vast geography, the joint special operation of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs was connected by one goal - to find and detain alleged cybercriminals. what are you doing? did you go, where did you go based on the ad, who received the ad at the outpost, at which outpost, what did you do? server security. this is
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one of the servers, according to investigators, faith and served the swindlers with truth. some time ago, operatives detected mass mailings of calls to russians and organizations, and the attacks came from a neighboring state. the security forces assumed that the work of the call centers was in fact coordinated by one group, and soon they actually got on its trail. the operation of large locations of criminal telephone traffic was supervised, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and carry out hacker attacks aimed at destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as authorities state power of the russian federation. the attackers' main weapons, simboxes, and devices were also seized. used to store and operate a large number of sim cards, they are capable of handling up to 60 calls simultaneously, as well as sending up to 600 messages per hour, which is valued by large companies for communicating with clients. cybercrime is the most serious problem of our time, being hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from his victim,
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an attacker can rob him completely or use personal data for his own purposes, this makes you feel relatively safe. simbox gives criminals such confidence. simbox. in the regions of the russian federation , 612 sim boxes and more than 300,000 sim cards were seized against 30 individuals; the police opened criminal cases under the article fraud, against two more involved in unlawful access to government service accounts, under the article unlawful access to computer information. the capacity
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of the seized equipment allowed making more than 40 million fraudulent calls per day. one can only guess how many people have suffered and could suffer in the near future. as soon as dmitry moiseev was taken into the box and his handcuffs were removed, he immediately hurried to talk with a lawyer. apparently, without the support of a defense lawyer, it was not easy for him to find compelling arguments. after whispering something to each other through the glass panels, both settled down in their places. a key episode of the trial, which lasted just
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under a year, lies ahead. such a story, of course, could not remain without widespread attention from the press, especially since moreover, among the residents of a small ural town.
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investigators and police officers worked harmoniously; very little time passed from the moment of arrest to the first investigative experiment. here are the shots taken on the day of the procedure. the suspect is being taken to the crime scene in a convoy of cars. for this purpose, they even temporarily blocked the highway; the press was turned away by a cordon of the russian guard. however, the journalists still managed to see something. deserted bank of the sim river, thickets of bushes.
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the knife hit the man in the stomach. these are the first seconds after the attack. kirill kovalev is on the ground, with his fiancée nearby, trying to cover the wound with his hands. it was not even possible to save the young man. investigators, meanwhile, detained the father and brother, the alleged killer, but the criminal himself is still hiding. the suspect has been identified as a twenty-one-year-old young man. currently, investigators and law enforcement officers are taking measures to locate him. the investigation of the case was personally taken over by the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin.
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we will tell you about all the details of this story in the evening issue 2130. investigators discovered lordly habits among several high-ranking employees of ros-transnadzor and traffic police inspectors from kabbardin balkaria. as in the days of serfdom, they allegedly collected a kind of quitrent from truck drivers at the urukh weighing control post. in return , heavy trucks were not inspected. at the same time , there are smugglers on the caucasus federal highway. what to lead. report by olga zhurinkova. urukh weigh control post at the border in north ossetia, kabordino-balkaria, at 9 am , heavy trucks are flowing in both directions. drivers and truckers are discussing among themselves, perhaps, the hottest news. influential employees of rostrasnadzor for the north caucasus, deputy head of the department murat makiev, his deputies, as well as several traffic police officers in kabardino-balkaria were detained on suspicion of taking bribes. according to the investigation , criminal. the group was created by murat makiev, who holds the position of deputy head of the interregional department of rostransnadzor
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in the north caucasus federal district. he acted together with his subordinates, as well as two traffic police inspectors of the ministry of internal affairs for the kobordino balkar republic and other persons. according to investigators, drivers of heavy trucks, passing the urukh stationary weight control post, paid a kind of tribute. 1. rub for one vehicle, 2.0 for a truck with a trailer, after... the cars were given the green light, unhindered passage without appropriate checks, one of the drivers complained to him, i can’t say, i communicate so especially tell me about these at posts somewhere they say give me some money and pass freely, it’s driving, but it’s not, from this reaction of a heavy truck driver it’s easy to guess what kind of order prevails on the road. the urukh post is located on the caucasus federal highway, it is the main road artery. north caucasus. the highway is more than a thousand kilometers long. passes all the main cities
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of the north caucasus federal district. stavropol, minvody, pyatigorsk, nalchik, nazran, grozny, khasavyurt, gudermes, makhachkala and derbend. thousands of trucks and trucks pass through urukh post alone every day. and it is possible that someone is transporting prohibited goods. fish and black caviar can be brought from avstrakhan. and north ossetia alcohol, which is then distributed throughout the country. if large quantities of smuggled alcohol are frequent. disguised as fuel in fuel trucks, then small ones are mainly transported in grain trucks, almost all the routes in the south of russia are quite corrupt, if considered from the point of view of the law, but among them stands out... of course, the m-29 caucasus highway there is high time to fix the checkpoints there order, corruption is rampant. moreover, if we talk about smuggling, then almost everything can be done there, somewhere along the official route, somewhere along bypass routes. murat makiev is a well-known personality in the region, but he did not seek attention from the press and often remained in the shadows.
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only a few photographs are publicly available. his former colleagues are friendly with journalists. referring to the media there, this information is not disseminated; at the moment, three of our employees have been detained and this is not the first corruption scandal. 2 and a half years ago, the boss at that time was detained traffic police for the stavropol territory alexei safonov , several of his deputies accuse them of creating a criminal community and receiving bribes, believe the investigation, they produced so-called business cards, which were a pass for heavy trucks on the roads of the region . drove without checks through stationary and mobile traffic police posts. yes, you have wheat here. where are you going? truckers , of course, knew about passes and all-terrain vehicles, but they told reporters reluctantly, without details. who doesn't know this, everything is there. of course i have. mr. safonov then became famous throughout the country for the interior delights of his estates. the gilding blinded my eyes. the employees
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of rostransnadzor for the north caucasus, who were detained the day before, have estates that are not inferior in luxury. as part of the investigation. convincing the investigation that he will not escape from the capital’s apartment, not far from the sovelovsky station, but the prosecution believes otherwise, in particular, the court was informed that gafurov has connections in criminal circles, law enforcement and government agencies, and before his arrest in december 2022 traveled outside of russia several times. let me remind you that aidar israfilov was shot dead in 1999, at that time goffuzov served as mayor
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of yelabuga. the investigation believes that the mayor was interested in eliminating a competitor. large sums for the smooth acceptance of repaired roads from construction companies. according to the investigation, officials also received businessmen. the kirov police managed to catch an extremely cautious and strange thief. a forty-three-year-old man quietly entered
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the basements of cafes and restaurants and stole personal belongings of employees. what became prey hunter for. the village of paradoxov, residents of snt laryushino-2 near moscow, where strange things are happening, turned to our program for help. people claim that they pay for utilities, but are mired in debt; their bills supposedly contain services that no one provides. coincidence or not, snt chairman sergei
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akimov goes on vacation five times a year. my colleague alina skachkova went to the mysterious village. in one dark, dark village there is a vampire, the creature feeds, as the locals say, not on blood, but on other people’s nerves and crunchy money, and he can’t wait to survive and is afraid of the light, which is why not a single lamp in the village is lit even at night, everything is turned off for debts, the prestigious village of laryushino has 2 of them, which in the moscow region is already more than 12 million, residents are afraid of their communal services. they pay, but paradoxically, the amount does not reach the employee, but sits somewhere in the pockets of part-time chairman sergei akimov. professional lawyer, what is your duty? more than 500 thousand, i was credited with a million, a year ago we already told you that the inhabitants of this snt in essence, they were artificially recorded as debtors, but the appetites of the local authorities. families with children have been forced for years to pay exorbitant rates for, as they say, fictitious services, the salary of an electrician who doesn’t exist, the salary
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of a tractor driver who doesn’t exist, the salary of a cleaner who doesn’t know whether she exists or not, four workers who don’t exist, who in fact , money is going away, one can only guess, but by a strange coincidence, chairman akimov , locals say, began to go on vacation five times a year, he can afford it, that’s inconvenient the head comrade... tries to avoid questions, having learned that journalists had come to visit him, he tried to sneak away in his black foreign car, it didn’t work out, then he tried to run into him, but also to no avail, in the end he locked himself in the salon, let his wife loose on the journalists, we want let's talk to sergei at the workplace, when, well, can i talk to him, he's driving, we're going to kindergarten, well , now you're going, it's interesting that in the vacated darkness of the village, only mr. akimov's estate shines, there's a video surveillance system. and behind a tall fence three-story mansion, residents are complaining, akimov can’t even be re-elected legitimately, he counts the ballots himself, leaves the right ones, the wrong ones go to the trash heap, but with all
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my might i want this leadership of our village to just leave, it’s better all voluntarily, because you know, on today akimov, i think, is a usurper who simply rules single-handedly, you know, the government is purely nominal people, like gogol’s dead souls, the philosophy in the village is simple, you pay, therefore you exist, a war, dozens of residents against one skilled lawyer, they have long been mired in the courts, stacks of documents barely fit on the table, and there was no money, and where the millions went, now
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the police are looking into it. a criminal case was initiated upon the misappropriation of funds intended to pay for electricity to increase capacity in one of the snt. the investigation continues and all necessary investigative and operational measures are being taken. there is no suspect in the case yet, months are counting. the greater the debt, the closer. the day when the bailiffs arrive in the village, arrest and sell the property, then laryushina 2 will finally disappear from the face of the earth. alin skachkova, vladimir shabalin, lead the duty department. the zamoskovoredsky court of moscow arrested the second defendant in the criminal case of the attempt on the life of former sbu officer vasily prozarov. the accused vladimir golovchenko fully admitted his guilt. according to the investigation, it was he who delivered the components of the explosive device to moscow, which was then planted under the victim’s car. april 12 explosives. worked, but vasily prozorov was almost unharmed, and this is not the first attempt on his life. prozarov was an employee of the sbu until 2014. after the coup in ukraine, for ideological reasons, he switched
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to the side of russia. now both the direct perpetrator of the latest attack and the transporter of the explosives have been arrested. they testify. killed, but not guilty. in the ivanovo region, the court completely acquitted local resident alexander krasnov, who defended his family from an aggressive crowd with a weapon in his hands. new investigation of eduard petrov, protect yourself himself 4, to shoot or not to shoot? in the summer of 2021, a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation became tense, the parties began.
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the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder, i used a weapon, i repeat again, i am defending his family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i tell you, what was happening here. they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the implants were installed, but it never came to crowns. in nizhny novgorod, the court sentenced the former general director of a presentable dental clinic, which was located in the very center of the city. people were carrying bundles of money, but at one point the clinic closed without warning. as a result, they are empty. clients were left with more than just their wallet. reportage ekaterina rihomanova. right in the nizhny novgorod courtroom, the fragile hands of the former general director of the dental clinic, valery klachko, are handcuffed.
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she is the main anti-hero in an ugly story about a major fraud. the story stretches back to 2019 . a dental clinic in the city center that does not arouse any suspicion. modern equipment, beautiful interiors, experienced doctors and hospitable administrators. at one time, ruslan ivanov turned there, taking out a loan and paying for dental implantation. in in the end, i was left with not only an empty wallet. i have implants, but all that’s left are the implants. these are the teeth, all that remains is to put the teeth in. ruslan 1 out of 48 victims was prescribed complex, expensive procedures; they were told that the treatment would be long and multi-stage. people took out enslaving loans and completely trusted the clinic’s specialists, however, until it closed, this happened at the end of 2020, and without warning, the medical institution seemed to disappear along with the management and dentists. a there was a sign here, there was a box here.
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tatyana ovdoshina also entered into an agreement with this clinic and paid several hundred thousand for dental implantation. and who will do my teeth now? this still requires money. and how long can i walk with these structures? according to the investigation, the organization’s employees deliberately entered into contracts for the provision of services knowingly, knowing that they would not be able to fulfill them. representatives of the clinic, located on minin street in the regional center, entered into an agreement with clients to provide paid dental care. services. general.
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no one knows the financial risks during a pandemic, but did you explain to them? indeed, the pandemic hit small and medium-sized businesses hard, and not all market players were able to recover. according to official rosreestr statistics, 280,000 representatives of small medium-sized businesses were closed. but this figure is not yet official, because many enterprises go bankrupt for years. according to the kommersant publication, the defendant’s lawyer said that the entrepreneur was buying a ready-made business. without thinking about the possible risks, and problems arose later like snowball. on the part of my client, this was an unintentional crime, a risk of entrepreneurial activity. in january 2020, even before the coronavirus, several patients refused services and took a fairly large amount of money from the company, about one and a half million rubles. this takes into account the fact that klachko had to pay the cost of sales to the previous owners of the clinic. during the pandemic, in her
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words. it was impossible to do this, although she did not tell the patients about this. consequence went on for several years and the evidence was enough to find the former general director of the dental clinic guilty. the money has not yet been returned to the clinic's patients; most likely , the damage will be repaid after the expensive equipment that was seized is auctioned. the owner of the clinic herself was sentenced to four years in prison. she will serve her sentence in a general regime colony; she never admitted the guilt. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is kept on duty part and an honest detective, follow along with us, but that’s all for now, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you at 21:30.
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returned to work, the governor of the murmansk region communicated with the president, the first working meeting after the attack on andrei chibis, what was discussed? a detailed conversation from the head of crimea about support for the participants in the special operation and the state of affairs in the economy of the peninsula. all the details are in the facts. night attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets. explosions occurred in ivano-frankivsk, kharkov and the kiev region. russian army delivers precise strikes on the ukrainian military rear. a powerful attack in the dnepropetrovsk region, the latest data from the ministry of defense, we learn about the situation on the fronts. israel and taiwan in one direction, ukraine in the other. joe biden agreed that military assistance to kiev will be considered as a separate bill. well, now it’s up to the us congress to speak. will he accept or leave zelensky behind bart?


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