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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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i decided that it was better like this, he decided that we needed to go there to pick up the guys from there, it was a miracle, but it’s real that we can’t do anything, there are absolutely never accidents in war. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next chat.
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will there be air mercenaries in ukraine? wild geese from canada and the states can take the controls of the f-16 in ukraine, but what ukrainian pilots didn’t work out? i went to drink 100 g and ended up near artyomovsk with a machine gun. the military commissars prevented volodya from having a hangover, a bus, 8 days preparation of shackles. a typical scheme for mushrooms, so called unsuitable. fighters in the armed forces of ukraine. one-day squads. ukrainians are urged to turn out the lights. energy bridges from romania, poland, and slovakia can hardly cope with the flow of power. and what will happen in the summer, when electricity consumption reaches its peak. have you thought about it in kiev? foreign agency schools under the guise of internships in the uk. how his majesty’s subjects through educational programs are those who can be recruited. died in
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the alps, resurrected in russia. german billionaire karl erivan howe, who disappeared 6 years ago, could have fled to his mistress in moscow. and what does the supposed passion of the businessman say? three flags, canadian, american and swedish, on each of which is written a wish to meet in valhalla. so, judging by the photos from the western blasphere, in ukraine they are seeing off hrulf, grant and pat, aka jean frunsa, ratel, cedric charles hamm and patrick diyas, on their last journey. on paper , the characters were supposedly volunteers, but in reality they were mercenaries from the notorious norman brigade. presumably it is they could have participated in the march attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on the belgogorod region, but perhaps it is not so important whether they were eliminated there or somewhere else, the main thing is the fact itself, especially everything. three
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were not just marginalized neo-nazis, but professional military men, that is, it would seem that their example should become a science; for many other potential soldiers, failures, although on the other hand, despite the mass disposal of such a public by our troops, kiev, it seems, is still not abandons attempts to lure experienced foreign fighters under their own banners, and not only for land raids, but also, it seems, for air operations. the authority, in particular, has such data. french aviation expert delator, according to whom foreigners may be put at the controls of f-16 fighters transferred to khunti. is it worth believing, we’ll figure it out with the help of anton potkovenko. anton, hello, where have the ukrainian pilots gone, who were trained for so long? greetings, but they haven’t gone anywhere, apparently, they’re just very bad at studying. teaching ukrainians to fly the f-16 is not it turned out that kiev will now buy pilots in the states, wild geese, as western mercenaries are also called. pmcs of private military
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companies can be called to ukraine to sit in the cockpits of fighter jets, which, it seems, are still going to supply nato countries to kiev, but how are courses for independent pilots being promoted in the media? they didn’t work out, everything is complicated there, explains french aviation expert, a former pilot himself, cyril delator. there were only enough ukrainian pilots to move from base to base in europe, what kind of maneuvers and missile launches were there? france teaches ukrainian.
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where they are studying now, so that it doesn’t turn out that they send fighters, and there will be no one to fly them, kiev will probably buy air mercenaries. there are two private companies, american and canadian, that actually have pilots for the f-16. in the worst case, as the frenchman says, a contract will be concluded with them to operate such aircraft in ukraine, in the worst case for them, because everyone will be shot down anyway, but let's see. what kind of companies are these? canadian top asus in the fleet, which, including b16 with ex-military pilots, offers contract services to the armed forces of his country, as well as the german bundeswehr of the us air force, and also writes about australia. pilots perform different tasks, for example, during exercises, when mercenaries imitate
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an enemy squadron. such a service in another american military company, draken international, is called red sky. this pmc has the world's largest private aircraft fleet. there are 150 tactical fighters, there are even migs and the f-16, too, of course, provides services under a contract with the us air force and the french naval forces plus contracts with the netherlands, the czech republic, norway, that’s where to call them in ukraine, if there are no planes yet, there are no airfields. today there are simply no air bases where f-16s could be serviced in ukraine, because everything is under fire, only underground. you can equip something in the cave, if you come up with some cunning ways to fly across the border, romanian or polish, then finding these contract soldiers, the so-called mercenaries, is not so difficult, the point here is not even
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specific private military companies, the point is in the political will of a particular country, they will only burn the way, of course, wild geese that can... fly fighters, and the f-16 is not the easiest plane to fly, they are not cheap, but kiev will fork out, another thing is, will the mercenaries go? with our air defense systems, s300, s400, it’s no joke, the risk is very high, the ukrainian air fleet is almost completely knocked out, the trouble with these western pilots is that they are very arrogant, these wild geese, they are sure that the russian fo-pro system completely powerless against them, and this is precisely... this is the trap that they fall into, and those who provide them with work, they won’t explain to us, guys, oh, how dangerous it is, what kind of systems russia already has , well, here’s an epiphany, it will come later, when these f-16s rain down on the ground, or maybe western pilots expect
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that they will fly from the airfields of romania, poland and slovakia, and we will not touch them, so on this topic at the end of that year, the russian side spoke clearly in vienna. these mercenaries have a chance in air battles with the su-35 or especially the s-57, which is armed with the latest missiles, of course not, because the f16 is still a previous generation aircraft, facing russian fighters is definitely not an option, well, with the s400 , especially now at the front we have an overwhelming superiority in the air and the delivery of f-16s to kiev is nothing fundamental. will not change, if the enemy wants to gather a flock of american and canadian wild geese, he will simply waste the money, they will not fly far anyway. anton potkovenko, and migratory game. above the zaporozhye nuclear power plant today another uaf drone was neutralized; it
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reportedly tried to attack the roof of building g, where the world’s only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located, but in the end there were no casualties. i'll add a guide. right now, she intends to notify magatha experts about what happened, who will have to record the sixth attack on the station since the beginning of the month. however, throughout this entire period, the agency has never admitted that the kiev regime is behind the criminal provocations. during the day , russian aviation, artillery and missiles the troops hit more than 120 areas where the kiev regime concentrated manpower and equipment, and also destroyed several large weapons depots, two air defense launchers and the enemy’s rear command post. concerning. situation on the contact line in the south donetsk sector alone, the ssu lost up to one and a half hundred personnel. the latest summary in the material by denis alekseev. new details have emerged of the attack on the location of the armed forces of ukraine in chernigov ; the day before, a cruise missile of the iskander complex flew at a military facility,
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and most likely not even alone. the choice is clear, and the range is sufficient, and the flight trajectory provides invulnerability to a high-precision projectile. yesterday they talked about getting into the group's headquarters. north , the russian ministry of defense confirmed the fact, and details of other arrivals also appeared. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed. after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region, and early in the morning reports of
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strikes came from ivanofrankovsk. appeared information about an explosion in dnepropetrovsk, where the likely target was the position of an air defense complex; in the khmelnitsky region, the arrival took place in the area of ​​a military air base, in the suburb of starokonstantinovo. according to ukrainian sources, this airfield is being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. what 's happening at the front? the objective control footage speaks for itself.
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boundaries that will allow the development of the movement to try to prevent our military from occupying the west. the result of unsuccessful counterattacks, under 500 ukrainian army personnel destroyed. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in the absence of emphasis, you need to improvise a rather resonant video from ukraine, where a certain guy showed a truly unique one.
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laughter predictably sounds behind the scenes, although in general the situation is more scary than funny, because if this particular disabled person received the position of instructor after being seriously wounded. equal to a death sentence, accordingly, the only reliable way to survive
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remains radio wave 149200, and those who called the volga on it, that is, surrendered, did not they doubt that they made the right choice, egor grigoriev will confirm, egor, hello, they say, a whole confession of one of these prisoners has appeared, alexey, hello, the confession of a miraculously surviving, unfit commander, he was thrown into the thick of things, literally, probably, stolen like everyone else mobilized in ukraine today. vladimir ostrovsky asked for an interview himself; for a prisoner of war, this is a way to inform his family that he is alive, his story is typical for those mobilized in ukraine, he did not serve, did not prepare, but ended up at the front. i was drinking i took vodka and drank it at home, a friend came to see me, let’s drink coffee, he said that we’ll come there and drink 100 g of coffee, we left the house, walked about 20-30 meters from the gate, the bus arrived. well, two in uniform came out, we went with us, so vladimir ended up in the armed forces of ukraine,
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at first he cooked, he is a cook by profession, just take it and don’t even open the gate for a whole lieutenant colonel, jack arrives, they left there, well, then i found out that this is the lieutenant colonel, why don’t you salute, i say, took the radio, i say, thunder 40 is with us. in short, for this, for this, they sent us, then akopa was waiting for vladimir in the village of ivanovskaya near artyomovsk, two other wounded vsushnikov sent him.
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hands, he, he ran up, ran up to them, apparently, this is some kind of code word in them, he shouted tsibulya fat, well, they gave him isala and tsibulya. a fighter with the call sign demidov communicates often with prisoners, lately they have come across, it’s mostly the cooks of the handlers who say, this is not a joke, further checks confirm, although previously they tried to get out of it and thugs from the national battalion will introduce themselves, because it’s connected it’s more about the shortage of people, because they are starting to... very intensively pull up the rear, that is, in fact, those who previously avoided the front line were in some kind of economic positions, i understand that this is humor there for many already, that they are all cooks and drivers, but really, by what miracle they manage to survive, i don’t know, they begin to scoop up the already oblique, crooked, crippled, old patients, and their young people are running around, they are collected,
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combat-ready young people in the rear, of this category. and in the morning it disappears, these mushrooms, they don’t even have a connection, in a word, expendable material, this is mobilized in ukraine, and they themselves understand, they influence the moral and psychological state of the personnel who are subsequently recruited into these units
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of the kiev regime, and of course how... you are these coalition of restaurant troops, driver cooks, they i need them, they make no sense, and more often than not, i’ll tell you more, they are listed as missing, which is why we , in fact, draw red lines in every issue so that they themselves address their officers by their surnames, but he is we are in captivity, and the money is dripping on their card, our soldiers come out not only
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saving the lives of the ukrainian military who surrendered, they help them and their families... not to be deceived and robbed by their own commanders, the commanders of the armed forces, as they say, are subject to in ukraine there is a call for men, what to think about? egor grigoriev and the revelation of a prisoner. those who have not yet laid down their arms continue to experience the full power of russian artillery. soldiers from the southern group of our troops, who are performing tasks in the north of the dpr, fired defeat of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of andreevka, vosyukovka, and orekhovo.
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touches the camera of the active defense complex begins to rotate, our mi-8 fires off heat traps, the vehicle is caught in the sights of the enemy’s anti-aircraft complex. at this moment, nearby, k-52 and mi-28 helicopters of the army aviation of the southern group of troops approach the target and strike the militants in krasnogorovka. the missiles were fired, a sharp maneuver , shooting off heat traps, decreasing the altitude. next comes another link. the hit is recorded. members of the first army corps a real hail of missiles, a total of 240 of them, all of them fall on the given targets, in fact everything depends on the wind, it is very difficult to keep the helicopter on course and... in the correct pitch, that is, you need to maintain all the angles and so that all marks coincide, then there will be a direct hit. all this time , the search and rescue team members
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are closely monitoring the surrounding situation. three parachute service specialists and a six-person fire cover group. location changes, helicopter rescue crew may not always have time to notice the fall directly or the missile hitting us. flying over the liberated territories, you can notice a lot of interesting things, how fields are being plowed, new roads are being built, army pilots are telling stories, children are coming out with flags, there are people crossing departing helicopters, of course it’s nice when people wave back to them too. you wave, you can see that they are happy, there can be several such sorties per day, depending on the weather , the assigned tasks of the crew can return to the airfield, replenish their ammunition and leave for the next task. mikhail andronik,
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vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, donetsk people's republic. industrial enterprises in all regions should prepare for power limitations, and individuals are urged to reduce the use of household appliances to realize the inevitability of the next blackouts. are these today's? ukrainian national energy company, which nevertheless admitted that there is a clear shortage of electricity in the territories of the kiev regime, although previously the situation was called stable and promised completely neutralize the consequences of massive russian attacks on tes and ges, well, at the expense of neighbors, that is, poland, romania and slovakia, from where they began to import seemingly very significant volumes of electricity, but the truth is now suddenly it turned out that this same import hardly even covers 1 %. daily needs of the square, therefore, the help of european partners again, to put it mildly, did not live up to the expectations of either zelensky’s gang or the ordinary people who believed it, but did kiev have other
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options, well, at least fix something, i wondered evgeniy tishkavets, evgeniy, greetings, maybe the romanians and the poles will somehow increase the supply of electricity if they ask for a bank account? good evening, alexey, they might want to increase it, but they just can’t transfer this energy to ukraine. and the energy giant has become a silent beggar, the ukrainian generating industry has crossed a critical threshold, the country no longer has enough of its own electricity, the system, which was in a precarious balance , was crippled by the weather, in eastern europe it became noticeably colder in the square instantly by 7% the demand for electricity has jumped, it turns out that the network does not have such a safety margin, the damage is quite large, it was caused by the last waves. in russia, according to the energy system of ukraine, there is not enough own generation, and this has led to the fact that it is impossible to balance the energy system, that is , some basic generation remains in the form of nuclear
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power plants, they constantly provide the same volume, the same volume of electricity, but in the evening and morning, when consumption peaks, this additional demand can no longer be covered by our own generation, ukraine carefully keeps data on the state of its energy system secret, but some... figures for today can be compiled. local nuclear power plants produce about 7-8 gigawatts of energy. we take the maximum level. the remaining heat and hydrogen generation provide some more. plus flows from europe, on average about a gigawatt with a peak of one and a half gigawatts. and this is not enough, they say at ukrenergo. daily consumption peaks always occur in the morning and evening. and judging by the statements of kiev officials, conveyor lines in square may be turned off right now. tom.
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independent, not synchronized with the european one. electricity can flow into the country from poland, slovakia, moldova and romania, but the power of the lines is limited to no more than 1,700 mw, that is, they are... already
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loaded almost to the maximum to the delight of western friends, if you are in emergency mode asking for electricity to be supplied to you, then you pay more than if you just go through the ordinary market, so if ukraine can pay, then the europeans can deliver, but they can deliver within the limits that are limited by the lines power transmission, but what about green energy? isn’t it the same head of ukrenergo kudriski who promised that ukraine would be the first in europe to make a green transition? having fallen into vassal dependence on the west, square rushed to please its new owners and began to actively promote the once fashionable renewable energy industry. according to some reports, at the beginning of the north-eastern war, the country had 4 gigawatts of wind turbines made from solar panels, but kiev faced a problem due to which even the west began
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to abandon the green agenda in recent years. the situation is hopeless, maybe someone will be warmed by memories of the era when the country had the most powerful energy system in europe and could support 50 million people with a thriving industry. it’s a pity that it was so long ago before the maidans and the european dream. evgenia teshkovets and energy deficit. gurlovka, after shelling by ukrainian militants, 10 people were wounded, including a child. according to preliminary data, the ukrainian armed forces struck from
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an american jet. hymers multiple launch rocket systems were among the targets of the attack on a hospital and a blood transfusion station, as stated in investigative committee, all those involved in the shelling will be identified, and their actions will be given a legal assessment of what the kiev terrorists are doing in the report by vitaly starushchenko. the agony of the militants continues, once again civilians of the central city district were targeted by the ukrainian armed forces ; a letter like this funnel flew into the territory of the local transfusion station.
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part of the transfusion station, everyone immediately jumped out into the corridor, at that moment we had donors, first of all they covered the donors with themselves, covered themselves with benches, if possible so to speak, and waited out this terrible moment, the blast wave damaged the building of a neighboring hospital, multi-storey buildings nearby were also damaged, local resident natalya was cleaning the yard at that moment, only miraculously escaped from the shrapnel. leave us alone. just leave us alone, we don’t need anything, just leave us alone, that’s it, that’s it, once again children suffered at the hands of militants, a total of 10 people were wounded as a result of the shelling, the victims were mainly employees of the blood transfusion station , we have one a civilian who performed an x-ray, and the child went out as an outpatient, it was about the soft tissues of the forehead, the wounds were not
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serious. as a result of the detonation of an explosive device in the kiev region of donetsk , another civilian was injured of varying degrees of severity by militants. a total of 11 people were injured today. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. the school is an agency under the guise of internships in the uk. how are his majesty's subjects will it be possible to recruit more people through educational programs? if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in
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the national open creative championship. competencies art


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