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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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troubled in the capital of the republic, as a result of the detonation of an explosive object in the kiev district of donetsk , another civilian was injured of varying degrees of severity; in total , 11 people were injured from the militants today. vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, vesti donetsk. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. schools for agencies under the guise of internships in the uk, as his majesty subjects through educational programs to those who can be recruited. if you are creative, if you are an ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters is your path to the pinnacle of mastery.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the fraudster would have had access to the money ; a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could bring the money to safe account, ringing the window to the bank , she hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up. without talking alpha friday
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further recruitment. this is exactly how, according to investigators from the underside portal , the british john smith foundation works, which has been luring russians into its scholarship programs for years. countries of the cis, formally offer training and internships for certain social leaders and social activists, especially journalists, various experts and even civil servants, but in fact behind supposedly harmless events there is hidden a powerful anti-russian program, and sometimes simply disinformation, for which, by the way, tens of thousands of pounds sterling are allocated annually, and more, according to the investigation fund scholarship recipients after graduation become agents of the british, carry out... all their instructions, but you don’t have to look far for evidence, many foreign agents and accomplices of the foreign office have passed through this talent forge, ilizaeta khramtsova got acquainted with the list, ilizaeta, good evening, well, is everything looking good? alexey, hello, as usual, the best people.
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soft power has perhaps never been so close to achieving all its goals. a new work, the andersaid project investigator, reveals how the british foundation has been preparing for years. so, a citizen of the russian federation will not have continued communication, no one in the west simply provides assistance in learning and sharing experience, pays attention to whom first
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the work of the foundation is focused on the work of the foundation, it’s one thing to meet ekaterina krongauz on the list of graduates, the ex-wife of a cross-cutting agent, now runs a podcast studio in which liberal journalists have gathered. dae delo, chairman of the budget commission of a small city in the novosibirsk region, regional inspector in the department of the penal system of the central federal district, former employee of the russian embassy in london and the current head. municipality in the nizhny novgorod region, in a word, people, who want to make a career in the authorities are attracted to this british organization more than others, in order for your enemy to perform certain actions that are beneficial to you, you need to introduce this person into the authorities, so of course for them this is what is promising for enemy intelligence such people, such personnel, candidates who study at some faculties of public administration, civil service, politics. he provided access to the british
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intelligence services for employees of skolkovo, ranhix, the higher school of economics and almost to the heads regions. a graduate of the 2018 program , zhurila was an adviser to the head of the all-russian athletics federation, and now lives in britain. in an interview with osetinskaya’s agent , she says in bad russian that because of the internship he was allegedly put under pressure by the fsb, and also stated that russia’s neighbors see moscow as evil imperialist. well, like, i represent russia, and for all of them, russia is like a very significant problem for the participants themselves, well, that is, yes, since for no, of course, there are no organizers, for participants from other countries, too investigators and zander emphasize that after the program the fund is from your life, that’s it.
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in order to, let’s say, work autonomously, and moreover, these leaders are preparing not only for but to form some kind of informal network of interaction among themselves, in fact , such a pro-western elite is being formed, which should work for the future, it would be strange if such an organization did not support. kiev regime for those living in britain ukraine has organized an educational program at the business school at the university of edinburgh. another significant one direction - belarus in the country itself has been fighting effectively against foreign interference for many years. therefore, the john smith trust works with the so-called belarusians in exile, oppositionists who fled the country. we recently discussed the change of power in minsk with the head of the british midcameron without hesitation. today to us in order to destabilize russia, to leave it without allies, without close allies, without
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russian-speaking allies, with those countries where we have common borders, a common mentality, a common nationality, investigations and they emphasize that there are mi-6 employees on the foundation’s board of directors and add that not all graduates continue to keep in touch with classmates from this foreign agency school. they understand that even when a british woman pretends that she wants the best in you, she is thinking in the old fashioned way about how to spoil things, because of this, british intrigues are crap. immediately ground all boeing 787 aircraft around the world, thoroughly check them, call from a former company engineer who is well aware of exactly how these airliners are assembled, that booing employees neglect quality, he told a congressional hearing. will any evidence be made after such evidence? our us special sorrow valentin bogdanov thought about the conclusions. savagery and barbarity,
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these words can describe the morals at boeing production, which those who saw and experienced told the shocked american senator under oath. the law of the jungle is against the law of gravity, well, the criminal code, at the same time. i have literally seen people jumping on parts of the plane to get them aligned. i called it tarzan effect, i was told to shut up.
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boarded another, as they said , the advanced model of the boeing 737 max in indonesia and ethiopia, alas, there was no such deep knowledge about production processes, now in the senate their lifetime photographs are kept by relatives, on the contrary, another whistleblower ed pearson, he was the first to express concerns about safety of max production even before the first disaster in 2018. i'm not surprised that. after two crashes nothing changed, there was no responsibility, not a single person was harmed went to prison, hundreds of people died, but there was still no justice, those who allow themselves to open their mouths are in the mortal risk zone, a month ago, in a parking lot, at a hotel, all in the same charleston, the body of former boeing employee joe was found with a bullet in his head barnet. this is
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my certificate in case of dismissal. the next day, barna was scheduled to testify against the corporation.
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screwed on the plug, which was recently torn out of the body of another max over portland with meat, alaska airlines has not yet been announced, but a golden parachute has been prepared for the head of the diving corporation, dave calhoun, who must resign before the end of the year, he would have gotten off with a slight fright if the shares had not also fallen down. boeing continues to fall and will probably fall over the next couple of weeks because we are so far away.
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fell by 35% this year. clearly, boeing is struggling. now the management of the peremena company is changing, a search is underway for a new general director. by the way, the old director did not offend himself. $22.5 million in 2022, $33 million in 2023. growth the income of the head of the corporation was inversely proportional to the stock exchange dynamics of its shares and the level of security. airplanes, whose passengers are now paying for all this, including with their lives. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, lead the usa. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. died in the alps, resurrected in russia.
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german billionaire, karl erivan howe, who disappeared 6 years ago, could have fled to his mistress in moscow, and the alleged passion of a businessman. what does he say? 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible for air premium. well, why are credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? i need halva. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, shop or get rid of debts for... an innovation in plant protection, instantly detects and destroys the main garden pests, safe for humans, batrider will defeat pests. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream,
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russian cold. great, incredible taste. cosiness at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. upright vacuum cleaner or air fryer with discounts up to 18%. alpha friday, super cake every week. on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfabank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. okay, ready, mistress. their signature pastiches with pistiques and
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may work, ours are doing it, come for dinner, i ’ll make some pickled cucumbers, and with yours abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger, oh come on, you’ll say the same, now, oh, munestie, hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, these are the hands of masha petrova, they think that they are already the future in the spring they will introduce a new crop in a large agricultural complex and they are thinking correctly, because masha is a graduate of a professional university, we will teach you to think with your own hands. leading employers are waiting for our graduates who know how to think and do. professional, you're in good company. what do we bring back from our travels?
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dead lives with his mistress in moscow. loud headline of the british newspaper daily mail, which claims some new details in the case of karl erivan haub, co-owner of a large german supermarket chain, who mysteriously disappeared... several years ago, he was last seen while skiing in the swiss alps, then there were long searches that led to nothing, and even after the prosecutor’s office declared the businessman dead, various conspiracy theories continue to spread in the press, in fact, one of them is presented to its readers by the british publication, saying that haupe did not actually die, but simply disappeared, and, allegedly, he chose russia because he had previously, quote, done business with dubious people in the russian... economy, and also, as is already clear, in our country a german billionaire allegedly has a love affair, photo of this the connection itself to the material of the western media is attached, on what
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such conclusions are generally based, anastasia ivanova tried to understand, anastasia, hello, well, finding that same supposedly mistress turned out to be not difficult. hello, alexey, it’s not difficult, because they took the photo from social networks, but for some reason they didn’t write or call. to live, he had to pretend to be dead, and also find a mistress. western journalists point to a certain veronica ermilova, saying that she stole the heart, and it also turns out to be the family life of a german billionaire, but there is a nuance: the girl lives in moscow, she has a husband and child, hauba, ermilova really knows, she worked in an agency that organized an event for a businessman, and he did not call her 13 times before allegedly escaping to russia, as the german media claimed. here's what our colleagues from artie found out. the company owned by this man, they were our clients, how would we have found out there in 2018 that he disappeared in the mountains, someone in
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germany is trying to say that he was found. in moscow, some tv channel, some journalist who allegedly investigated all this, this is not at all confirmed, he was officially declared dead in germany. the prosecutor's office of the ifrg ran has already denied rumors about the missing carly erivan haub; word for word, no evidence available for double-checking has been found that the businessman is alive. and if he just secretly wanted love with a beautiful russian woman, he could probably die for it. i understand that the main complaint of the west against halbo is that ha lives in moscow with his mistress, and not with his lover, well, he found it, and what next, what did he do with this, man he just showed that he no longer wants to live in germany according to german laws and customs, well, if my memory serves me right, he has the right to this, the only proof
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is that...
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he works on the german tv channel rtl, there is nothing new in her interview now, but she managed to release a book about khaobs, she is promoting it on television, because this requires a lot of money, as for the investigation itself, by the way, but who is the customer, maybe the businessman himself? moscow is famous for the safest capital in the world, and karl haup was not mistaken when he chose moscow as a place where you can do business and
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live in comfortable conditions. without fear of western specialists from the united states of america, who can dictate their terms, ruin business, and we see that german business is now subjected to monstrous pressure from the united states of america, the only salvation for many germans is moscow. but who needs the news that a dead man is not a dead man, one thing is clear for sure, while the topic of the disappearance of a businessman is beneficial to someone, especially with... ivanova in search of karl, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i’m so i was in a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors
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of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. vladimir putin today held a working meeting via video link with the head of the republic of crimea and the governor of the murmansk region, serge aksenov, and reported in detail.


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