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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. vladimir putin today held a working meeting via video link with the head of the republic of crimea and the governor of the murmansk region. the president about
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that, including about the measures that are being taken on the peninsula to ensure security, well, in the conversation with andrei chibis, we talked mainly about programs for the revival of the russian north. key statements in the material by varvara nevskaya. new schools and kindergartens, modernization of the entire healthcare system, development of tourism infrastructure and the creation of new jobs. only a small part of what has been done in crimea over the past 10 years since... i returned to my native harbor, in general the situation in the region is clear, however, of course, your assessments and your plans are important, i see everything according to materials, according to our constant personal contacts, how things are, of course, as everywhere there are issues that require special attention, nevertheless the situation is stable, develops. well, the economy is growing,
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construction is one of the engines of this economy. the head of the republic begins this meeting with the president via video link with words of gratitude, not only to the head of state, but to all russians who have never left crimea alone with its problems. over these 10 years , over 900 billion rubles of private investment were invested in the republic’s economy, which helped develop the most important ones. spheres: healthcare, education, road construction. grew more than five times and the income of the peninsula from 18 to 103 billion rubles. the number of entrepreneurs has also increased since 2016, almost doubling. today in crimea , 22,000 people own small and medium-sized businesses, and are self-employed. the key issue remains the issue of security in the republic.
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measures to support our military personnel, those who today fulfill their military duty in various areas, and i personally, that is, i consider all requests from military personnel, personally every day in the morning, this is the number one task, in this case i respond to everything personally. as part of the dialogue sergei aksyonov admitted that he is not ready to make a decision on his future career path without the approval of the president. vladimir putin, in turn, supported the nomination of the head of crimea for a new term. i ask for your decision regarding the continuation of my future work. thank you vach for everything. they did it for all of us, and for
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me personally. thanks a lot. you are succeeding, well, not everything, but you are solving all the main problems, i am sure that the crimeans will support you. in touch with the leader of the country and the murmansk region, for andrei chibes, this is the first day of work and the first dialogue with president after the attack that was carried out on the governor on april 4 in apatity. how are you feeling? thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already at work . in working mode, i see, okay, how are you, vich, thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report the results - five years of work, one of the results of the five-year period, investments in projects implemented in the region in the next 10 years already exceed 3 trillion rubles . one of the key facilities for the murmon region is the cargo seaport of lavna, being built on west coast. kola bay.
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construction, according to the governor’s estimates, is progressing actively. the first ships will be accepted here in august of this year. and the carrying capacity of railways to ports, including the longwall under construction. will amount to 10 million tons, which is twice the current figure. the most important achievement of the region was that more people came to the region for permanent residence than left. the first such key result for all of us within the framework of our plan to live in the north is, of course, what we managed last year for the first time in 33 last year to achieve migration growth. this is the best for us.
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just yesterday it was possible to get out of here on foot, today, the remaining residents are hiding from the water
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on the roofs, don’t rush, don’t rush, elena and her family planned to leave this morning, but when they woke up, they saw the waters already chest-deep, they barely had time to call rescuers because they had almost sank. we stop attempts at looting, that is, there is a possibility that attacks will be made to steal other people’s property. in another part of the mound in the microdistrict, the rector of the flooded church of the holy spirit was evacuated. until the very end, he cared about preserving church values, no matter what. requests for help to the headquarters of the combined group of the ministry of emergency situations are constantly received, mostly they call the single number 112, but rescuers sometimes do not wait for a call, they work around the clock. freedom street has drowned, with this current
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the windows will be almost completely hidden. in this situation, as a rule, water comes in, increased growth occurs at night, in the dark, which is natural. complicates rescue operations, still, it is necessary to follow the forecasts of experts and listen to them. to patrol the territory and carry out rescue operations in the dark , lighting equipment was delivered to kurgan. most of the light towers have already been installed in the dam area on the embankment. a significant part of the volunteer work involved rescuing animals; many owners left in a hurry and were forced to abandon their pets on the second floors of their houses. right there. animals may die, if not from hypothermia, then from hunger, sit down, that's it, that's it, don't be afraid if the water in the mound overcomes mark of 11 m, the left bank will probably have to be evacuated, this is the main multi-storey building. albert musin,
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nikolai starosttin, dmitry komov and ilyana goleeva, news from the kurgan region. the federal security service today announced the results of a large-scale special operation to seize more than 300,000. gray sim cards that were used to implement fraudulent schemes, distribute fakes, and even coordinate sabotage. for a month, security forces worked to eliminate this threat in forty russian regions. what else is known? maria valieva will tell you. now they definitely have no time to talk. the telephone terrorists lie silently on the floor. fsb officers stormed another underground call center. one of the detainees, a forty-four-year-old resident of st. petersburg by... the agency provided services for activating sim cards of russian telecom operators to ukrainian terrorist organizations. to combat cybercrimes that are committed using cellular communications, employees of the department for organizing the fight
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against illegal use information and communication technologies of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, together with the fsb, carried out a set of measures, charges of committing. 44 defendants were charged with sanctioned thefts of funds ; searches were carried out at 177 addresses in 42. the operation of large locations of criminal telephone traffic was stopped, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and carry out hacker attacks aimed at destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as authorities state power of the russian federation. when calling citizens, the scammers pretended to be employees of government agencies, bank employees, and social workers. igor agafonov, one of those who believed such...
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from scammers, to which i agreed, only now i understand that then i was already on the hook from scammers, some are asked to help, others are intimidated that if they do not go to the bank on time and do not transfer the required amount to the specified account, they will be left without savings at all, the main thing is to chat the victim, psychologists note, to gain trust over the phone so that people quickly apply for a loan for money was immediately transferred in their name, telephone scammers are usually people with... good psychological preparation, they use methods such as seizing the initiative,
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asking a lot of short questions and not allowing the person to think them through carefully, as a rule, people to agree to such kinds of offers from scammers, but is driven by the desire to increase your capital in a fairly quick and inexpensive way. telephone terrorists also offer to pay for a taxi to the bank; they immediately call a car all the way. talking to you without interruption their victim over the phone, and as soon as the money is transferred, the numbers from which they called cease to be active. buying sim cards for this sim box, there is a cost of electricity, well, that is, it’s actually there , well, several tens from several tens of thousands of rubles to there, well, i don’t know, there are hundreds of thousands of rubles to organize all this , there are people there for 3 million to 20 million, then in general the marginality of this business in quotes is very high, there are situations when more than one calls.
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more than 270,000 wall turnovers were seized sim cards of various cellular operators, the total capacity of such equipment made it possible to make 40 million fraudulent calls per day. thanks to the proactive , coordinated work of police officers of the fsb of russia, significant damage was caused to the criminal infrastructure of call centers located outside our country, mainly in ukraine. the security service, together with the ministry of internal affairs , suppressed the illegal activities of the owners of simboxes, through which
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attackers illegally activated accounts of social networks, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts. all this was used for sabotage and terrorist activities, as well as for the dissemination of false threats and fake information. as a result of activities carried out in march 2024 in 40 regions of russia, they were confiscated. sim boxes and more than 300,000 sim cards, criminal cases have been initiated against 30 persons, under articles of fraud on an especially large scale and illegal access to computer information. maria valieva and ianna pogonina, news. the leaders of the european union countries are ready to provide the kiev regime with several patriot installations to strengthen air defense and wants to additionally invest 3 billion euros in military assistance to ukraine, which. true, first they will have to steal, since the eu summit in brussels made it clear that
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europe has less and less of its own money, which means it will use the proceeds from illegally frozen russian assets. read more about blatant theft in the material by alexander khristenko. german economics minister habeck went to ukraine with a whole trunk, leaving people guessing what was inside: personal belongings, gifts, something shuttle, but definitely not diplomacy, because upon arrival at the destination, khabik immediately cut off. they have already stopped in germany. an impromptu press conference right at peron in kiev, even before the start of negotiations, they filmed every step, which fits into the secret, as bilt writes, of the vice-chancellor’s plans to become chancellor in the elections in 2025. hadek has indeed noticeably increased his public activity. i recently visited the usa, saudi arabia, israel, and why not go
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to ukraine, because of which so many things are broken? leopard patriots. but if the number of burned german tanks is already.
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we have a question of fundamental importance; helping ukraine means working for peace. america is pushing europe towards illegal expropriation. she is still resisting, because the united states is not risking anything. there are only 6 billion frozen russian assets there, while in the eu there are more than 200. the decision to simply withdraw this money could deal a crushing blow to confidence in the eurozone. so such ideas, speaking in
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washington, were sharply criticized by the president of the european central bank, christina lagarde. lagarde poured it out. from cold water on the us-backed proposal to use frozen russian assets worth more than 260 billion euros. the move from freezing assets to confiscating them to disposing of them is something that needs to be viewed with great caution, lagarthe said, warning that it could involve upsetting the international order that you want to protect, that you want russia to protect. respected moreover, the eu economy is already showing the weakest growth in... the world less than half a percent, and the german economy, which has always been the locomotive of europe, according to the updated imf forecast, will grow by only 2%. at the same time , the imf sharply improved its growth forecast for the russian economy for this year to 3.2%. however, western leaders still have not drawn any conclusions from this economic situation; politics comes first, and
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calls to pump more and more money into kiev continue, although even the largest western investors are already in ukraine. are drowning from how corrupt the current regime is. arnulf damirau, anglo-german businessman and a former adviser to the glinkor company, said that fabricated criminal cases were opened against his company in ukraine, and then a group of high-ranking ukrainian officials began to blackmail him. one of the largest private western investors in ukraine said that corrupt officials in the country's security services and the administration of president vladimir zelensky are trying to extort tens of millions of euros from him. according to. a ukrainian man met him in vienna in december and said that the lawsuits against his company cosmolot will be dropped if domirao transfers control of half the company to an offshore trust in such a manner. in a state, ukraine is going to the eu and nato and invariably receives assurances that it will someday be there. alexander khristenko, inna koshkina, lead. in new york today
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, a very symbolic two-hour meeting took place between donald trump and polish president duda, who, despite the claims of the white house , chose to discuss pressing issues, including the situation in ukraine, not with the current american leader, but with the former one. against such a background trump himself reiterated that he opposes the new military aid law. kiev regime, so biden still hopes to impose his will on congress and extract 61 billion dollars from parliamentarians for zelensky, will it work out, our correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, tried to predict. 2 days before the vote on a separate package of military aid to the allies, washington is shaking in a fever, clearly pleased with its idea of ​​dismantling the money sandwich into pieces, speaker mike johnson is an example of political resourcefulness, reversal on... history judges us for what
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we do, now is a critical time on the world stage, i could make a selfish decision to do differently, but i do what i think is right, i believe that helping ukraine delivers weapons are now critical. representatives, the bill on ukraine defines the parameters for financing kiev until september twenty -fifth, almost 61 billion dollars are total expenses, 23 billion of them should go to replenish the arsenal in the united states, on account of the weapons already supplied to kiev, almost 14 billion in the next year and a half will go to the usaai program, according to which the pentagon places orders within the united states for the production of new weapons, about 13 more will go to replace and repair american weapons already in ukraine, as well as to train the ukrainian military, and more than 11 billion will go to
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the current us military operations in the region, with a separate breakdown by branch and type of troops, the air force, navy, army and marine corps, what these forces will do in ukraine is not explained in the document, to support the life of the zelensky administration itself, the united states is ready to allocate almost... the bill specifically prohibits ukrainians, however, all these funds can be partially or completely written off, although not earlier than mid-november of this year, that is, the decision will be made after the presidential elections. we changed the law so that 80% of all money remains in the united states, ours. defense enterprises, we have changed the approach, so that all aid to ukraine turns into a loan. end the conflict as required bill, ukraine should, as
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a democratic, independent and sovereign state, the strategy itself should be updated at least once a quarter. here is a requirement for the president to transfer missiles to attacks from an increased range, but with the caveat that this can not be done if their transfer threatens the security of the united states itself, that is, a solution.
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his name is an undisguised joy for how much more the american military-industrial complex can earn in ukraine. if congress decides on military assistance to ukraine and israel, we will not write blank checks, we will ship military equipment from our own supplies and then use the money. authorized by congress to replenish these reserves by purchasing weapons from american suppliers. arizona patriots, alabama jewellins, and
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artillery shells produced. was flying as a passenger and made an emergency landing on water near the island of guam. one crew member survived, three, including joe biden's uncle, were unable to get out of the plane and drowned. these fantasies or deliberate lies it's not just voters who are already scared of biden. so polish president andrzej duda chose to meet with trump in new york. they have good relations with the former president, along with
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no, i’m not afraid, because presidents meet with their colleagues, especially with those who once held presidential positions in their countries, this is normal practice, there is nothing extraordinary about it, in washington meanwhile, they are preparing for saturday’s vote in congress on foreign aid, they promise to sit until the last minute, perhaps until late at night, with on monday, congressmen again go on
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a week-long recess, but now... congressional democrats in the white house fear that speaker johnson's trick of splitting bills may turn out to be just a cunning ploy by the republicans. having voted for assistance to israel and taiwan, they may fail to finance ukraine, which means that going in circles with the allocation of money to kiev may continue for an indefinite period. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install we open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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