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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the monstrous press of the united states of america. the only salvation for many germans is moscow. but who needs the news that the dead man is not a dead man, one thing is for sure, as long as the topic of the disappearance of a businessman is beneficial to someone, especially with a russian flair, it will not disappear from the western press. the issue of developing two regions at once, crimea and the murmansk region, was discussed with the governors by vladimir putin. the president held a working meeting with sergei aksyonov and andrei chibis via videoconference. the conversation in both cases was great. questions raised about helping northern military district soldiers and their loved ones, about preventing sabotage on the peninsula, but in the case of murmansk, also about the influx of migrants. and, of course, about the well-being of the murmansk governor, who spent 2 weeks recovering after an armed attack, in more detail. new schools and
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kindergartens, the modernization of the entire healthcare system, the development of tourism infrastructure and the creation of new jobs are just a small part of what has been done in crimea over the past 10 years, since the peninsula returned to its native harbor. generally the situation in the region is clear, however, of course, your assessments and yours are important.
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gratitude not only to the head of state, but to all russians who have never left crimea alone with its problems. over these 10 years , over 900 billion rubles of private investment were invested in the republic's economy, which helped develop the most important areas - healthcare, education, road construction. the peninsula's income also increased more than fivefold, from 18 to 103 billion rubles. and the number of entrepreneurs has almost doubled since 2016. today in crimea they own small and 220 thousand people are medium-sized businesses and self-employed. the key issue remains the issue of security in the republic. over the past 10 years , all identified sabotage groups have been detained, but the most important priority for the crimean authorities remains supporting the participants in the special military operation and their families. of course, today the whole country lives in the svo,
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this is primarily for us, that is, today the problem and concerns of military families, this is task number one - supporting military personnel , without exception, in all areas, we have without exception, all social passports of the families of all military personnel have been formed, work with the defenders of the fatherland fund has been fully coordinated, we have taken 12 measures to support our military personnel, those who are fulfilling their military duty in various areas today, and i personally, that is, i consider all requests from military personnel personally, every day in the morning, this is the number one task, in this case i react to everything personally. as part of the dialogue, sergei aksyonov admitted that he cannot make a decision on his future career path without the approval of the president. ready. vladimir putin, in turn , supported the nomination of the head of crimea for a new term. i ask for your decision regarding the continuation of my future work. thank you vaich for everything you did, both for all of us and for me personally. thanks a lot. sergey evarievich, you are succeeding, well, not everything, but you are solving all the main problems, i am sure that the crimeans will support you. in touch. with the leader
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of the country and the murmansk region for andrei chibis this is the first day of work and the first dialogue with the president after the attack that was carried out on the governor on april 4 in appatites. how are you feeling? thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already at my workplace, in work mode. i see, okay, how are you doing, thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report the results. five years of work. one of the results of the five-year plan is that investments in projects implemented in the region in the next 10 years already exceed 3 trillion rubles. one of the key facilities for the murmon region is the lavna cargo seaport, which is being built on the western shore of the kola bay. according to the governor’s estimates, construction is progressing actively. first ships will be accepted here in august of this year. and the carrying capacity of railways to ports, including those under construction. lavne
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will amount to 10 million tons, which is twice the current figure. the most important achievement of the region was that more people came to the region for permanent residence than left. first. such a key result for all of us within the framework of our plan to live in the north is, of course, that last year we managed to achieve migration growth for the first time in 33 years, this is the most important indicator of our five-year work for us. according to the results conversations, vladimir putin also supported the nomination of the murmansk governor for another term. the work has been completed and is progressing.
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houses, some of which are subject to demolition. details of the flood situation in the reports of albert musin and margarita semenyuk. this is what the right bank part looks like now. the water here is more than 2 m, the first floors of residential buildings are completely flooded, and in some places the second floors are beginning to flood, only the roofs of farm buildings, sheds and firewood sheds are visible, and in some places they have already been hidden. all this water came literally within a day; just yesterday it was possible to get out on foot; today the remaining residents
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are hiding from the water on the roofs. take your time, take your time. elena and her family planned to leave this morning, but when they woke up, they saw water up to their chests and barely had time to call rescuers. it’s scary when you wake up and the water doesn’t go down, this is your only home and shelter. now her house, like dozens of others in this part of the city, will be placed under police protection. we stop attempts at looting, that is, there is a possibility that attacks will be made to steal other people's property. in another part of the mound in in the smaleno microdistrict , the rector was evacuated from the flooded church of the holy spirit. to the last he cared about the preservation of church values. moved to the upper floors. requests for help to the headquarters of the combined group of the ministry of emergency situations are constantly received, mostly they call the single number 112, but rescuers sometimes do not wait for a call, they work around the clock. freedom street has drowned; with this current
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, the windows will be completely hidden. this situation, as a rule, water comes, increased growth occurs at night, in the dark, what? naturally complicates rescue operations, it is still necessary to follow the forecasts of experts and listen to them. to patrol the territory and carry out rescue operations in the dark , lighting equipment was delivered to the mound; most of the light towers have already been installed in the dam area on the embankment. a significant part of the work of animal rescue volunteers, many owners left in a hurry and were forced to abandon their pets on the second floors of their houses.
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i don’t know how to live for children, it’s a lot of money, there’s a set of furniture there, you’re standing there, the whole bedroom so broken, all the walls, you know what it costs now, how much it costs, we continue to record the growth from the level of sakmara, now it is 882 cm. in the natural world we can’t do anything, just yesterday everything was flooded in an hour, all the animals were taken out, and sakmara was also completely flooded private airport kushkul, after the water subsides, specialists will carry out technical maintenance for flight safety, to eliminate the consequences of the flood, all services are working in
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an enhanced mode, in those territories that have already been freed from water, they are now starting a commission is working to assess the damage, 4,200 households have already been inspected, specialists have also pumped out 207 cubic meters of water from 67 sites in orsk, areas are being disinfected, streets are being sanitized, vaccination against hepatitis is continuing. vorsk, on behalf of the governor, 100 barrels of clean water have been delivered. they were installed in all residential areas of the city. since the arrival of high water , the kumag water intake was flooded. and as a result , almost half of the wells that worked for the city were lost. power engineers are working now on site, the water utility is working, they are doing everything to run smoothly. in total , over 15 thousand residential buildings, apartment buildings and private ones, are now flooded in the region, but gradually people are returning to their homes and are free. move along the streets, the basements are now flooded, the soil is very saturated with water, a ufa
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group is now working, pumping water from the sewers to free it up, because everything is supported, and accordingly it was possible to further remove the water, pump it out from the basements premises, dry them out, and accordingly do an audit of the asu, power supply, so that houses can be returned to a full life faster, faster, faster. today alone , 327 applications for financial assistance from affected residents have been received through the portals of the state services national centers, the money has already been credited. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. the head of the ministry of construction and housing and communal services of russia, iraq faizulin, visited orsk and inspected houses that were damaged during the flood. the minister also talked with local residents and visited damaged buildings and checked the work of municipal damage assessment commissions. reportedly, it has already been examined. 1800 houses, some of them cannot be restored. in addition, the head of the ministry of construction discussed the situation in
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the region with governor denis pasler. within 24 hours, russian troops destroyed the control center of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine north. this was reported to the ministry of defense in the ovdeevsky direction within 24 hours. counterattacks, the enemy lost up to 130 militants. another counterattack was repulsed in the donetsk direction, where the ukrainian armed forces were immediately lost up to 590 military personnel, a tank and seven vehicles. read more about the progress of the special operation in denis alekseev’s material. new details have emerged of the attack on the location of the armed forces of ukraine in chernigov; the day before , an iskander cruise missile flew at a military facility, and most likely not even one. the choice is clear, both the range and trajectory are sufficient. flight provides invulnerability to a high-precision projectile. yesterday they talked about getting into the headquarters of the north group
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, the fact was confirmed by the russian ministry of defense. details of other arrivals have also emerged. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed the command post of the operational command north, two launchers for the illumination radar of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system, and an ammunition depot of the operational-tactical group. donetsk weapons and fuel depots of the 101st territorial defense brigade defeated enemy personnel and military equipment in 126 regions. our military identifies and liquidates ukrainian armed forces facilities in the industrial areas of ukraine regularly. powerful explosions occurred this night in several regions of ukraine. after midnight, bright flashes lit up the sky over the kiev region, and early in the morning reports of strikes came from ivano-frankivsk. information has appeared about an explosion in dnepropetrovsk. there , the position of an air defense complex became a likely target. in the khmelnitsky region, the arrival took place in the area of ​​a military air base in the suburb of starokonstantinovo. according to ukrainian
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sources, this airfield is being prepared to receive american f-16 fighters. what 's happening at the front? speak for themselves objective control footage. the positions of the militants are regularly attacked by our artillery, aviation, and drones, and it is impossible to single out any specific direction, wherever the militants are trying to rotate, organize counterattacks, and outwit. our units are failing everywhere, and it’s not just about the unprofessionalism of the ukrainian contingent, there is also zero morale, this is confirmed by the vsushniki themselves, our command sent us to certain death in the forest belt of urozhainy, where shelling, drone shelling, shelling, grenade drops, air strikes, it’s simple with us. there is nothing to defend ourselves with, really, what kind of fighting spirit is there when the commanders throw probable death, order to recapture positions
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that should already be forgotten, in the avdeevsky direction the next seven counterattacks resulted in losses of a hundred people. kiev is clinging to berdyche, sent a couple of brigades there the day before, but the result is still the same. there are serious battles in the donetsk direction, the strategically important settlement of krasnohorivka, where the armed forces of ukraine are trying to prevent our military from occupying positions that will allow us to develop. the result of unsuccessful counterattacks under 500 ukrainian army personnel were destroyed denis alekseev olga rebrova to lead. meet the new limited designs of sberbank cards and stickers, issue them on the website or in the sberbank online application and enjoy them every day, it’s just space! it tastes better on fire, burger king, alpha
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sim cards, the kind used by telephone scammers, they usually pose as employees of banks or government organizations and deceive people into transferring large sums, sometimes multimillion-dollar. maria valieva learned the details of the special operation, which was carried out simultaneously in forty regions of the country. now they definitely have no time for talking, the terrorists are silently lying on the floor. fsb officers stormed another underground call center. one of the detainees, a forty-four-year-old resident of st. petersburg, according to the department, provided services for activating sim cards of russian operators. connections to ukrainian terrorist organizations. to combat cybercrimes that are committed using cellular communications, using information and communication technologies, the ministry of internal affairs of russia, together with the fsb, was a set of measures was carried out, charges of
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remote theft of funds were brought against 44 defendants, searches were carried out at 177 addresses in 42 regions of russia as part of the criminal cases opened, the functioning of large locations of criminal... telephone traffic, which allowed accomplices to call from the territory of ukraine and make hacker attacks aimed at destabilizing the work of commercial organizations, as well as government bodies of the russian federation. fraudsters calling citizens pretended to be government employees, bank employees, social workers. igor agafonov is one of those who believed such attackers. the man, according to him, was defrauded out of more than... 20 million rubles. now he risks being left without an apartment and doesn’t know what to do. i received a call that fraudulent activities are being committed with my cards. i was connected to the bank's security service,
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who subsequently transferred me to an fsb officer. an fsb officer told me, asked me to help in catching a group of fraudsters, that i agreed. only now i... understand that then i was already on the hook of scammers, some are asked to help, others are intimidated that if they don’t go to the bank on time and don’t transfer the required amount to the specified account, they will be left without any savings at all, the main thing is to talk to the victim , psychologists note, to gain trust over the phone so that people can quickly apply for a loan in their name and immediately transfer the money. telephone scammers are, as a rule, people with good psychological training, they use such... as seizing the initiative, asking many short questions and not allowing a person to think them through thoroughly, as a rule, people
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are driven to agree to such types of offers from scammers by the desire to increase their capital in a fairly quick and inexpensive way. telephone terrorists also offer to pay for a taxi to the bank, immediately call a car the whole way, without interruption, talk to their victim on the phone, and as soon as the money... you need to immediately report to the russian guard, the ministry of internal affairs service so that you can follow these people. employees of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for 2023
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year beginning of 2024, 937 sim banks and 11 server stations were discovered that ensured the operation of the devices. what the security was doing, more than 270 thousand sim cards were seized from shadow circulation. various cellular operators , the total capacity of such equipment made it possible to make 40 million fraudulent calls per day. thanks to the proactive , coordinated work of police officers of the fsb of russia, significant damage was caused to the criminal infrastructure of call centers located outside our country, mainly in ukraine. the federal security service, together with the ministry of internal affairs, suppressed illegal activities. owners of simboxes, through which attackers illegally activated accounts of social networks, instant messengers, financial wallets and bank accounts,
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all this was used for sabotage and terrorist activities, as well as for the dissemination of false threats and fake information. as a result of events carried out in march 2024 in 40 regions of russia, 612 sim boxes and more than 300,000 sim cards were seized. cooperation with foreign investors. all the details are in the material by anastasia panko. the growth of industry in the moscow region is progressing at a good pace, says governor andrei vorobyov.
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since the beginning of this year the indicator. in this industry increased by 18%. for comparison , last year industry growth was about 14. the main investors are in the moscow region, india, belarus and china. in china, in yesipovo, we will launch the production of automobile parts, this is autumn, a very important element for the russian market, a little 150 jobs, because the enterprise technologically, and approximately 2.5 billion investments will be made. two chinese companies will start operating in the moscow region, in solnechnogorsk they will begin assembling chinese cars in may, in voskresensk they will launch the production of substances, and heparin will be produced there. a company from belarus will build a service center for spare parts for special equipment in mytishchi. the indian company produces inter-flexible film. the foreign investor plans to build two more factories. we support and do everything so that the investor, domestic or foreign, does not experienced no problems in terms of
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resolution. 77 of them have already been implemented, another 84 will be launched this next year, it’s nice that this includes the technology industry, in shchelkovo we launched the production of satellites, this is gazprom spk, investments of 15 billion 200 jobs.
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we have about 90% utilization of industrial parks, which is why we are opening and launching four new projects, all of them are about 100 hectares, colleges will be opened next to the new industrial parks, educational centers will cooperate with companies, prepare for them specialists. industrial parks are notable investments that the region supports, the governor says, because they return in the form of new businesses, jobs, and technology taxes. anastasia ponko, news. a multimedia exhibition behind the tape has started at the historical museum on red square. this is a new project dedicated to a special military operation and touching on current events. it was prepared by the charitable foundation of tv presenter vladimir solovyov. people, when they come, when they read the information that, when they they see these stunning photographs that, well, cannot help but touch the heart
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of a normal person. yes, they leave with a feeling, a feeling of pride, naturally, with a feeling, so to speak, sometimes maybe a feeling of hatred for the enemy, yes, sometimes we feel joy for victory. kiev does not have a plan b in case of lack of assistance from the united states. the head of the mid-country stated this on air on a ukrainian tv channel. earlier, the house of representatives published three separate bills on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. voting is scheduled for saturday. previous version.
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the bill on ukraine, published on the website of the house of representatives, defines the parameters for financing kiev until september twenty- fifth. almost $61 billion is total spending. 23 billion of them should go to replenish the arsenal in the united states to replace the weapons already supplied to kiev. almost 14 billion in the next year and a half will go to the usaai program, according to which the pentagon
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places orders within the united states for... the production of new weapons, and about 13.5 billion more will go to replacement and repair.


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