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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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naturally, recently there was football, people came from football with their scarves, there were a lot of foreigners, the success of the dish depends on the beautiful presentation, but it is much more important that inside 80% of the guests of traditional cuisine restaurants are tourists who managed to get a taste of the republic and come back here again again, sporty. competitions are an opportunity to get to know not only the region, but the entire country, which is hard not to fall in love with. i invited my friend to go with me to russia, he said that he had been to italy, france, america, dubai, than me can russia surprise? we spent two weeks there. every time we meet, he tells me: thank you, he learned this word in russian, thank you for taking me with you. i
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came for the first time in december, i was terrified, i was so cold, but then i got used to it, and i also saw snow for the first time, when i arrived again, by the way, again in december, i was already prepared, you know, i really like it, i saw so much in russia, nadir is from ethiopia, he was a volunteer at the world cup in russia and has already returned to show our country to his wife, but also to his friend, kisa will soon go to... the next training camp in kazan, he is preparing to take new heights in sports and new barriers in the russian language, those who want to come, come, this is a cool country and a great place , i promise there is a solution.
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with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses. thank you. sberbusiness. the current spring flood has become the largest in the last few decades, the head of the ministry of emergency situations reported. we will not only talk about this with the head of the party, a just russia for the truth, sergei mironov. sergey mikhailovich, hello, we welcome you, the topic is very important, stated. yes, hello, but really, the most discussed topic in recent days has been the catastrophic flood in the orenburg region. and not only that, 40 regions of the country are currently affected, what in your opinion needs to be done to prevent such disasters in the future and how should we help people now? well , let’s remember, last year in usuriysk, then last year in the irkutsk region of tulun, everywhere
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it’s the same story, supposedly dams that are supposed to protect from floods, these dams are washed away with all the leaking ones. consequences, if we talk about the orenburg region, then there directly - let's say, in quotes, a golden dam worth almost a billion rubles, and - erek faizulin, the minister of construction correctly said that this dam is not worth that kind of money, and of course, the investigation will be carried out, because such a dam is worth it, in fact it’s just they poured soil, sand, about a billion rubles, that's it. 700 hydraulic structures are abandoned, that is , there is no owner at all, municipal and regional authorities,
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which must be responsible, of course, they have no money, this story repeats itself every year, in this regard, i sent a letter, they are holding, moreover, the water there has already risen by more than 7 m, and the maximum protection from water of this dam is 5.5 m, what kind of dam is this ? and here, of course, it is necessary to restore order, and i am sure that the regional authorities, through whose fault such emergencies occur, must
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leave their posts without fail. people do not understand why they found themselves alone with this element. moreover, i can’t say anything about the so-called payments, listen, 10,000 rubles for the complete loss of property, 100,000 rubles. for partial loss property 50,000 rub. houses cost millions of rubles. what are we talking about? and what kind of compensation is this? and of course, i understand that the regional authorities do not have money, it is clear that the federal budget needs to be involved, but you cannot do this with people, moreover, there are few people. who speaks properly at all, they are rude, turn off the phones, put away the phones and so on, this is not power, this is a disdainful attitude towards its citizens, and here i think that after the flood rises, the president will also make all the necessary law enforcement
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structures, well, if you allow me, if now, sergei mikhailovich, how can you help people, indeed, dozens of volunteers have already gone to the regions and are helping. and we represent precisely our national people, i could have my say here,
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and of course, i will emphasize once again, it is necessary to reconsider the procedure for payments in such emergency situations, the payments that are due today are nothing, and people understand that this it’s just a mockery, how can they continue to live, how can they exist, many have completely lost their homes, they don’t know what continue to do, and here, of course, it is necessary ... completely different material assistance, and of course, i will emphasize again, you need to talk to people, you need to listen to them, unfortunately, i have the feeling that local authorities are not doing this today they are doing, well, the facts continue to monitor the situation with the flood, now the question is on a different topic, the other day, with your support, a public organization “we are russian” was created, the first question is, what are the main ideas and goals of this movement, what is this...
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to formulate, what is russophobia, and accordingly, the manifestation of this russophobia
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should be punished, including through the criminal code. so, returning to the main idea, we are going to defend our russian world, we are going to resist russophobia, we want to protect our compatriots abroad, who are having a very difficult time, to help them, those who want to return to their homeland now, many people want to now, and well of course, we want... to make sure that this concept, russians, we are russians, we are russians, becomes very clear and understandable, a slogan that was voiced at this conference: we were, we will be, we are russians, it is in tune, i will emphasize this again, to all our multinational people, and i am convinced that this new all-russian social movement will be very effective, including, by the way, i think , we will make our contribution to the support and formulation of the future
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state ideology, which sooner or later we will still have, including in the constitution of the russian federation. sergei mikhailovich, but it is obvious that there is a demand in society for such a movement, the question is: how to become member of this movement, what needs to be done for this? there are many people listening to us now. well, by the way, you were talking about work. from finland, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, and of course, this is not accidental, because people
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understand that the creation of such an all-russian social movement is now very timely and very necessary, so i think that in answer to your question, how to become a member, this is exactly sergei koryakin was with us at our conference, our magnificent, true patriotic chess player, and we first. must register, that is, in order to was officially registered by the ministry of justice of the social movement, and then, of course, anyone can become a member of our social movement. well, after all, about working abroad, yes, how it will be arranged there, or have not yet been discussed, the proposals come from there, and after all, let’s say, the first ideas arose after the so-called russian spring in crimea, already then many said, listen, war has been declared against russia, this vicious russophobia, this
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collective west that hates russia, which wants to cross out russia, all-russian and from history, russian culture, and we need to resist this, this idea originated from below, including by our compatriots abroad, they said, well, let's unite somehow, let's defend our common russian world, our common russian home, responding to we have created these wishes, and of course, local branches will be created abroad, and there are a significant number of those willing to actively join. this will be a truly powerful all-russian movement, which will have its own representation, including abroad. on a social topic, i want to ask you, last week the state duma heard a report from the central bank, during which the head of the central bank also proposed measures to combat poverty. how do you assess these measures of the central bank's policy as a whole?
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our faction abstained from voting on the central bank’s 2023 countdown. we are absolutely not satisfied with the so-called floating, actually sinking exchange rate of our national currency, the ruble, we are not satisfied with the highest discount rate, loans are expensive, listen, but if now, for example, our industrial giants, for example, kamaz, their profitability there is less than 5%, they can get a loan at a minimum of 18-19%, this is in the best case, what we are talking about, it turns out that this is the discount rate. no matter what the chairman of the central bank says, it is ruining our economy, our processing industry, if our profitability among gas workers and oil workers goes beyond 100%, here is real production, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aircraft construction,
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literally the first percent is profitable there , the discount rate, of course, does not lead to normal economic development, in this... in connection with the supply, in fact, if we put it simply, then the discount rate is high, which means loans are expensive, but this is like fighting poverty , let the loans be so expensive that people will not take out loans, but here in fact i will remind you that 50 million citizens of the russian federation have loans, 11 million of them have more than two, and often even three loans, people are over-credited, and if we really thinking about fighting... about helping to people, we have been offering a credit amnesty for a long time, according to our estimates, approximately 13 million of our citizens will never be able to pay both the interest and the principal of the long-term loan, because they do not have a means of subsistence and to hold a credit amnesty, it would be correct, and of course, if we are talking about increasing the minimum wage, the president
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correctly set a good level by 1930, but... we need to do it now, and here we really need to think not about the profit of the bank, which, by the way, is 3.3 trillion rubles bank profits for 2023, they did a good job, and people will make ends meet, in this regard, the proposals of the central bank do not suit us at all, which is why our faction of the socialist party of fair russia, a patriot for truth, abstained from voting on the central bank’s report for 2023 year. yes, sergei mikhailovich, you touched on the topic of the minimum wage, indeed, at enterprises there are tariff rates, salaries of lower-level workers, why does this happen, how does this happen? yes, will it be possible at all? raise wages to this required level that the president is talking about. this needs to be done, just last week we introduced another
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bill, which states that the minimum rate cannot. doing something additional according to the employer’s assessment is unfair, which is why we introduced a bill that clearly establishes that not a single rate
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for any work can be less than the minimum wage of 19,200 rubles. well, as i understand it, now the bill will be read in state duma, but now you know a short parliamentary break until the beginning of may, i hope that our initiative will be considered. in april, a number of medical workers began to receive salary increases. do you think this measure will be able to solve the problem of the shortage of doctors in russia and what else can be done? i receive mail from our doctors, here is the same deception, unfortunately, i will call a spade a spade, our president is being framed, the president promised... to doctors, for those who work in populated areas 100,000 rub. 29 thousand doctors, 13,000 paramedical personnel, for those who
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work in settlements with a population of 50,000 or less, 50,000 doctors, approximately 30 thousand medical personnel, what is really happening? i’ve already received a letter, imagine how happy the doctors were, they said: well, finally, but how much you can suffer, finally the president has thought about us, now we are waiting for us to receive, let’s say the same 50,000, you know how much, you know how much you received 1.0 rub. and why? but because everything is very simple, they immediately cut it everything, they increased it - it means that supposedly the rate was removed from all allowances, any allowances, for overtime, for additional work, for difficulties, for anything, everything, here is the real payment since... april, people have already received the accruals that will now be receive, it turns out that compared to the march salary, they receive 1.5 rubles more, but
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this is a deception, this is dishonest, well, that is , it turns out that all this is happening due to some bureaucratic failures on the ground, of course , because, well, first of all, look, let's be honest, these are all salaries are paid from regional budgets, if the president sets such a federal... task, then of course it cannot be solved without the help of the federal budget, and there is no need to deceive the employer, yes, there is no need to do this from the clear position of the president, this is essentially a deception of our medical workers, we need to clearly agree that in regions where there are not enough funds of their own there will be payments from the federal budget, and that, if the president said so that this is for sure, we believe that in general the salaries of doctors should always be... a minimum 200% of average wages in the region in which they work, but here i cannot help but say one more thing: i believe that all our teachers, educators, all our
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doctors should receive the same salaries , regardless of the subject of the federation where they work, because what do we know, how people leave and go naked here, we have federal subjects where there is simply a catastrophic shortage of doctors, and why? but because in the literally neighboring...subject they pay 10 to 15 thousand rubles more, and people they go there, this is unacceptable, here it is necessary to establish uniform tariffs, uniform payments, the president’s decision is absolutely correct, it is fair, but it is only implemented at the expense of, as you said correctly, bureaucratic all these costs and tricks, it is unfair to defer to america, well, separate the topic is support for svo participants; recently you offered to allocate them land plots for free. have you heard support for this initiative and how could this mechanism work? i ’ll answer your question now, i just remembered
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i am now receiving letters, we have so -called inter-district clinics, inter-district hospitals, they were not affected by this at all, just as emergency doctors were not affected , this is wrong, unfair, here too we must not forget about them, now on our initiative , yes, we have introduced such a bill, we believe that participants in a special military operation should have the right to receive a plot of land up to one hectare in size anywhere in our country with the exception of cities of federal significance - this is moscow, st. petersburg, the hero city of sevastopol, with the exception of crimea, with the exception of the krasnodar territory, the kaliningrad region and the southern federal district and the north caucasus federal district. in addition, we believe that in the liberated and new subjects in... the new subjects of the russian federation, i mean the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye region and kherson region, our participants in the special military operation can receive up to 2 hectares. land,
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moreover, it is imperative to ensure that these land plots are electrified, that electricity is supplied and gasified, so that it doesn’t work out, as sometimes happens with us, here’s a plot of land for you according to the principle , god, it’s not good for us, where there are no roads, no infrastructure, nothing no, for participants in a special military operation you need to do everything wisely, i think this is an absolutely fair decision, because these are our heroes who today are fighting for our victory, for the liberation of the fraternal ukrainian people from fascism, and we will definitely do this, victory will be ours, i have no doubt about it, but we must already think today about our heroes, about how their homeland deserves to appreciate their military feat. yes, sergei mikhailovich, thank you for such an initiative of your party. the head of the fair russia party for truth, sergei mironov, was in touch with us.
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democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, these guests came in, came out and talked to me, fig. the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society, in principle, was a capitalist society, democracy - it was a show that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people don’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how to we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and
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partners, and sincerely wanted to help. why should russia completely copy all western structures? american democracy now is also on the scale of russia; there is something about you russians that europe does not understand. vladimir putin, the current president, discussed the development of two regions of crimea and the murmansk region with the governors.


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