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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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to create a worldwide, so to speak, world republic, working peasants, workers of the proletariat, well, yes, the proletariat, yes, peasants appeared later, there were simply still some of them in russia, at the time of the revolution there were many, then russia had problems with it, that ’s why you know, well we have to. to know exactly
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where all this is growing from, this is the first in terms of the philosophical justification of everything that is happening, the second is the historical justification about the war, there were internecine wars in europe, in europe, then the colonial wars began and now world war i was the first open war for world domination.
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an unprecedented struggle, which of the european supermen will rule the whole world, well , no matter how they told us that we are not europeans, but it was our turn, it came right after the germans, the cold war was a declaration of war on russia for world domination, all the words are bipolar the world is explained very simply: there are two forces that claim to rule the whole world:
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and we, i think, have abandoned the idea of ​​​​a planned history, because we have it all on ourselves lived, but the country should not have been sacrificed for the sake of this refusal, of course, the refusal was necessary, but it is so, a rebar in the margins, if we were to talk about all this, but the reality is somewhere here, so we are within the framework of that war, which the anglo-saxons declared to us in 1945, throwing off... i spoke about this many times, well , stalin spoke about it, he did not expect, stalin did not expect that war would be declared on him during his lifetime by the anglo-saxons, for him it was a severe blow , much stronger than an attack hitler, because the whole concept, so to speak, that stood behind it, it was problematized by the beginning of a new war.
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because stalin didn’t know hitler personally, it wasn’t personal, and these are right, which made this feeling of human personal betrayal especially so, he understood that if these two are why... there you understand what’s the matter, here it’s very it’s important, karan georgivich and i often like to discuss this, how historical processes are personally connected, well , firstly, i think that roosevelt was killed, because i think so, no, that’s mine, well, maybe why am i saying this, dim, i said, i think, i don’t know, yes, that’s because, well, stalin didn’t expect it, for him it was, well, just as he didn’t expect it, he was preparing vice president wallis for him , as it was not expected, everyone knew that he was dying.
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if they hadn’t developed like that - you just have to understand that all the same, i’m sorry dim, just a second, so that this is right for you, the thing is that these words were exactly repeated by molotov to volis when he was traveling in the far east, that is, it was clear that there was one president, relatively speaking, which is our candidate, who , as it were, remained not so much ours, but simply an allied, faithful to the allied duty, the second is truman, as it were, yes, then... everything is already well, but these are details, yes, and one there was a brother, the second one, no, he really wasn’t, despite the fact that he was a man, it’s important, something else is important, something else is important, that this eighty-year war continues, that’s it, the americans are going to take over the world, but we
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are an obstacle, by the way, the last one is european, like the real racists, they are those in asia they don’t count on anything at all, they will start a war and start it before everything collapses for them, well, we’ll see, because they can’t allow, they can’t allow a superman’s fly to unzip, you know? they can’t, yes,
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before they collapse, they will start a war, by the way, everything looks very beautiful, you know, i liked today’s one, i’ll end with this, this is from global to local. it’s just that the point will be local, it turns out, you know, such a cool exchange happened, but i talked, america talked with israel, and we agreed, we have a deal, storm rafah, but iran, just a little bit, won’t, yes, just a little bit, no boo, america won, america won, we exchanged the storm of rafah and... well no, firstly, colonial, secondly, absolutely, well, this russian-globalist one, yes, thirdly, this is a step towards starting a real war,
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this is what it is, and it would be inconvenient for the americans allow the assault, the assault on rafah, and now... it’s easy, oh well, to hell with rafaho, the main thing is that there will be nothing with the wound, we, we are for peace, but the assault on rafah, everything that happens around gaza will be the fetel that will further set fire to this whole barrel, it will be this key move, and america turned this key today, well, munich, well, yes, munich, please, dmitry genovich, logically, yes, logically, yes, by the way, they don’t give a damn about... our mentality, our open spaces, really the only reason why america is afraid of us is thanks to comrade stalin, who at one time, at one time , entrusted lavrentiy pavlovich beria with supervising nuclear project, implemented by comrade
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kurchatov with a group of outstanding scientists and engineers, otherwise they would have been in half, they would have gobbled us up and looked at us with the same interest as everyone else, look, they are still saying something. therefore, thanks to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who, with their heroic work at factories, created such a powerful nuclear shield that 30 years, how long is that? well, since the times of the late leonidabrezhnev, well, since the times of the five-year magnificent similar ones and until the advent of new missiles, yes, yes, yes, i lasted through it all, this shield held out, no matter how hard they tried to climb, no matter how hard they tried to destroy it, it saved us, karen geach absolutely agrees, we should be grateful to the ussr for the rest of our lives, for creating the defense and nuclear industry.
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now, it’s just that we would have been ground into powder a long time ago, so as they say, well , well, i can imagine what would happen to us , unfortunately, this element of anti-sovietism, it continues to be present in our education, everywhere, everywhere, this, this is what we need to put an end to once and for all, because this it completely confuses the mind. i’ll also push off from dmitry, dima, dmitry stafiev, it seems to me that he said an important thing, they really praise us there for our efforts, for our economic achievements, dmitry correctly says, we need to exert ourselves in general in this situation and we have a lot this is unnecessary pathos, listen, well, we understand that we are in a difficult situation. situation, we understand that we have many problems, we know this, our people
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know, our people see everything, and we don’t have to pretend that this doesn’t exist, we need to talk about problems more, they, so to speak, all the time, so to speak, inflate pathos and some kind of endless dizzying about this, it may, this is beginning to resemble the late ussr. that’s what associations i have, i remember everything from it, everything that was on the screens, everything that happened in reality, that’s where it arose in crisis, so it’s very true, what dmitry said, and it seems to me that this is necessary pay attention in general, we must tell the truth and we must tell the president the truth, such as it is, as it were we liked it, we didn’t like it, so to speak, but this is a guarantee, by the way, of our winning, and winning is not necessary.
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there is no need for it, it won’t take a long time to explain, because the nationalists there, what ’s incomprehensible here, there are no elections in ukraine, the communist party was banned, banned, as they say, zelensky’s dictatorship, persecutes russians, persecutes, the russian language is persecuted, russian culture is persecuted, for everything signs of fascism, as the famous anti-fascist georgiy dimitrov said, remember this guy, says what is fascism? this is terrorist
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dictatorship in the interests of the largest capital. what doesn’t coincide with ukraine here? well, call it that, it stays in your head. i see all the time, even at the official level, at the international level, all the time there are some kind of dookol around. somehow this, somehow not very much, this, you know, this is very important from the point of view of the information war we are in, no, with us it seems to always dissolve into some kind of nationalists, nationalists, nationalists , but i said, well, nationalists, they drink vodka, they wear embroidered shirts, and from nationalists can become nazis, but not
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always, of course, this does not mean that the entire ukrainian people are nazis, but the germans were not all nazis. but the fact is that the state is nazi, fascist, it should be called that, exactly that, sharply, clearly, clearly, because this war is really aimed at destruction, our destruction first of all, this is correct, read the entire press, the entire western press, you read it, you understand, we have no chance, well, no, no, no reconciliation, they are real, there are no shades there anymore, not even the slightest. a hint of some kind of retreat, that we are there, no, no, this is all going on, everything is going towards this, russia must be destroyed, but we must already understand that this is mortally dangerous for us, already mortally dangerous, in this, in in this sense , we must definitely fundamentally understand that yes, this war for us, if we lose, will simply end with our
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destruction, and there will be no humanism, as i already said, and there will be concentration camps, where they will put us, that’s all, that’s all, that's all, it 's not like they'll forgive anyone, no, that's all, it 'll all be tough and brought to its logical in the end, this in any case follows from everything that they are writing now, but we must understand in response that what we are dealing with, and you are right in what you say, is this complex of losers who, yes, they really believe that we talk all the time, but why? but because we ourselves talk about it all the time. we started with the fact that we lost in the cold war, and why did we lose, i never agreed, well, where did we lose, what did we lose, that our army lost, the armed forces, it should have been our internal crisis, from which we came out like this by the way, you know, i believe that the collapse
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of the ussr was, in principle, objectively useful for russia. an article about the great patriotic war, it certainly says that even winning operations, we still fought badly, and the generals are bad, the german ones are good, the losses are huge, and this with losses is a completely different story, listen, 26 million losses are huge losses, but we must not forget that demographic losses, by the way,
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include those people who died of natural causes, this is how it was calculated. yes, of course, this is all the result of war, lack medicines and so on and so forth, but you don’t have to scare yourself all the time with this, what the heck? not a single country that participated in the war against us, this is all of europe, has officially declared its losses, including germany. there are no official losses, not a single country has officially announced, only russia has announced, the ussr has only announced, not a single country has announced, there is a scientific study. how would such a scientist think so, such a scientist think so, officially not alone, look, not germany, not austria, not italy, not hungary, no one announced what does this mean? this means that their losses were enormous, they don’t talk about it, they are not fools, but we certainly say it, and we savor it all the time, just like you don’t
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respect our historians, the war of the twelfth year is also bad. the army was three times larger than the russian one was in 1912, three times larger, they destroyed every last one, as if the russians did not suffer from the frost, as if the russian cossacks did not freeze, but the french froze, despite the fact that there was no frost there wasn't much. yes, when they drove back, still in general there was no frost, it’s when you sharpen how it all turns out, borodino, russian, well, of course, the russians lost, of course. of course, they abandoned moscow, the russians did not leave the battlefield once again, the russian losses were huge, the french generals, the french lost three times as many generals as the russians, but this is
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elementary, count, if there are three times more generals, that means there are a lot more privates, then, but again this is all, so to speak, but here comes historiography, here are the delights of historiography, we give some losses of correlation, the french give others. but we why are we doing this, i adore history, i read the french, the english, the americans, well , this is not found anywhere, no country writes this, you won’t find it in any history, i read german memoirs, but we are still valiant , these germans, well, huge masses of russians advanced on the germans, listen, read our wonderful writers, read nikrasov in the trenches of stalingrad.
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plus a significant part of the territories was occupied, so the people who were there could not replenish the army. speech resources said: "we lost 70 million, so we lost them before 1944, who fought mainly, by the way, regarding the issue of our non-brothers, the russians fought first of all, by the way, central asia, which we have today for all this, by the way, they fought.” in fact, transcaucasia from there, who couldn’t call anyone up only in 1944 , they called up in 1943, started 3
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years, what kind of advantage did the soviet union have, of course it didn’t, and but it all gives rise to this internal pessimism, no, that’s where this comes from these are the articles they put pressure on this, that’s how it is and how correct it is... all this must be understood, that it is necessary to give such an answer so that they understand that russia, and, by the way, on the issue of demography, yes, demography, so to speak, but with on the other hand , too, again we keep looking at it, but still we are the largest european country by population, so far yes, well, 150 million is actually still a lot, not to mention the fact that it ’s never the number of people at all .
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in the summer of 2021 , a hot woman appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny crowd. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically
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to kill. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other. mayhem is happening. a shot sounded and i felt a pain in my stomach, blood started flowing in my head and i immediately felt that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting his attackers at least three times. the investigation accused. a man in premeditated murder, i used a weapon, i defend, i repeat once again, family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents of the ivanovo region they still consider him a cruel murderer, i went to the investigative committee, told him what was happening here, they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and conducted their investigation. yes, that’s what i mean, but i want to agree, firstly, with
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karen georgivich about the fact that, of course, it’s history. you need to tell people correctly, moreover, considering that many of them are real facts, well, they’re just mathematical or physical, i don’t i know, the weather there, if it concerns the war of 812, meteorological, yes, well, they are on our side, you just need to be able to tell everything in a good way, this is a very important work that needs to be done there, that’s it, every time they talk about talented youth, for some reason i always remember karan georgievich’s film courier, that’s one association. about the talented volodya, okay, i still want to take a look at the situation here, because everyone is talking about the pre-war couple there and so on, i’ll try to give a slightly different perspective, in my opinion look, we are already inside this very war, it’s just a hybrid war of the 21st century, so in the form in which it is, it’s like this general conflict with the west, and there in many ways, by the way, in many regions it will generally be against everyone everyone, it is already underway, because
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the old world order has broken down, and we are now observing, in general, in a big way, like this, if we look at it correctly, if we want to look at history with facts, let’s look closely at the facts to what ours is, even already incredible, but simply an enemy, what is going on there, because hybrid wars, in addition to, so to speak, pure technology, military operations, weapons systems, and so on, are very often soft power that act on your possible allies, sometimes on your own citizens, right? well, let’s all look carefully now, all together, i urge everyone to look not even at what happened or what we have already seen, but what will happen in the near future and how will they really cope with it? well, the middle east crisis is here it’s clear, this is of course an exchange of rafah for iran - this is wonderful, let’s see what comes of it, well, let’s see how the french hold the olympic games, well, just let’s see, we’ll observe, well, this is interesting, it will say a lot about their condition, for them this is an important thing, yeah, these are the first
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serious olympic games in modern history. they say that mach 4.9 is somehow not good, so let’s see how they make new submarines, well, in reality they should be spending money on them now, which means i understand that mikhail mikhailovich, so to speak, this is why i wrote it down, which means they have one project, ssbn 826 columbia, which comes instead of agai, and sssnx, which instead of virginia, this is a pair, this is a new pair that should provide, so to speak, actually their work, but where are they?
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they should already be here, they should be working already in 23rd year, let's see how they do it, because they are now demanding, so to speak, understandably money for this business, they will be given it now, so what does johnson need, that's who... then reasoned, this to this he will give money, that is, let’s put it this way, johnson would have swum now, he would have given money for anything, the issue here is not johnson, the congress is not led by speaker johnson, the congress is led by marjarie taylor greene, that’s what she will give the money for , yes, yes, yes, they’re afraid of everything, she’s just everywhere in all the committees, there in all the impeachments. in fact, well, this is really how a man made himself, this is a rather curious phenomenon, by the way, our, so to speak, real enemy, they have there in in congress, these are the kind of people who work, so to speak, but she also has an interesting past, well , yes, she is, so to speak, such a woman, she, by the way, is good with a sniper rifle, worse than you, but nevertheless, here.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow.


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