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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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yes, that the decision will be made on saturday 20 , well, what’s interesting, in april, that is, the bandera nazi ukrainian regime will be allocated money on the birthday of their idol, this is the most terrible law, this is absolute evil, adolescence. when the money is issued, i think that the nazi chambers on both sides of the ocean will joyfully greet each other. let's listen to mike johnson. i do what in my heart i think is right. i believe providing ukraine with lethal weapons is critically important. i really do i think. i really believe the divorcees. i believe that si, vladimir putin and iran are truly evil. i think they work together.
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i think that vladimir putin, if given free rein, will march further across europe. perhaps he can move further into the balkans. i think he may come face to face with poland, one of our nato allies. to put it bluntly, i would rather send weapons to ukraine than american guys. my son is going to attend the naval academy this fall, this is a live fire exercise for me as well as many american families. these are not jokes, not toys. we can't play politics, we just have to do the right thing. i am for everyone. i will give the member the opportunity to vote in accordance with his conscience and will, i think this is how this system should work and i am willing to take personal risks because we need to do the right thing and let history be the judge. well, why talk about history? history has already condemned such pathetic bastards as teloriger green, who just recommended an amendment that everyone who votes, let they sign up for the ssu and go there to fight, but it’s funny how stoltenberg’s statement was made today in the same vein, that no, no, no, we are weapons, you are the soldier. they all say:
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it doesn’t matter to me that there will be a law, that is, meat, meat, catch up, meat, fish soltenberg demands meat, but at the same time the terrorist nature of the ukrainian regime does not change, russophobia is the same, in 3 months they promise to completely remove the russian language from ukrainian media, but they will try to speak language, which , frankly speaking, is bad for them, but this is what the difference is that they are actively going to promote amazing liberal values ​​in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. at night they are going to rape him, well, i , the equals who served time there, who were there in full, explained to one gender unequal that i quote in broad terms, well, the man decided not to tolerate gender equality, there are four gender violence, these four gender gender educators were killed, what is ukrainian propaganda doing now? declares that the one who killed gender teachers, well, our agent, why because? called ukrainians hacks,
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well, i think this is an accurate manifestation, it’s right away apparently, our real agent, he’s always easy to spot, budenovka, a parachute behind his back, the three-ruler calls all ukrainians hacks, well, probably arestovich is already our final client, because aristovich simply reached some height of frankness, he honestly says that it turns out the main problem...
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really is not our number one problem, our number one problem is the desire of most of us to immediately deal with corruption at the first opportunity, the problem is number one, but there is no corruption, there is no corruption, liev from the ministry of defense stole 1.5 billion hryvnia for the purchase of ammunition, well, what kind of corruption is this, when the leader of the czech republic is already walking around the world, collecting money for the purchase of shells, shells keep growing, the price keeps growing, he collects everything already.
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who remembers, there was such a complete creature in russian politics, such a transitional banner of our opposition, citizen gaidar, our authorities loved her very much because of her father, she loved her so much, our authorities loved her so much that
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every time, despite the fact that well, scum, well just a traitor, well, there’s no place to take tests, and she was like that moving with us, because because of the name was associated with... it will be 10 years and the tragedy of may 2 is literally how this complete creature describes what happened then they are absolutely we are sure that, including these actions, they
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saved odessa from the coming and that what happened and that they were ready, not what happened from the tragedy, but that they were ready to resist, that they were ready not let into the regional council, then they are ready. were literally going there unarmed children in some kind of i don’t know motorcycle helmets go against people and are fully armed there with some stones, cobblestones and so on and defend their city, that is, they believe that they defended their city, they believe that in as a result of this attack , people tragically died, including those who attacked or those whom they attacked, but they believe that they defended their city, defended their independence, otherwise they would have had the same situation as in donetsk, in lugansk, but also in kharkov, for example, in kharkov there weren’t these tragic events, but people too... and there were people, in odessa there weren’t even local authorities, the local authorities, namely the police, were ready to somehow hand over everything, but there turned out to be quite a number of activists, many of them later worked in a team saakashvili, i
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talked to them, but they were generally children, naive children, who, well, who would say, how old were you then, no , listen, i was 30-something, and there were people there, well, twenty-year-olds children, touch.
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bastards from kiev, this citizen, i am sure that fate will provide an opportunity she will communicate with the relatives of those who were married to. so to speak, live, but you be careful, otherwise it will be like with a bull, now that’s all, and then i’ll remain silent, the bulls end up
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in the lexus bathroom, suspect that it’s bond, james bond, they tried to steal this carcass , but they didn’t take it away, do you really think that the so-called pranksters, in fact , a completely different word, starting with p, ending with p, would be appropriate, do you really think that babana and lexus, these so-called agents. called us to find out our attitude towards ukraine, we talk about our attitude towards ukraine everywhere, they tried to gather all the foreign russian opposition in a safe place, bring it supposedly for concerts in ukraine, in fact take it to moscow and organize a show trial there. about these visits, by the way, about the attempts at these visits, not only are we all well aware, we know very well where we lived, but we are well aware of this, i remind you of this.
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spain didn't help him a damn thing, that's not the problem, you just don't need you fat creature to no one, so imagine something like this will pull you out from somewhere.
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well, they need some kind of military success, they need some kind of victory in order, so to speak, to justify the actions, all these actions
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of biden, so well, we, so to speak, we have this time, which i think , that you, well, maybe our leadership understands perfectly well without me, yes, which, so to speak , we need to use to the maximum, i would also like to say about macron, you know, i read his statement, then he threatens us, then he sends in troops, then exactly a week later... he so to speak, he asks for the olympic truce and invites him to, so to speak , the anniversary of the landing in normandy, yes , without our president, damn it, man, the man has bipolar disorder, he is a complete idiot, for such, you know, this is the answer to such a tempting, i saw his betsukha, come on, come on, i saw him boxing, and i saw him with his wife, that’s why he boxes like that, i haven’t seen many boxers who bite the bag right in time. this is how he fights off his wife, you probably understand, so i
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think that for such a generous and matchful proposal, the best answer on our part, it was to be, encirclement, liberation, at least of kharkov in the near future, this is it, because everything they are doing today, everything that all their rhetoric is, this is understandable, this is an attempt, you know , snakes in a frying pan, wagging, they, they are trying to drag us somewhere again.
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i think, well, now they will show these guys, you saw, they, they, they are older than you and me, of course, these paratroopers are older than you and me, older than you, but not me.
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under the obligation to mobilize another 500,000 man, well, i don’t know 500 how many mobile phones they have there, it’s terrible, you know, when i see with what cynicism the americans are playing this ukrainian card, how much they don’t care at all, i understand, i understand it all. every time, every time you see all this cynicism, all this meanness, how they don’t understand this, how they don’t understand this in ukraine, there’s only one option, i don’t know, i want to say again, yes, the only option, in my opinion, is ours, the representative office in beza is correct, not beza said, yes, let me look into it the word capitulation, the military, only now i understand that everything is on zelensky, so
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to speak, he will be, he is tame, especially since, so to speak, his legitimacy depends on the opinion of the americans, yes. they don’t say that he’s legitimate, tomorrow if they say that he’s not legitimate, it’s all over for him, so he’s like a tame, like a tame monkey, he’ll do everything that everything they tell him, so here’s to say, hope, if only someone in the military leadership will be smart enough to overthrow this clique anyway say to go to some kind of negotiation process, but i don’t know, everyone said zaluzhny, but no, here’s zaluzhny, here’s our hero, zaluzhny, they wrote songs about him and... and where zaluzhny is nowhere zaluzhny yes they plan together together with the british he is planning terrorist attacks on our territory, he is helping them plan terrorist attacks on our territory, but why did he go there, not as an ambassador, where did he go and we don’t know, well, or is he going to, who knows, that’s the thing, everyone said so loudly and they got a griman and it was served, there was no final completion in
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completion, i noticed the last few days before the program
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, they don’t represent themselves, they don’t have any life history, they don’t have anything, so she mocks the fact that for many of us are saints, i just want to break their neck, here i am i understand that this is an emotional statement.
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about the special operation to steal bykov, right now, even worse than the victory in ukraine, they uncovered a special operation to assassinate zelensky, and where in poland, why could he, we can kill anyone, we’re on him in odessa, that is, in poland jointly with the sbu, polish special services detained a polish citizen who was studying the airport infrastructure.
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maybe it’s just that the poles themselves decided to remember their past and decided to bander statements of the sbu ukraine reports, as for gaydar, listen, well, i don’t know who you should be without such harmless, unarmed faces like that, well, turn on the video, type in on social networks google, and the centurion mikola, and look how he unarmedly shoots from a pistol. on the windows of the house of trade unions, so unarmed, dear, cute, the day before he received from a hack, really weapons and all the ammunition,
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look how people jump from the windows from a burning building, yes, unarmed, really, and they are finished off there under the windows, so cute, cute, with such animated faces, spiritualized, yes, or girls, these ones who pour molotov cocktails, so, so with... america ukraine, well, first of all, congratulations, indeed, a new promising wall street journal columnist has appeared, joe biden, you know, wrote column, not
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coming to consciousness, well, yes, now i hope someone will read it to him, with a wonderful title, yes, ukraine-israel, the moment of truth, where he, therefore, talks about why it is simply necessary to invest money in order to arm ukraine to stop putin, and he says directly, that’s it, that’s it. it means it will benefit america, new jobs are being created in forty states, well, that is , that’s all for you, actually, yes, that is , ukraine is still getting into debt, money is settling in america, jobs are being created in forty states of the united states of america, ukraine will still owe, having killed a lot of its own people with the same weapons that the americans will send, well, business and nothing but business, indeed, marzhari teilar green really is here.
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in principle, they can arrange again as it was before and the overthrow of johnson, but apparently an agreement will be reached with trump; there is no point in this, but what i mean is that this trolling, let those who vote for the law immediately. write an application to the ukrainian army, well, that’s a good idea, that’s it let's see how many will come later, write, and these same requests, by the way, are very curious, when she just hung out the proclamation this night, well, in our opinion, at night, but last night, about the fact that the americans are demanding peace, they will have enough weapons to supply to ukraine, twitter added a very interesting context, yes, or ecsta, as it is called now, that is, they are there, if they do not agree, yes, then they add. as if the context from the readers, the readership does not agree, this readership added to this: and if, then, not to supply ukraine with weapons and not to help
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it, russia will not have any cuts. wait, so you are giving ukraine weapons in order to conclude a peace agreement with russia, well , according to this context, this is how it was concluded, initialed in any case, which putin has repeatedly talked about, and we talked about in istanbul, but you tore it down and you became , they thwarted it precisely because they promised ukraine this very weapon, but you see, this is a game of thimble, it continues, but now he said that we can build with ours.
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who was there, we’re training ukrainian pilots from scratch, they don’t even have pilot licenses, but i ’m thinking, what about it, and zelensky talked about how you have experienced pilots, so you need to take the ghost of kiev, well, yes, yes, the ghost of kiev attacks them with everything they need, but in fact it’s not funny, but i’m thinking about something else, which means that if now six petritis systems leave europe, otherwise interesting places of exposure will form for us to strike, that is, we can then . that is, we need to look at where it’s coming from and well, oh again, there’s someone to count advertising democracy glasnost in general, in one word, perestroika, these guests went out and in between doubts they said, what the hell are you telling us, that everyone is equal , the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society, in
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principle, was a capitalist society. it was a sign that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people don’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western structures, american democracy is now also shaky.
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