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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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now it’s up to the winners, congratulations, attention is in the face, the face is at the communications, carry out the work on the connection, now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for the work. this tunnel is not the longest on the bama, only 1800 m, but they began to dig it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939, all this was in full swing, you know, all this excited, you continue to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, with what the volume to go out, how much money to spend, the economy has turned to the east, to the detriment of our enemies we are achieving great success. such
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there have never been precedents in the history of russia for transport construction. the men's highway is not just rails. the problem is for people to be there, live, serve. this is the task. what was interesting was that, well, america quite predictably got on its own track, i now remember joseph nye and his book about the relationship between morality and american presidents, so he wrote there that they say that trump is against the deep state, he says, no, he’s not against it , he is for american exceptionalism, only he understands in jeffersonian terms that the united states should, by its example , show everyone the way, in general, to the light, and we understand this from...
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the presidential elections, that is, zelensky has now passed and signed the law on mobilization, they will raise, as he promised, from 100 to 300 thousand, they will try to train them by the fall, and accordingly they will try to throw them into a contour offensive, it will work, it won’t work, the main thing is that they don’t lose, the main thing is that the general background doesn’t deteriorate before the elections, that is , even if the company sag, it will still turn out somehow... it's a pr thing to level it out, britain is doing it much more systematically. strategic stakes, that is
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, boris johnson's prime minister, fell into hysterics and said, in general, verbatim, that a loss in ukraine would be a disaster, it would be a disaster for... that ukrainian troops can now easily resolve the pre-restate conflict, that is, the conflict is escalating, a sufficient number of ukrainian military personnel have actually been introduced into the territory of moldova under the guise of training, in this regard, it is clear that britain can pull these two
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subterfuge under the same ukrainian contour offensive, well, in general, the plan is strategically viewed in order to put everything at stake as much as possible, but... in fact, to surround russia with such a large ring of hostility, at the front, if we say, then everything is like usually, if you remember, i talked about casinos and the fact that, in general, all the salaries of military personnel remain in their pockets, as it turned out , the cosmoport casino there is the tenth largest taxpayer in ukraine, well, in general, ukrainian public pages are full of the fact that paul petrischenko, if i’m not mistaken, the sergeant who brought all this to light, he... died heroically during the operation, that is , it is clear that the person who revealed all this, the person who, in general, showed where the money was flowing, was eliminated , but they appointed those who needed to deal with the matter, well, who will sort it out, well, the last thing, in general, if we take this international
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atmosphere, the last statement i liked the most was the statement to sit down, when he said that we need to fulfill our obligations, we disagree very often words and deeds, i am in this... in iraq, if i’m not mistaken, when lithuania assisted the united states, there were initially 11 military personnel, however, then it became a little more, about 130, well, in afghanistan there were as many as 240, that is, in this in terms of lithuania is always ready to fulfill a promise, but... very consistent with the size, that is, in this regard , forever as such a very understandable provocateur, i put in my 3 kopecks, please fulfill it, we are all together, maybe on the same team, i agree, vladimir, yes, thank you, well, you know, today, when we were talking about odessa, i immediately remembered
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that the first events took place in my hometown of zaporozhye, on april 13, then there were 300 cossacks, and as soon as it became known about the deaths of odessa residents, the first comments were in zaporozhye mixed in oda. baked, that is , these devils were preparing a scenario of intimidation of the murder of southern russian people, precisely in order to break resistance, break the will to defend their rights, to a large extent, unfortunately, they succeeded, but in the temporarily occupied territories post-ukrainian space, and let me remind you, in the city of zaporozhye they directly covered it with flour, poured it with milk and threw eggs, you can imagine just a public event somewhere where people are dragging hundreds of liters of milk, well, at least this is... strange, yes, because that it costs money, and why do it, there’s even some kind of, you know, like a sacrifice, well, in the literal sense , satanists, and here are the devils who are simply incited, this is madam, yes, i won’t even call her, which was shown, yes, but more cynical characters who, uh, who
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have lost any of their identity, yes, that is , here it comes from ukraine, from israel, and from something else, yes, this suggests that it’s just like the same galkin, yes, who talked there about air defense. having left israel, yes, why aren’t you there then? no, he spoke in israel, yes, he just confused what he wanted to say, no, but the fact is that the language is not native, but whiskey is native, a few hours later he was already in cyprus, well , that means he flew out quite quickly then, well more precisely, it is unknown where he was, and what time somewhere, in general, i don’t even want to talk about these technologies, but step by step it all happened, you remembered april 20, but this is the birthday of the famous austrian...
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well, in other words, yes there are abusive words and so on, and it was all encouraged and told, this book, yushchenko and other bandrologists gave her the shevchenko prize, as if they were exhibiting there, and we are victor. well, yanukovych as president, that such books cannot receive a state prize, well, otherwise if you would lead to a civil war here, they planted this pig on you, then let’s take it away, to which he only grunted in response and did not break this scheme in any way, yes, all this happened, but the main thing is different, these days in april in the center of the city they were selling , who are you talking about now about whom yanukovych is - this is vitka shapka, yes vitka shapka, that’s right, or a cap, i don’t know what he was wearing on his head. no, well, he got a pass because
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he quickly pulled off the hats of people crouched in the eagle pose in the toilet and ran, women, yes, he also ran into the women’s restroom, two meters tall, which couldn’t even commit a serious crime, he robbed women, women, he ’s just a nonentity, well, in general, ukrainians have some kind of talent for choosing all leaders, just a great talent, well, it’s like a folk pastime, yes, there to ride on a rake, as soon as...
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poroshenko, who licked yanukovych, he supposedly fought with yanukovych all his life, that’s who really fought with yanukovych, it’s igor, for which he received... the slavic guard set up pickets in support of igor yes then for us first they initiated an operational investigation, well, operationally mercenary cases, yes, and then they began to encourage that we will now find a criminal case there, because you have high treason here, i say, that is, citizens of ukraine support a citizen of ukraine, where is there high treason, at least you will find it, yes , but they tried to do this all the time, so that’s what the center of zaporozhye, the book fair, well, there were such mobile ones there, by the way, from kharkov...
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the problem, you know, they don’t have workers, who 10 years after the revolution have been doing this all the time were busy, and now that’s it, no one
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they release, or, accordingly , they don’t earn any money, but they don’t make any money, and well, it’s a net loss, so there is quite a logic there among the polish partners, that i can’t help but say, this is about children, but here’s a case that is now being voiced, and being voiced enemy there and the voices of a foreign agent or, well, well, i think i’m the first with him... i saw that in germany they found 161 children from ukraine who had previously been kidnapped by putin, yes, at least according to their version, these children were kidnapped russia, this garbage court, well, international the criminal court, mus, as if yes, it determined these illegal decisions regarding our president, wait, if they were kidnapped by putin, why were they found in germany, and what is this anyway? moreover, they left legally as legal guardians, oh well.. what is significant is that when we came in february, march
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of 2020, when we were liberating our native land, for example, in mariupol, and this, by the way, the competent authorities had materials that were found in mariupol. lists of children in the organization’s office, well now i might get confused, it seems or the red cross or doctors without borders, in general some kind of international organization that had lists. children specifically in the hospital, yes, their state of health, and there was a sign where specifically there were kidneys, liver, heart and so on with plus signs, healthy, unhealthy and so on, maybe...
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from these from donor organs, from child trafficking , from what is actually happening there, we have different data, but because after the tragedy, that after the tragedy of yugoslavia, someone paid attention to it, i think the scale does not represent today no one imagines the scale of child trafficking and organ trafficking today, satanic europe doesn’t know this, especially
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since here they are now, i’m not talking about europe, i’m talking about the same citizens of ukraine who don’t even imagine this. this is absolutely, well, this is, well, at least , well, these are the walking dead, in fact, that is, these are people who look like your friends, who inside lie to themselves so much, have distorted themselves so much, are so on the side of evil that they believe that now they will suddenly renounce and say: no, you can literally say one word, zaporizhzhya region, we entered, bandarlogs began to avoid, well
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, this has been happening for several months, we have dozens of stories of old people who are simply abandoned, we feed them, water them, take care of them, an event happened, this is this, this is a tragedy that ukraine has not yet experienced knew, but those people who, as the lady says, were nice young guys, these nice young guys were controlled by big guys, with certificates, with pistols, and these guys knew exactly what they really wanted to achieve, what goal, and if someone else in that
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the moment when this coup took place, many had this... and as for odessa, in general the chronology of these events, it was recorded second by second, by second, i ’ll tell you more, maybe they don’t know there in ukraine, i just i will say, all the materials regarding the house of trade unions and odessa, this tragedy, all the police reports, all the firefighters’ reports, audio recordings.
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because there are four separate bills, of course, they won’t tell us about this, but there are keel agreements between all groups that are involved in making these decisions, each of these groups
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must fulfill their obligations during the voting, we don’t know whether they will fulfill them or not, if they vote for all four draft laws, well, there are no questions, everything has been fulfilled and went to work, and if we assume, they will vote for the package for israel, they will not vote for the package in favor. ukraine, but how will the senate react to this? how will biden react to this? is this within the framework of the agreements they have? i don’t know how it will be, but i know one thing, that these financial resources that have been allocated ukraine, this is solely so that the american election campaign and the democrats get a plus in their electoral process, only for this they could allocate this money, you know, for nothing else, it’s not even a matter of theft, it’s not a matter of...
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there there will be either old people or whoever else, it doesn’t matter to them, in general there is no limit to the cynicism of americans, you know, i ’ll tell you more, i think they have already calculated ukraine on a calculator a long time ago and when we even here talk about what a pity these simple men who are absolutely pointless they die at the front, believe me, they don’t have such thoughts, they sit and think that there are 7 million jobs in ukraine today, these 7 million, how many people can they feed, well, they sat down and estimated up to... well, millions, probably, well, well 15, well, 17, that’s it, they can’t do it anymore, it’s all gone , everything is gone, let it burn, it’s in the water, the economic potential of this country does not
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correspond to the population of this country, something needs to be done about it, some have left, well great, they travel outside the country, they need workers there, they’re like you know, as the world's chief physician, he is treating a patient, yes, he says, you know, with so many people this organism simply will not survive. it needs to be treated, how to treat it? we will send some people through the war to europe, they are in need there, yes, but let some remain here, but no more, probably, well, 12-15 million, until they achieve this, they will fight, they will fight there, you know, and this war, it will not stop, neither today nor tomorrow, there is no need to harbor any illusions, neither in relation to trump, nor in relation to anyone, now 200 100 yes... fourth year, i'm just delighted, i'm amazed, very cool, informative, simple, i love children, this is real, an unreal movie, this is right on the level,
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this is a childhood story, this is a guest from the future, a film from the future , from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m from the parent committee, i don’t have any change in experience, the main thing remains love, i see, the way he looks at you, the way he looks, well, the way they look, he looks like that, there’s so much there different things, a surprise, of course, that’s it, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me, when is 100 years from now?
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, any other way, it will hurt. they say you are people you know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, svetlana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and access to the money would have been at your expense, but svetlana petrovna turned on scout, the count was in seconds, urgently dictate your
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card number so that they can. bring money to a safe account, call the bank , hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
5:00 am
issues of development of two regions of crimea and the murmansk region were discussed with


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