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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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13 villages are being flooded, residents are being evacuated, leaks have appeared in the dam in the mound itself, in the tyumen region one of the villages is cut off by water from above-ground communications, in the orenburg region the level of the sakmara river is rapidly rising. israel launched a missile attack on iran, as local media report, explosions occurred in the province of isfahan, and air defenses went off in several regions of the country. flights over three cities, including tehran, have been cancelled.
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warsaw refused to transfer petriot missile systems to kiev; poland itself does not need them, czech authorities said that the idea of ​​​​buying a million shells for zelensky was failing; some states decided to help israel instead. parliamentary elections have started in india due to the size of the country, with almost billions of voters voting was divided into seven stages, it will last until june. the ruling indian people's party, led by prime minister naren trimude, is called the favorite. so, a large-scale flood in the regions is gaining momentum in the kurgan region, water has flooded 13 villages of the belozersk district, residents are being evacuated, they are transporting people from several microdistricts from kurgan itself. the dam cannot withstand the load and leaks have appeared. our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko joins us from the mound. stanislav, i greet you, tell me, the right bank part of the city is already flooded, can they do it? water to the left bank and what
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is being done for this? yes, tatyana, greetings, well, first of all, of course, evacuation is being carried out, right now you can hear the sirens working in the city, the water level in the tobol next to kurgan has already exceeded mark of 10 m, now it is 1.7 cm, which is a centimeter higher than it was in 1994, when it also came to the region. a powerful flood, water continues to remain near the settlements of the kitovsky municipal district, the tabola level varies from 10 to 11 m. last night in the western part, due to a strong rise of water and a powerful flow , a leakage of the dam was formed, a leakage and detachment occurred in the funnel. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations immediately went to the scene, carried out a tour of the houses, notified local residents about what had happened, but of course however, they immediately began the work itself...
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also, at the same time, dozens of trucks with sand were sent to the site of the leak to eliminate it; work was carried out all night , fortunately, it was successfully completed. emergency situations ministry employees are patrolling populated areas to provide assistance to local residents. more than 14,000 rescuers are currently working in the region, and more than one and a half thousand units of special equipment are involved. the day before, in the smolin microdistrict, rescuers evacuated the rector of the church of the holy spirit. father vladimir. stayed in a flooded building to save valuables the temple, the icons, he moved all this in advance - to the second floor, but he himself later needed evacuation, so the rescuers took the priest by boat to the shore. the construction of bank protection structures continues to ensure the round-the-clock work of rescuers . by order of the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, 22 sets of lighting equipment were sent to kurgan. this work was described in more detail. at the ministry of emergency situations.
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this device is used to illuminate the area during search and rescue operations in the dark. days, including patrolling flooded areas, evacuating people and animals, monitoring the integrity of the dam. the evacuation of the population continues. right now the water is entering another 13 settlements in the belozersky district, with another eight in the risk zone. local authorities also warn that in the event of intense... due to rising water levels in tobol , residents of the eastern kulan microdistrict of tets need to be prepared for an urgent evacuation. this is the information for this hour. stanislav, thank you, with the latest information from the flooded mound there was our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko. in the tyumen region, the peak of the flood is expected any day now. water is in three areas, hundreds of houses, roads and bridges are flooded. bus service has been stopped. one of the villages is completely cut off by water, her.
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residents refused to evacuate, rescuers are helping them with food and medicine. the situation in the orenburg region remains tense; the water level in the sakmara river there is rapidly rising. several villages are at risk, residents are asked to collect the necessary documents and things and prepare for evacuation. in orinburg itself the situation is gradually returning to normal. the commission to assess the damage will begin its work today. ovor schoolchildren will go to classes for the first time after the forced holidays, and kindergartens will begin work. in tomsk, the opi and tom rivers can rise to critical levels. according to the latest data , more than 150 houses were damaged due to the flood. since saturday, the region has been conducting. years of blasting work, the situation was stabilized, the level of the tom river began to decline. in the samara region, the number of flooded houses exceeded two hundred household plots, more than a thousand, several bridges were flooded, over a thousand people were evacuated. in bashkiria , the water level is rising in ashkadar and
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bochkarevka in ufa. over the past 24 hours , the number of flooded garden plots , roads and bridges has almost doubled. in the altai territory , the state of emergency has been lifted in the region. 23 houses and more than 100 plots remain flooded, temporary accommodation centers have been closed, but several roads are still closed to traffic, and restoration work is underway there. the high water is receding in buryat; within 24 hours , 12 houses and about 300 personal plots. the level of the selenga river is falling. sappers help by exploding the ice and clearing congestion. the drones monitor the situation from the air and transmit information about the most important ones. tatyana kostygova will tell you all the details in dangerous areas. arrival of drones 10 minutes after arrival we will begin broadcasting. 10 minutes before the rotorcraft drone launches into the sky. a drone will help rescuers cope with an important task today. to display the most
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clear picture of what is happening in the area, the ministry of emergency situations monitors the flood situations not only from land or water, but even from the air. assess the scale from above. bird's eye view is possible thanks to this easy-to-fly phantom 4 pro plus aircraft. before launch , emercom specialist denis bozhenov checks the readiness of the equipment. the battery is full and ready for use. yes, we insert the latch and check the functionality of the battery again. well , that's it, the aircraft is basically ready. a minute later the aircraft takes off. on the operator's monitor. the whole strength in full view, having flown tens of meters, the controls the drone notices: ilyinka is no longer threatened by water, but hundreds of areas in the republic are still flooded. during the day today, 12 residential buildings and 286 household plots were freed from water, 30 residential buildings and 311
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household plots remain flooded. we continue to monitor the situation; the situation is under the control of the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the republic of buryatia. today there is another goal - to identify ice jams on the selenga. it is because of them that the flood does not recede, having determined the boundaries of the territory, the operator records the geolocation, this is the place of the jam, yeah, here the ice accumulates, there is already clear water there, that is, it will beckon yes, yes, here in advance, let’s make an explosion in this place. the same picture is observed by the operator at the local mobile communication center; he transmits an image of the area to the central headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. we visually observe ice congestion, that is, ice buildup. completely from coast to coast, now we will fly over and show the full picture in order to assess the situation. here , online, engineers track each second of video, thanks to high-speed internet, the broadcast from the drone does not stop for a minute. the drone has the ability to broadcast from an installed
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camera, which allows you to assess the situation with high resolution. rescuer ice jam location data. quickly transferred to the military, in a matter of minutes the sapper engineers are ready to carry out blasting work on the river, the picture above gives a more detailed idea of ​​how the ice can behave after an explosion, the ice gradually descends after blasting work down to the place of the jam there are kilometers of paths that the military and rescuers overcome in an airboat; the ice field from coast to coast opposite ilinka does not allow water to pass through. because below the elinka there is already open water, 2 km of the ice field will explode, 30 seconds before the explosion, the sapper reports full readiness, atom i kuban is at the reception, sixteen charges have been installed, ready to carry out an explosion, as understood, reception,
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ready, fire, experts record the result, the method worked, the water no longer exists, powerful explosions occurred the night before evening in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country. moreover, the majority of cases in one region are the dnipropetrovsk region. closer to the morning , local publications published notes about strikes in two cities: krivoy rog in dnepropetrovsk. the consequences are being clarified. a few hours earlier, the roar of explosions was heard in pavlodar. where exactly this happened has not yet been reported. explosions thundered in the odessa region; the night before, a gas pipeline detonated. kharkov region. the torch of burning fuel rose to a height of 70 m, within a radius of 40 m the asphalt began to melt.
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the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night, early in the morning, and this regime spread throughout the entire territory of the country. and about the progress of a special military operation in the kupinsky direction, the crew of the mi-35 helicopter hit a unit of the ukrainian armed forces. the scouts transmitted the enemy's coordinates and the pilots promptly moved towards the indicated targets. the helicopter was struck by unguided aircraft missiles. despite difficult weather conditions, all targets were hit. strongholds and manpower destroyed nationalists. after successful combat work , the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the airfield. early in the morning at the combat control point we received the task and prepared, despite poor weather conditions, fog, low clouds, and poor visibility. the target was hit, they returned to the departure airfield, near the border with the belgorod
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region, the russian military destroyed the dugouts and trenches of the militants. the electronic warfare station was also destroyed by artillery salvoes. the enemy has lost the ability to shoot down our drones. how there are hostilities and how is the kiev regime trying to respond? our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will talk about this. a russian reconnaissance drone takes to the skies. the drone goes on duty towards the kharkov region of ukraine. the machine operator carefully examines the area. enemy weapons may be hidden in every forest belt. in the zone that the enemy considered his rear. the intelligence officers discovered the ukrainian military. the nationalists strengthened their fortified area. often, equipment is hidden in such positions, which is involved in shelling of the belgorod region. our scouts don’t allow them to stick their heads out anywhere, we don’t let them relax for a minute, that is, for just a day.
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the reconnaissance squads are adjusting the artillery fire, the dugouts and trenches of the militants are being destroyed with precise strikes, and the electronic warfare station for suppressing russian drones has also been destroyed. the peculiarity of this weapon is that it is very accurate. caliber 122 allows you to hit a wide range of targets. we mainly shoot at military equipment, at closed firing positions at manpower, depending on the choice of projectile, this can be done against a variety of targets and at different distances. to prevent the enemy from conducting reconnaissance on our territory,
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electronic warfare systems called krasuha are located on the border. the vehicle is designed to combat reconnaissance aircraft. the ukrainian mik-31 tried to take pictures of our territory; the equipment of the complex blinded the airborne aircraft. as practice shows, the enemy flies at low altitudes, trying to get closer to our positions, by jamming, we force enemy to rise. visibility and reach of air defense for its further shooting down. the air defense unit destroys tactical missiles, shells, rocket artillery and kamihadze drones. the enemy is trying to bypass the defenses and has begun using weather balloons loaded with mines. the station's sensors detect a threat and it is promptly eliminated. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, conduct the belgorod region. israel launched a missile attack on iran, local media reported. according to information. iranian state agency explosions sounded near the city airport isfahan and a military air base with combat
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aircraft. air defense systems operate in several provinces. iranian authorities have suspended civilian flights over major cities. there is no information about casualties. fire trucks drove towards the air base. meanwhile, bloomberg reports that israeli officials previously notified the us that they planned to respond to the iranian attack within the next 48 hours. and the united states blocked the resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the un. during a meeting of the security council, the united states exercised their right of veto. russian permanent representative to the un vasily nebe.
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us decision. egypt expressed regret, and algeria's envoy promised that the country would return to the security council with this issue. before the israeli diplomat spoke, about half of those present, mostly from arab countries, simply left the hall. and in kenya, they declared three days of mourning after the death of the head of the defense forces as a result of a plane crash. the day before, a helicopter carrying the commander-in-chief crashed in the west of the country. according to local police, the car crashed after takeoff already on the ground. this is how the central bank’s report on russian exports and imports came out, tell us how this ratio is changing in our country? tatyana, hello, we can say that things are changing for the better, because we are selling more than we are buying, the
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current account surplus of russia’s balance of payments has increased in annual terms, the materials say. the central bank, that is, income from foreign trade became higher than spending on the purchase of foreign products and services. at the same time, both indicators decreased, but imports decreased more than exports. decline by the way, exports slowed down compared to the same quarter last year following rising oil prices. in other words, we began to sell less, but more expensively. a good grain harvest and diversification of supplies also provided support. imports declined amid high interest rates and weakening. ruble and, importantly, accumulated reserves, and the stimulating influence was exerted by the growth of domestic demand and reorientation to alternative suppliers. the international agency snp downgraded the long-term sovereign credit rating israel. the prognosis is negative. this means that during the next review, which will take place on may 10, another
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downgrade is possible. as the agency said in a statement, there is fear of a war between israel and hamas, as well as confrontations with other groups. may worsen, affecting economic and fiscal parameters, israel's balance of payments more significant than expected. in february , the country’s rating was lowered by another international agency of the big three, moody’s; it also set a negative outlook and may again downgrade the state's creditworthiness if current conflicts expand and further increase geopolitical risks. the head of the european commission complained that hundreds of billions of euros flow from europe to the united states every year, which could be used for their own development. ursula fondelaien's statement was made following a two-day meeting in brussels, at which european leaders discussed europe's economic prospects and tried, as they say, to put on a good face on a bad game. every year 300 billion euros
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european savings are diverted abroad, mainly in the united states... it is no coincidence that the emphasis was placed on the fragmentation of europe; back in 2012, after the crisis in the eurozone, they began to develop a project for the eu capital markets union. the authorities wanted to introduce uniform rules for lending and bankruptcy of enterprises throughout the bloc, and then issue eurozone bonds. this project subsequently stalled, although in theory it could have contributed to competition with the united states. state mortgage rates exceeded 7% for the first time this year. the average for the most. in demand thirty-year loan amounted to 7.1%. this is the maximum since november last year. this data is provided by the largest mortgage state corporation
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freddie mac. the current average rate is 7 tenths higher than a year ago. at the same time, even in comparison with the previous week, the growth is significant, by more than 2%. in the usa, as in all countries, mortgages depend on the policy of the central bank, and the federal reserve’s policy is quite strict. moreover, from the last two performances. the market concluded that there may not be easing even in june. and at the end of the issue about currencies: the dollar exchange rate today is 94.09, the euro costs 100 rubles. 53 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. konstantin, thank you, my colleague konstantin shyurikov was with the economic news. the flood is capturing more and more territories in the kurgan region. water in 13 villages is being evacuated in the tyumen region, three areas are under threat. the number of flooded areas in bashkiria is growing. the united states blocked a resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the un. during
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the security council meeting, the states exercised their veto power. the russian permanent representative condemned washington's decision and called on it to get involved towards ceasefire efforts in gaza. the ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack at crocus cityholi is obvious. this was stated by the prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov during a conversation with the minister. let's tell you how the first match of the gagarin cup final ended. it is profitable to retire with
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and now sports news, danila, well, leonid slutsky was recognized as the best coach of the chinese championship this march, and what results did his team show? good morning, at the moment the shanghai shenhua club, which trains with 16 points, is leading in the chinese championship, plus, the team previously set a record from the series with... victories in five matches at the start of the season. the final series of the gagarin cup has started in the continental hockey league. in the first match, magnitogorsk metallurgist on their home ice turned out to be stronger than yaroslavl lokomotiv 2:1. nothing happened in the match for two periods, so all the main events actually took place in the third. loka made only nine shots before scoring, but the visitors still found their chance. maxim berezkin took advantage of a mistake in the metallug defense,
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the answer is already there. nikita mikhailis scored quickly, and the outcome happened at the very end, metallurg converted the majority, and alexander petunin scored the winning goal. the second match of the series will be held there in magnitogorsk on saturday 20 april. the day before , the semi-finalists of two more european football cups, the europa league and the conference league, were determined. italian atalanta, together with russian national team player alexei mironchuk, beat liverpool on aggregate. bayar set a 21st century record for the number of matches without defeat in all tournaments among the top five european leagues. the forty-fourth match was with westham, where bayern fought back in the last minute and advanced . roma dealt with milan, and marseille with benfica on penalties. in the league semi-final in europe, atalanta will meet with marseille, and bayern with roma. the first matches of this stage of the tournament will take place on may 2. in the conference league , aston villa emiri reached the semi-finals, and magomed
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azdoev was eliminated with a stick. bruges. fiorentina put the finishing touches on victoria polzen, and olympiacos turned out to be stronger than fenerbahce in the penalty shootout. as a result , in the semi-finals, which also starts on may 2, fiorentina will play against bruges, while aston villa will face olympiacos. a russian chess player, i don’t remember, played necha in the twelfth round toronto candidates tournament. the opponents were indian representative ramesh babu. as a result , the sole leadership, the one who doesn’t remember, was lost and occupied. first place along with two more players, the american nakamura and another grandmaster from india gukesh. everyone has 7.5 points. the next person ian nepomniachtchi will play against will be the direct competitor for the first line, the same nakamura, this will already be the thirteenth round. despite kirill kaprizov's goal, his club minnesota ended the season with a home defeat from a setback with a score of 3:4. kaprizov opened the scoring.
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at the beginning of the first period, finishing the attack with an accurate and spectacular shot, he now has a total of 96 points in 75 matches of the season and he is the undisputed leader of his team in this indicator. minnesota did not make the playoffs, so the loss to seattle ends the season. meanwhile, the russian swimming championship is in full swing in kazan. the strongest compete on the pool lanes in the capital of tatarstan. athletes from all over the country from more than 70 regions. my colleague alexander abramov has details. already for over 10 years, the kazan aquatics palace has been the home of russian swimming. the national championships in classic long course are held here. the palace was built for the 2013 coniversiade and is one of the busiest venues for those student games. since the thirteenth year, when for the first time the palace of water sports was accepted.
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the universiade, for us, it really became one of the places, well, it practically overshadowed the capital, which still has not yet opened the revived olympic games, cannot boast of the opportunity to hold major swimming competitions, and i must say that a very good team of specialists is organized here, professionals in their field, who prepare competitions not only in swimming, in other sports and, so to speak, in other grandiose events, in the russian swimming championship . almost 700 athletes take part. the russian swimming championship, in fact, has the status of an open tournament, in addition to the strongest athletes from russia, swimmers from some foreign countries also compete here, in particular swimmers from nigeria and montenegro compete in kazan. this practice has been used for quite a long time, and for us, i believe that this open door format only increases the interest of athletes and shows it.


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