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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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sent, yes, not in the direction you want. the second game of the series will also take place in magnitogorsk on saturday, and after that the final will move to yaroslavl. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from magnitogorsk.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. in the omsk region, the head of the russian defense ministry, sergei shaigu, inspected a plant producing tanks and heavy flamethrowers.
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israel struck iran, as local media report, explosions occurred in the province of isfahan, in several regions of the country air defense was activated over three cities, including tehran, flights were canceled.
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the main task is the state university of management, the legal successor of the alexander commercial school, founded at the end of the 19th century. since its founding in the 19th year, the university has carried out several main tasks, first of all, the training of high-quality management personnel, it all started with the young soviet republic, then it made a great contribution to the development of the university.
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lived with the country to this day during all these important periods the university retaining the title of a forge of management personnel. seven educational institutes, 40 departments, more than 10 thousand students studying to the highest standards, the state university of management has trained more than 2,000 specialists for a variety of sectors of business and the social sphere.
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the industry is right inside, well, it’s clear that employment issues do not arise after graduation, that is, as a rule, they are already employed by the fourth year. engineering education is being revived within the walls of the state university of education, the university is a participant in the federal project for advanced engineering schools. the main directions are solving problems of import substitution in the field of mechanical engineering and studying the use of artificial intelligence technologies for creation.
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which are relevant and needed for industry. in addition to unique educational programs, it also offers its students the only single campus in all of moscow. the unique university campus combines not only educational buildings and dormitories, but also a lot of infrastructure. absolutely everything is collected here, here we have residential buildings, a sports complex, a separate building for a swimming pool, a separate business center , all educational laboratories, in-line educational facilities. the state university student council, the student council of institutes, the international friendship club, the cheerful resourceful club, the case club, there
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is also a volunteer center and creative groups. the state university of management has already trained more than 200,000 specialists for all sectors of the economy, business and... the social sphere; the list of its graduates includes governors, ministers, officials of all levels, top managers of the largest russian companies. varvara nevskaya news. now there is advertising, and then in the program there will be instructions, we will tell you how measures to support the unemployed have changed after the release of the updated law on employment. for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen for headaches. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we are at sofcombank. we take loans. did you get there quickly? we are at sovcombank.
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loans that everyone knows. maybe? appetite anywhere. and get the interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank anyone can get up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on! previously, the temperature was as dry as it was outside, in the winter they were freezing, they ran to the stove to warm up, now
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it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and the productivity has improved, but now these are where, as a memory, for gifts. hundreds of languages, hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win,
8:41 am
be friends, hello, as promised, today we are preparing a flop, hey, hey, butter is not the first, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, transfer it it’s better with vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, if alice is really dear to you, think about yum. because of her, nothing is more important to me now. 100 years ago, already in the cinema, touch the rock star, burger king, water, on fire, taste it, langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. kai mangitase against prostatitis.
8:42 am
alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, and festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa afisha service, in the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. this is the ivanovs. average russian family. they throw it away within a year. 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort the waste, give things a new life. the employment law comes into force in a new edition; by the way, it has not
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changed since 1991, as will now be the case work measures to support the unemployed, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with unemployment benefits, which will now be indexed every year in february. indexation will be based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year, currently 107.4%. thus. the maximum unemployment benefit in the first 3 months will be 13,739 rubles, the next 3 months 5,370 rubles. citizens will be able to receive benefits in this amount starting february 1. the minimum benefit amount will be 1,611 rubles. let us remind you that the benefit is calculated from average earnings at last job . you can claim the maximum if you worked 26 weeks during the year before registering with the employment center. from the new. former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people will now be able to receive the upper limit.
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individual entrepreneurs and those who work under a civil contract will be able to count not only on the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, as was the case before, and a higher amount of benefits will be accrued if, a year before registration at the employment center, in addition to entrepreneurship, 26 weeks of employment will be confirmed. in this case, the calculation of unemployment benefits will be based on the average earnings in such labor relations. let us remember who receives the minimum benefit - these are those who are looking for work for the first time, who have not worked 26 weeks over the past year, who want to resume work after a break of more than a year, as well as those fired for violation of discipline, and those who were fired without working 26 weeks per year, those whom the employment service will receive at the lower level sent them for training, but they were expelled. special conditions were and remain for the orphan. children left without parental care, if they are looking for work for the first time, benefits are paid to them in the maximum amount up to 23
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years of age, and now another very important support measure has appeared: the new version of the employment law provides additional payments for orphans and children left without care looking for work for the first time parents registered with the employment service as unemployed, if before the expiration of 6 months the date of receipt of the status if such applicants are unemployed , they find a job, then the employment service will...employment help them find a job. all applicants can undergo free retraining under the national project demographics in professions that are priority for the labor market; their list is approved by the government, having studied the personnel needs of employers. the law specifies the categories of citizens who will be primarily assisted in obtaining vocational education. these are those who completed military
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service by conscription or contract, including in volunteer formations, and their members. they will be helped with their studies for 3 years; such citizens have the right to priority employment through employment services. another priority is youth employment; employers will continue to partially compensate for the costs of the hiring subsidy program; students will be helped with internships. personnel centers - our employment services will interact with career centers of colleges and universities in order to eliminate the problem of the first job as much as possible. well, on the portal work in russia you can use the service internships and practices from may 1 , customers of targeted training will have to publish their proposals on the portal. the applicant will be able to choose an offer in any region of the country that interests him. on september 1 of this year , the provisions of the law regarding quotas for the employment of people with disabilities come into force. regions will have
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the full right to establish them for employers in different amounts, depending on. municipality and number of employees. by the way, additional financial support is also provided. individual entrepreneurs who themselves are disabled, and an enterprise where the founder is either a citizen with a disability or a public organization of disabled people, will be able to receive state support for the employment of disabled people. if an applicant with a disability gets a job working in such companies, the employer receives a subsidy in the amount of six times the minimum wage. this is about 100. by next year, russia will have new functions, through it they will create and maintain an electronic personal file unemployed, eventually all processes will begin, including social benefits. with the postponement , several more important
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changes will come into force. if previously a person got a job during unemployment for some time. work, he was deregistered at the employment center. according to the new law, it will be possible to work for up to five working days on the basis of a civil law contract; in this case, the employment service does not have the right to remove a citizen from the status of unemployed and stop paying benefits. this norm has been in effect since 2025. and if a person is declared unemployed in a place of temporary residence, then - the new legislation also allows him the opportunity not only to find a job in a new place, this was possible in the previous version, but also to obtain one. unemployment benefits, these changes also take effect in 2025. let's repeat, the most important unemployment benefit will be indexed every year in february, receive it in the maximum amount, now former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed orphans will, under certain conditions, be paid the difference between their average salary region. and finally, disabled people and
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entrepreneurs will be able to receive subsidies for disabled workers, part of the provisions of the new law. employment regulations will take effect next fall. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about some measure of government support, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb the relevant departments and tell you about everything in one of the next releases of the instruction program. 300 mos-drainage crews are on duty on the streets of the capital due to bad weather. today an active person came to moscow balkan cyclone, how unpleasant. what is expected of him, we will talk about this after the advertisement. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction. inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. are you sure that you chose this profession
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yourself, or were you simply born into a family of musicians? at bigfest you definitely choose. they recognize, hmm, love, remember. they truly value psb bank for the present.
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touch the rock star burger. taste it on the fire. catching a firebird pyro is not easy, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on these are the hands of dima belov, they think that in a month they can operate a complex digital machine and they think correctly, because dima is a professional graduate. we will teach you to think with your own hands. choose a college prof. rf, leading employers are already waiting for our graduates. professionalism. you're in good company. how cool is that for you, but save up a savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, charity
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the easter draw of the russian lotto is won by every second ticket, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. alpha friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19th we give. 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank application, not just profitable, alpha profitable! burgers taste better on fire! customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur; you don't just prepare cakes, and...
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the undertakings of sberbusiness, a powerful cyclone will bring a storm to the russian plain today, even bring winter back somewhere, should we expect snow in moscow in which regions will it blow the hardest, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i am vadim zavodchenkov. hello, the weather in the central regions today will not just be bad, but dangerous, the reason for this is the active balkan cyclone.
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even the day before, under its influence , drizzling precipitation began in the capital, which turned into real downpour by nightfall, in just a couple of hours in the south of the moscow region it fell in places up to 7 mm of precipitation, this is almost 20% of the monthly norm, it was rainy in other regions... the rain front stretched for 100 km from bryansk to kirov, but that was only a glimpse of the real elements. the working week on the russian plain will end with a storm, in itself, the whirlwind that came to us is small, but the pressure drops in its zone will be 4-5 mm hg for every 100 km, as a result the wind will rise, and there will be background gusts in the west of the middle zone. will reach 17-22 m/s. in some areas, the air flow can accelerate even more stronger up to 25 m/s. but the zone of the most
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intense precipitation, which captured the center of russia last night, will move to the north of the region during the day. here, in just 12 hours, in some places over 2 mm of moisture can fall; usually this amount accumulates in total over the 3rd of april. weeks, and the northern lines of smolensk and veliky novgorod, the rain will turn into snow. in moscow, in the afternoon the main negative weather factor will be wind. gusts of up to 19-21 m/s are forecast. in such a situation, there is a high risk of trees collapsing on weakly secured structures. a precipitation after a rainy night will noticeably weaken and become local and short-lived. nature, only on saturday night in some places light snow may be mixed with rain, but the temperature will remain positive, so when it falls it will immediately
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melt. at the same time, in the north-west and extreme west of the russian plain, the cold snap of snowfall will be noticeably stronger, and temporary snow cover will even begin to form here. by saturday morning, its border will advance south immediately by 800 km right up to the upper reaches of the dnieper, and in places, for example, in in st. petersburg and veliky novgorod , completely december snowdrifts with a height of 5-10 cm will appear. it must be said that this relapse of the winter cold spell will turn out to be very short-lived, so on saturday the daytime temperature in moscow will drop from today's +15 to +12, and from sunday along with scattered arrays of rain clouds, warmer air will again begin to flow into the center of russia, so that on monday the thermometer will reach +18°. now our joint
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column with ruscosmos is a photo from orbit, and today we will observe the flood on tabola. like this a river overflowed in the tabol area of ​​the kurgan region, image obtained by the canopus-v satellite. the flood has already reached kurgan itself. as a result , more than a hundred snt and several microdistricts were flooded there. the day before, three leaks were found on the dam protecting the city from high water. all of them were quickly eliminated, the good news is that the flood in kurgan has most likely reached its peak, and then the tabola level should stabilize. that's all for me, goodbye.
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parliamentary elections have started in india, they will last until june, voting has been divided into seven stages. there is heavy fog in moscow and the weather is expected to worsen. our meteorologists will tell you all the details. military department visited the plant where they produce tanks and heavy flamethrower systems. the management told the minister that when preparing equipment for sending to a special operation zone, its security increases. already on the assembly line, the modernized t-80 tanks are equipped with new camouflage kits. denis alekseev has all the details. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations. if it has long been clear that the probability
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the arrival of a shell on a tank. from the flank, much less likely than the chance of getting hit by an enemy drone, here it is.


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