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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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parliamentary elections have started in india; they will last until june; voting is divided into seven stages. there is heavy fog in moscow and the weather is expected to worsen. our meteorologists will tell you all the details. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order in the omsk region. the head of the military department visited the plant where tanks and heavy flamethrower systems are produced. the management told the minister that when preparing equipment for sending to a special operation zone, its security increases. already on assembly line, the modernized t-80 tanks are equipped with new camouflage kits. denis alekseev has all the details. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations. if it has long been clear that the probability of a shell arriving at a tank from the flank is much less than the probability of being hit by an enemy drone, here it is...
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the state contract is not just weapons for the front, but modernized models that will significantly increase the effectiveness of our military in the zone special operations, faces almost all defense industry enterprises. this week sergei shaig was shown a functional fire support complex, the car is modern, but it needs to be improved, the minister notes. if we take it and make it as an assault weapon, we need 12.7 anti-tank missile systems here.
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a chrysanthemum with modern guided missiles, manpads, a launcher for verba anti-aircraft missiles, an active tank protection complex, arena m, which are already being finalized taking into account the experience of the special operation, all these are also weapons that are under the control of the russian ministry of defense. not long ago, shaigub inspected the splav enterprise in the tula region, they are constantly working on increasing the accuracy of its main products, hail, hurricane, and tornado rocket systems, and the results are not long in coming. in these frames, the tula rszzo tornado delicately destroys the vaunted american hymers, and that’s what it’s designed for. denis alekseev, fyodor zarovny, lead. the geography of spring floods is expanding in russia. the tense situation in the kurgan region. water enters 13 settlements of the belozersk district, eight more are under threat of flooding. over the past 24 hours , the level of the tobol river in the kurgan area has risen by 40 cm and the water continues to remain. in
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the tyumen region, where the peak of the flood is expected any day now, the water in the ishim river rose by more than 2 m in a day, hundreds of houses, roads and bridges were flooded. rescuers help local residents. deliver food and medicine. in the risk zone in the orenburg region, several villages along the banks of the sakmara river, residents are asked to collect the necessary documents and things and prepare for evacuation. as for orenburg, the situation there is returning to normal; a commission to assess the damage will begin work today. in bashkiria per day almost the number of flooded garden plots has doubled. in the samara region, several bridges went under water. in the tomsk area , ice movement has begun... the passage of the spring flood in the kurgan and orenburg regions is being monitored by our special correspondents, stanislav vasilchenko and margarita semenyuk,
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they are already with us, colleagues, greetings, stas, the first question for you is what is the current situation in the sunken districts of the kurgan region. alexander, greetings. the water level in tobol near kurgan has already exceeded 10 m now it is 10 m 9 cm, this is already 3 cm higher than it was - in the ninety-fourth year, when kurgan also experienced the consequences of a powerful flood, water continues to remain near the settlements of the kitovsky municipal district, the tobol level varies from 10 to 11 m. last night in zapadny and voronovka, due to the strong rise of water and its powerful current, a leakage of the embankment dam formed, it was quickly eliminated by the forces of the ministry of emergency situations. department employees are patrolling populated areas to provide assistance to residents in the region there are now more than 14,000 rescuers working , more than one and a half thousand pieces of
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equipment are involved, including unmanned aircraft. today we are working together with specialists in the use of unmanned aerial systems from the ministry of emergency situations, and right now they are preparing for launch. an aircraft-type drone, about what tasks it will perform and how the work of this unit is structured in general, we will find out from an employee of the ministry of emergency situations, denis, hello, tell us what kind of work lies ahead today and how this work is carried out in general here in the kurgan region, during this entire flood, well, due to the current situation, at the moment there are preparations for the launch of an aircraft-type unmanned aerial system, the main task will be aerial photography of flooded areas, the plane will take more than 1,500 photographs, by each photo will be linked to a geopoint and specialists from the national crisis management center will subsequently stitch these photos into one large map so that assess the scale of the flooding, and deploy resources. in addition, i
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know that there are also small drones, they are also being used very actively now, as well , yes, today there are 15 unmanned aerial systems in the kurgan region, of which 13 are helicopter types. and two aircraft types, uh, every day and repeatedly, unmanned aviation specialists of the russian ministry of emergency situations use a helicopter type in order to monitor the current situation, its forecast, and this information is already conveyed to the management team. thank you, ministry of emergency situations employees here in the kurgan region they work day and night, to ensure this round-the-clock work - the day before, by order of the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, 22 sets of lighting equipment were delivered. the ministry of emergency situations also spoke in more detail about this equipment. these devices are used to illuminate the area during search and rescue operations at night, including patrolling flooded areas, evacuating people and animals, and monitoring the integrity of the dam. ongoing
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evacuation of the population, right now the water is entering the next populated areas in the belozersky district, there are 13 of them, there may be more in the queue. local authorities also warn that in the event of an intensive rise in water in the tobol, residents of the eastern, kulan and tets microdistricts will need to be prepared for an urgent evacuation. this is the information for this hour, colleagues. stas, thank you, now to orenburg. margarita, the level of the ural river is falling, but the sakmara is growing. are there any threats to populated areas because of this? yes. colleagues, i greet you, indeed, the water level near sakmara in sakmara near the tatar korgala is now growing, per day the increase was 17 cm and now the water has already reached dangerous values, exceeding the dangerous value by 20 cm, the level is now 890 cm, as noted by the first
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deputy head of orenburg alexey kudinov, sakmara it can rise another 1.5 m, while there are water-filled dams there, their height is now. more than a meter, but at the same time , residents are now advised to pack essentials in advance and evacuate in advance. i would like to note that i am now at home in snt pensioner world. conversion is already drowning, so people now need to quickly evacuate, as for the urals, the level near orenburg and orsk is significantly reduced, houses are freed from water, while in the ileko region, the water level of the urals remains unchanged, the water is not seasoned, but it does not go away, now the level is 915 cm, in the orenburg region 402 buildings have been freed from water, i note that there is still more in the flooding zone... i will also note that
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pumping water from sewers and basements is currently ongoing premises, experts are monitoring the situation, over 6 5 houses and over 11 thousand private plots now remain in the water in orenburg. in orsk i was free of water within a day. 377 houses, now a little more than 200 households remain in the water, and emergency restoration work is also being carried out. i would like to note that emergency situations ministry employees from bashkiria are now helping orenburg residents get rid of the flood and minimize the consequences. the pumping of water from the basements in the dubki residential complex has now been completed; a group of emercom forces from ufa redeployed to the emerald city residential complex, where they also began pumping water to the apartment complex. houses, i would like to note that some houses are already being connected to the power supply, and people can already
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return to their apartments. now i will also note that assessment commissions are already starting to work in those houses that have been freed from water, specialists are already visiting, in addition to the fact that they will assess flood damage, as well as assess the level of destruction, they will also provide people with special drug, these are tablets, cold-containing tablets for disinfecting your... premises, i would also note that vaccination against hepatitis a is now actively underway, about 70,000 doses of the drug, doses of the vaccine have now arrived in the orenburg region, and this is the second batch that has arrived in orenburg from the government of the russian federation, but i would also note that in conditions of large, deep water , it is now important to carry out not only disinfection, but also sanitary treatment, now specialists from all... services are working hard to eliminate the consequences of the flood, so that people can
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return to their homes as quickly as possible, colleagues, thank you, our special correspondents, margarita semenyuk and stanislav vasilchenko, spoke about the floods in the orenburg and kurgan regions. now let's move on to advertising, and then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this friday. alfa friday - super cashback every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfa bank application. not only profitable, alpha is profitable. what's a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, for each their own. nice car, find it on autorum.
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on, right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia, russia , russia, will you throw out the trash already or no, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. powerful explosions rocked the night before in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. moreover, most cases are in the dnepropetrovsk region. closer to the morning , ukrainian publications published notes about strikes in two cities: dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog. according to local authorities,
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infrastructure facilities have been damaged. a few hours earlier, a roar and detonation were heard in pavlodar, where exactly this it happened. not reported yet. explosions occurred in the odessa region; the night before, a gas pipeline in the kharkov region detonated. the torch of burning fuel rose to a height of 70 m, and asphalt began to melt within a radius of 40 km. near the border with the belgorod region, the russian military destroyed dugouts in the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. the electronic warfare station was also destroyed by artillery salvoes. the enemy has lost the ability to shoot down our drones. igor pikhanov has all the details. russian reconnaissance drone rises into the sky, on duty, drone goes towards the kharkov region of ukraine. the machine operator carefully examines the area. enemy weapons may be hidden in every forest belt. in the zone that the enemy considered his rear. the intelligence officers discovered the ukrainian military. the nationalists strengthened their fortified area. often
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, equipment that takes part in shelling in the belgorod region is hidden in such positions. our scouts. allow them to lean out somewhere, we do not allow them to relax for a minute, that is, to take any actions of their own there, which, roughly speaking, they have planned something there, yes, well, we are working proactively. information about the enemy is transmitted to the artillerymen, combat crews of long-range d-30 guns are preparing guns for firing, military personnel from the state border cover group are on round-the-clock watch, in a matter of minutes the soldiers begin to neutralize the target, shot! high-explosive fragmentation shells rain down on enemy positions. the reconnaissance drones are adjusting the artillery fire, and with precise strikes the dugouts and trenches of the militants are being destroyed. also an electronic warfare station to suppress russian drones was destroyed. the peculiarity of this weapon is that it is very accurate. caliber 122 allows you to hit a wide range of targets. we mainly shoot at military
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equipment, at closed firing positions, and at manpower. you can do this for a variety of targets and at different distances. to prevent the enemy from conducting reconnaissance on our territory, electronic warfare systems called krasuha are located on the border. the machine is designed to combat reconnaissance planes. the ukrainian mik-31 tried to take pictures of our territory, the equipment of the complex blinded the airborne side. as practice shows, the enemy flies at low altitudes, trying. approaching our positions, causing interference, we force the enemy to rise within the visibility and reach of air defense for further shooting down. destroy tactical missiles, shells, rocket artillery and kamikaze drones. the enemy is trying to bypass the defense, began to use weather balloons equipped with mines, the station's sensors detect the threat
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promptly eliminated. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, conduct the belgorod region. the european union wants to invest about 3 billion euros in military assistance to kiev. they plan to withdraw this money from profits from frozen russian assets. the head of the european commission announced this at a press conference. ursula fondern. alika komarova will tell you what other support measures are offered to ukraine and its allies. the friendship is over. polish prime minister donald tusk said his country will not give ukraine the patriot air defense system. apparently we don't have enough. wherein the politician moved the arrows correctly. he stated that air defense should be asked from the netherlands, they definitely have it there. the agreement turned out to be in sweden. stockholm is ready to give away 25% of anti-aircraft missile systems, which. is in the country's arsenal, in quantitative terms - this is exactly one patriot installation, sweden has four of them in total. they are skidding in the czech republic. previously , the country's president announced a certain coalition that
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was ready to sponsor the purchase of a million shells for kiev, but all these dreams were dashed by a cruel reality, where everyone had more important problems than ukraine. before so far, our coalition has managed to acquire only 3,000 shells. we are holding negotiations. around the world, but several western states decided to help israel to prevent that war, so now we are holding a series of confidential negotiations with countries that have some kind of relationship with russia, some of them have the ammunition we need, but they don’t want it, that anyone knew about it. the usa actually left the game. the head of the cia openly stated: ukraine could lose by the end of this year, because kiev is running out of ammunition, and washington has time. in order to have time to deliver something, a purely heartfelt confession was made in the pentagon, they rely exclusively on the moral and volitional efforts of the ukrainians. we are now focused on working
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with international allies and partners to ensure that ukraine gets what it needs from them. the long-term defense of ukraine is our priority so that kiev can deter russian aggression. you know, ukrainians have demonstrated their resilience and courage under fire. we have no reason to think that this will change. in meanwhile , the prime minister of ukraine is visiting washington, and he has to listen to instructions from american congressmen about protecting western values. i want to tell you the same thing that i told zelensky when i was at a meeting with him about a month ago. your business is our business, we want to do everything we can. you not only valiantly defend your country, but you defend the west, our values ​​and our freedom. at the same time , the american media claim that the white house is already trying to get kiev to stop airstrikes on some targets, including on russian infrastructure, they are afraid of rising oil prices and open
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confrontation with moscow, but ukraine ignores these calls, which does not at all contribute to increasing the loyalty of sponsors. alika komarova, lead. let's continue to talk about the international agenda: israel launched strikes on iran, the media are reporting this. explosions were heard. and a military airbase with fighter jets in isfahan province. in this regard, iranian authorities have temporarily limited civil flights over major cities. now, however, air services have already been restored. information about there were no casualties, fire department vehicles drove towards the airbase. the iranian military reported that no missiles were used in the strikes on the country's territory; the explosions were the result of repelling air attacks. three israeli drones were allegedly shot down by anti-aircraft weapons. the military and israeli officials declined to comment on the strikes, while bloomberg reports that israeli officials previously told the united states they planned to respond to the iranian attack in the next 48 hours.
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russia has proposed to its brix partners to create a grain exchange. in march this initiative supported by vladimir putin. my colleague, konstantin churikov, knows what will change with the advent of a new trading platform, and he joins me. good morning. what doesn't suit me? existing scheme. sasha, hello, well, the fact that prices are formed on the exchanges of paris and london, by those whose harvest is smaller than ours. russia has proposed that the brix countries create a grain exchange, which will allow them to fully participate in setting prices for agricultural products important for food security. world prices for them today are formed in unfriendly countries. the initiative was launched during the first meeting of the brix working group on agriculture. it took place via video link. during the online meeting, a conference on food security was announced, which will take place in moscow at the end of june. as roscongress notes, foreign partners
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welcomed. this marked the start of a discussion of the project, which was supported by vladimir putin at a meeting with representatives of the agro-industrial complex in early march. the head of state called the idea very good and noted that stock indices are now formed in the usa or europe. for example, france produces disproportionately less grain than russia, but dictates its own conditions to the market. the euronext exchange is located in paris. they say that the issue of fairer terms of trade in grain has been long overdue, here’s why: the main interest of our producers, our exporters , is to ensure stable demand for russian goods, to get away from these price fluctuations, from price volatility, which unfortunately very high globally grain market, get away from the problems
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of speculative... education, which, unfortunately, now dominates on key global exchange platforms. even before expansion, the five brix countries accounted for 42% of world grain consumption and 40% of its production. and with the increase in the number of participants, egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, and ethiopia were added. a unique situation is developing in which grain production and consumption not only increase, but become equal. that the new brix members - these are also active buyers of grain, therefore, why should we trade with each other through london or paris, if we are brix countries, we can do it directly. in the proposal made by the union of grain exporters, i hear more of the idea of ​​​​creating such a marketplace, if you will, a platform within the framework of which russian agricultural producers, russian exporters, can interact with
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consumers - in the brix countries, and, above all, in the newly joined countries, that is , egypt and the countries of the middle east. one of the key issues that will be resolved with the creation of the exchange are mutual settlements without reference to the dollar or euro. there is an opportunity to trade national currencies. if on the global commodity market it is necessary to convert a country's domestic currency, then from dollars to euros. then, in this case, on the brix exchange, it will be possible to avoid this; naturally, these are additional preferences that save money. needless to say, how beneficial this will be for us, taking into account growing exports. according to the results of last year, russia sold more than 66 million tons of grain abroad. the majority of the volume was made up of wheat,
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corn and barley. our country earned $16.5 billion from this, an absolute record, but now the time has come to set these records in the national currencies of friendly countries, especially when the west itself actually refuses to trade with us. the european union summit yesterday ordered the approval of protective duties on the import of russian grain. it is expected that their size will be determined based on the type of product, or will increase by 95 euros per ton, or will be 50%. cost, but both are enough to leave europe completely without our agricultural products. at the same time, the eu leadership makes contradictory statements that they say they are for free trade, but not for everyone, but for themselves. we all understand that we cannot be competitive without trade. in the coming years, 90% of global economic growth is expected to come from outside the european
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union. we need to continue to work towards an open fair trade that will provide there are new opportunities for our companies, but we also need to create a global playing field to eliminate the risks that we believe are associated with openness. besides geopolitics, there is another reason why trade with eu countries cannot grow. for example, grain, as you know, is consumed not only by people, it is used in agriculture as feed for poultry and cattle, in this regard in europe now.
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such a situation that the center


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